wl1rnlngirul lInutqly
Lehre und Wehre (Vol. LXXVI)
Magazin fuer Ev.-Luth. Homiletik (Vol. LIV)
TheoI. Quarterly (1897-1920)-Theol. Monthly (Vol. X)
Vol. I December, 1930 No. 12
FUERBRINGER, L.: Paulus in Athen ....... ' ............. 881
ENGELDER, TH.: The Active Obedience of Christ ....... 888
GRAEBNER, TH.: Reformed Tendencies in Certain Amer-
ican Lutheran Churches ............................... 897
'BERNER, E.: Abhaltung einer Gemeindevisitation ........ 902
ivruELLER, J. T.: Address on Rom. 14, 7-9 at the Memo-
rial Service for Mr. Erling Teigen......... . . . . . . . . . . .. 911
STREUFERT, F. C.: Pastoral Visits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 916
Dispositionen ueber die von der Synodalkonferenz ange-
nommene Serie alttestamentlicher Texte............... 920
Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches. . . . .. 933
Book Review. - Literatur .................................. 953
Em Prediger muss nicht allein weiden,
also dass er die Schafe unterweise, wie
sie rechte Ohristen Bollen sein, sondern
auch daneben den Woelfen wehren, dass
sie die Schafe nicht angreifen und mit
falscher Lehre verfuehren Imd Irrtum ein-
fuehren. - Luthe'r.
Es ist kein Ding, das die Leute mehr
bei der Kirche behaelt denn die gute
Predigt. - Apologie, Art. ~4.
If the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himself to the battle?
1 Oor.14, 8.
Published for the
Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States"
920 SDis\Jofitionen tibet dne 5erie altteftamentHd)et ste&te.
tears in his eyes he then related that at one time he had been a good
member of his church, attending the services fairly regularly. He
then spoke of his downfall; he had pilfered money from letters at
the post-office. He was sorry for his deeds; indeed, he was on the
verge of despondency, so that even the thought of doing away with
himself and "ending it all" had entered his mind. Yet a few Bible-
verses that he remembered had always given him strength to over-
come the temptation. "But I can hardly bear it any longer. All have
turned against me - my family, my friends, and seemingly also my
pastor. I never saw him since I was committed to jail; I never re-
ceived a word or letter from him. Oh, how it would cheer me to re-
ceive only a card!" And in that same strain he continued. I gave
him ample time to unbosom his heart, and I listened attentively.
This gave me an opportunity to diagnose his case and to ponder which
remedy I might offer him from "God's Medicine Ohest," which is so
complete that it has not only one specific, but remedies for all the
sorrows of a troubled soul. I pointed out to him that his misdeeds
were sins indeed, with which he had offended his Lord and God and
given offense to his church, his family, and his friends, and that he
deserved the punishment he was suffering now. Yet he should not
despair. Though all had seemingly turned against him, he still had
one Friend whose love never grows cold, who was always ready to
receive him and always willing to listen to his prayer. And as to his
pastor, he surely remembered him in his prayers. Would his pastor
not welcome a line or two from him in which he would express his
regret for his misconduct and for the offense given ? No doubt he
would then write to him or even come to console him. - Before I bade
him farewell he was visibly cheered, and he requested me to call on
him at my next visit to the penal institution.
Let us remain in contact with such unfortunate prisoners and
do all in our power to save their souls. Fortunate is he who need
not wend his way to the prison door to look after such erring sheep.
Ohicago, Ill. F. O. STREUFERT.
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,!)i~.p.ofitiuueu iUiet bie l.JUU bet ES~uubIlIfuuferelt~
Ilugeuummeue ESerie IlItteftllmeutIidjet ;r:e~te+
~fftef Sonntag im m:bbent.
~ 1- 24.
Weue£l st!irdjenjafjr, neue ~erie. 2Hier nidjt neue .2efjre, f onbern
ba£l ane @:ibangeIium, ba£l ber unberiinberIidje