Full Text for CTM Book Review 1-9 (Text)

anfen, bat aus all bem qeif3en ffHngen eine frlietf etung qerborgegangen iff, lmtclj bie niclji meqr ber bie ~aqrqeit berfaIfcljenbe i~Iamitifclje @eif±, f!)n~ bem ber @eif± unfers ~®rm ttJeq±, ber alles neu maclji. ZSf± e~ auclj niclj± in jebem einadnen g:alIe gdungen, bie araliifcljen ~ode burclj ecljt aftifa~ nifclje i1U erfeten, fo ift boclj ber eingefcljIagene ~eg, ben fcljon mamro±q, ttJenn auclj e±ttJ~ aagqaft, lietreten qatie, ficljer ber ricljtige j benn er ediift unfer aftUanifcljes ~rif±enbOa au~ ber unqeHbolIen @eliunbenqeit an bie is!amitifclje @ebanfenttJert. @50 erlli:irie mir ber fcljttJarae P. llnartin @anifLJa in 5Dar es @5a!aam naclj bem 2efen ber neuen frlietfetung bes 9liimerliriefs: ,ZSet± erft fange iclj an au betf±eqen, ttJ~ ~auIus uns au fagen qat.' @50 qat ttJoqI ber )BerIiner ~rofeffor ~ef±etmann reclji, ttJenn er inlJiefer frlier~ fetung einen ttJefentricljen g:odfcljritt unfer~ 5Dienf±es an ~ftUa fieqt. @eqt lJie frlietfetung im einaernen auclj ttJeit iilier mamro±q qinaus, fo ttJeiclj± fie boclj nirgenbs bon bem bon iqm gettJiefenen ~ege ali unb qat fo bas ~ram~ ro±qfclje ®rlie, ttJenn es i:iuf3ediclj auclj eine ttJefentHclj beriinbede @eftaH erqaHen qat, nur fUr bie neue Beit, bie in ~ftUa angelirocljen ift, nutliar unb ftucljtliringenb gemacljt. " g:. ~. 4 • ~ Book Review. - £iteftltuf. :Biblia Hebraica, adjuvantibus A. Alt, G. Beer, J. A. Bewer, 1!'. BuhZ, J. Hempel, 1!'. Horst, M. Loehr, O. Prooksoh, G. Quell, W. Rudolph, cooperante A. Sperber, edidit Rud. Kittel. Textum Masoreticum curavit P. KahZe. C~i1n ,ElO, Liber Psalmorum, praeparavit 1!'. BuhZ. Editio tertia, denuo elaborata. !ptibUegtette !lIlUtttembetgtfd}e fBtbel. anftaU, 6tuttgart. 1930. 127 6eiten 6%X9%. ilielJ tft nun fd}on ein tueitmlJ &Jeft tn bet botaUg(id}en ~ulJgabe ber ~ebriii. fd}en fBibelbon .Rittel. !!Bit filnnen nur tuteber~olen, tualJ tuir in biefet 3eitfd}tift in ber 9'.nainummer, 6. 392, fd}on gefagt ~aben. ~g ift bie fd}ilnfte unb befte ~ebriiifd}e fBibel, bie aUf bem 9'.narft ift, unb obtno~l ber fBegrUnber unb 2etter be1J Unterne~men1J, !prof. Dr. Utub . .Rittel, am 20. ,I:)ftober 1929 geftorben ijt (fie~e ffebruarnummer biefer 3eitfd}rift, 6. 153), fo tuirb bod} bie ~rbeit o~ne 6tiirung unb unniitigen ~ufent~aU bortuiittlJge~en. .Rittel ~atte bie ilruiflegung biefe!! ~efteg big aur &Jiilfte burd}gefU~rt; fUr ben Uteft be1J &Jefteg ~at ~U bie ®efd}iifte beg &Jerauggebed Ubetnommen. iler fBearbeiter btefelJ %eillJ ber!pfalmen ift bet befannte &Jebratft ff. fBu~l, frU~er tn 2eiP3ig, jett in .Ropen~agen, bet &JetaUlJgeber ber neueren ~u1Jgaben beg ~ebriiifd}en !lIliltterbud}lJ bon ®efeniU1J. 9'.nan mub bie &Jefte genau anfe~en unb gebtaud}en, um eine morftellung bon ber e~aftett .Rletn. arbeit, bie eben bet tiner ~ebriiif~en fBtbel niltig unb unbetmeibltd} ift, au be. lommen. 2. ff U r b rt n g e r. Book Review. - 53itetatut. 713 Novum Testamentum Graece cum apparatu critico curavit Dr. Eberhard Nestle; novis curis elaboravit Erwin Nestle. Editio quarta decima. ~tibHegierte m.ititttembetgifd)e mibeIanftart, I5tuttgatt. 1930. 662 l5eiten 4X6, in ,£lcintvann mit 00IntiteI gebunben. 5l)ie ~anbfid)e ~uilgabe beil gtiecf)ifd)en lJCeuen :teftamentiJ bon bem berftot~ benen 0ele~tten <§'ber~atb lJCeftfe ift fo tveit betbteitet, bat fie nid)t nut innet~ ~alb stvciunbbtcitig ~a~ten biet3e~n ~uflagen etIebt ~at, fonbern aud) tvegen i~tet internationalen lBet6teitung cine latcinifd) gefd)tiebene <§,inleitung ~at, ba Mefe aUgemeine 0eIe~ttenf1Jtad)e am 6eften bem ,(jtvecre bet <§'tIiiuterung aUet <§,in3el~eiten bient.~6et nid)t f 0 vefannt ift, bat nad) bem :tobe lJCeftfeilf cin auf bemfeIben 0ebiete atbeitenbet unb euenfo befonnenet, j1:eitiger unb ttid)tiget 150~n im ~a~te 1927 cine neue ~uffage mit betme~ttem ltitifd)em matetial ~etausgegeben ~at, bon bet in biefem ~a~te fd)on tvieber eine neue ~usgabe et~ fd)ienen ift, bie biet3e~nte, in bet aud) biefet 0eIe~tte 3eigt, tvie unetmtibIidj et ift in bet lBetbejferung unb lBetboUftiinbigung bes hitifd)en ~1J1JatatiJ, inbem et ve~ fonbed bie neuetbings etfdjienenen m.ietfe bon l5anbaU~:tntnet unb m.i .. !haft tivet ben neuteftamentfid)en :tq;t unb bie <§'bangefien3itate bes .ll:itd)enbatets ~tenaus bettvertet ~at. <§'s ift nid)t niitig, nod) ettvas 3um ,£love bet lJCeftfefd)en ~usgabe bes lJCeuen :teftamentiJ 3u fagen. m.iir tibet3eugten uns bei cinem mcfud) me~tetet iiftIid)en ~nftalten, tvie audj in gan3 anbem .ll:teifen biefe ~usgabe gefd)iitt unb geOtaud)t tvirb. <§'S ift unb Meibt eben im