Full Text for CTM Book Review 1-11 (Text)

(llnurnrbiu W'Qtnlngirul flnut41y Continuing Lehre und Wehre (Vol. LXXVI) Magazin fuer Ev.-Luth. Homiletik (Vol. LIV) Theol. Quarterly (1897-1920) -Theol. Monthly (Vol. X) Vol. I November, 1930 No. 11 CONTENTS Page PIEPER, F.: Eroeffnungsrede zum neuen Studienjahr 1930-1931 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 801 FUERBRINGER, L.: Paulus in Athen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 804 ENGELDER, Th. The Active Obedience of Christ ......... 810 KRETZMANN, P. E.: Die Bekehrung ein Prozess oder eine KrisisP ................................................. 818 DALLMANN, WM.: How Peter Became Pope.. . . . ... . . . . .. 828 KRETZMANN, P. E.: Clerical Vestments in the Lutheran Church .......................... ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 838 Dispositionen ueber die Eisenacher Evangelienreihe ....... 848 STREUFERT, F. C.: Pastoral Visits ....................... 857 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches. . . . .. 864 Book Review. - Literatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 873 Ein Prediger muss nicht allein weide .. , also dass er die Schafe unterweise, wie sie rechte Ohristen sollen sein, sondern auch daneben den Woelfen wehren, dass Bie die Schafe nicht angreifen und mit falscher Lehre verfuehren und Irrtum ein· fuehren. - Luther. Es 1st kein Ding, das die Leute mehr bei der Kirche behaelt denn die gute Predigt. - Apologie, Art. 24. If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? 1 Oor.14, 8. Published for the ;J Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States r CONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. i f .A.RCHIVER :aook Review. -2iteratur. 873 Book Review. - £iteflltuf. :Beacon Lights of Prophecy in the Latter Days. By Oonrad Emil Lindberg. Augustana Book Concern, Rock Island, Ill. 256 pages, 5X7%. Price, $1.50. Dr. Lindberg was dean of Augustana Theological Seminary (Swedish Lutheran) at Rock Island, Ill., and died shortly before this volume issued from the press. The purpose of the book is to "light the way to a better understanding of the prophecies concerning the Second Advent" (p. VII) . Chiefly Daniel and the Book of Revelation are the basis of the author's studies. In spite of his reverence for the Holy Scriptures, the author, we regret to say, has presented the various phases of the Latter Days and the Advent under the aspect of modern Dispensationalism, especially as far as the events connected with the second coming of Christ are con- cerned. There are a thousand years during which Christ and His saints will "shepherdize the nations" (p. 235), preceded by the first and followed by the second resurrection. The Biblical "times" are figured as equal to 360 years (on the basis of Lev. 26, 24, where "times" certainly does not bear this interpretation);" and the "time of the Gentiles" is held to be 2,520 years, corresponding to the image of N ebuchadnezzar, our present "time" corresponding to the feet of the image (p. 48, VI), the expulsion of the Turks from Palestine by the British being the preliminary Judg- ment ushering in the close of the Gentile age (p. 168). Gog and Magog are identified with Russia on the familiar equations of modern Chiliasm- Rosh (Russia), Meshech (Moscow), and Tubal (Tobolsk) (p. 221) . The return of the Jews figures prominently. Christ's parable of the fig-tree is held applicable to the restoration of Israel as a nation in its old home, the present English mandate over Palestine being "an outstanding sign for the hope that the restoration promised is approaching" (pp. 46.154). The rebuilding of the Temple and the resumption of the Feast of Taber- nacles may soon be expected (pp. 169. 