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CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHL Y Vol. XXXI JUNE 1960 No.6 Editorial Comment 340 Scripture and Tradition in the Council of Trent. RICHARD BAEPLER 341 The Sixteenth-Century "Confessyon of the Payth of the Germaynes" in Twentieth-Century American English. HERBERT J. A. BOUMAN 363 "But Right or Wrong-My Architecture." GEORGE W. HOYER 371 HOMILETICS 379 THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER 387 BOOK RINIEW 391 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE VICTOR BARTLING, PAUL M. BRETSCHER RICHARD R. CAEMMERER, MARTIN H. FRANZMANN ALFRED O. FUERBRINGER, ARTHUR CARL PIEPKORN WALTER R. ROEHRS,· LEWIS W. SPITZ GILBERT A. THIELE • On leave of absence AddreJI aU commlmications to the Editorial Committee in care of Victor Bartling, 801 De Mun Ave., St. Louis 5, Mo. POPE JOHN XXlll: An Authoritative Bi­ography. By Zsolt Atadi, James I. Tucek, and James C. O'Neill. New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1959. x + 325 pages. Cloth. $4.95. POPE JOHN XXlll: His Life and Character. Paul C. Perrotta. New York: Thomas Nel­son & Sons, 1959. Cloth. 276 pages. $3.50. The biography by Aradi, Tucek, and O'Neill is the fuller and more detailed per­sonal history of these two books. Perrotta gives a sketch of the papacy, a description of the election, and the ceremony of the corona­tion. Aradi, Tucek, and O'Neill have written separate chapters in their book, of which especially the chapters by Aradi on Roncalli's 20 years in the Byzantine world and his diplomatic stint in Paris are important. The contacts with the churches in Bulgaria, Greece, and Athens have made John XXIII anxious for the union of the Orthodox churches with Rome. His action in calling an ecumenical council becomes understand­able in the light of his previous experience. Both biographies have lists of former Roman bishops called John. The reading of either book or of both volumes will increase one's understanding of the church over which the 23d is called head. CARL S. MEYER THE STORY OF THE REFORMATION. By William Stevenson. Richmond, Va.: John Knox Press, 1959. 206 pages. $3.50. This popular history of the Reformation for the general reader, written to stimulate interest in that movement, can be commended for its readability, By and large the author has presented a good overview of the first half of the 16th century. Minor inaccuracies 391 BOOK REVIEW All books yeviewed in this periodical may be jJ1'ocuyed jyom or thyough Concordia Pub­lishing House, 3558 South Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis 18, Missouyi. are found largely where he has used second­ary authorities rather than primary sources; his account is best where his use of primary sources is most evident. He heaps too much blame on Luther in connection with the Peasants' War; too much praise, in general, on John Knox -but then the 400th anni­versary of the Scottish Reformation provides the reason for this appraisal of the whole Reformation movement. CARL S. MEYER THY WORD IS TRUTH: SOME THOUGHTS ON THE BIBLICAL DOC· TRINE OF INSPIRATION. By Edward J. Young. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Rerd­mans Publishing Co., c. 1955. Cloth. 287 pages. $3.50. INSPIRATION AND CANONICITY OF THE BIBLE: AN HISTORICAL AND EXEGETICAL STUDY. By R. Laird Harris. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Pub­lishing House, c.1957. 304 pages. Cloth. $4.50. These books by Fundamentalist seminary professors champion the verbal inspiration of the Bible against modern critical scholar­ship. Young, of Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia, is known for his work in Old Testament introduction. This is Harris' first published work. He is professor of the Old Testament at Covenant College and Semi­nary, near St. Louis. His work won first prize in Zondervan's Third Christian Textbook Contest. Young's massive apologetic is written out of fear that "evangelicals" too are casting overboard the historic faith in inspiration. Although Harris' work appears to be less polemic in its orientation and is more scholarly in its documentation, Harris too 392 BOOK REVIEW sees the issue of the day as a choice between supernaturalism and naturalism. Young dif­ferentiates, at least in the latter sections of his book, more carefully than does Harris between the neo-orthodox and the old-line libetal position, although for Young too every practitioner of critical methodology seems necessarily at loggerheads with an evangelical view of the Bible. Young's classic argument for inerrancy holds for both books. "What has been spoken by God, who cannot lie, must be pure and true