Full Text for The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment, part 2 (Text)
UJqtulugtral :!Inutltly
Vol. XV May, 1944 No.5
The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment. Th. Engclder
Nathan Soedel'blom. Theodore Gra"hner
328 Outlines on the Standard Gospels
Theological Obsen.·er
Book Review
Eln Predlger muss nlcht alleln wei-
deft. also dais er die Schafe unter-
weise. wle de rechte Chrl8ten sollen
Rln. sondem liIuch cianeben den Woel-
ten tDeh7'lm. dass sle die Schafe nlcht
angrelfen Wld mit talscher Lehre ver-
tuehren und Irrtum elntuehren.
Es 1st keln Ding. das die Leute
mehr bel der Klrche behaelt denn
die gute Predigt. - A pologie. Arl. 24
If tile trumpet give an uncertain
sound. who ahall prepare himself to
the battle? -1 eM. 14:8
Published for the
Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States
'11'1 T!:) I - tr. IS. A.
Theological Monthly
Vol. xv MAY, 1944
The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment
"Ueber die Lehre zu erkennen and zu richten, kommt allen
und jeden Christen zu, und zwar so, dass der verflucht ist, der
solches Recht um ein Haerlein kraenkt" (Lu ther XIX: 341). The
matter of exercising private judgment is of supreme importance.
(1) They commit a monstrous crime who keep God's people from
dealing directly with God's Word and judging all doctrine on the
basis of it. (2) Blessed is the community where the right of
private judgment is recognized and practiced.
(1) The Pope and those Protestant theologians who aid and
abet him in this matter are guilty of enormous crimes. In the
first place, they are keeping men from performing their Christian
duty. "For Christ gave to the people not only the right, but also
the command to judge" (Luther, loco cit.). "Try the spirits!"
"Beware of false prophets!" Etc., etc. The Christian who asks
or permits others to judge doctrinal matters for him is breaking
a plain, explicit commandment of God. And he is thereby calling
down God's wrath upon his head. "The hearers are obliged to
judge all preaching under penalty of forfeiting the favor of
Divine Majesty" (Luther X : 1543. Holman Ed. IV, 78), "bei goett-
Hcher Majestaet Ungnade - incurring God's disfavor and wrath."
Is it indeed such a grievous sin? For one thing, God will not
permit men t o set up other gods before Him. The Pope is robbing
God of His prerogative. (Luther: "gottesraeuberish," XIX: 343.)
Demanding the right to rule over the faith and conscience of
God's people, he is setting himself beside God. And those who
at his bidding renounce the right of private judgment are acknowl-
edging his blasphemous claims. Men who say with Erasmus:
"I bring my reason into captivity to the obedience of the Church"
290 The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment
are doing a wicked thing. And they who instigate this wicked-
ness incur a double measure of God's wrath.
A second crime: the Pope exacts from his people the sacrificium
intellectus et conscientiae, and that spells the ruin, the decline,
and eventual loss of all spiritual powers. "These passages," says
Luther, "assign the right and power to judge any teaching to the
hearers with urgent commands and on pain of losing their souls"
(lac. cit.) . Faith is spiritual knowledge and intelligent conviction.
It knows what it believes and is convinced of the truth of it on
the authority of Scripture. But the Pope will not have faith
perform its natural functions. The Christian who obeys the Pope
must keep his spiritual intelligence from functioning - he must
sacrifice it. His intelligence protests against the papistical inter-
pretation of Rom. 3: 28 and insists that Scripture denounces the
teaching that justification is by works. But he is told: You must
bring your intelligence into captivity to the obedience of the Pope
and accept the interpretation of the Church. And what happens
when faith is not permitted to exercise its functions? When an
organ of the body is persistently disused, it atrophies. K eep faith
from expressing itself, and your spiritual powers will waste away_
The Pope is r uining the spiritual life of his people. He that
refuses to exercise private judgment is losing his soul.
The P ope demands of his subjects the sacrificium conscientiae.
In the domain of morals they must accept the r egulations of the
Church as binding even though their conscience protests against
some of them as not commanded by God and against some of
them as immoral. The ability of the Jesuit to suppress the pro-
testing voice of his conscience when he is commanded to go
against a commandment of God is considered the acme of virtue
in popedom. And in the sphere of doctrine the same sacrifice is
demanded. To the Christian it is a matter of conscience what
he believes. He accepts a certain teaching because his heart and
conscience tells him that Scripture teaches it. He rejects a certain
teaching because his heart and conscience tells him that Scripture
denounces it. Luther: "Christ teaches us that everyone must be
concerned about his own welfare and salvation and that, ther efore,
everyone must know and be certain what to believe and whom to
follow. . . . Another may teach and preach what he will; that
is his affair. You must be concerned about what you y ourself
believe, for your greatest loss or for your greatest gain" (X: 1587) .
It is a matter of conscience to the Christian to know that what
he believes is God's truth. Luther: "They will at once start to
argue : How can one know what is God's Word and what is true
or false? The P ope and the council must tell you th at. I say:
You cannot put your confidence in that ; that will not satisfy your
The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment 291
conscience. You must decide for yourself; your neck is in danger;
your life is at stake. Therefore God must assure your heart and
tell you: This is God's Word. In no other way can you gain
assurance" (XI: 1396). Again: "It is at the peril of everyone's
own conscience how he believes or disbelieves" (X: 398). - Nay,
says the Pope, you must not let your conscience bother you about
doctrinal questions; those are Lutheran scruples. You may safely
put your conscience into my keeping.
Luther cries out: "In the conscience God wants to be alone;
there His Word alone shall rule" (XIX: 832, 1). Again: "Der Seele
soIl und kann niemand gebieten, er wisse denn, ihr den Weg zu
weisen gen Himmel. Das kann aber kein Mensch tun, sondern
Gott allein" (X: 396) . "God alone is Lord of the conscience"
(Westminster Confession, Chapter XX). No, declares Antichrist,
I am the lord of the conscience of man; you need not bother
your heads about questions of right and wrong, true or false doc-
trine; I decide that for you; I am your conscience - Sacrificium
The Pope and his Protestant abettors are committing a fearful
crime against their people. Training them to forego the right of
private judgment, they are causing them to commit spiritual
suicide. A man who has lost the sense of personal responsibility
for his belief has lost his soul. As long as there is spiritual life
in a man, his conscience demands a hearing when matters of
faith and morals are being decided. And the man who suppresses
the voice of his own conscience is keeping his spiritual life from
functioning. -It is a frightful condition. It is the conscience that
distinguishes man from the brute. And where men are kept from
forming conscientious convictions, they are being dehumanized.
When we hear a man who is under the complete domination of
the Roman pope or the Protestant popes utter his belief, we do
not hear the voice of conviction. It is the voice of a parrot. It is
a robot speaking. A good Catholic is one who cannot call his
soul his own. Was Luther wrong in denouncing the Pope and
his abettors not only as "thieves and robbers," but also as "wolves
and murderers"?17l
17) A few additional statements. W. H. Prescott, Ferdinand and
Isabella, in the chapter on the Inquisition: "In the present state of
knowledge we look with disgust at the pretensions of any human being,
however exalted, to invade the sacred rights of conscience, inalienably
possessed by every man. We feel that the spiritual concerns of an
individual may be safely left to himself, as most interested in them
except so far as they can be affected by argument or friendly monition;
that the idea of compelling belief in particular doctrines is a solecism,
as absurd as wicked. . . . But, although these truths are now so obvious
as rather to deserve the name of truisms, the world has been slow, very
slow, in arriving at them, after many centuries of unspeakable oppression
292 The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment
A good Catholic cannot call his soul his own. That is to
say, he is the slave of the priest, of the Pope. Walther: "Rob the
congregation of the right to judge doctrine, and you give them
over into slavery" (See Walther and the Church, p. 45). Again:
"Der Laie ist nach paepstlicher Lehre mit seiner Seligkeit an den
Pfaffen gebunden." The Catholic is compelled to put the decision
of those questions which concern his eternal salvation into the
hands of the priest, the Pope. And that is slavery of the worst
kind. The slave who has lost his bodily freedom is to be pitied;
but if he retains the freedom of his mind and of his soul, he is in
far better state than the subjects of Antichrist. These slaves
have their minds and souls shackled. - The Catholics resent such
a..'ld misery .... The policy of the Roman Church at that time was not
only shown in its perversion of some of the most obvious principles of
morality, but in the discouragement of all free inquiry in its disciples,
whom it instructed to rely implicitly in matters of conscience on their
spiritual advisers. The artful institution of the tribunal of confession,
established with this view, brought, as it were, the whole Christian
world at the feet of the clergy . . .. " The Pastor's Monthly, 1931, p . 12:
''There is a mighty reason for giving us the great privilege of coming
directly to God through His inspired Word. As priests, God holds each
one of us responsible for his own soul. We are to exercise our priest-
hood over our own souls. We are to do for ourselves everything that
the Old Testament priests did for the chosen people of God. And God
holds us responsible not only for our own souls, but also for the souls
of others. . . . To discharge that responsibility, we must have the right
of private judgment. Otherwise it would be like holding a dead
machine responsible for the safety and welfare of the lives of men. . . ."
F. Pieper: "The vaunted unity of the Catholic Church is built on the
dehumanization of humanity. What distinguishes man from the irrational
brute is the human conscience, the individual human conscience,
responsible to God. The Catholic Church, however, demands of all of
her members, unlearned or learned, the sacrificium intellectus et con-
scientiae. The order of the Jesuits has a special training course for it,
elaborate 'exercises' for drilling it. But this renunciation of ones own
conscience and unquestioning submission to the judgment of the Pope
is not peculiar to the Jesuits; every faithful subject of the papal
dominion, the cardinal no less than the meanest priest, is required to do it
and does it. This is the situation in the papacy: The faithful Catholic,
active though his reason and will be in other respects, is tied to the
mind and will of the Pope, a veritable automaton" (see CONCORDIA THEO-
LOGICAL MONTHLY, 1930, p . 693). "Denying to the rest of mankind the
right to judge matters of faith and morals and demanding of the rest
of mankind the sacrificium intellectus et voluntatis, the Pope requires
every human individual to renounce his own conscience, that is, to dis-
card that thing which distinguishes man from the beast. It has been
justly said of the papacy that it makes for the 'dehumanization of
humanity.' The Reformation has restored to man t..l}e right to be a man.
Luther demands in all questions of right .rist, is the tme VV ord of God." Dr. H. P. Sloan:
"This Christian consensus . . . is the living voice, guiding the
Church from generation to generation in its interpretation of the
written record" (The Christ of the Ages, p.155). The Episcopalian
H. P. Scratchley says in The Living Church, May 5, 1934: "The
Bible is the Church's book, to be interpreted by its teaching, rather
than the teaching of the Church by the Bible." And the Episco-
palian Dr. B. 1. Bell "contends for a liberal catholicism in which
authority rests on the collective reaction of Christendom to revela-
tion" (quoted from The Living Church in CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL
MONTHLY, 1942, p. 229). There are many Lutherans, too, who are
binding upon them the yoke of bondage. . .." Luther: "God forbid
that I should presume to exercise authority over other preachers and
rule over them, lest I also establish a papacy; but I will commit them to
Christ, who alone shall rule over His preachers in Christendom"
(X: 1524). - Here would be the place to record a historical curiosity;
Luther, too, p' .. " .d the popel So say the Catholics. In his book Luther
Examined and Re-Examined Dr. Dau has a chapter dealing with the
charge that "Luther was the destroyer of the liberty of conscience";
"the Catholics claim that Luther had indeed adopted the principle ,
'private interpretation' of the Scriptures, however, only for himse:'
He was unwilling to accord to others the right which he claimed for hirr
self" (p.190 ff.). J. Clayton has taken up this cry. "Private judgmeJ
was right enough when it coincided with Luther's judgment. It Wi
nothing but an imposition or ihe devil when it was contrary OU .:
Lutheran program." "Till his death Luther was never reconciled
the exerciSe of a private judgment in religion that brought departure
from Lutheranism" (up. cit., p.107).
306 The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment
saying that without the viva vox of the Church the individual
Christian cannot get tt e rL~ meaning of Scripture and '~'lat he
cannot be sure of the truth of any doctrLl'le till "the Church has
spoken." Leaders of our Church have in our days set up the
principle that a doctrine can be received as Scriptural only when
the Church has so decided. (See Proceedings, Western District,
1901, p.53.) They have been ringing the changes on the slogan:
"Die Kirche hat noch nicht gesprochen." The right to judge doc-
trine which the Lutherans will not grant the Pope the modern
Lutherans assign to the "Church."
These men are establishing a Protestant popedom. And in
suppressing the right of private judgment they are working hand
in glove vlith the Pope for the ruin or the Church. What Luther
said to the Romanists of his day, he is saying to the Protestant
Romanizers of our day: "They say, we must wait till the Church
has decided it; let the devil wait for that; I cannot wait that long"
(VIII: 100). The day of affliction and doubt and the hour of death
will be upon me before the church councils have decided; and if
they have decided, the devil will ask me: V:1hnt if the councils
have erred'{ (Luther; see above.) It is a fundamental eri'OT,
touching the foundation of our faith, to give the 'Church" the
right to produce "saving" doctrine,26) and there can be no per-
sonal saving faith if it is made to rest on the findings and decisions
of "councils." It is an evil thing. "The theology," says Vlalther,
"which operates on the principle: 'Die Kirche hat noch nicht
gesprochen,' is a daughter of Rationalism parading in a Christian
dress, a sister of Romanism hiding behind a Protestant mask, and
a fecund mother of large families of heresies." (Lehre und Wehre,
1868, p.134 and CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY, 1939, p. 507. See
also Lutheraner, X, p.191.) Read Walther's essay: "Wie verwerf-
lich es sei, Sachen des Glaubens aus den Schriften der Vaeter
begruenden und die Gewissen an die Lehrentscheidungen der-
selben binden zu wollen" (Proceedings, Synodical Conference,
1884). Ponder the words of J. G. Machen: "Those who hold to
this view (that takes as the test of truth and of life the pro-
nouncements and regulations of the Church) do not usually deny
26) Dr. Hardeland declared at a Lutheran conference in Mecklen-
burg: "Der Glaube ruht auf dem Wort del' Propheten und Apostel. Wlr
haben heutiges Tages dasWort del' Apostel und Propheten nirgcnds als
in del' Schrift. Von den Dorpatern ist ausgesprochen, dass ein selb-
staendiger" [also nicht ein fort und fort aus del' Schrift ausfliessender]
Strom des geistlichen Zeugnisses fortlebe in del' Kirche bis auf den
heutigen Tag. Das ist ein grundstuerzender In-tum, es ist Schwann-
geisterei, oder es naehert sich clem Romanismus. . . . illlill mll' del'
heilige Geist etwas offenbaren, etwas ganz Neues, so sage ich zu fum:
Hebe dich wcg von mir, Satan!" vValther comments in Lehre und Weh _j
1886, p.309: "Vortrefflich."
The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment 307
the authority of the Bible in so many words. What they do is to
say - by implication, if not in words - that the Bible is inter-
preted authoritatively by the 'living church.' 'When a man be-
comes a minister or a member of a church,' they say in effect, 'it is
his duty to support the program of that church. He may think that
it is contrary to the Bible; but never mind, it is not his business
in this particular matter to think; he must submit his judgment
to the judgment of the councils of his church; he must let them
interpret the Bible for him and must make the message that he
supports conform to their shifting votes.' In sharp distinction from
that view, we make the Bible, and the Bible only, the test of truth
and of life. There is no living authority to interpret the Bible
for us. We must read it everyone for himself and must ask God
to help us as we read. A Church that commands us to support any
program on the authority of the decisions of the Church is usurping
in the interests of fallible men an authority that belongs only to
God. . .. God grant that you, my brothers, may be ministers of
another kind! May God send us ministers who come forth into
their pulpits from a secret place of meditation and prayer, who
are servants of Christ and not servants of men, who, be they ever
so humble, are ambassadors of the King, who, as they stand behind
the open Bible and expound its blessed words, can truly and
honestly say, with Micaiah, the son of Imlah: 'As the Lord liveth,
what the Lord saith unto me, that will I speak.' " (The Christian
Faith in the Modern World, p.84f.) But the minister trained by
the Romanizing Protestants cannot speak thus. He must say:
"Thus saith the Church." It is an evil thing. He robs himself and
his hearers of the assurance of faith. And he sells himself and
his hearers into spiritual slavery. Verily, they who suppress the
right of the Christian to judge doctrine and make the Church
the judge and interpreter of Scripture are doing an accursed thing
(Luther XIX: 341. IX: 86) .27)
27) We do not shut our ears to "the voice of the Church." The
title of Walther's classic is: "Die Stimme unserer Kirche in der Frage
von Kirche und Amt." And discussing this book, Dr. Dau writes: "The
right and duty of private judgment are never impaired by the inter-
pretation of another; but it can be clarified, strengthened, and con-
firmed by the understanding which another has gained of a given
Bible text" (Walther and the Church, p. 52). Similarly The Pulpit Com-
mentary says: "Our teachers are not intended to see for us, which
is the Roman Catholic idea, but to help us to see for ourselves." (On
1 John 2: 20, 27.) Chemnitz: "Gratefully and reverently we make use
of the works of the Fathers, who have in their commentaries placed
many Scripture passages before us in their true light and have been of
great help to us for the better understanding of Scripture." (Examen,
loco cit.). Luther "had a great respect for the fathers and teachers like
Augustine, etc.," "for the patres have written many good and useful
t.~ings" (XYJI: 1390,1404), and listened attentively to the voice of truth
speaking through his contemporaries. We cannot afford to disregard
308 The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment
(2) But blessed is the community where the right of private
judgment is recognized and practiced. "The riE:ht "f pri""tc> judc:~
ment does not endanger the Church, but establishes it all the
more firmly upon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles of
which Jesus Christ is the chief Cornerstone" (The Pastor's Monthly,
op. cit.). The Church whose members are able to make an in-
telligent use of God's Word is in a position to perform its duties
towards those within and those without the Church. There are
those who need instruction, reproof, consolatiC''1, Who shall take
care of them? Again: "It is the duty of the congregation to care
for the purity of doctrine and life in its midst and to exercise
church discipline in these matters. Matt. 18: 15-18: 'Tell it unto
the Church.' Rom. IS: 17 'Mark them which cause divisions, etc.'''
(P'roper Form of a Lutheran Congregation, Thesis 7). Who shall
perform this duty? Once more: "It is incumbent upon the con-
gregation to do its part in building up and promoting the welfare
of the church at large, bringing the Gospel to those who still sit
in darkness and in the shadow of death" (Thesis 11, 62). Who shall
broadcast this sweet voice of the C}-·n-.. ,-.l:J.? T' the' ';y al '
pri ge of all Chri~ 3. ",.il ~he n._ ... .Jers (.~ "~le cCnL;:;H.!gatilm
must strive to grow and be enriched, in all utterances and in all
knowledge, that they may not remain children, tossed to and fro
and carried about with every wind of doctrine, but try to judge
by the Word of God the doctrine preached to them" (Thesis 26).
All Christians, all of them incumbents of the royal priesthood, are
to show forth the praises of Him who called them out of darkness
into His marvelous light (Thesis 63). The clergy alone cannot do
the work of the Church. The old Lutheran theologian Quistorp
said: "As long as the congregation of saints will not join hands
with us, letting the burden rest on the shoulders of the poor
preachers alone, no betterment of the times is in sight." (See
Walther and the Church, p.l04.) The pastor cannot reach all.
the "voice of the Church." "Walther declared it to be arrogance which
God would punish if, in getting doctrine out of the Scripture, a person
refuses to be aided by others or would not study the writings of the
great teachers, but endeavored to find everything in Scriptur'e himself.
See note to § 3 of his Pastorale" (F, Pieper, Cont'ersion and Election,
p. 96). And a writer in The Journal of Theology of the A. L. Conference,
1943, p.204, says: "The Episcopalians insist that it is the Church which
interprets the Scripture. To be sure, it would be folly to ignore the
testimony of the Church, as to the meaning Df Scripture, as that testimony
comes down to us through the ages, Such an attitude would be as
foolish as for a scientist to ignore the accumulated results of scientific
research." We need the "voice of the Church," the help and Christian
testimony of the brethren. But that does not mean that 'e get the
saving doctrine from the Church. The writer just quoted : ·ys: "It is
the Word which gives to the Church any authority 'which she possesses.
The Word is the primary source of authority." It is folly and wickedness
to look to the Church to decide questions of doctrine for us.
The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment 309
In many a case the layman has the first opportunity to counsel,
admonish, console the brother. The layman has opportunities to
meet people - in the shop, on the street - which the pastor does
not have. Sometimes it is the layman, not the pastor, who is
invited to address public gatherings and called upon by God to
proclaim the saving Gospel. And the pastor himself is in con-
tinuous need of the counsel and consolation of the members of
his church. The Church needs "lay theologians." Where the con-
ditions prevail about which Chrysostomus complained ("He often
took the laymen severely to task for leaving the study of Scripture
to the monks and not caring to search the Scriptures themselves
in order to see whether that which was taught in the Church
agreed with Scripture"), the laymen, having no firm convictions,
easily fall prey to the ecclesiastical rabble rouser. The Church
needs ''lay theologians." At Nicaea, "when all the bishops failed
to confute a sophist, a layman at last took the floor (a man of most
simple parts, not at all trained in speaking) through whom God
would show that His kingdom does not stand in words or in the
exalted position of the bishops, but L'l power. This layman con-
founded the sophist, who voluntarily confessed that he was beaten
and turned to the Christian religion." (See Theological Monthly,
1929, p.238.) There have been times, too, when the clergy refused
to do its duty, and Luther had to write his treatise "on the reform
of the Christian estate, to be laid before the Christian nobility of
the German Nation, in the hope that God may deign to help His
Church through the efforts of the laity, since the clergy, to whom
this task more properly belongs, have grown quite indifferent"
(X: 266). And if the clergy is faithful in the performance of its
duty, that does not relieve the laity of its duty. Each and every
member of the Church must contribute his share if the Church
shall have full success in her mission. Blessed is that community
where "every Christian teaches, instructs, admonishes, comforts,
and reproves his neighbor with the Word of God, wherever this
is necessary" (Luther V: 1038), "so that, in addition to the public
ministry, the Word of God dwells richly among them, both publicly
and privately, both generally and individually" (XII: 394); where,
in the words of Dr. Pieper, all spiritual priests proclaim the inspired
Word to their fellow men, as Is. 40:9 asks them to do: "0 Zion,
that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain;
o Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with
strength," "the terms Zion and Jerusalem designating not merely
the preachers, but the entire Christian Church" (What Is Chris-
tianity? p.140); where, in the words of Philip Schaff, the laity no
longer occupies the degrading position of passive obedience, but
enjoys the privileges of the royal priesthood, the right and duty
310 The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment
of every believer to read the Word of God in his vernacular tongue,
to go directly to the Throne of Grace, and to take an active part
in all the affairs of the Church according to his peculiar gift and
calling (see Four Hundred Years, p. 289) - blessed is that Church;
it is accomplishing the work which the Lord gave it to perform.
