mqtnlngirul ilnut41y
Lehre und Wehre (Vol. LXXVI)
Magazin fuer Ev.-Luth. Homiletik (Vol. L1V)
Theol. Quarterly (l897-1920)-Theol. Monthly (Vol. X)
Vol. II March, 1931 No.3
ARNDT, W.: Erasmus' Angriff auf Luther im Jahre 1524 161
KRETZlVIANN, P. E.: Das Widerstreben des Menschen und
unwiderstehliche Gnade................. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. 170
DALLlVIANN, WlVI.: How Peter Became Pope... . . . . . . . . .. 177
MUELLER, J. T.: Concerning the Doctrine of Inspiration 190
KRETZ MANN, P. E.: Testimonials for the Lutheran Po-
sition in Education.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 193
LAETSCH, TH.: Study on the Eisenach Epistle-lesson for
the Third Sunday in Lent............................. 204
Dispositionen ueber die von der Synodalkonferenz ange-
nommene Serie alttestamentlicher Texte ............... 210
Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches. . . . .. 218
Book Review. - Literatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 232
Ein Prediger mnss nicht allein weiden,
also dass er die Schafe unterwelse, wie
sie rechte Christen sollen sein, Bondern
auch daneben den Woelfen wehren, dass
sie die Schafe nicht angreifen und mit
falscher Lehre verfuehren und Irrtum ein-
fnehren. - Luther.
Es ist kein Ding, das die Lente mehr
bei det Kirche behaelt denn die gute
Predigt. - Apolouie, Art. 24.
If the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himself to the battle?
Published for the
Ev. Luth. Synod of lVIissouri, Ohio, and Other States
232 Book Review. - mtewtut.
fUr hie paftorale ~erforgung her heutfdj~englifdjen @emeinben fidj an
im 2anhe @eborne au ~arten. l1fudj ber }Breflum~Sh:opper morftauh er~
fennt an, bat augefidjt5 ber beranberten 2age hriiben ein I1fbbau be~
beutfdjen ®eminar~ bielIeidjt nidjt ranger au bermeihen fei. :Buhem liegen
her ~erfammlung I1fntrage bor, bie harauf abaielen, hat fiinftig alIe ~a~
ftoren im 2anhe au~gebHbet merben folIen. :!lie Sfirdje bault @ott fUr
alIe ®egnungen, hie er i~r burdj hen :!lienft S'i'ropp~ unb }Breflum~ ~at
auteiI merhen laffen. ®ie erfenn± hanfbar an, mM fie hen @rilnhern,
~o~. ~aulfen unh ~~r. ~enfen, fdjulhet, haau henen, bie gleidj ienen fo bier
gearbeitet unh geopfert ~aben im :!lienft her Sfirdje. :!lie @raie~ung~~
be~orhe mirb ermadj±igt, eine freunhfdjaftIidje 20fung her ~erbinhung mit
S'i'ropp~}Breflum einau1eiten.' :!la~ ®eminar mirh ba~er im 2auf he~ :;Sa~re~
1931 gefdjloffen. :!len ®tubierenben fte~t ber jilleg in ein amerifanifdje~
lJber cana'oifdje~ ®eminar filr ben I1fbfdjfut i~re~ ®tubium~ offen."
is· ~.
S'i'ntijuHfdjer ~ifdjuf in ~ernn. :;Sn dner WWteUung in ber ,,2ut~.
