Full Text for CTM Theological Observer 1-8 (Text)

ibaten fur eine permanente WnfteIfung in unfern ljoljeren @5t)nobaranftarten merben fidj oei un§ nidjt fellift, fonbern l1:Jerben bon ben &emeinben nominiert. SDie ~aljf l1:Jirt> bon einem bon t>er @5t)nobe ernannten ~aljffoIfegiumboIfaogen, in bem bie Mafe Wuffidji§oeljorbe nur e i n e @5timme ljat. SDie WnfteIfung bon ~Hf§feljrern feiten§ t>er fofafen Wuffidjt§oeljorben ift eoenfa@ burdj ft)nobafe ?Seftimmungen fJefdjriinft. SDa§ ~aljffoIfegium berl1:Jartet ein uoer~ au§ berantl1:Jortung§boIfe§ Wmt. @§ entfdjeibet oei ber ~aljf nidjt aUf &runb afabemifdjer 5titer, fonbetn aUf &runb oefannter ober erfunbe±et 2eljrtudjtigfeit in ben oe±reffenben 2eljtfadjern. j80r aIfen SDingen Wirb neoen ber 2eljrgaoe ber burdjl1:Jeg djriftridj oeftimmte @:ljarafter unb eine bie ~ugenb Iieoenbe &efinnung in ~etradjt geaogen. @§ Hegt in ber Watur ber @5adje, bat in ber !Regef fofdje ~anbibaten oeboraugt I1:J erb en, bie fidj l1:Jenigften§ einige ~aljre im ~ebigtamt unb in ber @5eefforge oel1:Jaljrt ljaoen. iJ· jjS. Theological Observer. - .Ritd){id)~8eitgefd)td)tHd)e§. 621 The Beginnings of the Theological Seminary of the Ohio Synod. - Theological seminaries in the United States naturally had a ten- dency to take their start in log cabins. According to the Lutheran Standard the Lutheran seminary in Columbus, whose centennial was ob- served a few months ago, was not an exception. Our readers will find the Standard's narrative of the founding of the seminary instructive and at once let their thoughts travel to the log hut in Perry County, Mo. We read: "The need of a seminary for the growing Lutheran constituency of the West was sensed by our fathers some years before the seminary was actually opened. A committee summed up the situation with the remark that the seminary was 'highly desirable, but we lack the means.' The problem therefore was to find a man, 'of requisite abilities, ... who would, at least for a short space of time, engage to teach the elementary principles in this institution gratuitously' (page 14 of the History). Such a man was found in the person of William Schmidt; and when he was found, the seminary was opened in his own home in Canton. "That was in October, 1830. Besides instructing his two students in the seminary, Pastor Schmidt was pastor of an extensive parish. He continued his theological teaching in Columbus, whither the seminary was removed in January, 1833. Here 'six students gathered in a low log hut around a rough table to do their studying by the light of a tallow candle.' This little building, on South High Street, Columbus, was the only Lutheran seminary in the Mississippi Valley. It was situated in a malarial district; it was poorly equipped; it was constantly embar- rassed by lack of adequate funds; but the professor and the students appeal to one as men of outstanding faith, calling upon us to emulate them in this regard. "After a brief nine years of spending himself in the service of the Lord and of His Church, the first dean of our theological seminary was called to rest. Fittingly do the Joint Synod minutes of 1839 pay tribute to this hero of faith in the words: 'The fruits of his labors as a pastor, and particularly as professor in our theological seminary, form an abiding monument to his memory.''' While at first doctrinally weak, the seminary gained strength in this respect as the years went by. In 1872 Columbus and St. Louis recognized each other as sisters, a relation which was disrupted when the Predes- tination Controversy burst upon the Church in 1880. God grant that, on the basis of the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, the former sisterly relations may in the not-too-distant future be resumed. A. Is the Lutheran Church of America Using Its Mission Oppor- tunitiesi' - When we are informed that the Lutherans in the United States have regained third place among the Protestant denominations, we are apt to congratulate ourselves on the progress that has been made and con- sider ourselves a very active mission church. However, apart from the great truth that it is the Lord which giveth the increase, there is a con- sideration pointed to in the Lutheran Staooard which may well curb all inclination to entertain too high an estimate of our missionary zeal and activties. The Standard submits figures which a writer in the Quaker publication "The Frimd" published in an article entitled "Potential Lu· therans in the United States." This writer reminds us that in 1920 there 622 Theological Observer. - .reitcf)licf»8eitgefcf)icf)tlicf)e~. were 1,772,600 foreign-born people in the United States whose antecedents, at least, had been Lutheran and 5,638,564 first-generation descendants of foreign-born Lutherans, all of whom represented mission opportunities of the first order. When this great field, white for the harvest, is surveyed, the spirit of exaltation in us over what has