The Christian Century, Nov. 17, 1943, declares: "The strength
of Protestantism depends at last upon the laity's having sound and
intelligent Christian convictions." Yes indeed; the Word of God
is the strength of the Church, and that Church whose clerical and
lay members form their judgments by the Word of God and speak
out with the firm conviction and assurance which the Word of
God gives wields a mighty force; the power of God is back of it.
We want all the members of our Church to wield this power.
We are not afraid, God is not afraid, to entrust them with it. Some
have misgivings about this matter. The Christian Century said
on Nov. 30, 1938: "If the right of private judgment is granted,
differences of opinion are inevitable. The truth is that Protestantism
has always been a little fearful of the right of private judgment
and has handled that principle gingerly and with grave doubts
as to its workability." The old, genuine Protestantism never had
these misgivings. There is, naturally, plenty of room for misgivings
when liberal Protestantism permits men to form their judgment
independently of Scripture; that exercise of private judgment is
pernicious. But where men subject their judgment to Scripture
and form their judgment by Scripture, there is no danger of
"differences of opinion." What happens is that these men proclaim
the truth of God's Word with a united voice and with firm con-
victions. And such a laity the Church needs. The Lutheran
Sentinel, Nov. 27, 1943, says: "In our dear Lutheran Church we
take it for granted that matters of doctrine are as much a concern
of the man in the pew as it is for the man in the pulpit. And we
hold our parishioners responsible for carefully watching over
what is proclaimed from the pulpit or taught in the official publica-
tions of our Church. From Luther we have gotten this excellent
bit of sound counsel on this score: 'It is the sheep which must
determine whether or no the voice is that of the Shepherd.' . . .
Yes, the laity can be trusted. But it must be an enlightened laity,
a laity which daily searches the Scriptures, studies its precious
Confessions, protests against anything appearing in the church
body's official organs which is not in accord with the truth or
at best but an half-truth. We have absolutely nothing to fear from
an enlightened, consecrated laity. What Thomas Jefferson said
regarding political questions may be applied with equal force to
questions in the spiritual realm: 'Whenever the people are well
informed, they can be trusted with their own government.''' The
The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment 311
Church needs not only an enlightened clergy, but also a laity which
can wield the power of God's Word. Walther vJ"::mted such men.
Dr. Plotenhauer v.rrites: "The "'\vritings of Walther here appearing
in English were originally presented not to Walther's theological
classes or to pastoral conferences but to synodical conventions
made up one half of lay delegates. And when they first appeared,
they were eagerly read by many of our congregation members, thus
helping to rear a laity well grounded in Scriptural principles"
(Walther and the Church, p. IV). That makes for a strong Church.
Blessed is the community in which the Word of Christ dwells richly
in all wisdom, where all pastors and laymen, men and women,
old and young, are trained to apply Scripture to every religious
maUei' and are ready to utter their convictions before friend
and foe.
And blessed are the ministers of Jesus Christ who labor to
bring that about. God asks His ministers to urge upon their people
the duty of exercising private judgment and to fit them to
pronounce a Christian judgment. The Christian minister is glad
to do that. He does not consider it a. of his high office
to let the Cr,.ristian hearers judge his teaching. They are
it by God's Word, aDd in ""kinB for their judgment he is bowing
not to men, but to God. And he always bears in mind that these
people are his equals. He suppresses the papistical thoughts con-
tinually arising in his flesh that only the clergy is fit to judge
doctrine and run the affairs of the synod and the congregation.