~irdjenaeitung" refen mir: "Wadj faft bier~unbert :;Sa~ren ~at nun hie
.beutfdje meidj~~auptftabt }Berlin mieber einen fat~onfdjen }Bifdjof. jillie hie
;itage~preffe beridjtet, murbe lmonfignore ~~riftian ®djreiber am 31. l1fuguft
.aI~ }Bifdjof ber mieber~ergefterrten fat~oIifdjen :!lioaefe }Berlin feierIidj auf
.ben ;it~ron er~oben. :!la~ I1fmt mar feit hem :;Sa~re 1544 nidjt me~r befe\?t
gemefen. :!ler le\?te }Bifdjof mar lmatt~iM bon :;Sagom, ber aur :Beit ber
meformation au~ ber fat~olifdjen Sl!irdje au~idjieb unb aum 2ut~erium ilber~
irat. :!lie :!lioaefe murbe unter bem im le\?ten :;Sa~r auf±anbegefommenen
preutifdjen Sl!onforbat, fUr ha~ fidj ber nunme~rige paPftHdje ®taat~~
fenetar unb bamaHge paPftIidje Wuntiu~ in :!leutfdjlanb ~aceIIi fo ftad
eingefe\?t ~at, erneut in~ 2eben gerufen. @~ ift bie~ eine @rneuerung ber
arten :!lioaefe }Branbenburg, hie im :;Sa~re 948 unter bem bamaligen Sl!aifer
Dtto gegrilnbet tourbe." :;So ;it. Nt.
G;udjnrifttfdjer Sl:ungrefj in ~rlnnb. :!ler" ~~riftL I1fpologete" ±eilt
mit: ,,:;SrIanb trifft ~orbereitungen aUf ben @udjarif±ifdjen .\'\'ongret, bet
1932 im :;Suni in :!lublin abge~arten toerben folI unb au bem man alIein
au~ I1fmerifa 100,000 ;iteiIne~mer ermartet, braudjt aber amerifanifdje~
@elb, um i~n burdjfU~ren au fonnen. :!lie~ ift bon jilliIIiam lmc~ari~l),
bem @;t;efuttbfenetar her Catholic Travel League, her flJeben au~ :;SrIanb
aurildgefe~ri if±, too er ba~ iSeIb gepriift ~at, mitgeteilt morhen. lmc~ari~l)
fagt, berfdjiebene ~~icagoer S'i'apitaIif±en intereffieren fidj fUr :;SrIanD, be~
fonber~ fUr :!lublin, too fie einige moberne SJoter~ bauen molIen."
:;So ;it. lm.
Book Review. - £iteratur.
Christ and His Men. By Olfert Ricard. Translated from the Danish
by Harold O. Jensen. Published by the Central Committee of Young
People's Leagues in the Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. 1930. 329 pages, 8X5%. Price, $1.50.
The author of this book, who died some time ago, was pastor of
a large Lutheran congregation in Copenhagen, Denmark. The foreword
by Dr. John R. Mott says that he gradually came to be regarded as the
Book Review. -13tteratur. 233
most outstanding Danish preacher of his time. For twelve years he
was at the head of the Young Men's Christian Association in his city,
and this book, having its origin in lectures delivered before young
people, was written to bring Christ closer to the youth of our day.
Though it treats of Christ's life here on earth, it is not intended to be
a life of Christ, but rather what one might call an interpretation,
the author stressing what appeared most significant to him. He says
in the introduction that he has studied Jesus and His disciples "from
the standpoint of what modern religious psychology can teach us"; he
endeavored "to read between the lines, guessing at motives and thoughts,
tracing spiritual development both in Christ and in His closest friends
by comparing their words and thoughts with our own experiences."
This suffices to show that Pastor Ricard ventured on dangerous ground,
to say the least, pursuing a path which skirts the bog of rationalism
and which, unless great caution is exercised, leads the wanderer directly
into the morass of irreverence and Arianism. While the book is a bril-
liant production, fascinating through the freshness of its thought and
the poetry of its language, it is not free from serious doctrinal faults.
Several of these, it is true, have been pointed out in footnotes by the
Central Committee, which is responsible for the publication of the work
in English, but not all objectionable passages have been marked. The
author here and there, perhaps to show that he had an eye and ear for
the problems of young people, indulged in unwarranted criticism of con-
servative Christianity and the Lutheran Church - a course which cer-
tainly did not help the cause of the truth. As his connection with the
Y. M. C. A. indicates, he was more liberal than the New Testament per-
mits, and this attitude is more than once reflected in the book. The
great cardinal teachings of the deity of Christ and the vicarious atone-
ment are taught in the book, although not with that joyful proclama-
tion of Scripture truth which characterizes Lutheran theology. The
translator has succeeded in giving us a work that is written in fluent
English and preserves the' color and picturesqueness of the original.
