Full Text for CTM Outlines on the Wuerttemberg Gospel Selections 12-4 (Text)
m4tnlngiral flnutQly
Vol. xn April, 1941
Verbal Inspint1on-a StumbLinr"·Block to the Jews and
FOOJtshnC55 to the Greeks. Tho Enp:ldv __
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Advent and Lent "Closed Seasons"? P. A. Kolch
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SennOft Smdy for GOJ
Theolopeal Obse.n'er. - Ktrchlicb.Zeitge:;chichtUches
Book Review. - Literatllr
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Ea tat bin D\ni:. du die Leute
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Published (or the
Ev. Luth. Synod of UIuouri, Ohio, and Other St.tes
286 Outlines on the Wuerttemberg Gospel Selections
whelming Love of Christ. 1) It has freed us from sin's guilt,
vv. 19-21, offering us this freedom in the Gospel, vv. 19 b, 20.
2) It has redeemed us from sin's penalty, v.14. 3) It has delivered
us from sin's power, vv.15-17, offering us this deliverance in the
Gospel, v. 18. - Christ Is All in All. 1) In Him we have been
reconciled. 2) In Him God has established the Word of Recon-
ciliation. 3) In Him we have been renewed. - Calvary's Message:
1) God is reconciled, therefore be ye reconciled. 2) Christ died
for you, therefore live unto Him.
The pastor might preach a series of seven Lenten sermons on
this text. 1) V.14, The Miraculous Death of Christ. He died
for all. We all have died. 2) V.15, The Purpose of Christ's Death.
We should live not unto ourselves. We should live unto Him.
3) V. 16, True Knowledge of Christ. Its nature, v. 16 b. Its effect,
v.16 a. 4) V.17, A Christian Is a New Creature. That is a glorious.
fact. That is possible only through Christ. 5) Vv.18,19, God
Reconciled the World unto Himself. That is an actual reconcilia-
tion. That is a universal reconciliation. 6) Vv. 19 b, 20, God has
Committed unto Man the Word of Reconciliation. That is a glorious
fact. Let us heed His plea. 7) Good Friday. V.21, The Vicarious
Atonement. Christ was made sin for us. We are made righteous-
ness in Him. THEo. LAETSCB
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Outlines on the Wuerttemberg Gospel Selections
Palm Sunday
Luke 19:29-40
Today begins Holy Week in memory of the last days of Christ
in the state of humiliation. The holy writers record every detail
in the life of our Savior during these last days.
Momentous days! They bring us ever nearer to the great day
of the all-atoning sacrifice and to the day of triumphant victory
over devil, death, and hell. Today's text brings to our attention
in a forceful manner that our Savior is not an ordinary man;
that His going to Golgotha is not forced upon Him. He is the God-
man who of His own free will lays down His life for our salvation.
Behold Our King!
1. He is the King of Power 2. He is the King of GTace
Vv. 29-31. The omniscient King commands, and everybody
must obey. He knows where the colt is tied, vv.32-34. His word
is enough to make the owners yield. From afar He causes the
strangers to obey. The owner's question (v. 33) shows that nothing
Outlines on the Wllert1elillberll Selections 287
was prearranged between them and the Lord. It was the power
of the King that made them
And riding on the colt, He was hailed as the
His city, v.37. The multitude is seized with
"u.uu,'~ to
path is strewn with garments and a shout of
goes up, v.38. And that is the same multitude that six days later
would howl the Him." But must hail
Him as their of the of creation;
He can, if it even lifeless stones His
praises, v.40.
Behold your That man and poor of appear-
in the fashion ance, being formed in the likeness of man,
of man, is the of Power. It is the God who is on
His way to us from the power of the devil
and of death.
Saving the world is a but our King is
equal to it; He is to help. Our King is
higher than the heavens. ye reJOIce, ye sin-
ners, ye that are ye that are weary and heavy laden! The
mighty King Himself has come to rescue you. Satan is strong,
death is are the of hell, many and great are
our but behold your He is than all your
foes. The comes over the strong.
And this of Grace. He did not
enter the as a stern to condemn and to punish. True,
the time would come when He would do that, mete out
retribution to the Jews for their mad unbelief and stubborn
resistance. He foretold it this very day. He already saw the proud
city in 44.
But He
with He comes as the with pardon
for all sinners, to establish a time of grace, in which sinners can
obtain He comes in the name of the Lord, v. 38. He is
the Son whose the Father had ever since man
lost who was and example as the
the Prince of He now has
goes forth uncom-
to be crowned with the crown
~n'''UJUlS blood. But every thorn in
of love and every drop of His