Full Text for CTM Book Review 12-10 (Text)

'. n  n  .S: !  I  iC  i< • . _. _ ... ______ Luther o.tnurnrbtu UJ4tn1ngual tlnl1flJly CODtiDaml LEHRB UNO WBHRB MAGAZIN PUER. Ev.·LUTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY.THEOLOGICAL MoNTIU..Y VoI.XH October, 1941 No. 10 CONTENTS Page Privileges and Obligations. Th. Laetscb ___ 721__ _.. _ . The Opinions of Modern Scholars on the Origin of the Various Apocryphal Books . K. G. Manz _ ________ ._ 744. Outlines on the Wnerttemberg Gospel Selections 769_ _.... ____ Miscellanea -.-----.-___ ... __. __ ... __ .. __._. __ .. ___ 777 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches 780 Book Review. - Literatur - -. ---.. _ ... _____ __ _____ 794 EIn PredJpr mU88 n1ebt aDeIn veri­ den. also duB er die Schafe unter­ weise. wie lie rechte ChrlsteD lOllen IeIn. aondern aueb daneben den Woe1­ fen toehnm. daas me die Schafe n1cht angreifen und mit fallcher Lehre ver­ fuehren und Irrtum eJDfuehren. Es 1st ke1D DID& du die Leute mehr bel der Xlrche behaelt dean die gute Predlgt. - ApoIogIe. At't. 2. If the trumpet Sive an uncertain sound, who shall prepare bImIeJf to the baWd -1 Cor. 1.:, Published for the BY. Luth. S1Ilod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBLISBING BOUSE, St. Louis, M< jacket states. One without countrymen back bestial. Gibbon 'We determine to of (P.41.) This philosophy that, conviction goodness God confident such a would for consideration never in faulty He creature made behave his environment, him programs ideologies frightening no scientific no outward influence, settle down incapable of from human Book Review -llittratur794 Book Review - 2itercUar All books reviewed In thls periodleal JDa7 lie procured from. or throqh Con­ cordia Publishing House. 3558 S.Ie1ferson Ave., St. Louts, Mo. This Is the Victory. By Leslie D. Weatherhead. Abingdon-Cokesbury Press. Nashville, Tenn. 276 pages, 5lhx8. Price, $2.00. A book written by so eminent a personage as Leslie W. Weatherhead, the well-known pastor of City Temple, London, will always be read with llteen expectation, particularly if "written amid the crash of bombs," as the cannot read the book being deeply moved by the conditions under which it was written and the harrowing ex­ periences through which the author and his are now passing. These experiences have affected the author deeply. The first chapter, "Faith in Progress Shattered," is a frank and open confession on the part of a disillusioned man. "Our philosophy of life has broken down. We could not believe that in these 'progressive' days mankind would slip to the Even wrote: cannot what height the human species may aspire in their advances towards perfection; but it may safely be presumed that no people, unless the face of nature is changed, will relapse into their original barbarism.' So if faith is to be revived, faith in the victory of God, we need a new philosophy life." is presented in some detail in the following chapters. We do not deny that this philosophy might produce an era of good feeling and make this world a better place to live in if universally adopted. A belief in God, the supreme Creator and Ruler of the universe, a belief which is not a mere assent but more than a firm in the of and a trust in His guidance and leadership, overruling all evil for an ultimate good, faith make for civic righteousness, the shunning of wickedness, for a desire to live' at peace and in harmony with one's fellow-men. But to call this philosophy a new philosophy of life is simply deceiving oneself. That is a philosophy as old as the hills and a philosophy that has time and again failed because it has resorted to wishful thinking rather than taken into the hard facts actually confronting us. And these facts are sin and Satan. The latter is mentioned the book. And the author has an altogether conception of sin. True, he writes: ''The fact we forget, and which people hate hearing mentioned, is the fact of sin. Man is innately selfish. is a glorious and can be to like a son of God, but not by telling him he is an escalator called 'evolution,' not by changing giving new or or isms, not by telling him he is getting better and better every day - not even hy him. No modernism, no culture, no act of Parliament, education, no discovery, will override the fact of original sin or blunt the fact of its pull." (Page 34.) He tells us: "We must to the fact that unaided man is building a just world, let alone a perfect world. Even Mr. Joad in Why War? says: 'Evil will never be eradicated nature.' 