altogether. Every word which proceedeth [sic] from the mouth of the heavenly Father must in the very nature of the case be abso­lutely free from error. If this is not so, God Himself is not trustworthy." (P.40) Harris' book is concerned also with can­onicity. In fact, he seems to be finding fault with fellow evangelicals for neglecting a crucial area. "To know what is inspired is as vital as to know the nature of inspiration" (p. 7). "One must accept all the Bible or have no certainty regarding any of it" (p. 9) . According to Harris, the canon did not grow gradually and especially not in the threefold stages of the Old Testament critics. The human authors, prophets in the Old Testa­ment and apostles in the New, guaranteed the writings. Accordingly, all the Old Testament books were written by prophets, and St. Luke is called an "irregular" author whose work is necessarily superintended by Paul. Harris' thesis seems to be that for a book to be in­spired it must have been written by a prophet or apostle, and that if it was, God must have seen to its quick inclusion into the canon. Although both books are useful in chal­lenging apodictic assumptions and false con­elusions which subvert the inspiration and authority of Scripture, one would like to challenge several rationalistic a prioris in these books. One would like to speculate, for example, if Young's quarrel with Kant is not mostly philosophical rather than the­ological. But for a Lutheran the basic un-easiness is simply this: Young's theistic presuppositions (that God is one and Scrip­ture is His Word) and Harris' legalistic preoccupation with Christ the Teacher as the ground rule for canonicity have none of the Lutheran soteriological orientation to the Scriptures which the late Frederick E. Mayer spelled out so well in Religious Bodies of America. In the emphasis on the didactic rather than the dynamic charactet of Scrip­ture a Lutheran cannot help noting that for these authors the Word of God is never the sacraments or absolution or even preaching but always and only the Bible. In one point both authors become quite "liberal." Both Young and Hartis (p. 169 and p. 31 respectively) argue that the six creative days of Genesis were not necessarily 24 hours long. But although Young else­where castigates modern theologians who deny verbal inspiration for trying to get along with modern thought (p. 59), here he insists that his view is stricti y exegetical and is no attempt at harmonization with geology. HENRY W. REIMANN THE SELECT WRITINGS OF JONA­THAN EDWARDS. Volume 1. Edited with an account of his life by lain H. Murray. Swengel, Pa.: The Banner of Truth Trust, n. d. 176 pages. Cloth. $2.95. Five chapters, which contain a large part of Edward's memoirs, "A Narrative of Sur­prising Conversions," and three sermons are included in this volume. The Yale edition of the works of Edwards receives the nod over this edition. CARL S. MEYER MILTON AND THIS PENDANT WORLD. By George Wesley Whiting. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1958. xvii + 264 pages. Cloth. $5.00. Paradise Lost and Samson Agonistes have their religious themes. According to Whit­ing, Milton indeed justifies the ways of God to man. His drama about Samson is based, BOOK REVIEW 393 Whiting contends, on a Puritan interpreta­tion of the Hebraic account. In his Lycidas he points up preaching as the essential func­tion of the church. The poet uses images and figures which have deep theological mean­ings, which can be understood only out of a knowledge of the Christian tradition. The Geneva Bible, for instance, supplied the poet of Puritanism with symbols and concepts which he embodied in his poetry. A secular­ized society, skeptical and indifferent, in which orthodox religion has decayed and science has triumphed, still needs the poetry of Milton -so this Milton scholar claims. His viewpoint is restricted. His emphasis on the theological content of Milton's poetry points up a fruitful avenue, however, for nonprofessional interests. CARL S. MEYER THE GOSPEL OF 7'HE KINGDOM: SCRIPTURE sTUDIES IN THE KING­DOM OF GOD. By George Eldon Ladd. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1959. 