been accomplished must rather give way to a feeling of sadness and self-accusations because the sheaves that were brought in have not been far more numerous. From 1916 to 1926 Lutherans increased to the extent of 1,498,487, which is a formidable gain when placed aside of that of the Baptists, who in the same time won 1,287,809 new members; of that of the Methodists, whose increase during those years totaled 903,734; and of that of the Presbyterians, who in this period added 369,658 members. But these denominations did not have a similar host of about seven million people to draw on, people who bore the name Baptist or Methodist or Presbyterian to begin with. Undoubtedly there were some immigrants who were favorably disposed toward one or the other of these churches, or even claimed membership in them, like the Scotch and the Ulster men, whose church connections, as a rule, are Presby- terian, but their number cannot have been very impressive. Summa sum- marum, in view of the splendid opportunities for increase furnished the Lutheran Church in America by the stream of at least nominally Lutheran immigrants and sons and daughters of such immigrants, the gain in mem- bership should have been much larger. Resting on one's laurels is a bad thing in any situation. It is especially reprehensible when the laurels are few and of too slender a variety to offer a comfortable resting-place_ A. Unionism in the U. L. C. -Not long ago we saw the following item in the N. L. O. B.: "The Rev. J. H. Harms, D. D., pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Holy Communion, has been elected president of the Federa- tion of Churches in Philadelphia, Pa." This news item points to one of the chief reasons why Missourians do not fellowship with the churches of the U. L. C. in spite of the latter's sound confessional basis. The U. L. C. is largely unionistic, joining hands with representatives of other demoni- nations in church-work and thus breaking down the barriers between the Church of the pure Word and heterodox bodies. What we need is a re- newed discussion of the famous "Four Points," lodgery, pulpit-fellowship, altar-fellowship, and, in a less degree, Chiliasm. Let all those who love the Lutheran Zion concentrate again on these questions, which were de- bated extensively in the 60's and 70's of the last century. A. Concerning the Rights and Privileges of Congregations. - In the National Lutheran Oouncil Bulletin we read: "The Reading Conference of the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ministerium at its recent spring convention discussed a startling proposal, that the conference lay down the law con- cerning the number of conventions, public meetings, banquets, and drives for funds held by various organizations of the Church in the name of the Church, particular mention being made of the Luther League, the Women's Missionary Society, the Synodical Inner Mission Society, and other con- ference organizations holding conventions, banquets, suppers, garden par- ties, picnics, and the like, so that we are finding we have no time for our home affairs. Rev. W. A. Fluck, of Reading, who presented the resolution, declared: 'There are so many of these bodies, and they consume so much Theological Observer. - .Ritcl)licl)',8eitgefcl)icl)t!icl)e~. 623 time in making it appear they are great organizations, that those at home ·are suffering. Everyone should have a place without giving either undue emphasis. We have groups in our churches that are convention runners. If the home church is not strong, the organizations are bound to crumble.' After arguing whether the conference had authority to regulate organiza- tions not originating with the Synod and what to do in regard to a let-up in activities, the conference finally adopted the resolution, and appointed :a committee of five, headed by Pastor Fluck, to carry out the project." The situation complained of can be remedied when congregations recall their prerogatives, namely, that they are self-governing, autonomous, in- dependent bodies, and that synods, where church affairs are properly con- stituted, can have advisory power only. Why do congregations meekly submit to a bondage which they find irksome and which is really not serv- ing the best interests of the Savior's kingdom? It must not be forgotten, however, that when congregations which have organized as a synod have assumed certain obligations, it is dishonorable and unbrotherly for them to play the role of shirkers. Frequently, it seems, the complaints of con- gregations are not the outflow of Christian wisdom, but the mutterings iefer SDinge Streit anaufangen. "fSorerft fei nodj einmal oetont: SDie lffielt, audj bie religiiife, tJerfalIt gerne in €~treme! ... ~l£l @:tJangelifdje glaulien l1:Jir, baf3 ba£l @:~treme unetJangelifdj ifi. Si'necq- tung be~ @el1:Jiffen£l a. f.!:l. l1:Jare unebangelifdj, mare ein @:~trem. @:in foldje£l 624 Theological Observer. - .Il:ttdjHdj,,geitgefdjtdjt1tdje§. @1;trem finben tuir nidjt nur in ber fat~oIifdjen S1!irdje; tuir lonnen e~ liei nii~erem 3ufdjauen fdjHetHdj audj in getuiffen proteftantifdjen S1!reifen lie~ oliadjten." Unb roeiterljin lieruft fidj ber WrtifeI aUf ba~ unierte ~rinaip: "jffia~ fagt unfer @bangeIifdjer ~efenntni~paragraplj~ ,:;5n iljren ::Differena~ punfien [ber ftjntlioIifdjen ~iidjer] alier ljiirt fidj bie @bangeIifdje @5tjnobe bon Worbamerifa aIlein an bie barauf fJeaiigIidjen @5teIlen ber .\)eiIigen @5djrift unb liebient fidj ber in ber @bangeIifdjen S1!irdje lj i e r i noli tu a I ~ ten ben @ e tu iff e n ~ f rei Ii e it" (@5perrbrucf im ()riginaI). ~or alIen ::Dingen aber fann man fidj aufrieben gelien, tueU iene ~rofefforen ia eigent~ Iidj bodj nidjg {Yaffdje~ Ie~ren. ,,::Die meiften unter un~ ljalien umlernen miiffen, oljne bat un~ aIte Be~rer baburdj tueniger teuer getuorben tuiiren. @otte~ 5tljron ift nodj nie be~tuegen eingeftiirat, tueil bieIlddjt dnmal einige jffialjrljeiten mit ettua~ anbern jffiorten awgebriicft tuorben finb, folange ein jeber liebenft, tua~ 1 S1!or. 3 gefdjrielien fteljt. . .. ~ei niiljerem 3ufeljen er~ lennt man, bat eigentIidj lieibe ba~ @Ieidje meinen." ::Da~ ~ro'lifem lie~ treff~ ber atuei @5tromungen loft man alfo am lief ten fo, bat man in lieiben fdjtuimmt. - jffia~ ba~ ljeifige WlienbmaljI lietrifft, fo fonnte man fidj tuoljI am lief ten mit ber Iutljerifdjen Beljre aufrieben gelien. Wlier man fann fidj audj mit ber reformierten aufrieben gelien. "jffia~ ba~ ljeiIige WlienbmaljI anlieIangt, fo fagen tutr nidjt ,e~ liebeutet', fonbern tuir fagen eoenfo oioHfdj tuie anbere ,ba~ ift', tuie :;5@fu~ e~ fagte unb tuie tuir e~ au~ ben @ban~ geIien in unf erer Wgenbe gebrucft lj ali en. jffieU tuir aoer bie S1!irdje ber Un ion finb, fo finb tuir tueitljeraig genug, e~ einem jeben perfonIidj au iiliedaffen, in ber @5tme feine~ .\)eraen~ ba~ @5aftament fo au genieten, tuie e~ iljm bon feiner urfpriingfidjen S1!irdje ljer eigen ift, unb lietradjten iljn be~tuegen nidjt aI6 einen S1!ei,?er." mit ber geplanten ~ereinigung mit jenen atuet reformierten @emein~ fdjaften ift P. 9totlj nidjt aufrieben. "Wudj fUr un~ gUt bie jffiarnung: 'Stop, look, listen!' elje tuir bem molodj ~ereinigung aIIe~ opfern." Wlier Beljrriicffidjten fiegen Diefer @5teIlung nidjt augrunbe. "Widjt ba~ ift fdjIiet~ Iidj unfer tualjre~ ~rini3ip, bat tuir in anbern S1!irdjenforpern aufgeljen, fonbern bat tuir bem firdjlofen @Iement in biefem Banbe bienen, fo tuie tuir e~ ligljer getan ljaoen." ::Die ffiiicffidjt aUf Die Beljre ift nidjt oeftimmenb. ::Da~ tuirb aI60alb dligetuiefen: ,,::Damit foIl nidjg gegen anbere S1!irdjen~ lllirper gef agt f etn; tuir fOnnen af§ ba~, tua~ tuir finb, eoenf 0 gute {Yreunb~ fdjaft pfIegen mit ben @fiebern anberer S'i'irdjen unb ljalien e~ immer getan, fotueit jene mit un~ tua~ au tun ljaoen tuorrten." :;5ebenfa@ tuirb P. ffiotlj fidj audj ljier fdjIietIidj fUgen. WI6 iioeraeugung~treue~ @Iieb ber S1!irdje ber U n ion tuirb er fidj audj ~ier tueitljeraig genug ertueif en. @. A New Conservative Monthly. - Information reaches us that the Presbyterians who founded Westminster Seminary, looking upon Princeton as drifting into Modernism, have begun the publication of a paper, which they call Ohristianity To-Day. Describing this paper, the Presbyterian says: "It is the name given a monthly paper edited by Rev. Samuel G. Craig, D. D., and especially sponsored by Rev. J. Gresham Machen, D. D., who has the leading article in the first issue recently published. As mentioned, it is to be sent forth as a monthly, not a weekly. It will make much, we are told, of book reviews and scholarly articles. The first issue is neatly gotten up and has no advertisements. It is stated that it is not a project to make money, as anyone who knows the cost of, and returns from, Theological Observer. - .Rird)Iid)~{leitgefd)id)md)es. 625 religious papers will readily understand. Dr. Craig and his coworkers are conservatives, true to the faith, and we can easily welcome another con- servative paper conducted as ably as this will be. Dr. Craig has had ex- perience and has ability. There are very many conservative papers printed weekly and monthly. Whether there is room for another is to be proven. However, we welcome any influence for the conservative cause. Ohris- tianity To-Day claims that it comes into being because the Presbyterian has ceased to be as it was. We assert emphatically that the Presbyterian was never more conservative than just now. We are by conviction faith- ful to the great evangelical doctrines of the Presbyterian Church. We desire to have a paper that will represent all sorts of conservatives. We have a feeling that conservatives have lost good and precious things by divisions within their ranks. Ohristianity To-Day emphasizes the word 'militant' before conservative. It is to represent a particular type of con- servatives. It will be sad if the