'Never' • • • l Book Review - S3iteratur 795 is a word which wise men never use! But it certainly is improbable that evil will be eradicated by culture and civilization and the things external to the spirit of man." (Page 35.) Yet he regards all the children of men as chUdren of God, in all of whom God dwells as the loving Father, who suffers with His erring and suffering chUdren. "But let us not forget our third truth, that God is sensitive to aU that wounds His WOTld.. He is immanent in it, and wherever its harmony is broken, He Himself suffers from the disharmony. Never think of God as remote from human suffering, as a man who might sit on a wall and watch ants struggling in the dust below his feet. He is in it all, suffering, not physical agony, but a spiritual anguish far greater and too poignant for us to guess. He is immanent and suffers more than we do, bcause His capacity for feeling is greater, His love deeper, His horror of sin more intense. God is the greatest casualty in this or any war; and while we are naturally concerned with our own troubles, He bears those of Finland and Poland and China and Spain and Abyssinia, Norway and Holland and Belgium and France and Greece, and has always carried the whole world's burdens. The problem is no difterent because it has been brought nearer to 'Us. Do not, therefore, ask petulantly, 'Why does God let this happen?' Finish the question and say, 'Why does God let this happen to Himself?'" (PP. 87--89.) And redemption? Here is the author's definition: "God is not remote and removed from our sorrow and pain. Because He is immanent in His world, and because infinite love means an infinite capacity for pain, He not only shares it but bears by far the greater portion Himself. Yet there is joy at the heart of the universe, for ultimately the price paid will not have been too . great to buy the world that shall be. That is what redemption means." (P. 91.) The author speaks of Jesus' resurrection, but, while speaking of it, gives up the Scriptural doctrine so clearly taught 1 Cor. 15 as the one and only basis of Christian faith. ''His resurrction is equally unassailable, equally real. I am not now concerned with its manner or explanation. What happened to His body, to my mind, matters no more than what happened to His clothes. But certainly nothing less than the certainty that all that was essential in Jesus of Nazareth had survived death could have changed those timid men, hiding in fear of their lives, into bold missionaries who, within seven weeks of His crucifixion, when anyone could. have pTod'Uced contTaTY evidence if it WeTe to be had, were preaching His resurrection in the very city where He had been done to death - men who later died rather than deny that affirmation." (P. 211 f.) Such faith is not the victory, it is defeat, utter collapse, hopeless overthrow, 1 Cor. 15: 17-19, even though the author closes the fifth chapter with the hope that, ''please God, we shall emerge, nationally h and individually, not embittered, vindictive, spiritually defeated, or blatantly, boastfully victorious, but cleansed, purified, redeemed, to find our goal in blessedness and all our dreams come true in Him who loved us and gave Himself for us that He might bring us aU to God. 'This is the victory that overcometh, even our faith.' '' (P. 107.) TIL LAE'lSCB Brooklyn, obedience "To its is an such case he and even obey Luther's 13) of his of to of that they found attitude on Lutheran Church toward political and apart from Roman most historian forbidding Prophecy. Publishing House, publication edition of same author 1918 under the it and thoroughly Scriptural affairs in Latter book has pages, much of the Book Review - 53iteratur796 The Bible and War. The Christian's Duty to His Country. By the Rev. Arthur F. Steinke, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Glen Cove, N.Y. The Studio Press, N.Y. 47 pages, 51/2X6. Paper binding. Price, 35 cts. This well-written pamphlet takes issue with the pacifists. It in­ culcates the Biblical teaching that the Christian owes to the government when it is compelled to wage a just war. It also inculcates true pacifism. Who would not want all wars to cease, seeing the great evils which result from any war? Wars will never cease in this sinful world, but what the Church can do in this matter is indicated in the statement: the extent that the Church carries out mission and thus extends the spiritual kingdom of Jesus Christ, it helps to discourage and diminish warfare. Wars become less numerous and their horrors mitigated as the principles of Christianity pervade the world." - Valuable counsel is contained in the following: "The case is possible that the conscience