143 pages. Cloth. $2.75. The author of this book aims to channel to the lay reader some of the results of the scholarly research done in recent decades on the subject of the kingdom of God. He succeeds admirably in removing some of the uncritical debris which has spoiled the view of this exciting Biblical teaching, em­phasizing that the kingdom of God is not first of all a realm or a people but "sover­eignty," "royal authority." It is not the church that initiates the Kingdom, but it is God's redemptive activity that brings the church into being. Hence it is unbiblical to speak of "building the Kingdom." We cannot build the Kingdom, we can only proclaim it. This sound philological approach leads to a perceptive appraisal of some of Jesus' parables. Ladd correctly emphasizes the Christological element in the parables of the grain of mustard seed and the leaven (Mart. 13 : 31-3 3) and rejects the view that these texts speak of. the church's external and in­ternal growth. That God should aim to effect His kingdom purposes in Jesus of Nazareth -this is the great mystery. The exposition, however, of the parable of the tares leaves something to be desired. Ladd emphasizes a contrast between the wicked and the good, whereas the text (Matt. 13:24-30) expressly suggests a problem due to the dose similarity of the tares to the good grain. Here a study of the parable's Sitz im Leben. would help in the interpretation. The Sermon on the Mount is treated with grave moral concern, but the author regret­tably fails to give expression to the soter­iological orientation which the introductory beatitudes themselves offer. A literalistic view is taken of the millennium in Rev. 20, uncon­vincingly supported by 1 Cor. 15:20-28. FREDERICK W. DANKER CONFLICT WITH DARKNESS. By H. Vir­ginia Blakeslee. Westchester, Ill.: Good News Publishers, 1957. 64 pages. Paper. 50 cents. This slender pamphlet gives one a taste of the fearful terror loosed by the Mau Maus among the Christians of the Kikuyu country in Kenya. While one thrills to the triumphs of conviction which permitted faithful Chris­tian martyrs to tread Satan under their feet, at times one has a hard time following a narrative that has become disjointed in the process of condensation. WILLIAM J. DANKER MISSIONARY LIFE AND WORK. By Harold R. Cook. Chicago: Moody Press, 1959. 382 pages. Cloth. $5.00. There has not yet been a satisfactory pro­paedeutic volume to supplant A. J. Brown's antiquated classic, The Foreign Missionary. More complete than Stanley Soltau's recent Facing the Field, this is a comprehensive at­tempt to fill the need. Cautious, middle-ofe the-road advice to the missionary candidate 394 BOOK REVmW characterizes Cook's approach. Not selfish independence but humble interdependence in the body of Christ is the ideal toward which Cook feels the missionary should be leading the mission churches he plants and serves. After a lifetime spent first as a missionary and then as a professor of missions at Moody Bible Institute Cook has written a very prac­tical book. Although to many a seasoned missionary it may seem to abound in com­monplaces, even the veteran will review it with profit. The excellent bibliography indi­cates that Cook is no stranger to the broader stream of ecumenical missiology. WILLIAM J. DANKER THIS IS AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SA· HARA. By Newell S. Booth. New York: Friendship Press, 1959. 40 pages. Paper. 75 cents. FUN AND FESTIVAL FROM AFRICA. By Rose H. Wright. New York: Friendship Press, 1959. 48 pages. Paper. 60 cents. CHRISTIAN MISSION DIGEST, 1959-60. New York: Friendship Press, 1959. 64 pages. Paper. Price not given. INTRODUCING ANIMISM. By Eugene A. Nida and William A. Smalley. New York: Friendship Press, 1959. 64 pages. Paper. 90 cents. These pamphlets, written from an ecu­menical rather than a denominational point of view, will enrich the mission education program of any parish, especially in the cur­rent emphasis on African mission studies in both the National Council of Churches and The Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod. The Christian Mission Digest, formerly published as Christian WorM Facts, annually supplies the pastor or mission study leader with fresh illustrations of the Gospel out­reach. (Once again, there is a reference to the Japan Lutheran Hour in this year's edition.) Newell S. Booth, resident Methodist bishop in the Belgian Congo, manages to touch vir­tually all the significant concerns of Africa and the African Church in 40 pages that go beyond recital of fact to elicit sympa­thetic understanding. Fun and Festival from Africa will be a mission program chairman's delight. Introducing Animism continues the series of brief introductions to the non-Christian religions published by Friendship Press, lit­erary arm of the Division of Foreign Mis­sions of the National Council of Churches. Missionaries will also read it with much profit. WILLIAM J. DANKER YOGA. By Ernest Wood. Baltimore: Pen-guin Books, 1959. 271 pages. Paper. 