Drawing of the first campus of Concordia Theological Seminary (Image)

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    A drawing of the first campus of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. It was a 15 acre site on the Maumee River, purchase from the widow of Col. Marshall S. Wines. An additional ten acres was eventually purchased next to it. The seminary occupied the site from 1849 to 1861. The Wines Cottage is the building to the left. The middle building is the Wolter House, named after a young professor who died of cholera while caring for victims of the cholera epidemic of 1849. The final building, the English Academy, is the building on the right. Concordia Junior College of Fort Wayne occupied the campus from 1861 to 1957. Indiana Institute of Technology (Indiana Tech) bought the campus and occupies it to this day. Recently the English Academy, now the Indiana Tech administration building was renovated and converted to heat pump technology. The image is scanned from: Zum 50jährigen [fünfzigjährigen] Jubiläum des praktischen evang.-lutherischen Concordia-Seminars zu Springfield, Ill., 1846-1896. St. Louis, Mo: Concordia Pub. House, 1896, 19.


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