He does not look upon the Christian people as a witless rabble,
but sees them as members of the royal priesthood, fitted by God
to. perform the duties of their high office.28) And he is happy to
know that through his teaching and instruction God is fitting His
people for their glorious work. Moreover, he himself loves the
study of the Bible, loves to proclaim the blessed truths of Christian
theology, and he has no greater joy than to have his people study
and apply the same blessed truths.29 ) He wishes and prays and
28) Walther: "I bow to the humblest member coming with Scrip-
ture." "This humble member, bringing God's Word to bear against me,
is so far above me as God is above a man." (See Walther and the
Church, pp. 22, 45.) Kromayer: "We must give a more ready ear to
a plain layman when he adduces Scripture than to a whole council which
takes a stand contrary to Scripture." (See CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL
MONTHLY, 1939, p,594.) Kromayer and Walther express the mild of
Luther: "One must believe a layman when he offers clear Scripture ...
more than the Pope or council" (XV: 1549). And we have the IDLl1d
of Luther: "Wenn ein Privatmann die klare Schrift fuer sich hat, clann
ist ihm zu folgen, da haelt er das eine Licht vor Augen" (Lehre 'und
Wehre, 1918, p. 118) .
29) Could there be Christian ministers who would deliberately keep
their people from acquiring solid theological k.."1owlectge? Could it be
true what Luther said about conditions of his time? "Sonst, wenn die
312 The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment
labors for this, that "Jerusalem, that bringeth good tidings, lift up
her voice with strength."
Blessed be Martin Luther, the restOl'er of the right of private
judgment. J. Clayton says: "To this day Martin Luther is praised
for bringing the gift of private judgment in faith and morals to
all believers. On the other hand, among the Catholics Luther is
held in abhorrence as an apostate monk who drew countless souls
into heresy and whole nations into schism." To be sure, the
papists execrate Luther. ~mperor Charles V was horrified and
cried out: "A single monk, led astray by private judgment, has
set himself against the faith held by all Christians for a thousand
years and more." And the Pope's men hate Luther with an un-
dying hatred IVL having dethroned their lord as the ruler of
Christendom and enthroned the believers as kings and priests.
But for this very thing we love Luther and praise the name of the
Lord. John Lord thus praises the work of Luther: "Thus was
born the second great idea of the Reformation - the supreme
authority of the Scriptures, to which Protestants of every de-
~~;nir~Jon ~ ... av\'" Jin\...v prof~ss",,": to cling. . .. Nv, I say~ l,-,~ th~
Scriptures be put into the hand of everybody; let '!:bare be private
judgment; let spiritual liberty be revived, as in Apostolic dnys ....
Then will the people arise in their power and majesty, and obey
God rather than man and defy all sorts of persecution and martyr-
dom, having a Serene faith in those blessed promises which the
Gospel unfolds! . .. Thus was born the third great idea of the
Reformation - the right of private judgment, religious liberty, call
it what you wilL It appealed to the mind and heart of Christendom.
It gave consolation to the peasantry of Europe; for no family was
too poor to possess a Bible, the greatest possible boon and treas-
ure - read and pondered in the evening, after hard labors and
bitter insults; read aloud to the family circle, with its inex-
haustible store of moral wealth . . . its supernal counsels, its
consoling and emancipating truths. . .. The Satanic hatred of
this right was the cause of most of the martyrdoms and persecu-
tions of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It was the dec-
laration of this right which emancipated Europe from the dogmas
of the Middle Ages, the thraldom of Rome, and the reign of
Laien die Schrift laesep.., muessten die Pfaffen auch studieren, dass sie
nicht gestraft und ueberwunden wuerden" (IX: 1236) . And what about
this statement in The Christian Century, Dec. 1, 1943? "The deterioration
of Christian intelligence am(JLlg the laity reflects an aversion to theology
which exists among the clergy .... The deterioration of Christian in-
telligence among the laity reacts upon the preacher to lower the dignity
of his messageo He would not reso:i"t to tl ese ivil"iiies and irrelevancies
if he were preaching to a congregation in, let us say, Scotland, where
some vestige of the old-time Christian intelligence among the laity
still survives .... "
The Right and Wrong of Private Judgment 313
priests. Why should not Protestants of every shade cherish and
defend this sacred right?" (Op. cit., pp.235, 239, 241, 243.) In a
sennon on the restoration of Christian liberty through the Ref-
ormation, based on 1 Cor. 3: 21-23, Dr. Walther said: "Christ says
to His Christians: 'One is your Master, One is your Father,' but
the Pope said: 'I am your master and your pope, that is, the
father of all Christians.' Paul says to the Christians: 'Not that
we have dominion over your faith; I speak not by commandment,'
and Peter warns all ministers of the Church: 'Neither as being
lords over God's heritage'; but the language the Pope, bishops,
and priests use with the Christians is: We will, order, and com-
mand; and what we order you to do and believe, you must do and
believe; if you refuse, you will be banned and die under the
curse of God as heretics. . .. Then came Luther. He had
discovered the meaning of a glorious truth of Scripture; it had
revived his despairing soul; and with a loud and glad voice he
proclaimed it to stricken Christendom: 'All things are yours' .. ..