militancy turns against other conser- vatives. We fear this. It has made some trouble already. One man's say-so does not determine whether another is a conservative or not. That is the danger of militancy: it is apt to be dictatorial, even destructive, and often refuses to have friends." It is difficult for an outsider to see whether Dr. Craig and Prof. Machen are right in their allegation that the Presbyterian and Princeton Seminary are no longer conservative from the point of view of confessional Presbyterianism. That Dr. Machen is a val- iant champion of the old Presbyterian doctrine and that he has written some excellent books against the Modernists and "higher critics" is well known. Being a Calvinist, he sponsors errors against which we have to be on our guard. To the extent that the new paper will defend the infalli- bility of the Bible and the doctrine of the substitutionary atonement, we shall rejoice if it is successful. .A. A New Revision of the American Revision. - The Watohman- l!Jmaminer (.April 24, 1930) reports: "The International Council of Re- ligious Education has purchased from Thomas Nelson & Sons all rights to the .American Standard Version of the Revised Bible. This council pro- poses to bring out a new revision of the .American Standard Version and has chosen the .American Standard Bible Committee to do the work. The copyright has been renewed for a period of twenty·eight years. The com- plete personnel of the Committee on Revision is as follows: Dr. Luther .A. Weigle, Dr. Frederick C. Eiselen, Dr. John R. Sampey, Dr. William P . .Arm- strong, Dr. H. J. Cadbury, Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed, Dr. .A. R. Gordon, Dr. James Moffatt, Dr. J . .A. Montgomery, Dr . .A. T. Robertson, Dr. James Hardy Ropes, Dr . .Andrew Sledd, and Dr. C. C. Torrey. The chairman of the Council, Dr. Robert M. Hopkins, the chairman of the Educational Com- mission, Dr. Harold Mc.Afee Robinson, and the general secretary of the Council, Dr. Hugh S. Magill, are members em offioio of this committee. The Baptists are represented on this committee by Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed, Dr . .A. T. Robertson, and Dr. John R. Sampey. The friends of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary must rejocie that Dr. Robertson, outstanding New Testament scholar, and Dr. Sampey, outstanding Old Testament scholar, are called to assist in this new revision. Students of the Bible everywhere will look forward to a revision which will correct certain glaring errors that appear in the .American Standard Version. Despite 40 626 Theological Observer. - .ltitd){id)~Seitgefd)id)tlid)e~. these errors, scholars count the American Standard Version the best version of the whole Bible now extant." We hope the commission will actually correct the "glaring errors" referred to and not rather increase their number. J. T. M. Ordination of Women. - At least two conventions meeting recently voted down overtures to permit women to be ordained. The one was that of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (Northern Presbyterians), which defeated the overture to permit the ordination of women as ministers by a vote of 171 out of 293 presbyteries. The overture had been submitted to the Church at large by the General Assembly at its St. Paul meeting, last year. However, the convention approved the over- ture permitting women to be elected ruling elders. Hence, women may now have a voice in governing the Church, which, it was generally agreed, they so largely support through the devotion of their time and energy. The other convention rejecting overtures to grant the privilege of or- dination to the ministry to women was that of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, which met at Dallas, Tex. The proposal received a ma- jority vote, but it lacked the two-thirds vote requisite to send it down to the annual conference for concurrence. The movement, of course, was carried into the realm of the press, which unanimously declared itself in favor of granting women the right of ordination. As reported by the Literary Digest, the Brooklyn Eagle considered it quite natural that the Presbyterian Church should be slowest in moving for a repudiation of any utterance of the man of Tarsus. "But the swelling tide of Modernism seems sure to sweep away all sex inequality in evangelical religion." Sentiment expressed in other prominent papers of our country was similar to that voiced by the Brooklyn Eagle. To none the injunctions of Holy Scripture seemed to be important as a norm in the issue. J. T. M. The Suppression of the Pro-Catholic "Modern History" by the New York City School Board, reported recently in this journal (p.543), is protested by the Oommonweal of May 21, 1930, first in the name of academic freedom. ''It is very likely that Mr. Campbell, the Acting Super- intendent, got panicky and acted with undue haste. He appears to us to have