u or itt
Vol. xm ~ '0.5
Leading Tholl'.hts on Eschatology in the Epistles to l II
Thessalonians. L. Fuerbrinbl r ........................... . ............. _ ............... 321
Luther: A Blessing to the English. W. Dallmann .............................. 330
Conscience. E. W. ,\.. Koehler ............... _ ..................................................... 337
Outlines on the Wuerttemberg I _ istle Sl-lectioRS .............................. 3G'
Miscellanea .................................................. _ .................................................. 378
Theological 0 < rver. - T{ ' t llich-Zeitgcschichtliches .................... 389
Book Review. - Literatur ........................................... _ ......................... _. 393
Ein P'I ; r U. I k llt alleln wn-
." .-=-. er dIe 5ch.Je unter-
h._. '" Ie _.~ rechte Chriaten sollen
Ie!n, sondern auch dimeben den Woel-
fen 'lDehTIm, dass aie die Schafe nJcllt
angreifen und mit falscher Lebre ver-
fuebren und Irrtwn elnfuehren.
Em 1st keln D~, daB dJe Leute
mehr bel der .I:Jrche behaelt denn
die gute PrediIF - Apologia, Arl. 'C
If the trumpet &Ive an UJ'Ir~,aIn
sound. who • pr - hi If to
the battle? -1 Cor. 14:8
Pub I I 'Of the
Ev. Luth. ,'nod of • n~~o rio bio, ~nd
CONCO LA PUBU 'I G St. Louis, n .
378 Miscellanea
KOl'lJ(JlJLa: Communicatio or COmDlunjo?
Notes on 1 COl:. 10:16 fl.
The quest.ion has been asked by readers of this periodical: "Does
the Greek word XOLVWVL(X. in 1 Cor. 10: 16 m~an communicatio, as many
Lutheran dogmaticians and exegetes have explained it, or does it mean
merely commun-io [Luther: Gemeinscltaft; King James Version: com-
7Twnwn; British Revised Version: commu'nion or participation; so
every other modern translation that we were able to compare]?
That the word XO~VUlVLO may have the meaning communication is
avouched by dependable Greek scholars of ancient and modern times.
Thus in traditional Greek dogmatic tenninology the genus maie.'1taticum
was denominated by Theodoret (perhaps the greatest of the earlier
Christian exegetes, a disciple of Theodore of Mopsuestia, d, ca. A. D. 457)
y.o~VWVLCL "t(0v -oW))V, the conununication of divine attributes, sc., to the
human nature, and in this connection he speaks 8.1so of XO~VWVlCt. 6vOILO:tWv,
the communication of divine names. Theodoret, who certainly knew
Greek, thus uses XOlVWVtcx. in an active, contributive sense. The ex-
pression Y..OLVWVtO 'tWv OEtWV afterwards remained t.he Greek terminus
technicus for the "communication of divine attributes" in dogmatic
parlance. (Cf" for example, Dr. Pieper "Christliche Dogmatik," VoL II,
p. 160 ff., footnotes. We refer to thls popular work because it is ac~s
sible to our pastors.) Melanchthon, an excellent Greek scholar, explains