'All things are yours' who believe! That was the proclamation
putting men into possession of all the blessings of salvation gained
by Christ and filling the hearts of millions of doubting and de-
spairing souls with the consolation and hope of eternal life. And
it did something else. By means of the article: 'All things are
yours' who believe! Luther restored the whole body of the evan-
gelical doctrine to the Church. The word: 'All things are yours,'
who believe! was the sun in the light of which the mystery of
iniquity, hidden for long centuries, stood revealed and naked before
the eyes of all who would see. This was the stone from David's
sling which felled the monster who had for so long insulted Israel
of the New Testament, ended his tryannical rule over the hearts,
souls, and consciences of the Christians, and restored to them their
Christian liberty. 'All things are yours,' who believe! That was
God's thunder clap, at which the priests who had been barring the
way to the paradise of grace, who had thrust themselves between
Christ and the Christians, fled in dismay and terror. 'All things
are yours,' who believe! Emblazoned on the banner floating above
our Evangelical Church is the glorious legend: 'All things are
yours!" (Lutherische Brosamen, pp. 595, 598.)
Blessed are we if we jealously guard the right of private
judgment and exercise it to the full. Let us heed Walther's ex-
hortation: "But to you, my dear brethren and sisters in the faith,
I say: Know what you possess in Christ; and if it were possible
that we, your pastors, should betray our trust as custodians of
this great treasure, do you boldly make use of your dearly bought
privileges; let the earth burst asunder, let the hierarchs raise
a hue and cry against you - it is and will remain true for all
314 Nathan Soederblom
times and must be preached to all true believers: 'All things are
yours; and ye are Christ's.' Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty
wherewith Christ has made you free, and be not entangled again
with the yoke of bondage! Amen." (Loc. cit.) Let us follow the
example of Luther, who would not permit any man to rule over
his conscience, but did make Christ its absolute ruler. "In his
very last sermon the great champion of private judgment and
liberty of conscience declared once more (XII: 1260 fl.): 'I grant
that the emperor, king, pope, cardinal, princes, and lords are pru-
dent and wise; but I will believe on my Lord Christ alone: He
is my Master and Lord, whom God has bidden me to hear and
to learn of Him what is true, divine wisdom. . .. Therefore, dear
Pope, your claim to sit in Christendom as lord and to have authority
to decide what I should believe and do, that I cannot accept. For
here is the Lord whom alone we should hear in these matters ....
This, and much more, might be said on this Gospel, but I am too
feeble; let this suffice. God give us grace that we receive His
precious Word with thanksgiving and increase and grow in the
knowledge and faith of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and con-
tinue steadfast in the confession of His holy Word unto the end,
Amen!'" (Theological Quarterly, 1911, p.254.)
(To be continued) TH. ENGELDER
4 ••
Nathan Soederblom
Lars Olof Jonathan (Nathan) Soederblom was born in the
parish of Troenoe, Sweden, January 15, 1866, the son of Rector
Joseph Soederblom and his wife. He received the degree of Candi-
date of Philosophy at the University of Uppsala in 1886 and the
degree of Candidate of Theology in 1892. He was appointed pastor
of the Swedish church in Paris in 1894 and also seamen's pastor
at Dunkerque, Calais, and Boulogne. While in Paris, he pursued
his studies and graduated from the EcoLe des hautes etudes, in the
section of the science of religion, in 1898, receiving the degree of
Doctor of Theology from the University of Paris in 1901. The same
year he was called to the chair of comparative religion in the
University of Uppsala. In 1914 he was made Archbishop of Sweden.
The honorary degree of Doctor of Theology was conferred upon
him by Geneva, Oslo, St. Andrews, Glasgow, and Greifswald, the
honorary Doctor of Philosophy by the universities of Uppsala,
Greifswald, Bonn. Other honorary degrees he received from
Berlin and Oxford.
In the work When the Hours Course and Change, 1909, there