No. 39. >> Professor Schulz, it is good to be taking a course from you again. I am Josh. You know, I am familiar with most of these descriptions, some, of course, more than others. For example, I have often heard pastors or teachers use the term ecclesial or Ecclesiology. Could you please say something more on the importance of these words and what I should be looking out for when we use them? >>DR. KLAUS DETLEV SCHULZ: Josh, I think that the term ecclesial or Ecclesiology can sometimes confuse a layperson who has not been exposed to the theology. I do think that it is very easy to speak about the term Ecclesiology and ecclesial in a context of pastors, perhaps, or those people who have had a theological education. Because as we have said, the word ecclesial or Ecclesiology comes back or goes back to the word ***ekklaoi, to be called out of. So once we know that, it should be clear that Ecclesiology is really like biology. The study of the church. The theology of the church. And so when we talk about that term, ecclesial or Ecclesiology, it is nothing else but then to say that we are interested in speaking about anything that pertains to the church. And it is now commonly used in books and in literature. Just like sometimes we use a word Neumatology, that is the theology about the Holy Spirit, so also we speak now of Ecclesiology. That means nothing but just the theology of the church.