The People's Bible Encyclopedia. Biographical, Geographical, His-
torical, and Doctrinal. Edited by Oharles Randall Barnes, A. M.,
D. D., with a Supplement by Melvin Grove Kyle, A. M., D. D. The
People'S Publication Society, Chicago. 1924. (NOTE. - This work
is sold exclusively on subscription through canvassers and cannot
be purchased from book dealers.)
Here is a Bible encyclopedia over which every conservative theologian
and Bible-student may well rejoice, especially in view of the fact that
recent years have produced little, outside of the Bible Dictionary by Davis,
that was written from the standpoint of the believer in the truth of Scrip-
tures. This Bible Encyclopedia, on the whole, is so written, compiled,
and edited. The present reviewer took time to examine a great many of
the articles very carefully and was pleased to find that even in the
majority of the doctrinal articles the main points are correctly given.
Naturally enough, one may expect some statements in this division to be
somewhat weak, as when we read under the caption "Kingdom of Christ":
234 Book Review. - £itetatut.
"The prayer 'Thy kingdom come' is not only for the increasing effect of
the Gospel, but for the complete realization of the power of Christ in
the world," which has at least a strong millenarian tinge. The article
on "Keno sis" seems to favor the notion, on Phil. 2, 6, of the "laying aside
of something that Christ possessed as a divine person in His preexistent
state," a view which clearly does not agree with the context in that
passage. The article on "Faith" is likewise weak and inadequate, since
it does not bring out clearly the essence of justifying faith - resting
one's trust in the atonement wrought by Christ. - On the other hand,
the historical and geographical articles are uniformly good, more so
than the introductory articles to some books of the Bible, e. g., to the
Song of Solomon. As for certain statements concerning the chronology
of the Old Testament, of the time of Jesus, and of the life of Paul, they
may easily be corrected, and probably will be in a future edition of the
book. Thus Abraham did not leave Charran only at the death of his
father; for that would have made him 145 years old, whereas the Bible
says that he was only 75 when he reached the Land of Promise. In the
article "Jesus Christ" the birth of Christ cannot be placed at 4 B. C.;
for that would place the slaughter of the innocents after the death of
Herod, which is obviously impossible. Also the conversion of Paul can-
not be placed as late as 37 A. D.; for we now know the date of Paul's
sojourn in Corinth and of the so-called Council of Jerusalem, on the
basis of which simple subtraction will place his conversion four or five
years earlier. - But, after all, these discrepancies are of a minor nature,
like others that could be listed, and they do not for a moment detract
from the general excellence of the book. In fact, it may be said that
Dr. Kyle, in the supplement, has often brought the Lutheran viewpoint
in a special paragraph, so that this Bible Enoyolopedia may well be used
also by Snnday-scbool teachers and Bible-class leaders. Concerning the
points criticised above, there is enough material in our own literature
(Drewes, Introduotion to the Books of the Bible; Schaller, Book of
Books, etc.) to give the correct understanding. - A special feature of
the book of about 1,300 pages, 6X9, is an appendix containing a Glossary,
a Pronouncing Dictionary, a Tabular View of the Prophets, the Parables,
the Public Life of Jesus, and a good Biblical Atlas with Index.
.8eitfd)rlft fii~ fIlftematifd)e ~~eJ)lu!lie. .f;)etausgegeben in metbinbung mit
!j.l a u I ~ I t 1) a us, ~tIangen, ~ man u e I .f;) i t f d), @ottingen, unb
@ e 0 t g ml e 1) tun g, .f;)aUe a. 6., bon .re a t I 6 tan g e, @ottingen.
~tud unb metIag bon (f. !8ettelSmann in @Uterslo1). 7. ;;S(1)tgang. 834
6eiten 6lh X 9lh. !j.ltds bes :;'S(1)tgangs: M. 20.