95 cents. It is difficult to achieve any substantial understanding of Hinduism without an ap­preciation of the fundamental role of yoga. Ernest Wood, a British educator who spent a lifetime in India, has prepared a very useful treatise on the religious, philosophical, psychological, and physical aspects that com­bine in this way to complete self-mastery and union with the divine. Chapter 13, based on the famed Yoga Sf/tras of the great Patanjali, is of special interest, although virtually the entire classical literature is covered. Wood shows a long familiarity with prac­titioners of yoga. His references to modern psychology add meaning to his discussion of an abstruse subject that is fascinating a grow­ing number of Westerners. WILLIAM J. DANKER 1 AM LUCIFER. By Clyde B. Clason. Phil­adelphia: Muhlenberg Press, 1960. 288 pages. Cloth. $3.00. An outline of history as told by the prince of this world instead of H. G. Wells-the idea is intriguing. The execution is bixarre, breezy, banal, and often in bad taste. BOOK REVmW 395 When the pope threatens excommunication the author cannot resist punning, .. 'Arise, Lord, and judge Thy course,' bellowed a papal bull." This is a fair sample. The description of David's encounter with Bathsheba is down­right vulgar. The reviewer throws up his hands in the face of all the crudities he en­counters. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Mazdaism­all are regarded as being of the same stuff as, if not on a plane with, Christianity. Lucifer looks upon each as his virtually equal enemy. In fine, this ambitious attempt to write the history of the world as C. S. Lewis might have Screwtape tell it does not come off. The writer who manages the trick someday will have to walk the razor's edge. The present work lacks both the balance and the delicate tread. WILLIAM J. DANKER FULFILL THY MINISTRY. By Herbert Berner. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House. 1959. 46 pages. Paper. 75 cents. The lecturer on the Wenche! Foundation at Concordia Seminary in 1959 is a metro­politan pastor with a background of wide experience as a parish administrator and leader of laymen and pastors alike. In the two lectures of this volume Berner describes the process underlying his preparation of the parish sermon. But he proceeds to discuss in detail also the preacher himself, his quali­fications and the spiritual nurture essential for them. A chapel talk supplements the two formal lectures. The style is candid and direct, and the materials are characterized by a combination of energy, concern for people, and Christian sincerity which should transmit itself to every reader. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER CULTURB AND THB CROSS. By G. Hall Todd. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1959. 111 pages. Cloth. $2.00. The title is the theme of the opening ser­mon on John 12:20,21, prompted by the word "Greeks." The next eight sermons deal with Jesus' passion; the tenth is based on the appearance of Christ to Mary. The author appears to be faithful to the Gospel as the preaching of the atonement through the cross. His own preaching method comes short of his purpose through overelaborate rhetoric, prodigal and not always apt illustration and literary reference, and failure to make the purpose of the given sermon clear except at the very conclusion. The culture thus ob­scures the cross. RCIHARD R. CAEMMERER ILLUSIONS AND DBLUSIONS OF THB SUPBRNATURAL AND THB OC· CULT. By D. H. Rawcliffe. Dover Publications, 1959. Paper. $2.00. New York: 551 pages. Rawcliffe's work first came out in the early '50s under the title The Ps;ycholog;y of the Occ1tlt,. the present reissue is unchanged except for the title. The original title was, in this reviewer's opinion, a better one. Though uncompromisingly materialistic in his approach -St. Paul's visions were "vis­ual and auditory hallucinations" (p. 37), and his conversion was a "hysterical crisis" (pp. 241-242) -Rawcliffe's concern is less with the theologically "supernatural" than with "occult" phenomena. Auras and auto­matic writing, multiple personalities and mental healing, parapsychology and precog­nitive telepathy, water-divining and were­wolves, all come in for at least a once-over­lightly treatment, with the author stubbornly insisting upon a "rational" approach through-out. ARTHUR CARL PIBPKORN THROUGH THE YEAR WITH CHRIST. By Edwin C. Munson. Rock Island: Augustana Press, 1959. 389 pages. $3.75. This volume covers the third series of Gospel selections according to the Swedish lectionary, The sermons are brisk, show pas­toral skill coupled with the effort to be 396 BOOK REVIEW contemporary and literate, and seek to exalt Christ as Savior and Lord. Occasionally the printed material is almost too concise and probably received amplification in the deliv­ery. These sermons indicate that the guidance of a pericopic system does not necessarily hamper the preacher's variety of treatment or concern for his people. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER WITCHCRAFT. By Charles Williams. New York: Meridian Books, 1959. 316 pages. Paper. $1.45. Witchcraft first came out in 1941, four years before the death of its author, and the situation of W odd War II is reflected on its pages. Williams was both a brilliant Chris­tian novelist and a competent scholar; his supernatural novels bear witness to his mas­tery of the primary literature of witchcraft. Although it is no fare for queasy stomachs, here is a sensitively written "brief account of the history in Christian times" -from St. Anthony of Egypt to the Salem witch trials -"of that perverted way of the soul which we call magic or (on a lower level) witchcraft, and with the reaction against it" (p. 9). Everyone who teaches the Small Catechism must willy-nilly say something about witchcraft; since witchcraft is outside the direct experience of most of us, we ought to have at least some good second-hand knowledge of the subject. Granting that Williams' theology is sometimes not our own, the present work is in this reviewer's opinion the best one currently available for acquiring the needed information. ARTHUR CARL PIEPKORN SERMONS ON SIMON PETER. By Clovis . G. Chappell. New York: Abingdon Press, 1959. 128 pages. Cloth. $2.00. "Is he still at it?" many an old-timer at preaching will say, not disrespectfully, when he sees the announcement of another Chap­pell book. There have been 23 before! This is good Chappell. The enjoyment in telling a story, the practical applications sometimes only hinted at, the parallel illustration from current life, and a good overarching focus on a central thrust for the day, these are all here. "Angles" and basic English craftsman­ship are especially good. Here are 12 ser­mons about Peter, on texts from the gospels, the Acts, and the First Epistle. They read well in one sitting, Thus pulled together, the splendid Gospel affirmation (p. 64, "Simon Peter on Calvary") is ample. As a man would preach one of these at a time, he would have to make it pervade the rest more explicitly; and preach it as a power for be­lieving more insistently than the "willing to obey" (p. 16) and "if we have faith to receive" (p.67) language permits. RICHARD R. CABMMERER THE MYSTERY OF THE LORD'S SUP­PER: SERMONS ON THE SACRA­MENT PREACHED IN THE KIRK OF EDINBURGH BY ROBERT BRUCE IN A. D. 1589. Translated and edited by Thomas F. Torrance. Richmond, Va.: John Knox Press, 1958. 198 pages. Cloth. $3.75. Robert Bruce of Kinnaird (d. in 1631) bears the name of the conqueror of Ed· ward II at Bannockburn (d. in 1329). The theologian belongs to the company of John and Andrew Melville, a second generation champion of Scottish Presbyterianism. He gave to the Kirk, says Torrance, stability and leadership; "his teaching is forever embedded in the heart of the Kirk he loved and did so much to reform and raise up to the glory of God" (p. 27). His sermons contain sus­tained reasoning, but his dialectics are not sufficiently fortified with Scripture. He re­futes the papists and scorns those who teach ubiquity. He is a receptionist in his doc­triq.e of the Lord's Supper. "Indeed, so truly is the Body of Christ conjoined with the bread, and the Blood of Christ conjoined BOOK REVIEW 397 with the wine, that as soon as you receive the bread in your mouth (if you are a faith­ful man or woman) you receive the Body of Christ in your soul, and that by faith. And as soon as you receive the wine in your mouth, you receive the Blood of Christ in your soul, and that by faith" (p. 44). When he speaks about the preparation for the Lord's Supper, which he does in two sermons, he does not emphasize that he who believes these words, as Luther said, has what they say, namely, the forgiveness of sins. These sermons are Calvinistic; as such they are near classics. CARL S. MEYER HOW ADULTS LEARN. By J. R. Kidd. New York: Association Press, 1959. 