grown singularly chaotic in explaining his conduct. Beyond asserting that the book would be restored if the passages offensive to Dr. Houghwout were modified, he presented neither argument nor comment of any value. Nevertheless, it follows from the events that Mr. Campbell's office is not permitted to believe in academic, scientific, or any other kind of freedom." We wonder how much weight the appeal to academic freedom would carry with the Oommonweal if it were sought to introduce, under that plea, a history written from the Protestant or the Episcopalian or the Lutheran standpoint. The Oommonweal protests, in the second place, in the name of the Christian religion, unconsciously or, rather, consciously identifying the Catholic religion with the Christian religion. "However all this may be, the fact remains that religion is forced out of the schools by practical circumstances. The charge against Modern History resolves itself into a conviction that the book 'made propaganda for the Catholic point of view.' . .. Grant that things have come to such a pass that one clergy- man speaking for a part of one religious group (for several other Episco- Theological Observer. - .Ritd)1id)~,8ettgefd)id)tltd)e~. 627 palian leaders have repudiated Dr. Houghwout's judgment) can prevent public-school children from learning history in a given way, and it follows that Americans are trying to make the public school do something nega- tively which can only be achieved positively. For how can the truths of the spirit be taught in silence? Vitally necessary, imperatively needed, if Christianity is to endure in this country, is some realignment of the edu- cational system which will give free scope to denominational training. Only so can the clash between views be resolved without undermining the truth by which we live." The Oommonwea,l is not speaking in the name of the Christian religion. The Christian religion does not demand that it be taught in the public schools. The Catholic religion demands it. The Reformed religion demands it (the Oommonweal is right in marking "the still prevalent assumption of Protestant groups that the public schools belong to them"). But the Christian religion does not. The Christian religion propagates itself through means and organizations it has itself called into being and supports by its adherents. And it protests against such "realignment of the educational system" as the Catholics have in mind and, for that matter, some Protestant groups. Christianity wants its own educational system. And it wants it also for the sake of the well- being of the state. This point is well taken by the Oommonweal: "Cath- olics have often been convinced that other text-books conveyed Protestant attitudes or convictions. Jewish citizens have even been known to pro- test against the introduction of Christmas material into high-school cur- ricula. This conflict is perennial and understandable. It could be settled only after long debate, if it were true that mankind is really amenable to reason." That being the case, let each group organize and support its own educational system. The Catholics have their parochial schools. Then is no law (except the divine Law) preventing them from teaching history from the Catholic point of view. But they must keep their hands oft' the educational system of the state. E. Wle~ifnnifdje ~uftiij. 11n±et biefet ftoetfdjtift oetidj±e± bet "WlJologde": ,,(Rnet Wlelbung bet Associated Press aU5 Wle6ifo aUfoIge fieljt bet neue @5±tafgefej;)en±IvUtf, ben !l3tiifiben± !l3orle5 ®iI aUf ®tunb bet iljm bom ~on. gtet betIieljenen oefonbeten Wladj±liefugniffe betfat± Ija±, un±et anbetm bot, bat ein ma±et ba5 ffiedj± Ijalien foII, feine ~odj±et unb iljten metfiiljtet au tii±en, Ivenn bie ~odj±et fidj fteilvilIig Ijingegeoen Ijat. ~m o:aIIe bon @:lje. Otudj barf bet gefdjiibig±e ~eH ben anbetn tii±en, oljne oefttaft au Ivetben. S!)a5 @5±tafgefej;)oudj, ba5 am 15. S!)eaemliet betgangenen ~aljte5 in ~taft gette±en ift, f djaff± bie ®totgef djlvotenengetidj±e ao unb etfej;)t fie butdj ®etidj±5ljiife, bie aU5 ~tteniita±en unb anbetn @5adjbetftiinbigen oefteljen." ~.~.Wl. 2utljernner in <£ljile. S!)ie Iu±ljetifdje ~itdje bon @5adjfen un±etljiiIt in biefem fiibametifanifdjen .\:lanb alvei ®emeinben mit aUfammen 2,500 ®Iiebetn. S!)ie ®emeinbe in mafbibia aiiljIt 1,200 ®Iiebet, Iviiljtenb hie in ~amuco.!!Hdotia, bie bteiaeljn !l3tebig±ftationen umfat±, diva 1,450 ®Iiebet ftad if±. 