~tftes miette(ja1)tsI)eft. 192 6dten. ;;snI)alt: 6ommedatI): .f;)umanitiit unb
(fI)tiftentum. mlenblanb: SUt @runblcgung bet d)tijUid)en 603ialetI)if. 6tange:
£utI)ets st:I)eotie bom gefeUfd)aftHd)en £eben. .f;)etmann: £utI)ed st:1)efe ,,@md)t
unb 6Unbet 3ugleid)". ~ebe: mlas ift aus unfetet alten 6t)mbolif geltlotben1
Sltleites mietteliaI)tsI)eft. 198 6eiten. ;;snI)alt: ~lt1)au!l: ~ie trtage bes
~bangeliums an bas mobetne ;;Subentum. lRiemet: ~et 6inn bet ebangelifd)en
!j.ltebigt. 6tange: ;;s~fu met1)iiltniS 3U ben anbetn lReligionsftiftetn. mle1)rung:
ftbet @tOne unb !j.ltoblematif bes beutfd)en ;;Sbealismus. ~t)gten: ~goiSmus unb
Book Review. - mtetatur. 235
ffieligion. SJCiebetmeier: :Das aligemeine \.l.ltieftertum bet @f1iubigen unb bas geifb
lidje snmt. sn!t~aus: ,Bur tj'tage ber "enbgefdjidjUidjen ~sdjatologiell. €Stange:
:Die ~ebenstrafte bes \.l.lroteftantiSmus. - :Der ~ut~etifdje Weltfonbent in .R0l'en~
:Drittes mierteljaljrs~eft. 206 €Seiten. :;Sn~art: €Stange: i'tber bie ~obes~
ftrafe. €Sdjott: £ut~ets ~e~te bom servum arbitrium in i~rer t~eologifdjen iSe~
beutung. Unger: :Det Unfterblidjfeitsgebanfe im 18. :;Sa~rljunbert unb bei unfern
.RlafjHern. €Steubing: :Das @mnbl'roblem bet ~sdjatologie. tj'iebig: :Der €Sinn
ber iSergl'tebigt. @lafer: @riedjifdje ~tljU aUf tiimifdjem iSoben unb ~ljriften~
tum. ffiuneftam: oRitdje, Wort unb ~rabition. .ReUler: :Die ~sdjatologie bes
snl'oftelS \.l.laulus unb hie religiiiSbilblidje ~denntniS. - 5)et ~ut~erifdje .Ronbent
in .Rol'en~agen.
miertes mierteljaljrsljeft. 230 €Seiten. :;Sn~a!t: ~irfdj: ,Bur l'aulinifdjen
~ljriftoiogie. ~eml'el: mom irrenben @Iauben. Weljmng: ffieligion unb ~orar.
\.l.leterfon: :Die ~in~olung bes .Rt)rios. ~ol'l'e: 5)er €Sinn ber @efeUigfeit. snlt~
~aus: ,Bum merftanbnis ber ffiedjtfertigung. ~ermann: 5)ie \.l.lrUfun\lsftunbe bes
€Senbungsgeljorfams :;S~fu. 5)eiuner: 5)as €Senbungsoewuutfein bet Urdjriften~
ljeit. €Sommetlat~: 5)ie 1I\.l.l~ilofOl'~ie bes ~eoensll unb bas ~ljtiftentum.
~. tj' U r 0 ti n get.