237). No less than three times (pp. 154.228.237) the 15th chapter in Acts, with its parallel in Amos 9, is said to refer to the restoration of the Jews, an interpretation which is negatived by the plain reading of the text, which refers the fulfilment of this prophecy to the rebuilding of the spiritual Israel through Christian missions, commencing with the work of the apostles among the Gentiles of their day, Acts 15, 12-17. The Book of Revelation is interpreted from a viewpoint which refers the entire body of the book, from chapter 4 to 20, to the revelation of Jesus Christ at His second coming. An extreme literalism characterizes the author's interpretation of these visions. Two Antichrists make war against the saints (p. 190); the political Antichrist will cause bombs to be hurled from airplanes of tremendous size, while the religious Antichrist, "by the voice of his infernal power, hypnotizes the people of the empire and will evidently control the press, telegraph, telephone, and radio in the empire of the Beast" (pp. 159. 191). Their armies will stretch from Megiddo to .. On this and on other points touched upon see the reviewer's Prophecy and the War, passim. 874 Book R.evie.w. -\3ite!atu!. Jerusalem, "a distance of 1,600 furlongs." "To think of a river of human and animal blood about 160 miles in length is an awful thought!" (pp.200. 222). The plagues of the seventh trumpet, the transformation of the sea into clotted and putrescent blood, the darkness falling upon the throne of the Beast either in Rome or Constantinople, the drying up of Euphrates (which will permit soldiers from Japan and China and also the lost ten tribes to reach Palestine) - all are assumed to be literally descriptive (pp. 202 fr.) . The burial of the dead after Armageddon will require literal seven months (p. 230). When the New Jerusalem is established, the de- scription of the Holy City as a cube (Rev. 21) does not disturb the author: "If the city has the same height as breadth and length, it is probable that there are streets or avenues above one another. If these are a mile apart perpendicularly and horizontally, compute how many there would be" (p. 245). In the new heaven the angels will dwell on planets and stars, and "as the saints shall judge or govern the angels, this government must be in such stellar worlds where angels dwell" (p. 247) . The reviewer confesses a feeling of dejection, almost of dismay, after reading this work of a Lutheran professor of theology. The extracts above submitted reveal the Dispensationalist-chiliastic premises on which the book has been written. As a document demonstrating the need of sound her- meneutics as a safeguard against the Reformed influence in our eschatology it has a certain gloomy, if negative, importance. THEODORE GRAEBNER. The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ. A Reappearance. Vol. I: John to the Seven Churches. By William J. McKnight, D. D. Hamilton Brothers, Publishers, Boston, Mass. 321 pages, 5XS. Price, $3.00. This is the first of a series of four volumes devoted to the exposition of Revelation. It covers the first three chapters, the seven letters to the churches. The author, who is pastor of a Reformed Presbyterian church in Boston, has consulted Swete, Godet, and Ramsay, but has read with a critical spirit also the Inte1'national Oritical Oommentary, Meyer, and other texts which represent a negative attitude on the historical criticism of the book. McKnight assumes that the Apocalypse was written by in- spiration and that its author is the Apostle John. Each chapter is first treated grammatically on the basis of the Greek text; then follows an interpretative translation, then the exegesis proper, which is always sane and practical. We are looking forward with some interest to the attitude