11m bie Iet±ete ~atodjie fitdjIidj au betfotgen, mutte bet !l3af±ot innetljalli eine5 ~aljte5 9,532 WleUen lJet @:ifenlialjn, Wu±omooiI, S!)amlJffdjiff, o:uljtlved obet im @5at±eI autiicffegen. S!)a5 Wliffion5lved an biefen oeiben @5±ationen IUitb bon bem Iu±ljetifdjen ®otte5faf±enbetein in S!)eutfdjlanb un±etfillj;)±. ~. ~. Wl. 628 Theological Observer. - .reitd;1id;~.8eitgefcf)id;tlid;es. II. 2lu5hlU~. ~ie %retfirdie in Eadifen nub anbern Etaaten ljUft nM iu Wrllett= tinien mit £eljrfriiften au£!. illiir Iefen in ber u{'Sreifirdje": "illiir freuen un~, biefe ,8eiIen, hie ~err !j3rof. W. ~. ~ramer aUf mefdjlufl be~ Wrgentini~ fdjen meaid~ ber IDhffourif~nobe gefdjriefJen unb un~ augefanllt fjat, oringen au ronnen. @5ie getviifjren einen <§inoIict in hie Wroeit unferer ®Iauoens~ genoffen im fernen @5iibamerifa, bie un~ jett baburdj oefonller~ nafjegeriictt ift, bafl atvei unferer ~anbibaten aur WusfjiIfe borifjin gegangen finb." !j3rof. W. ~. Sh:amer~ ,8ufdjrift Iautet fo: u(if~ tvar ba~ ~aljr 1905. T1et ~ag ber ftoetgaoe bet Wug~ourgifdjen ~onfeffion fam ljeran unb mit hiefem eine ®emeinbeberfammlung, bie ljeute ~aufenbe bon frommen @5eeIen aIS ein oefonbere~ illied ®ot±es riiljmen unb fUr bie fie ®ot± Eoo unb T1anf baroringen. Wm 25. ~uni be~ ~aljte~ 1930 tvetben es 25 ~aljte fein, bafl bie oljne jegIidje @5~nobalberoinbung bafteljenbe (ifb.~Eutlj. @5t. ~oljannesgemeinbe im T10rfe @5an ~uan, (ifntte !JHo~, in bet 9liilje bon Uthinarrain gelegen, fidj in orbentridjet ®emeinbe- berfammfung unb in ®egentvari be~ bamaIigen !j3riife~ be~ mrafiIianifdjen T1iftrift~ ber (ifb.-Eutlj. @5~nobe bJln Rniffouri, Oljio unb anbern @5taaten frei unb ungeatvungen fUt ben Wnfdjlufl an bie genannte @5~nobe entfdjieb. T1ie rutljetifdje mrdje in Wrgentinien feieri fomit am 400jiiljrigen ®ebiidjt- nistag bet Wug~outgifdjen Sfonfeffion aug1eidj iljt 25jiiljtige~ ~ufJiIiium.­ T1ie~ ift bie tvaljrljeit~gemiifle T1atfteUung ber Wnfang~gefdjidjte bet Rniffouri- f~nolle in Wrgentinien. u,;sn jenet ®emeinbeberfammlung, in bet ein foldj tveittragenbet me- fdjlufl gefaflt tvurlle, ljatten fidj fofori 180 {'SamiHen fiir ben Wnfdjlufl an bie Rniffourif~nobe entfdjieben. (ifine bieIbetfptedjenbe Wusfidjt J WIS afJer bet etfte !j3aftor tvirfIidj einttaf, falj man nidjt5 meljr bon bet einftigen megeifterung; tvaren bodj nur tvenige {'SamiIien wtig, hie in iljrem (ifnt- fdjlufl nidjt tvanfenb getvotben tvaren. meinmut, illiiiljletei bet {'Seinlle, eine range illiarieaeit, ois ber neufJetufene !j3aftot eintreffen fonnte, ljatten hie tReiljen geIidjtet unb bie ®emeinbe aUfammenfdjtumpfen laffen. @5ome tvidIidj bie futljetifdje ~irdje gleidj im Wnfang tviebet eingeljen in biefem neuen, fUt bie ,8ufunft fo bier berfpredjenben Eanbe? u T1aau lamen aoer tveitere fdjtvere !j3riifungen iioer bie ®emeinbe, hie fidj oulb nadj (ifintreffen be~ lutljerifdjen !j3aftor~ tvieber aufgetafft ljat±e: bet etfte !j3aftot falj fidj oalb geni5tigt, bie ®emeinbe tvieber au betlaffen, unb ber 9ladjfolger tvedjferte leibet nodj fdjneUer. T1ie ®emeinbe ljatte fomit gleidj im Wnfang anbauernbe i8afanaen au iioerfteljen, unb fie ftanb aUein ba in biefem groflen Eanbe, oljne Rni5gIidjfeit ber mebienung burdj einen anbern rutljerifdjen !j3aftor, baau umgeoen bon ®egnern, bie fein Rnitter unbetfudjt Iief3en, bie ®emeinbe in iljtem (ifntf djluf3 tvanfenb au madjen. @50 fing bie lutljetifdje ~itdje in Wrgentinien an. WOer bas ift eoen bie illicife ®ot±e~ in fcinem tReidje. @5enffornariig finb bie Wnfiinge feiner illiede in bet Wuslireitung feiner ~itdje. ,,@5djauen tvit ljeute einmal aUf biefellie @5t. ~oljannesgemeinbe in @5an ~uan, (ifntre tRio~. OlitvoljI bon biefer ®emcinbe im Eaufe ber ~aljre eine ganse tReilje bon lutljetifdjen ®emeinben aligeatveigt tvotben finb, fo ban fidj me ®tiinbung bon neuen !j3farriimtern aIS unetliif3Iidj nottvenbig ettvie~; olitvoljl fie fellift fogar eine fdjtvete @5partung erfaljten ljat unb feljen muf3te, Theological Observer. - .!titd)!id)~.3eitl1efd)id)md)es. 629 bat dne ganae mei~e i~rer frii~eren @Iieber fidj af~ eine l'ie±iftifdj~unio~ niftifdje @egengemeinbe organifierien, nadjbem fie fdjon bor~er im ge~eimen mit ben Unierten ber~anbert ~atten: liefte~t ~eute bie ~arodjie ®an ;'5uan au~ allJei grof3en @emeinben unb allJei ~rebigtl'fiiten mit iilier 1,100 ®eefen. ~rebigtftationen entfte~en inner~alli be~ @emeinbegeliieg, llJo fidj etllJa dne lJteifje bon @Iiebern aUfammengefunben ~alien, benen llJegen ber(fntfernung bom @o±te~~aufe an einer fiir fie gutgefegenen ®teIIe regefmiitig @o±te~~ bienft ge~ar±en llJirb, oligfeidj fie nodj aI~ @fieber ber IDCuttergemeinbe geUen. madj unb nadj llJerben au~ ben ~rebigtftationen g:mafgemeinben, unb dne Wnaa~f fofdjer g:mafgemeinben lnerben bann llJieber au dner ~arodjie mit eigenem ~farramt berliunben. ,BllJei fdjiine @otte~~iiufer, liefonber~ ba~ in gotifdjem ®tif erliaute unb mit ~ofjem :iturm berfe~ene @o±te~~auiS ber IDCut±ergemeinbe in ®an ;'5uan, finb 'lierebte ,Beugen fiir ben g:ortfdjritt biefer ~arodjie feit jenem 25. ;'5uni 1905. ~ie ~arodjie ift fiingft fefliftiinbig unb fiif3t fidj audj bie g:iirberung ber guten ®adje unferer fut~e~ rifdjen Sfirdje angefegen fein. "melien biefer ftiirtften unb iiHeften ~arodjie burften alier im Eaufe ber 25 ;'5a~re 16 llJeitere ~arodjien mit mefjr ag 80 @emeinben unb ~re~ bigtl'Iiiten gegriinbet llJerben, in benen iilier 7,000 ®eefen unter bem man~ ner ber Wug~liurgifdjen Sfonfeffion