aUgemeinen hie vefte, fd)iinfte unb 3uglcidj viUigfte &)anbausgave bes gticdjifdjen lJCeuen :teftamentiJ bet 0egenloatt. £. iJ' ti t V tin get. The Book of Isaiah (Chapters I-XXXIX) in the Light of the Assyrian Monuments. By Oharles Boutfiower, M. A. The Mac- millan Company, New York. 264 pages, 5~ XS%" including Index. Price, $6.50. This unique book, written by the late vicar of Terling, Essex, was pub- lished under the auspices of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, England. The author is favorably known for his book In and Around the Book of Daniel, in which he throws light upon the many moot questions raised by the content of that book. The present volume is a still more complete defense of divine truth as stated in an Old Testament book. It is not a commentary, but it is invaluable for the exegete who is wres- tling with the historical problems which the first thirty-nine chapters of Isaiah's prophecy present. The object of the author was to throw all possible light on these chapters by comparing their contents with the results of the many recent excavations, chiefly in Babylonia and Assyria, the decipherment of cuneiform inscriptions, and the abundant research work carried on by English, French, American, and German scholars. Broadly stated, the excavations prove - what Christian exegetes have long ago believed on the basis of Scriptural affirmation - that also the his- torical statements of Isaiah are literally true. Chapter after chapter the author follows the divine prophecies and views them in the light of con- temporaneous events as these are portrayed in the excavated monuments. The result is, on the whole, most inspiring. The monuments support the prophetic statements so remarkably that one's faith in the Holy Scriptures is greatly strengthened by this amazing external evidence. The author's research has been profound and exhaustive. He has not overlooked a single 714 Book Review. - £literatut. fact that might be helpful in illumining the passages in question and giving them new importance, new force, new vividness, new majesty and beauty. That does not mean that the author is everywhere right in in- terpreting the Scriptures. He holds, for example, that the Immanuel prophesied to Ahaz was the prophet's own son and that the maiden who became His mother was the prophet's second wife. Of course, this Im- manuel he regards as typical of the Prince of Peace who was to be born at some future time. But even so the interpretation is wrong, since St. Matthew, by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, assures us that we have here a direct prophecy of the Messiah. We cite this only as one of the instances where the author fails to do justice to the sacred text. Yet, in spite of these faults, it is hard to see how even the believing student of Isaiah can ignore the vast amount of material which the author, with painstaking care, has treasured up in his great opus. J. T. MUELLER. The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. By Ohar~es E. Erdman. The Westminster Press, Philadelphia. 123 pages, 4%'X7. Cloth with gilt lettering. Price, $1.00. Dr. O. R. Erdman is Professor of Practical Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary and pastor of the First Presbyterian Ohurch, Prince- ton, N. J. In spite of his many tasks he has devoted his spare time for a number of years to writing and publishing popular expositions on the books of the New Testament. The present volume is the tenth of this series, the others being on the four gospels, Acts, Romans, First Oorinthians, the Pastoral Epistles, and the General Epistles. These little books have won for themselves many friends, for they endeavor to expound to the reader in simple, concise, and beautiful language the great thoughts of the sacred text. The exegesis is devotional and practical; it shows that the author has studied with great care, not only the text, but also the works of both the older and the more recent scholars of the New Testa- ment. Oontroversial matters are left out entirely, and the writer steers clear of the vagaries of the higher critics. The reviewer regrets that the doctrinal part of the epistle has not been given more prominence. N ever- theless, in spite of this and other faults which may attach to the book, the reviewer, though not subscribing to all historical and exegetical state- ments, has found pleasure in the perusal of the exposition and has derived from it benefit for a greater appreciation of Paul's Second Epistle to the Oorinthians. J. T. MUELLER. ~ie