324 pages. Cloth. $4.75. Here is a man who is convinced that adults can learn, and he has taken the trouble to bring together what is known, what has been said, and what is being found out about adult learning. Dealing first with the concept of learning through life, Kidd refutes many myths and half-truths which aborted past efforts to un­leash the potential of the adult mind. He reviews what we know about the adult learner and examines the factors that influence adult learning capacity: his personality and capac­ity for growth; physical and sensory changes; intelligence and changes in capacity; the part played by emotions, attitudes, interests, mo­tivations. In succeeding sections the author describes concrete teacher-learner techniques and em­phasizes a variety of ways to apply these insights in practice. From a capsule-view of theories of learning some formulations are chosen to help understand the adult learner and learning. In dealing with the teaching­learning transaction, the author sets out in detail and with ample illustrations an appli­cation of what has been learned about the self and learning. Here he shows what hap­pens in the adult learning transaction. For the person who wants a few quick and . easy gimmicks this book will be hard going and quite useless. By the serious student who really wants to know something about adult learning, this book will be appreciated very much. HARRY G. COINER THE HEAVENS DECLARE. By Thaddeus Brackbill. Chicago: Press, 1959. 128 pages. $2.75. Maurice Moody A retired teacher in a Mennonite college, trained as an astronomer, assembles some interesting data about the stars and the earth, calculated to enlarge the reader's reverence for God and to indicate the contributions of nuclear physics to this reverence. His con­clusion that "matter and energy ... must be two manifestations of one and the same thing . . . physical energy and spiritual en­ergy must be two forms of one and the same fundamental entity" (p.107) seems to be pantheism however much the author dis­claims it, particularly since he makes man's created constitution and hence kinship with God the basis of man's faith (p. 122). RICHARD R. CAEMMERER SOWIERS OF THE WORD: THE STORY OF THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY. By John M. Gibson. New York: Philo­sophical Library, 1958. v + 304 pages. Cloth. $3.75. The American Bible Society was organ­ized in 1816 through the efforts of Samuel J. Mills, Elias Boudinot, and others. Be­tween 1852 and 1922 it printed over 20 million Bibles, more than 35 million Testa­ments, and more than 21 million portions of Scriptures. In 1922 it turned over its plates to commercial firms. The work of the Amer­ican Bible Society, however, is not completed yet. Some of its past accomplishments are told by Gibson, largely in anecdotal fashion. It is a story that deserves better telling although Gibson's telling retains the reader's interest. CARL S. MEYER 398 BOOK REVIEW BOOKS RECEIVED (The mention of a book in this list acknowledges its receipt and does not preclude further discussion of its contents in the Book Review section) Protestantism and Capitalism -The Weber Thesis and Its Critics, ed. Robert W. Green. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1959. xii + 116 pages. Paper. Price not given. Pirenne Thesis-Analysis, Criticism, and Revision, ed. Alfred F. Havighurst. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1958. xvi + 109 pages. Paper. Price not given. The Coronation of Charlemagne: What Did It Signify? ed. Richard E. Sullivan. Bos­ton: D. C. Heath and Company, 1959. xvi + 99 pages. Paper. Price not given. 100 Basic Bible Questions Answered. By Nathan Stone. Westchester: Good News Publishers, no date. 64 pages. Paper. 50 cents. The Flood. By Alfred M. Rehwinkel. Westchester: Good News Publishers, no date. 62 pages. Paper. 50 cents. The Pastor at Work, By various authors. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1960. viii + 414 pages, Cloth. $6.50. Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews, By Victor Tcherikover; translated from the He­brew by S. Applebaum. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1959. vii + 566 pages. Cloth. $6. Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions and Death's Duel. By John'Donne, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1959. 240 pages. Paper. $1.65, John Wesley's Theology Today, By Colin W. Williams. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1960. 252 pages. Cloth. $4.50. Kirche lind Heilsgeschichte be; Gerhoh von Reichersberg. By Erich Meuthen. Lei· den: E. J. Brill, 1959. viii + 181 pages. Paper. Guilders 21.-Luther und der Papst. By Ernst Bizer. Munich: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1958. 56 pages. Paper. DM 3.50. Das Mosebild von Heinrich Ewald bis Martin N oth; By Rudolf Smend. Tiibingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1959. vii and 80 pages. Paper. DM 8.80. Religion in the Making. By Alfred North Whitehead. New York: Meridian Books, 1960. 154 pages. Paper. $1.25. A paper­back reissue of the famed series of four lec­tures that Whitehead delivered in King's Chapel, Boston, in 1926 on "the type of jus­tiEcation which is available for belief in doc­trines of religion." Christian Perspectives 1960. By the Asso­ciation for Reformed Scientific Studies in Canada. Pella, Iowa: Pella Publishing Co., 1960. 