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by Dr. Ralph Gehrke , Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Koehneke , George W. Hoyer , Rev. Dr. Kenneth Freederick Korby , and Dr. Thomas A. Droege
by Rev. Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn
by Frederick William Danker
by Rev. Dr. Martin H. Franzmann
by Rev. Dr. Carl A. Gaertner
by Herbert T. Mayer
by Walter J. Wegner Sr.
by Edgar Krentz , John H. Elliott , William J. Danker , Prof. Dr. H. Richard Klann , Rev. Richard Rudolph Caemmerer Sr., Carl S. