On the Death and Burial of Friedrich Wyneken de-DEHeinrich C. Schwan To Wilhelm Sihler de-DE Translated by Ed Suelflow Cleveland, May 9, 1876 Dear honored Doctor: It is time to prepare proposals for our Synod. One of these should deal with the discussion we had last year concerning the internal condition of our congregations. I would ask you herewith to take over this project. , D P Q R W I D P L O L D U Z L W K W K H ´ Z K \ V µ D Q G W K H ´ Z K H U H I R U H V µ Twice we had similar discussions, in 1856 and 1858, on the basis of reports that have been considered. The impression that remained with me is that, even though the discussions were fruitful, they were more personal opinion rather than substance based on the reports. The reports themselves were rather useless, because of the sheer volume of questionable judgments expressed by individual pastors ² an extraordinary disproportion. How can we avoid it this time? And is there a way to discuss the matter without these reports? Further, it is likewise unclear to me which specific issues concerning the life of our congregations we are to discuss this time ²- the same ones, to prove progress or lack of it- ² or are there other issues? Some of these should not be included, even though this top L F Z D V G H H P H G L P S R U W D Q W E \ W K H 3 D V W R U D O &