of this writer in subsequent volumes towards the Dispensationalist-chiliastic interpretation of the Apocalypse. THEODORE GRAEBNER. Outstanding Women of the Bible. For the Women of the Church of To-day. The Book Concern, Columbus, O. 291 pages, 6XS. Cloth. Price, $2.00. Order from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. This volume contains eighteen portrayals of Old Testament and a like number of portrayals of New Testament women; also a chapter on "Old Testament Ideals for Women" and one on "New Testament Ideals for Women," with a concluding chapter on "Women in Biblical Symbolism." Originally the sketches were written by R. C. H. Lenski; afterwards the late W. H. Price reproduced them in English for the women of his church at Detroit. The translator's son, Lawrence S. Price, completed the repro- Book R~view. - mttrntur. 0'7'" VI'" duction and offers the sketches in a good translation "to the women of the Church in general for their instruction and edification in the name of our blessed Savior." The portrayals are brief, simple, and Scriptural, showing both the virtues and the faults of the characters depicted. They are ad- mirably adapted for study in ladies' aid meetings or women's Bible classes, or they may be used for private study at home. Occasionally the reviewer was obliged to differ from the author's views. Thus it is hardly credible that "God Himself sent Samuel to terrify the woman and to reveal to Saul his doom" (p. 95). Also, the reviewer believes that, after all, the New Testament ideal for women is quite the same as the Old Testament ideal, a fact which the author denies (pp. 278 ff.). Both center in the great Christian virtues of faith, hope, and love. J. T. MUELLER. lRea,tfenignng nnb ,5JeiHgnng. IHne hilififd)e, tljeo!o\Jiegefd)id)tfid)e unb f~fte= matifd)e Unterfud)ung. lBon D. theo!. ~ b 0 ! f ,\'l; 0 li e r ! e. l3eip3ig/1929. SlBrffHng & tj'ranfe. 307 6eiten 23X19. ~reis: M.16.50. Slies Q)ud) mad)t grofles ~uffe!)en. ,,~s ift ein Q)ud)/ Illie es unfere @egen= Illart liraud)t; benn Die Illid)tigften refigiofen unb Hrd)fid)en tj'ragen ber @egenlllart breljen jid) aUe birdt um bie ffied)tfettigung unb ©eiHgung ober fteljen bod) bamit in lBerliinbung. . .. ~s ift ein Q)ud)/ bas in bem lBetfaffer ben tommenben 6~fte= matifer bel' !utljerifd)en ~itd)e Sleutfd)!anbs ausllleift." (~ird)L ,8eitfd)rift.) ",\'l;iiliede mad)t Mn ©eljI bataus, bafl er ein 6d)iHer l3utgets ift, bafl lJJ1iinnet Illie lBHmat, l30lje unb Q)C03e! iljm l3eud)ten bet Slliagtf)eit jinb, bafl et bon gan3em ©eraen !utljerifd)et %geo!oge ift. . .. 6agt et bann nid)t ~rtes, ~Ulidanntes ~ :Sa, Illas et fagt, ljat fd)on ~au{us, gat l3utljet, galien :SgmefS unb anbere gefagt. Unb bod) jiegt aUes toie neue Q)otf d)aft, neue %geologie, aus; ,\'l;oliede ift ~igen= tgeo!oge/ luebet 9cad)beter nod) 9Cad)aljmer. ~r fd)iipft fe!lift aus frifd)en DueUen. Slarum gegt feine ffiebe in frifd)er ~taft nnb bietet eine %geo{ogie aus bet ,8eit fUt bie ,8eit, bie!megr aus bel' ~Illigteit f)in our ~IDigfeit." (~Ug. ~b.=l3utlj. ~itd)en3eitung.) 60 Illeit eignen Illit uns bies UrteH an, bafl ,\'l;oliede (bet mit l3utget unb ben Q)efenntniSfd)riften, aud) mit ben neneten unb neueften tljeo!ogi= id)en ~tfd)einungen llloI)! bertraut ift) in bet ;tat Die fdJriftgemiifle l3eljre bon ber :Jied)tfertigung unb i\Jrem lBerljiirtniS aU ber '\':leifigung 'oar!egt. ~r lef)rt eine :Jied)tfettigung propter Ohristum, sola fide, sola gratia. ,,~uf ben fnappften unb fd)iirfften ~usbruct gat ~aulus ben @egenfat feiner Q)otfd)aft 3U aUen b~na= mifd)en ~r!iifungstatcgorien gebrad)t mit ben Slliorten ,ffied)tfertigung bes @oti= lofen', ffiom. 4, 5 ... , :iDie l3eljre bon bet iustitia forensis, luie jie 'oieffiefotma= toren in 3aljlreid)en, tl)eologtfd) fd)arf gefd)liffenen tj'otmulientngen gepriigt !)aben, ift filt jie genau IDie fur ~au{us nid)ts anberes alS ein lautetes, 'oanfbares Q)e= tenntniS oU (,l;griftus :S~fus, bet fid) oU ben ,8iiUnetn gefett gat, bet alS ein guter .\';Iirte mit bem ~infat feines l3ebens fid) aufgemad)t gat, bas lBer!orene uno lBet= irrte aU fud)Clt unb aU retien. . .. Slie lBergebung ljeiflt iustificatio impii; fit gef d)ie!)t extra hominem in foro coeli; fie ift cine promissio gratuitae remis- sionis peccatorum propter Christum, eine imputatio iustitiae Christi .... mdner unb @roter ~ated)iSmus liefennen fo lieftimmt Illie Die 6d)maUalbifd)C1t ~tmef hie satisfactio vicaria. Slet gtofle ffiec!)tfertigungsgeiang bon 1523 (,91un frent end), liebe(,l;l)tiften g'mein') tiif)mt bie Q)atmgeqigteit @ottes, bet fid)'s ,fein Q)eftes toften' liejj. Slem :l:e);t bon :Sef.53 Illar bet ffiefonnatot ,fonbedid) f)olb', feine ~teoigtbedunbigung f)at ~nfang uno ~noe in bem ,©angen an bem ftemben !Uled, io [ljdftus geton ljat'." ~iibede Illeift barum 3. Q). bie @arantietfJeotie ao, 876 Book Review. - 53iteratur. tuie fie in jiingfter 3eit bor aUem .Rat! ©oU bOtgetragen l)at, nad) tnefd)er ,,@ott im ~ft kiet lRed)tfettigung kiie bon il)m getuitfte enkigiiItige @eted)tmad)ung fd)on borausfiel)t unki aUf @runb biefes borl)ergefel)enen moUenbungs3ieIs bie @5Un~ kier, nun bod) anal~tifd), geted)tf~tid)t". lillenn kier merfaffet in ber mokiemen :tl)eologenf~tad)e tebet, tebet et unHat, \Dol)l gat bedel)tt; 3. lB.: "lillenn ~~fug botausfetungs{os metgeuung utingt, bann fann et bas nut tun, tueil et fid) aus bem Utf~tung unb bet ~inl)eit mit bem fteien 53ieliestatfd)luf3 fommen tudf3, tueU er fid) tatftid)lid) tueif3 alS kier ettuattete ~effias, in kiem fid) @ott kiet feinem lilliUen entftembeten ~enfd)l)eit aUfs neue aUt ®emeinfd)aft 3uneigt." ~usfagen tuie biefe hebUtfen aum minbeften einet ~dHirung: "lillitb umgefel)tt bas ~ban~ gclium nut fotenfifd), alS ein UrteH iibet uns, bediinbigt ol)ne lBe3eugung kies ,~ofitiben lilliUens, bet uns l)eiligt' .... " ,,~ine juribifd)e metengung bes SDogma~ in bet Drtl)obobie mUf3 3ugegeuen tuetben." SDutd)aus bedel)tt ift biefe frormu~ nerung: ,,9JleIand)tl)on fagt fiit @nabe metgeuung. 53 u t l) e t fag t f U t @ nab e mer g e li u n gun b © e i rig u n g, Dfianbet ©eiligung unb met~ geliung. SDie fatgolifd)e .Rird)e fagt fiir @nabe nur ©eHigung." iler @5at, kiaf3 ,,~eland)tgon, inbem er einer rein im~utatiben ~uffaffung ber lRed)tfertigung ~nfel)en berfd)affte, bamit ben neuteftamentlid)en lReid)tum bes c5,,,,awvv ber~ fiit3te", ftel)t in miibetf~rud) mit bem @5at: "friir ben ftteng im~utatiben (Q;l)a~ rafter biefet @5teUe [lRiim. 4, 5] f~tid)t uefonbets bas unmittelbar folgenbe ,{lUai aus !):If. 32. SDen lillortd)ataftet bon c5,,,,awvv alS cinet tein urteHenben giittlid)en lBegnabigungsentfd)eibung befttitigen femer @5teUen tuie lRiim. 3, 20 unb 24; 4,3 ff.; @al. 2, 16; 3, 11." SDie ~usfiil)rungen Ulier bie ©eiligung finb ttefflid) in il)ret @riinblid)feit unb il)rem ~tnft. Unb bas ted)te merl)tiltniS bon lRed)tfertigung unb ©eiligung tuitb aufgeaeigt. ,,~us bem @laulien ffie!len bie lilletfe unb fel)ren tilier ®eliet unb fittlid)e ,{lud)t 3um ®laulien 3utiicf, um bon bort in gefteigerter frreubigfeit unb .Rraft aghlb tuieber aus3uftriimen." ~n bem .Ra~ite! "SDie l8e~ beutung ber ©eiligung fiir merluft unb l8etuagrung bes ®laubensftanbes" tuirki reinlid) gefd)iekien. ,ililldl bie ©eHigung fid) am ®laulien ent3iinbet unki nid)t umgdel)rt, kiarum fann kier @faube ben (Q;l)riften in bet ©eUigung lietual)ten, nid)t abet bie ©eiligung im ®laulien." "SDie %od)tet ,©eHigung' fann bie ~uttet ,met~ gebung' 3tuar nid)t et3eugen, tuofJ! abet tiiten." ~n bem @5at "SDet ~ntinomiSmus, bet bie 5Jlottuenbigteit ber ©eHigung 3ut ~rfJaltung bes @laubens