of a Christian will not permit him to partici­ pate in a specific war because he is personally convinced that the war unrighteous one. In a must voice his protest nÉfuse service even if it means ridicule, hatred, imprisonment, or death .... If, however, because of the complexity of causes, the citizen is: not able to determine for himself whether or not the war is just, he should the government, realizing that as a private citizen he may not be in possession of all the facts. It is advice (based on Rom.13 and 1 Pet.2: that even in case a Christian doubted the righteousness country's cause, he should give the government the benefit the doubt." - We should like pass on some of the dicta memorabilia with which the booklet abounds. General Lee: "1 have fought against the people of the North because I believe they were trying to wrest from the South dearest rights. But I have never cherished vindictive feelings, and have never seen the day when I did not pray for them." The authors of a book published under the direction Dr. William A. Brown write "a distinctive the part of the the State and toward social issues that set it Catholicism and from of the other Protestant churches in this country." The Bancroft reminds us: "Luther alone has the glory of to fight for the Gospel with violence and death." TH. ENGELDER War in the Light of By Theodore Graebner. Concordia St.Louis, Mo. 143 pages, 5X7%. Price, $1.00. This timely is "a new and revised a treatise by the which appeared in title Prophecy and the War" (Introduction, p. III). The author's purpose is "to show that World War II as little as its predecessor of twenty-five years ago has any specific relation to the prophecies whose fulfilment is so confidently asserted by most Fundamentalists of today" (p. V). At the same time is "a plea for a sane outlook upon the of the Church and world these Days" (p. V). The grown from 112 to 143 the material contained in first edition having been condensed or omitted and a mass of new " Review - edition. one by one absurd adherents convincingly these unscriptural Biblical the "predictions" of and Latter Chapter fallacies date-setting interpreters. closing chapter a few pertinent rules on "How one the some g., our lennialism disseminated by Fundamentalists day and notorious Jehovah's Witnesses, who effort seduce our also. pastors the attention Building of Church. History Special Evangelical Lutheran Missouri, and W. Polack, Concordia Seminary, St.Louis, Mo. edition, revised and Concordia Publishing House, Louis, Mo. pages. $1.25. book Lutherans' llfagazine. were form for Sunday-school. should of too, to give our children knowledge of the beginnings of our Church country though adults respect been neglected their youth here find information, The author brought it date, including the convention of 1938. So this edition is almost double the size of the yet reader for American wide only purpose acquaint­ ing our youth with our foundation story and particularly with the men to God, owe existence of but that will also stimulate demand more, modern history Lutheranism America. Statistician S. Michael has provided this edition with serviceable index of 13 pages. THEo. HOYER Wellsprings. Epochal by Pope Selected, arranged, annotated by Joseph Husslein, S. J., Ph. D., St. Louis University. The Bruce Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 284 pages, Price, We are that Protestant scholars interested vital social subjects which these encyclicals treat will be grateful to Dr. Husslein Book 1itetatut 797 information having been added. It is really a new and thoroughly up-to-date book, not merely a revised The author takes up the claims that various of millennialism, iruch as Russelites, Dispensationalists, and others, advance with a brazen cocksureness that defies history, logic, above all the clear Word of God, and shows that claims are and anti­ and that millennialists have invariably ignominiously failed. Special chapters are devoted to the Return of Israel, the Antichrist, the Millennium, and Kingdoms and Wars of the Days. IX exposes the of the The offers "to Read Prophecy." While may differ from author in of the views expressed, e. in his grouping together of Stalinism, Fascism, and :Nazism on p. 140, we are convinced that a study of this treatise will help to safeguard Christians against the dangerous poison of mil­ as most of our by the are making every to members We urge all to call of their parishioners to this timely publication. THEo. LAETSCH �rhe a Great A Brief of the Lutheran Church in America with Reference to the Synod of Ohio, Other States. By G. Second