Full Text for Abhaltung einer Gemeindevisitation, part 2 (Text)

@oHes mlorf bei euclj aUf bem ~fane ift. (§s fuhb eud) rein unb llluter bedUnbig± unb bringt aurq fetne lJtud)t. ~at ~iefe nod) ntclj± boIIfommen ift, barf unill niclj± beinen. @;s fann niclj± anberill feilt, folanne bie ~h:dje qier auf ®rben tm iYleifrqe leb±. g:aqt± ge±tof± fort, als bOn ~I)rifto ~@;fu (§rgri\iene bem botgeftecften nacljaujllgen. ~u, Iiefler \Bruber im ~m±, qaIte an mit Beqten, IDCa~nen, @5itafen, :itrilften unb @;rmunternl .\2aB birr) burrq feine ~Xtbeit llnb9JWlje, butd) t¢il1e ~ibertuiirtigfei± mlibe unb berbroffen macljen 1 ~eilte ~rbeit tuitb ~id)t lJergebIiclj fein in bem ~@trn. @oites mlorf fomm± nid)t leer nl.lrUcf. @s rid)±et aUill, 100ilU es ber ~@;tt gegeben flat, aud) tuenn es lJ!.djt immer offen bar bot beinen ~(ugelt if±. (@;bcn±uell: llnb baillf elUe .... ~iH ,;sljnen, ~err Beljret, in ~qrem @5cljulamt. @5teljen @:lie ~qtetn ~/~aftor ±reuliclj our @5eite in ber (§rbauung ber ,~itrqe an biefem :Orie.) ~'- 36 Sllb~llrtUng einet @emeinbebijitlltion. Hebe ®emetnbegHeber, frcut eudj, baf3 ®o±t ba£l Wmt be£! Wode~ unter eudj aUfgeridjtet unb wo~l oefterrt IJat. @5eib bon ~er3en barttoar bafiir. WeXjmt wie oii3fjer, fo audj fernerIJin ba£l Wort an mit @5anftmut, bai3 in eudj gej.Jffana± ift; ba£l lann eure @5celen feng madjen. m:men. aitttlumf ~tt eiltet Ilttbem lBifitlltiOlt. Xe!t: smehte lJleuen, etbauet eud) allf euren aUer~em\Jften @lauben burel) ben '~eifi\len . 13e~tetlnnen? [fiie ttletben ble .IHnbet untmid)tel, faUll bie @eme!nbe feitle tegeltedjte @emeinbe(d)ule ~ut1 lBe( onbere lBemetfungen. lim ben lnifitut oren bie lBericf)tetftuttung au edeidjietn, f olHe bief e~ ~ot:murut:, tuo moglidj, in beutfdjet unb engfifcf)et 6\)racf)e gebtudt bOt:~ fiegen unb beim ~taf e§ De§ st>ifitift§ au ljuoen f ein. @. lB e t: net. Josiah and the Battle of Megiddo. Tho boast of the Lutheran Ohurch has ever been that it is "the Ohureh of the opell Bible," that the Holy Scriptures are given into the hands of every member, and that every Ohristian is urged to ransack the Bible for the truths of sulvution :md the revelation of God's grace and goodness in general. The Lutheran Ohureh has ever acknowledged, in addition, that "whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning," Rom. 15,4, so that, while a difference is rightly made in the relative importance of the various parts of the Bible for the way of salvation, there is no book and no chapter that does not contain some instruction of value to the be- liever. Hence the Lutheran Ohurch is committed to Bible-study, a study whose base and nucleus indeed may and should be the systematic presentation of doctrinal theology, but which should extend from there into every department of knowledge set forth or even