beftteitet" liegt batum eine ~ntgleifung bot. - frOtt unb fott tuitb bie sola gratia heim @5eH\J~ tuerben, bie eigene @5d)ulb beim metfotengefJen betont, "bet fJatte SDualiSmus bon @ottes ~Ueintuidfam!eit gum ©eH unb bon menfd)Hd)et ~Ueintuidfamfeit 3um metbetlien". ,,~ud) l)iet gilt tuiebet bie !):Iatabobie, baf3 bas SDienen fdnen bom ,{lom ®ottes errettet, fein Untetlaffen abet untueigetHd) jeben berbitbt." "mias unbetbient betliel)en tuutbe, gel)t betbientermaf3en betluftig." ,,~tuige ~ttettung aus ~tbatmen ober etuiges metlotengefJen burd) bie l80sfJeit unf ers miiUens.· ,,~ein @lauben gefd)iefJt sola gratia, bas repugnare ift mea maxima culpa." SDet @5~netgiSmus tuitb barum tuiebetfJolt abgetuiefen. SDie l8defJrung "ift eine creatio ex nihilo im ~enfd)en". l8etteffs~eland)tfJons unb ber !):Il)m~~iften @5~nergiSmus l)eif3t es: ,,~Uein bamit, kiaf3 man bie voluntas assentiens kies ~enf d)en bei ber lilliebergeburt ben giittHd)en lillitfungs!rtiften (Verbum, Spiri- tus) alS tertia causa gleid)bered)tigt auorbnete, tuat ber ~enfd) eben nid)t mel)t ein subiectum convertendum, fonbem feine 3uftimmung tuutbe au einer kiem giittHd)en lillitfen ebenbUrtigen causa salutis. . .. @ott gab, tuie bie @5~net\Jiften fag ten, ben :taler, kier ~enfd) nut cinen ©eUet, unb bod) tuar kiamU - kias ct. fannten bie @nefiolutfJeraner mit unbefted)Hd)er @etuiffensfd)tirfe - bie ~tliifun\J Book Review.- mteratur. 877 mieber in bie ~anb befl Wlenfd)en gelegt./I trerner: /I~fl mUll alfo aud) bie ~d~ ligung genau f 0 mie bie mliebergeburt bon iebem ft)nergiftif d)en Wlif3berftiinbniS freigelJctlten werben./I ~a, fo weit gelJt Sfiibetle: ,,~ber bctrin lJat bie trorme1 bti aUer lBorfid)t bod) gefelJlt, wenn fie bafl befrette ~anbeln, bafl bod) mit feinem StUd bon uns, fonberu ctusfd)ltef3Hd) bon @ott ausgelJt, cin cooperari genannt lJat." 5d)Hef3Iid) wirb aucl} bot ~inmen\Jung bon 5t)netgiSmus in bieWlctterie bon ber lEewctlJrung beil @Ictubens gewctrut (5. 264). Wlctn fielJt, Sfiivetle will mit bem 5t)nergiSmus unberwotten bleiben. ~ber - er lJctt fid) bon bem mober~ nen \lcttetmctnnfd)en 5t)nergiilmus beftticfen laffen. "lBon ~ntfd)eibung, Utl\lelJor~ fam, 5d)ulb fann finnboUerweife iebod) nur bann gef1Jrod)en werben, wenn burd) bas mlort aud) widlid) eine ~eufd)ii1Jfung im ·Wlenfd)en entftanben war unb er nun wiiglen tonnte 5wifd)en ben veiben in il)m iett Iebenbig wirffamen lJl:eicf)en: bem natiirlid)en j)J:eid) ber 5Unbe unb bem auil @ott ftammenben j)J:eid) bet @nabe. . . .mlo @ottefl ®ort aUf ben ®illen widt, ba lJat er gleid) wie bor bem traU feine mlalJIfreilJeit 3urUderlJaIten. . .. S)ie neue @5d)ii1Jfung bes @eiftes fommt agne, ia wiber ®illen bes Wlenfd)en; ift fie ilJm aber 3uteil geworben, fo fann er fid) bon ilJt tragen laffen ober - fie berneinen unb berad)ten./I (5.176 f.) S)e1: unbefelJrte Wlenfd) lJat alfo bod) fd)lief3lid) bie Sfraft, fid) fUr @ott iU entfd)eiben. Unb bas i ft 5t)nergiSmus. SfiiberIe lJat bail ~ntereffe, bie lEetelJrung alil dnen moralifd)en, etlJifd)en lBorgang iU erlJalten, was bem !monergiilmus nid)t miiglid) fei. !man fiinne nid)t "bon ~ntfd)dbung, UngelJorfam, @5d)ulb/l reb en, wenn bet Wlenfd) nid)t bie !mad)t lJabe, fid) fUr @ott au entfd)eiben. S)atum finbet et im 5t)nergiSmus (bem bon ilJm berworfenen) wie im ~e!agianiilmuil "einen wefent~ lid)en ®alJrlJeitsferu". "S)ail ~nliegen ber fitHid)en lBerantwortung einbrUdHd) ~u fdnem j)J:ed)t gebrad)t au lJaben, ift bie @rof3e beil ~efagianiSmuil." (S)er ~uil~ brucf !monergiilmuil witb nur aur lEeaeid)nung beil (,i;albiniSmuil gebraud)t: "trUl: ben!monergiften fommt veibeil, ~rIiifung u n b lBerwerfung, bon @ott." S)af3 biefer ~usbrucf in ber lutlJerifd)en :tlJeologie bie \lelJre bon ber sola gratia in ber lEefelJrung be3dd)net, fommt nirgenbil aum ~usbrucf.) ~ier5u fagen wir nun erftlid), baf3 bie 5d)rift nicljtil wdf3 bon dnet fold)en ~eufd)ii1Jfung im 9Jlenfd)en, bon dner hJieberlJergefteUten ®alJlfrdfJeit; Riiberle macljt auclj feinen lBerfud), es auil ber 5d)tift au erlJiitfen. ,Bum anbern, @otteil ®ort lJiiIt ben Wlenfd)en, ber feine®alJlfreifJeit lJat, berantwortlid) fUr fein ®iberftreben; mit boUem 3led)t, benn er wiberfttebt freiwillig. Unb in ber lEetelJrung witb ber !menfd) willig gemad)t burd) cine ~eufd)ii1Jfung. ~il gelJt ba aUeil etlJifd) au. 5d)lief3lid) wiberf1Jrid)t Riiberle fid) felbft. ~r fagt beutlid) unb felJr rid)tig aUf 5eite 145: n~il ift bail donum Spiritus Sancti, qui fidem efficit, bewitft olJne, ia wiber unfer ®oUen, aUcin burd) bail briingenbe, einlabenbe j)J:ufen @otteil in unil, bas uns beawang (conversio passiva)." !miige @ott @nabe geben, baf3 ber lBerfaffet fid) bon ber ®alJrlJeit biefes Sates unb iener anberu @5iite: ,,9Jldn @Iauben ge~ fd)ielJt sola gratia, bas repugnare ift mea maxima culpa" balJin btingen laffe, llctf3 er bas trUnblein bon gefd)enften @nctbenfriiften Uber lEorb werfe! !mandjes anbere mUf3 ctudj Uber lEorb geworfen hJerben; a. lE. bie ~emgung mUf3 ftad be~ tont werben, ctber bie j)J:ed)tfertigung fd)lief3lid) bod) ctm ftiirfften. S)ctrctuf mctcljt aud) bcts ,,:tlJeol. \literaturblatt" ctufmedfctm: ,,~r bringt barauf, bctf3 ,lJinter unb neben ber 3led)tfertigung bie ~emgung biil in ben iiuf3erften Umfctng lJinein auf SfcttlJeber unb Rctnael, in lEud) unb Unterrid)t wenigftens im lBerf)iiItnis bon 2:1 au ®orte lommt'. S)ie ,Baf)lenformel ift mit gutem @runb in ber aweiten ~uflctge gefctUen." ~n biefem ,Bufcrmmenf)crng geiflt es crud): ,,\lutger trug beibes in fid), bie Dttf)obobie unb ben ~ietismus." (15. 284.) 878 Book Review. - .l3itctatut. Unicteinet fann cs nicljt liegteifen, wic D . .!l'lilietfe fld) an bie tefotmierte j)afultiit in 58aiel lietufen laffen fonnte. (§;t mad)t in feinem 58uclj j)tont Ilegen betfcljiebene tefotmiette ~n!eflten. Wetben bas feine .!l'oUegen bulben 1 Unb witb et iflte ~tttfimet bulb en ? ~UetDings, in bet ~nenbmafllSleflte witb e~ teinen ~onflm geven. 150 betftelJen wit ben l5at: ,,@egenUnet ben tefotmicrten 58e!enntniffen bon bet @emeinfcljaft, bie bie ficlj aUffcljwingenbe l5ee!e im ~ i m < mel fucljt, flielt .l3utljet feft an bem im l5aftament BUt (§; t b e fommenben bet< Witten ~(§;tm, bet jetlt fcljon fo mit feinet @emeinbe flanbeft unb tJedel)t±, wie er es einft auclj am ~Ungften stag tun witb." SDas fann feine 58ef cljteioung bet .l3eljte bon bet \Reallltiifena fein. - D . .!l'obetle ljat ein in mancljet 58eaieljung bot< ttefflicljes 58uclj gefcljtieoen. WCoge et au boUet (§;tfenntniS bet !utljetifcljen \3egu butcljbringen! SDann witb auclj fUt if}n in 58afe! feincs 58!eioens nicljt meljt fein. st I). (§; n gel bet. I5ljnubnllieridjt b~ !8rnjUinnifdjen 5l)iftril't~ bet (§;b.<.13 utlj. 151)nobe bon IJJlif< fouti, Dljio u. a. 15t. 1930. ~teis: 30 <§:Hl. SDiefer 58eticljt ift fUt uns bon gtotem ~nteteffe, nicljt nut locH Ct bes fiingmn fibet Die WCifjion in 58tl1jilien beticljtet unb uns g!eicljfam bas ganDe @emcinbe< Ieben botfUljt±, fonbem auclj infonbetfJeit beswegen, wei! bas \Rcfetat ~tof. Dr. ~. Ifl. ~. ~aljns fioet bas stfJema ,,~om Untetfcljieb bes @efetles unb bes (§;IJan< \leliums" ausfUfJdid) batgeooten witb. ~uf @tunb ber liefannten (§;inteilung bes Unterf cljieoes: 1. nad) ber Weif e, wie jie bem WCenfd)en offenliatt worben jln'o, 2. nad) ifJtem ~nfJa1t, 3. naclj iljm: Widung, witb in ben Untetaliteilungen aUcs lielJanbelt, was ein <§:fJtift, unb fonbetliclj ein ~aftot, Uliet 'oiefe wicljtigc .l3eljre wiffen foUte. 58efonbets wettboU finb einae1ne SDar1egungen, in vqug auf we1d)c oft UnUatlJeit ljcttfd)t, 3. 