aUfammengefdjIoffen finb. ;'5m ganaen aii~rt affo bie fut~erifdje .llirdje Wrgentinien~ nadj 25jiiljriger Wrlieit etllJ~ meljr ag 8,000 ®eefen; eiS liefteljen 17 ~farriimter, unb mefe liebienen 87 @emeinben unb ~rebigtl'fi:ite. &jiit±en llJil; nidjt fortgefett unter bem IDCangef an ~aftoren au feiben, fo miill±en fdjon Iiingft llJeitere ~arodjien erridjtet llJorben fein. ®ellift bie ~arodjie ®an ;'5uan mUll llJieber gdem llJerben. ~a~ ift alier eine fdjllJierige ®adje, llJenn fiinf ~arodjien bafana~ llJeife liebient llJerben miiffen, allJei babon allerbing~ nur aeitllJeifig llJegen UrfauM iljrer ~aftoren. ,,~a fragt bielleidjt mandjer Eefer: jillaiS tut benn bie futljerifdje Sfirdje in Wrgentinien, um bief e motrage au lieljelien? mUn, bie @emdnben in Wrgentinien ~alien bor fiinf ~~ren eine eigene Ee~ranftar± gegriinbet, llJefdje unter @o±teiS gniibigem ®egen bie aufiinftigen Ee~rer unb ~aftoren fiir unfere Helie Sfirdje ~ier Hefern foIl. @egenllJiirtig lieljerliergt biefeiS Colegio Concordia in ~reiSpo, (fn±re Sho~, 24 ®djiiIer, me in bier SUaffen, ®e6ta, Duarta, ®efunba unb (frfte SHaffe Eeljrerfeminar, in ben iiliHdjen @t)m~ nafiaf" unb ben l'iibagogif djen g:iidjern unterridjtet llJerben. madjbem fie ben adjtj:a~rigen SfurjuiS ber f±aatridjen ~rimiirfdjure alifofbiert ljalien, ftubieren bie Ee~rer ljier f edjiS ;'5a~re unb ±reten in~ Wm±, bie aufiinftigen ~aftoren Iernen ~ier fedjiS ;'5aljre, um bann nodj brei ;'5a~re fang baiS tljeo~ fogifdje ®eminar au liefudjen. ;'5m ;'5aljre 1931 llJirb bemnadj bie erfte EeljredIaffe iljr (f6amen madjen, unb bann llJerben llJir llJenigfteniS in bier ~arodjien unfern fdjllJerliefaf±eten ~af±oren burdj Wlina~me ber ®djufarlieit &jUfe liringen fonnen. jillir liitten @o±t, baf3 er un~ @nabe gelie, baf3 llJir bie bier Ee~reraf!Jiranten aum gIilcUidjen WlifdjIut iljrer ®±ubien fii~ren mogen. Wn bief er Wnf±art f±e~en allJei fef±angeftelIte ~rofefforen unb l8ifar Eange auiS ber g:reifirdje, ber fiiraHdj aUf allJei ;'5a~re in unf ere meiljen einge±reten ift. @o±t llJolIe fetne Wrlieit gniibigft legnenI" g:. ~. Attempts of Lutherans in India to bring about Christian Unity. It will be granted that nowhere is the divided state of the Christian Church more painfully felt than on the Foreign Missions field, and hence the in- 630 Theological Observer. - .Ritd)lid)~.Beitgefd)id)tlid)e~. formation that in India a conference of Lutheran missionaries representing various societies and synods - our own missionaries, to avoid unionism, are not members of the conference - recently discussed resolutions per- taining to Christian unity is not surprising. The resolutions as reported in the Luthemn read: - "1) Christ prayed in John 17,21 that Christians be one in order that the world may believe. Though there has always existed a spiritual unity among all true believers, the full consummation of Christ's prayer has not yet been achieved. We therefore feel the present divided state of the Church of Christ as a burden upon our consciences and humbly confess that we have not done in prayer, thought, and action what we might have done towards the fulfilment of this prayer of Christ. "2) When we consider what we ought to do in this situation, we realize that a union such as Christ prayed for cannot be brought about by com- promising the truth, but must be based on obedience to the Word of God, without which unity in the essentials of the Christian religion is impossible. We feel that these essentials are clearly presented in Luther's Small Catechism. '(3) We are therefore convinced that it is our first duty to make the present federation a still clearer expression of the unity of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in India. "4) At the same time we should constantly endeavor to share the essentials of the Christian religion as we see them with other Christians, through friendly intercourse and cooperation, with a view to creating an atmosphere more favorable for mutual understanding and appreciation and so prepare the way for the Lord to heal the divisions in His Church and lead it to the full realization of His promise that there shall be one Shepherd and one fold. "5) For this purpose we recommend to the Evangelical Lutheran churches in India that one special day, e. g., All Saints' Day, be set apart on which in all churches and homes, church union be made a special object of prayer, when we give thanks for the union in the Church of Christ which exists in spite of all differences and pray for the increase and com- pletion of the unity for which Christ prayed. "6) For the observation of this day of prayer the Executive Council is instructed to arrange for the publication of suitable prayers. "7) The Gurukul Faculty, in consultation with Rev. F. L. Coleman and Rev. P. Paradesi, representing the Luthergiri Seminary, and Rev. A. Thu, representing the Benagaria Divinity School, are requested to prepare a statement of the essentials referred to above in § 2 and to circulate it among the constituent bodies. "The resolution in § 7 was passed with the understanding that such a statement would clearly be understood to be an unofficial attempt to state the essentials of the Christian religion and in no way be a new creed to be adopted by the federation." One great difficulty under which these people labor is that they, or at any rate their patrons at home, are not a unit in some important points of Christian doctrine, like that of the inspiration of the Scriptures. Among the churches whose missionaries participate in the meetings of this con- Theological Observer. - mtd)lid)'3eitgefd)id)tIid)e~. 