A System of Christian Evidence. By Leander S. Keyser, A. M., D. D.,
Professor of Systematic Theology in Hamma Divinity School, Wit-
tenberg College. Fifth edition, revised. 304 pages, 5Y2X8. Price,
It is significant and encouraging that this fine book of comprehen-
sive information in the field of Christian apologetics was entirely ex-
hausted in its fourth edition, so that the publishers, the Lutheran Lit-
erary Board, requested the author to prepare a fifth edition. The author
has been te:whing the subject for many years, besides delivering many
lectures and furnishing scores of articles on salient points connected with
his defense of the Bible truth. The book is divided into five parts: Gen-
eral Notes and Principles; The Bible a Special Divine Revelation; Chris-
tian Theism and Opposing Theories; The Doubter and His Difficulties;
The Failure of Infidelity, and each part is treated in a sufficiently de-
tailed manner for all general information in the field, so that the number
of chapters amounts to twenty-one. A "Selected Bibliography" and a "Re-
cent Book List" complete the book and greatly enhance its value for the
student who wishes to make a more detailed study of any or all sections
of the book. P. E. KRETZMANN_
Great Themes of the Christian Faith. Arranged by Oharles W. Fer-
guson. 204 pages. Richard R. Smith, Inc., New York_
A prominent Presbyterian pastor said that "ninety per cent. of the
preachers in the American pulpit no longer preach the fact of sin." The
Rev. Robert G. Lee of Memphis, Tenn., who is one of the contributors to
this new book of sermons, belongs, we are glad to say, to the small ten
per cent. who still believe the fact of sin, the fact of a Savior, the fact
of a sacrifice, and the fact of salvation. These four great facts form the
outline of his sermon on 1 Pet. 3, 18. It has been a long time since we
have read a sermon by a non-Lutheran preacher that so clearly presents
236 Book Review. - 13itetatut.
the facts of sin and salvation and who, in doing so, quotes many per-
tinent Scripture-passages. In these days of apostasy it does one's heart
good to read such a sermon. It is too bad that the sermon is marred by
one short paragraph, in which the preacher says : "None are saved by Bap-
tism nor by partaking of the Lord's Supper. Both of these ordinances
are symbolical and memorial. They do not save or help save a soul.
A thousand times could one be baptized, but unless his faith rests in Christ,
who 'bore our sins in His own body on the tree,' he could not be saved.
Though one partakes· ten thousand times of the Lord's Supper, unless
he trusts in the SUbstitutionary death and meritorious righteousness of
Jesus Christ, he cannot be saved. The ordinances are not vehicles of grace."
We might, to use the same logic, say that, if a man a "thousand times"
or "ten thousand times" reads his Bible or goes to church and hears the
Word of God, but does not believe, he cannot be saved; but that would
not go to say that the Word of God is not a means of grace. - Not all
the other sermons in this new book can be called good preaching, either
from the viewpoint of theology or that of homiletics. For a Lutheran
preacher they cannot serve as models. J. H. C. FRITZ.
Follow Jesus. By William Dallmann, D. D. Second Edition. North-
western Publishing House, Milwaukee, Wis. 300 pages, 5X7%.
Price, $1.50. Order from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo.
The key-note of this book of addresses or meditations is given in the
first sermonet: "The Greatest Invitation in the World." All other medi-
tations of the book are subsidiary to the exposition offered under the text
Matt. 11,28. The book is written in the well-known style of the author,
with many epigrammatic sayings and illuminating illustrations taken
from history and literature. There are thirty-six applications of the
motto of the book, covering every circumstance and the outstanding
virtues of the Christian's life. The applications are natural and to the
point, thus stimulating the careful reading of the book.
American Lutheran Hymnal. Music Edition. Compiled and edited
by an Intersynodical Committee. Lutheran Book Concern, Colum-
bus, O. 585 pages, 6%X914. Cloth with gilt lettering. Price, $1.75.
This is the new hymnal which will, no doubt, be adopted by the
united synods forming the American Lutheran Conference. It originated
in the Ev. Luth. Synod of Iowa and Other States; in response to an
urgent invitation extended by that synodical body to all Lutheran
synodical groups in America, representatives of eight synods met in
Chicago in 1921 and organized the Lutheran Intersynodical Hymnal Com-
mittee, which compiled and edited this book under the leadership of
Rev. E. Poppen.