enlarged. St. 235 Price, This had its origin in articles written for the Young These published in book in 1926 use in school Imd That be the prime purpose this edition, a in this - whose education in this has in will useful too. has revised the material and up to former; it only whets the appetite of the a larger, more comprehensive history of our Lutheran Church. We hope that a use of the book will not serve the of whom, under we the our Church, it \. the for for a complete of in ­ a Social Fourteen Documents Leo XIII. and 61f4x9%. $2.50. sure in the Review modern Popes. Encyclicals, official form, easy study own gone elaboration and disposition of helpful analyses. paragraphs, agreement modern usage, been put supplied the pronouncements, and but emphasize elucidate ceremonious conclusions of originals have eliminated, bibliographical references have appended the editorial prefaces to respective encyclicals. the twelve encyclicals renewed Aquinas, extensive death (1902) world struggle of at that (a general an index Rerum Novarum) greatly helps the student to In their the titles the "Evils Society"; "The Socialists"; "Christian "Civil Government"; "Christian Constitution Duties Citizens"; the Working-men"; and Social Question"; "Consecration of to the Sacred Heart"; "Christian Action," and of "Our Social Foundation" Grand a book very limited of impossible enter upon doctrines and theology of these papal pronouncements. done special social attitude Church toward modern social phenomena problems. There immense amount of information contained these encyclicals and Husslein's Social Wellsprings into the theological J.ÔODORE MUELLER Occasional Addresses. By F. Lankenau, D. D. Concordia Publishing House. pages, 5x71/z. Price, $1.00. addresses, Prof. F. Lankenau of John's College, Winfield, Kansas, delivered at various occasions by Dr.F. J. Lankenau, who died July, 1940, after rich career parish ministry amplified by a of speaking and preaching engagements and by service to the Church at large, culminating in the office of Vice-President of the Missouri Synod. The 798 Book 2itetntur- for publishing in so handy and practical an edition fourteen outstanding encyclics by Pope Leo XIII, easily the most forceful and expressive of in their do not make r'eading; nor are they intended for popular study. But Father Husslein has edited those collected in this book so well that any reader of average intelligence and education can them with profit. Each encyclical has been given its special preface, intended to serve as a brief orientation, to stimulate interest, and to lend additional zest to the reading of the accompanying document. Some of the editor's finest work has into the these New in with have in place of the paragraphing of the originals, making the text far more intelligible, while marginal titles have been to simplify the study of italics, sparingly intelligently employed, cardinal points. Explanatory notes or interpret the text, where this is necessary. The formal headings and the been and been at end of the the To social have been added, by way of appendices, Leo's educational encyclical on Christian Philosophy (1879), in which he encourages study of Thomas and an extract from his apostolic letter written in the year of his and picturing the condition of the and the the Church time. A double index index and to find topics of special interest. new form of encyclicals read: of Marriage"; of States"; "Abolition of African Slavery"; "Human Liberty"; "Chief of Chris­ tian "The Condition of "Rosary Mankind Popular those the appendices: and "The Review." In review, which by its nature is to essentials, it is, course, to the This might be later in a article, for these encyclicals represent the of the Catholic practically all and is an in belongs libraries of schools. J. This volume presents twelve selected and edited by St. in a in the multitude 108 '1 personality Lankenau. present. splendid College Students. By Lionel Amer­ notations, the author approach on book, question misleading. on cOlntent inspirational; it is enjoy functional presents The Occasion. the of certain results; analysis the concluding with survey speech all, almost I. · Book Review - \literntut 799 volume is, in a sense, therefore a memorial of love and will be welcomed by many who were stirred by the mellow but powerful of the sainted Dr. The volume is to be commended, however, as a direct contribution to the art of sacred rhetoric. Stylistically, Dr.Lankenau stood between two epochs. In a slight formality of utterance, abundance of adjectives, sonorousness of cadence, his lines look to the past. But in a pungency and even homeliness of practical thought, a reverting to the Anglo­ Saxon phrase, and a concreteness of imagery, they are very much of the Above all, these addresses offer a illustration of a great pastor at work applying to all problems of life, including those of' citizenship and vocation, the guidance and the stimulus of God's Word. For that duty every pastor may find these addresses an inspira­ tion in form and method. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER How Shall I Say It? By Ross H. Stover, S. T. D., D. D., LL. D. Muhlen­ berg Press, Philadelphia. 175 pages, 5lhx9. Price, $1.00. Public Speaking for Crocker, Ph. D. ican Book Company. 480 pages, 5lhx8lh. Ross Harrison Stover is pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church at Philadelphia and professor of Public Speaking in Temple University School of Theology. He is very successful as a pulpit and platform speaker. He calls his book "The Art of Public Speaking." The brief, at times sketchy, the illustrations., and introductions by friends of the to the various parts of the book give a glimpse of the vigorous personality and practical outlook of the author. Some sec­ tiems of the book reveal the older to platform speech; we note the interest in the "Vibrato tone and the somewhat formalized concept of gE!sture. Others are the result of close study and observation as well as practical method; here we note the chapters breathing and the voice. The material on inflection is limited, even for the scope of this and the sentences on the Much of the material and personality is through the writer's own use and presence that the book doubtless comes into its own. All pastors, however, will this vigorous and brief summary of speaking experience. D. Crocker is professor of Speech at Denison University. His book is a most interesting blend of the Aristotelian concepts of persuasion and the current approach to speech. The book sections on The Speaker, Speech, The Audience, and The From opening pages with their suggestions for directness, through the remarks on ways of delivering the speech, hints on diction, compact but complete materials on phonation and articulation; discussions of the speech itself with varieties of proof, of interest with a fine chapter on Illustrations, of structure and outlining; aims of speech with ample study language to achieve of the audience and study of persuasion; a of speech situations and a useful chapter of radio - all in we have here an encyclopedic review of speech, but always fresh, homely, and comoact. of use speaker, prospective, needs his broken other but probably fault whole facilitated use of excerpts, it from the scene. instructors our pastors Year-Book Evangelical Lutheran Synod Missouri, for Year Compiled Price, $1.00. Here graphs, sentences distillate a year and labors professional and of baptized people vocation limitations ability a summary God through sometimes us. In so life of entity (such Synod) can portrayed it represents the state of sector of as the discerns One - assimilating, interpreting, upon, BOOKS RECEIVED From Fleming H. Revell Company, New. York, London: The Salvation. Appelman. pages, 514x7%. Price, Consider By Vance pages, 800 I Book Review - RitetatUt A useful collection of exercises and materials, with much emphasis on current literature, is appended. This book, despite its text-book title, is to every present or who to learn and keep in mind the purpose of speaking, namely, to change people's minds. Possibly the analysis in some instances is down too far, especially by means of classification brought in from authors; we should not find with the individual elements of the structure if the is so usable. Despite the compression of the material the author achieves a direct and unhurried style. This is by a diligent illustrative much of right current-speech Our college as well as should work with this book. RICHARD R. CAEl!IMERER Statistical of the of Ohio, and Other States the 1940. by Rev. Samuel Michael, Statistician of Synod. Concordia Publishing House. 250 pages,6x9. in tables, lists, and terse is the of of the lives of 5,7f¥1 workers over 1,400,000 on five continents in the as Christians. Within the cramped imposed by the of human mind and sense to report and tabulate, and of fact and figure adequately to reflect, it is of what hath wrought (and perhaps despite) far as the and activity a spiritual as our be statistically, our the visible Church eye of man it. can - and should spend hours and reflecting its contents. R. A. JESSI: Gospel of By Hyman 154 $1.00. Him. Havner. 100 514x7%. Price, $1.00.