58.: 00 nicljt auclj bas (§;bangelium btolje unb betbamme; bie SDatfteUung bes .l3eibens unb I5teroens ~(§;fu alS ciner 58uBllrebigt; 00 aud) bas (§;bangelium \Rene wide; baB auclj bet <§:fJriit, fofem et noclj j)leifd) ift, ilUtd) bas @efetl iiutetliclj einigetmaten in ,8ud)t gelJalten witb, unb anbete mefJt. SDas .l3cfen biefes 58eticljts wirb gewit fUr ieben bon grot em l5egen fein, uub bet ~teis ift angcflcljts bcs Umfanges bes 58eticljg (106 l5eitcn) witUiclj niebtig. ~. (§; . .!l' t e tl man n. The Faith That Rebels. By Prinoipal D. S. Oairns, D. D. Doubleday, Doran & Co., New York. 260 pages, 5% X71!z. Price, $2.50. The subtitle of this volume, "A Reexamination of the Miracles of Jesus," explains the somewhat startling title, which at first glance might lead the casual reader astray. The book is really a learned apologetic, the purpose of which is to vindicate the "reasonableness of the miracles of Jesus." In a way, it is the sequel to the author's apologetic work The Reasonableness of the Ohristian Faith. Rejecting the Modernist view of the miracles of Christ, which denies their reality, he endeavors to show that the "traditional view" of our Lord's miracles, according to which they are primarily "evidential portents, seals attached to the divine message, to authenticate it," adds to their difficulty, and, in addition, does not comport with the Scriptural view, which is neither that of tra- ditionalism nor that of Modernism. The author holds that the miracles are rather "manifestations of the Kingdom and that they are wrought by the Spirit of God through the ideal faith of the Founder and in re- Book Review. - 2iteratur. 879 -sponse to the faith of those who through Him enter into the Kingdom" (p. ()7). "As such they are anticipations and proleptic manifestations of the Kingdom in its perfection when the reign of sin and death shall have been finally broken." The faith that effects these miracles is a "creative and rebellious faith, rebellious not against the Supreme Will, but against the intruding and transient evils of human life" (p. 196). Around this theory, which certainly contains elements of truth, the author has grouped the nine chapters of his book, which serve to elucidate and confirm it. Nevertheless, the author's learned treatise does not fully convince. His theory does not supplant the traditional view, but rather supplements it. ]loth views belong together. The miracles of Ohrist were both a part of His message and a confirmation of it. This is clear from His words: "The works that I do in My Father's name, they bear witness of Me." John 10, 25. This fact must not be forgotten, as it is attested by the Savior Himself. - The book now appears in its second edition, which proves that the demand for it is wide and lasting. To the thoughtful student it affords both pleasure and profit, though its perusal is rather ,difficult and demands care and discrimination. Dr. Oairns is principal of the United Free Ohurch Oollege in Aberdeen, Scotland. J. T. MUELLER. G::ingegllngcnc lBiidjet. merlug bon (,\;. ~ertersmann, ®Utersfolj: 'faeitriige 5Ut iYilrllerung a,tiftlhf)er 5tljeologie. &'derausgeoer: ~rof. D. ~. 6 dj fat t e r, :tUbingen, unb ~rof. D. ml. 2 U t \J e r t, &'dane a. 6. SI. ~anb. 1. &'deft: l/91eue Quenen 3U ~uguft &'dermann i\'ranck" mon TIr. ~ u g u ft 91 e b e. XL unb 96 6eiten 5%X8%. ~reis: M.4. - 2. &'deft: I/:Der ~\)riosgfauoe bes 91euen :teftaments unb bas Sffieffiasoelllujitfein :;S~fu." mon D. :D. ~L i\' r ii big. 118 6eiten. ~reis: M. 3.50. - 3. &'deft: lI:Der Sffiif~ iionsgeoanfe in bet ft)ftematifel)en :tl)eologie feit 6djfeiermadjer,1I mon ~ r n ft 3 u r 9l i e ben, :Darmftabt. 150 6citen. ~teiS: M. 4.50. - 4. &'deft: lI:Das Comma Johanneum." ~in nadjgefaffenes mlerf bon D. ~ b u arb rn: i g g e n ~ b a el) t. 43 6eiten. ~reis: M.1.50. 