The new hymnal, published now after nine years of painstaking
effort, contains many excellent features that will readily recommend it
to American Lutherans. The mechanical make-up of the tune edition,
which is before us, is good, the print is clear and attractive, and the
contents are rich and varied. Altogether the book contains 650 hymns,
most of which are found in the English hymnals in use in American
Book Review. - mteratur. 237
Lutheran churches at this time. However, many German and Scandi-
navian hymns appear in new or revised translations, and Luther's battle-
hymn is offered in two different versions. There are also entirely new
lyrics, by Rev. W. Schuette, Miss Anna Hoppe, and others. This is
a somewhat daring departure from established usage, but it is at least
somewhat justified by the demand of special songs for particular oc-
casions. Five exhaustive indexes, of subjects and seasons, meters, tunes,
processionals and recessionals, and first lines of hymns, facilitate the
finding of hymns and tunes. The contents of the liturgical portion of
the hymnal offer complete and various forms for every possible service:
The Common Service for Morning Worship, Matins, Vespers, the Holy
Communion, the Creeds, the Litany, the Scripture-lessons, Introits, Col-
lects, and Graduals, the Passion History, etc. Besides the common ser-
vice the former Ohio Synod services are given complete. The Order of
the Evening Service is offered with both the Gregorian and the Anglican
music. A Short Form of the Order of Afternoon or Evening Service is
also provided. Various facilities have been supplied for the adaptation
of the Forms of Service to the various seasons of the church-year, for
which both the pastor and the congregation must feel grateful. Thus
every attempt has been made to supply the churches interested in the
matter with a better and more serviceable book of devotion. Just how
much the individual student of liturgics will agree with, or differ from,
the judgment of the Hymnal Committee depends largely on his sub-
jective opinion and his historical background. The reviewer is con-
vinced that this new hymnal presents advantages over its many prede-
cessors with regard to both form and contents. J. T. MUELLER.
25 ~aijre fegcn~reidien ~irfen~ bcr treu{utijerifdien ~irdie in 2Crgennnien.
~in turBer ffiiidbfid. ffiebatieur: P.~. \'\'. ;t r ii n 0 Ill. :tlrud: Cas a
Publicadora Concordia. 87 @3eiten 4% X 6%. ~r~iS: 30 (Q:ts. 8n be~
aief)en bom Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo.
~iet f)aoen luit etn Heines ~iid)Iein, gefd)maciboll gebunben, mit :Ute1 in
6iIberbtud, bas 3um ~ubiHium unfeter~rbeit in ~rgentinien bon ber bottigen
~aftotanonfetena f)etausgegeoen Illorben ift. :tlet ~nfJaIt bes ~ud)es ICijit fid)
am beften d)aratietifieten butd) ~ngabe bet ~eittiige unb if)tct merfaffer: lillas
ift bie smiffourif~nobe? (~rof. ~. ~. ~rgang); lillie tam bie smiffoutif~nobe baau,
aud) in ~tgentinien Hrd)fid)e ~tbeit au oeginnen? (~tof. ~. ;t. ~ramer); Unfete
®emdnben in Oft~~ntre ffiios (P. 6. ~. ~edmann); Unfete ®emeinben in lillejb
~ntte ffiios (P. ~boIf :tliIIe~); Unfete ®emdnben im 6iibgebiet (P. ®. O. ~ta~
met); Unfere smiffion in ~uenos ~ites (~riifes ®. ~iibnet); morpoften unfetet
smiffion (P.~. \'\'. ;ttiinolll); 6panifd)esmiffion (P.~. \'\'. ;ttiinolll); 6d)tiften~
miffion (P. ~. ~. ~tiiget); 6d)uIarbeit in unfern®emeinben - ~ugenbarlieit
(~ef)ret \'\'. ~. ®tDtf)); Unfet Colegio au ~tespo, ~ntte TIUos (P. ~uiS smartin);
6d)Iujilllott @tiifes ®. ~iiliner). 6d)fiejiIid) finbet fid) nod) dne mfte bon ~a~
ftoten unb ~aftotenftauen, bie Illiil)tenb bet Ietten fiinfunballlanaig ~al)te in
~tgentinien geftorben finb. :tlas 18iid)!ein ift es lllitUid) Illert, baji teber, bet fid)
fiir bie IutfJetifd)e smiffion intereffiett, es genau burd)!ieft. :tlie beigegebenen
~IIufttationen fiif)tCn nod)· tie fer in bas metftiinbnis bet ~tbeit dn. :tler ~~tt
l)at butd) unfete ~rbeit in bet gtojien fiibametitanifd)en ffiepubIH ®rojies getan,
unb es !ofJnt fid), feinen 6puten au foigen. ~. ~. ~ t e t man n.