631 ference arc not only Lutheran synods of .... J\merica, but also, for instance, the Leipzig Mission and the Swedish Mission. Now, to mention but one instance, it is well known that the Swedish state church tolerates radical heretics in its midst. What is said in § 2 about obedience to the Word of God is very good. Let it be followed, and let there be no union without such loyalty to the Word. § 4, speaking of friendly intercourse and coopera- tion with people of other denominations, is ambiguous. While there must be no lack of kindness and charitable forbearance, care must be exercised not to deny the truth. "Sanctify them through Thy truth; Thy Word is truth." A. ',!)a~ ~ilb in (}:~ina ljat ficlj lUieber einmaI augunften ber ~ationaI­ regiemng geanbeIt. @5ine ::Depefclje au~ @5qangqai bom 16. ~uni mefbet: ,,::Die ~mppen ber nationaIiftifcljen ffiegiemng omcljten qeu±e ben ~ngriff ber fiibIicljen ffieoelien ber \13robina SflUangfi bicljt bor ben IDeauexn bon !!Butfcljang aum @5±eljen, foUen aoer in ~ampfen mit ben ~ruppen ber norb- Iicljen ffieoeUenfoalition aUf bai3 @5tab±ebreiecl' !!Butfcljang-&janiang-&janfau aurfrcl'gebrangt lUorben fein. 50,000 ~ationaliften lUiefen ben ~{ngriff ber fiibHcljen ffieoeUen ao. @5ie tuurben bon \13rafibent ~fcljiang ~ai-@5cljef per- fonIiclj gefiiqIt, unb naclj lUieberljoften ffiiicl'aiigen bon ~fcljangfclja oii3 ~o±fcljau ljieften fie enbliclj bem ~ngriff ber ffieoeUen f±anb. ::Die norbIicljen ffieoeUen foUen inbeffen bie ~ationaIiften oei ben ~ampfen norbficlj bon &janfau lUeifer auriicl'gebrangt qaoen. ::Durclj ~ruppenberfcljieoungen an bie fiibIiclje ~ront gefcljlUiicljt, aog ficlj bie nationaHfHfclje ~orbarmee an ber IDaqn bon· \13dping naclj &janfau in ber \13robina &jonan auf ~fcljumatien aurfrcl', bai3 125 IDeeUen fiibIiclj bon ~fcljengtfcljau Iiegt. !!Baqrenbbeffen beroreife±e bie amtriclje ~acljricljtenagentur qeute cine IDeefbung, bat ~fcljang &jfii-,mang, ber @ou. bexneur ber IDeanbfcljurci, ficlj enbgiirtig entfcljIoffen qatte, bie ~ationaIiften au unterftiitlen." IDeogIiclj lUare ei3, bat bai3 IDUb bie entgegengef etlte ~aroe aeigt, elje noclj biefe ~ummer unferer 3eitfcljrift Die \13reffe bedaffen qat. ~. \13. ',!)uftrin unb $ra;ri~ ber ~!tdJnriftie. floer ben (§ucljariftifcljen ~ongret, ber bom 7. IDeai ao in ~artljago, ~frifa, ftattgefunben qat, fcljreiot bie ,,~. @5. E. ~." bai3 ~oIgenbe: ,,::Die @enemIberfammIungen qaoen im ~reien fiatt. gefunben. 2autfprecljer qaoen Die !!Borie ber ffiebner in aUe &jimmefi3riclj. tungen lUeitergegeoen. ::Da~ aUgemeine ~ema lUar: ,::Doftrin unb \13m6ii3 ber @5ucljariftie naclj ~uguftin unb ben iiorigen mrcljenbatexn ber erf±en ~aqrqunberte.' ::Der franaofifclje SHerUi3 lUar beItre±en burclj etlUa brcitig IDifcljofe, naljeilu alUeitaufenb llSrief±er unb illUoIff}unbert @5eminarif±en. ~m ganaen lUirb Die 3aqI ber ~eUneqmer aUf 70,000 oii3 80,000 gefcljatlt. ::Die @5cljIutproaeffion oelUegte ficlj iioer bie &jiigef bon ~aItljago gegeniioer bem IDeeere naclj bem groten ~mpf}itqeater. ~m 8. IDeai lUar morgeni3 dne ®eneraHommunion ber Sfinber, nacljmit±agi3 untexnaqmen bie ~inber, un. gefaqr 5,000, cine \13aImenproaeffion naclj bem ~mpqitqeater. linter ben marfantef±en ffiebnexn oefanb ficlj auclj &jerr 20uii3 IDertranb bon ber fmn. ilofifcljen ~fabemie unb ber IDifcljof ~iffier bon (Djaloni3." - ::Der @5uclja. rifHf clje ~ongret ift nur dne @5rlUeitemng ber Corpus Christi - \13roaeffion. ::Da.s ~ron!eicljnami3feft aoer bient aur ,,[SerqerrHcljung bei3 fte±en !!Bunberi3" ber ~rani3fuoftantiation. ::Da.s New Oatholic Dictionary fcljreiot barfroer: "Eucharistic Congress . . . summoned from time to time as a religious demonstration against secularization. It accomplishes this purpose by fos- 632 Book Review. - 53iteratur. tering love for Christ in the Blessed Sacrament through means tolerated by the Church; by general Communions, general adoration of the Eucharist, and discussion of the best means of increasing devotion to the Eucharist." SDa5 @.lanDe forI aUf bie 3ufdjauer einen foldj tiefen @jinbrucr madjen, baB fie auf ben Sfnien bie IDeajeftiif be5 eUdjariftifdjen Gl:ljriftu5 anfJeten. ~. ~. IDe. Book Review. - mtCflltUf. :t~el)~enttiidje :t~el)rl)gie. 0:ine Unterfuc!jung aur bogmatifc!jen q.5rin3ipien(eljre. mon D. 0: r i c!j