32. ~anb. 1. &'deft: I/:Der ~farrer unb bie gegenlll1irtige 2age bet :tljeologie." mon ~tof. D. ~ t i dj 6 el) 1i bet, ~reslau. 59 6eiten 5%X8%. ~teis: ])11.1.80. - 2. &Jeft: I/:Der ~tfiifungsgebanfe in bet neueren :tljeologie." mon ml i 1lj elm 2 U t g e r t. 89 6eiten. ~teis: M.2.50. - 3. &'deft: l/®ebadjtniS~ rebe aUf S'~ermann ('\;remer.1/ mon D. ~ t i dj 6 dj 1i bet, ~reslau. 31 6eiten. lllreis: M.1. - 4. &'deft: I/:Der ®ott be!) mlortes nnb bie Sffiiffion." mon ~tof. D. ~ r i dj 6 dj 1i be r, ~teslau. 36 6eiten. ~reis: M. 1.20. - 5. &'deft: lI:Die mlaljtljeit ber altteftamentlidjen rn:eligion." mon ~rof. D. ~ b u at b ~ ii n i g , ~onn. 56 6eiten. lllreis: M.2. - 6. &'deft: I/&Jerbers ~rtenntniSleljre in iljret ~ebeutung fUr feinen religiiifen rn:ealismus. 1I mon ~farret ml. b e ~ 0 0 t , .reor~ besljagen bei .reiislin. 120 6eiten. !j:lrcis: M. 3.50. 33. ~anb. 1. &'deft: I/:Die .reirdje bell Sffiattlj1ius.1/ mon D. ~. 6 dj rat t e t, ~rofeffor in :tiibingcn. 37 6eiten. ~teiS: M. lAO. - 2. &Jeft: I/®tunbbegrifft cinet Sffior~ljologie bes neuteftamentlidjen 5!:lenfens." mon ®. 6 tau f f e t, Lie. theo!. 99 6eiten. ~reis: M. 3. - 3. &'deft: I/rn:eidjstem~el unb Drts~emgtUmer 880 Book Review. - ~Hetatut. in :5!ltae1.· mon D. %~. t; ft t e i ~ e r , ()etbelberg. 56 Seiten. !l\teill: M.1.80. - 4. ()eft: n:5~full atll !!BeltboUenbet." mon D. Dr. :5 0 a ~ i m :5 ere m i a!l r !l\rofeffor in @teiflllllalb. 88 Seiten. !l\teiIJ: M.3. iliefe "lBeittiige aUt friitbetung ~tiftlid)er %~eologie" j'te~en 3lllifd)en einet' 3eitf d)rift unb lBUd)etn. !!Bit fennen fie f d)on f eit bielen :5a~ten unb ~aben batht Illertbolle ~in3elunterfud)ungen unb ~b~anblungen gefunben, unb 31llar meiftenll bon llofitib gerid)teten %~eotogen bet @egenlllart. ilall grUnblid)e !!Bed bell !l\a~ liiftinaforfd)erll ilalman Uber "Dtte unb !!Bege :5~fu" ift 3uerft in biefen lBeitriigen erfd)ienen. %I)eologen Illie (). (i);remer, :5. ~iigel, ~. Sd)latter unb anbere ~aben lBeitrdge geliefert. !man Illirb nid)t allen ~b~anb!ungen beiftimmen fiinnen, aber anbererfem barin einge~enbe Illiffenfd)aftlid)e Unterfud)ungen finben unb bielfad). fold)e Ubet @egenj'tlinbe, Uber bie man fonj't nid)t biel finbet. !!Bir fiinnen nid)t aUf aUe ()efte nd~er einge~en, Illerben aber ball eine unb anbere befonber!J be'" fllred)en. ~. fr U r br i n get. From Willett, Clark & Colby, Chicago and New York:- Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed Cynic. By Reilnhold Niebuhr. 198 pages, 5lhX8. Price, $2.00. From Charles Scribner's Sons, New York and London:- What's Life All About!' A Key for Those who Ask the Question. By Bertha Gonde. 270 pages, 5lhX7lh. Price, $2.00. From Fleming H.Revell Co., New York, Chicago, London, Edinburgh:- For Average Christians. By Harold B. Shepheard, M. A. 95 pages .. 5X7lh. Price, $1.25. From the Pilgrim Press, Boston: - Science and Life. By Robert A. Millikan. Price, $1.00. This book shows at least that Millikan does not support atheistic and agnostic theories, as has been asserted. A Lutheran School Training. By PauZ T. Busziln. Published by the- Board of Christian Education of the Missouri Synod. 1930. Order from A. C. Stellhorn, 604 S. Maple Ave., Oak Park, Ill. 12 pages" 3X5lh· Please Take Notice. Kindly consult the address label on this paper to ascertain whether your subscription has expired or will soon expire. "Nov 30" on the label means that your subscription has ex-- pired. Please pay your agent or the Publisher promptly in order' to avoid interruption of service. It takes about two weeks before- the address label can show change of address or acknowledgment of remittance. When paying your subscription, please mention name of pub- lication desired and exact name and address (both old and new, if change of address is requested).