238 Book Review. - 53iteratur.
~irdJfidie~ ~a~t:liudi fut: hie eiJangeHfdien 2anbe~fit:dien '!leutfdilannB 1930.
@in Sjilfsbud) 3Ut: ~itc9enfunDe ber @egenwatt. :;Sn merbinbung mit
@enera{fupetintenDent ?J1rof. D. Dr. g)( art in 6 c9 ian in lBres{au,
'iDirettor D. g)( art i n U { b r i c9 in g)(agDebutg ~ @tacau, g)(iffions~
Ditettor Dr. ?ill. iY r e ~ tag in Sjamliutg, g)(iffionsbirettot D. bon Sj a t ~
1i n g in 53eijJ3ig, P. ~ 0 n ftn n ti n iY t i cf in lBremen, P. @. lB u n t e
in lBetHn, ?J1fatret D. Dr. 6 c9 u bet t in lBet!in, D. g)( u m m, g)(. D. lR.,
unb Dr. :;'S ago w in lBetHn, ()betfonfiftotialtat D. lR. ?ill. 6 c9 t e i li e r
in lBetIin I)erausgegeben bon t D. :;'S. 6 c9 n e iDe t in lBetIin, ()betfon~
fiftotiaItat i. lR., Sjonotatprofeff Ot . in ber tl)eo{ogif c9en iYafuWit Der Uni~
berfttiit lBetIin. 57. :;'Sal)rgang. 'iDtucf unD metIag bon ~. lBetteIsmann
in @liters!ol). xv unD 568 6eiten 6X8%, in 53einwanb mit lRlicfen~ unb
'iDecfeItite! gebunben. ?J1reis: M.20.
'iDiefes befannte unb ausflil)tIicge :;'Sal)rbuc9 flit bie ebange!ifcgen 53anbes~
Urc9en 'iDeutfc9!anbs erfc9eint nun sum !e~tenmal a15 bie ~rbeit D.:;'S. 6c9nei~
bets, bet im :;'Sal)re 1894 3um erftenmal bas bon feinem matet begriinbete ?illed
I)at ausgel)en unb bann fiebenunbbreitig weitm :;'Sal)resliiinbe I)at fo!gen laffen.
'iDas :;'Safjrliuc9 wutbe im 53aufe ber ,3eit immer ausflil)tIicger unb gtiiter, unb
6d)neibet wUt:De im :;'Safjre 1918 3um SjUfsatbeiter fiit fitc9Itcge 6tatiftU im
ebangeItfcgen ()beditcgenrat berufen unb einige :;'Sal)te banac9 ?J1tofeffor in bet
tl)eo{ogif c9en iYafuWit ber Unibetfitiit lBerHn mit Dem 53el)taufttag flir mtcgen~
funDe. mor einigen g)(onaten, am 12. ~uguft 1930, wutbe er unerwariet aus
biefem 53eben abgerufen im ~1ter bon bteiunDfieb3ig :;'Sal)ten (et war am 7. :;SuIt
1857 geboren). g)(an fann tool)! fagen, bat et Die fitc9Itcge 6tatiftU im weiteften
6inne Des ?illortes aIS liefonbms iYac9 begttinbet unD etfo!greic9 batgefteUt fjat.
@t wutte genau, bat man mit ftatiftifc9en ,3afj{en betfjiingniSboUe 6pielmi
tteiben unb ein fa{fc9cs lBilD entwetfen fann. 'iDarum wat et aud) an feinem