159 pages. Paper. $1.50. Geschichte der detttschen Lyrik: Von Lft­thet· bis zt.m Ausgang des zweiten Welt­krieges, Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1960. Second edition. xvi + 906 pages. Cloth. Price not given. Skandalon: Um das Wesen des Katholizis­mus, By Joseph Klein. Tiibingen: J. c. B. Mohr, 1958. xli + 464 pages. Cloth. DM 29.-. The Song of Roland, trans. C. K. Scott Moncrieff. Ann Arbor: University of Mich· igan Press, 1959. x + 139 pages. Paper. $1.65. Student's Hebrew Lexicon: A COmPendi­ott! and Complete Hebrew and Chaldee Lex­icon, ed. Benjamin Davies. New edition, ed. Edward C. Mitchell. Grand Rapids: Zander­van Publishing House, no date given. xlii + 752 pages. Cloth. $5.95. An unaltered photolithoprinted reissue of the 1880 edi­tion. Christian Faith and the Liberal Arts, ed. Harold Ditmanson, Howard Hong, and War­ren Quanbeck. Minneapolis: Augsburg Pub· lishing House, 1960. vii + 280 pages. Cloth. $4.95. An Introdttction to Anglo-Saxon England. By Peter Hunter Blair. New York: Cam-BOOK REVmW 399 bridge University Press, 1959. xvi + 382 pages. Paper. $2.95. Labor in a Free Society, ed. Michael Har­rington and Paul Jacobs. Berkeley: Univer­sity of California, 1959. xi + 186 pages. Cloth. $3.00. Lenin on the Question of Nationality. By Alfred D. Low. New York: Bookman Asso­ciates, 1958. 193 pages. Cloth. Price not given. Peter the Great. By Vasili Klyuchevsky; trans. Liliana Archibald. New York: St. Mar­tin's Press, 1959. xii + 282 pages. Cloth. $6.95. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, ed. Perry Miller. Vol.lI: Religious Affections, ed. John E. Smith. New Haven: Yale Uni­versity Press, 1959. vii + 526 pages. Cloth. $7.50. The Atonement and the Sacraments: The Relationship of the Atonement to the Sacra­ments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. By Robert S. Paul. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1960. 396 pages. Cloth. $6.50. Baker's Dictionary of Theology, ed. Ev­erett F. Harrison. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1960. 566 pages. Cloth. $8.95. The Catholic Church in the Modern World: A Survey from the French Revolu­tion to the Present. By E. E. Y. Hales. New York: Doubleday and Company, 1960. 314 pages. Paper. 95 cents. A History of Modern Germany: The Ref­orma#on. By Rajo Holborn. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1959. xvi + 374 pages. Cloth. Price not given. Fre#d and Dewey on the Nat#re of Man. By Morton Levitt. New York: Philosoph­ical Library, 1960. 180 pages. Cloth. $3.75. The Incarnation: A St#dy of the Chris­tology of the Ec#menical Creeds. By Bjarne Skard; trans. Herman E. Jorgensen. Minne­apolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1960. 184 pages. Cloth. $3.50. An Introduction to the History of the Western Tradition. By Edgar N. Johnson. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1959. Vol. I, x + 821 pages; Vol. II, viii + 798 pages. Cloth. $8.00 each. Philosophy in the Middle Ages: An Intro­duction (Philosophie a# moyen age). By Paul Vignaux; trans. E. C. Hall. New York: Meridian Books, 1959. 223 pages. Paper. $1.35. Schopfung und Erlos#ng: Dogmatik. By Regin Prenter. Vol. II: Die Erlomng. Got­tingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1960. 284 pages. Paper. DM 14.50. Stewardship in Contemporary Theology, ed. T. K. Thompson. New York: Associa­tion Press, 1960. 252 pages. Cloth. $3.50. Stoics and Sceptics. By Edwyn Bevan. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1959. 152 pages. Cloth. $4.50. The Dive That Changed My Life. By Wajih Aziz Sim'an. New York: Pageant Press, 1960. 139 pages. Cloth. $2.75. The Early Liturgy: To the Time of Greg­ory the Great. By Josef A. Jungmann; trans. Francis A. Brunner. Notre Dame: University of Norte Dame Press, 1959. x + 314 pages. Cloth. $5.75. The English Carol. By Erik Routley. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. 272 pages. Cloth. $5.00. The Mass and the English Reformers. By C. W. Dugmore. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1958. xiv + 262 pages. Cloth. 30/. Mystical Writings of Rutman Merswin, ed. Thomas S. Kepler. Philadelphia: West­minster Press, 1960. 144 pages. Cloth. $2.95. The Book of Exod1u: Part I. By Roland E. Murphy. New York: Paulist Press, 1960. 96 pages. Paper. 75 cents. Calvin, sein Weg #nd sein Werk. By Wi!­lern F. Dankbaar. Neukirchen: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Erziehungsvereins, 1959. The Capetian Kings of France: Monarchy and Nation (987-1328) (Les Cape/ians et ta France). By Robert Fawtier; trans. Lionel Butler and R. J. Adam. New York: St. Mar-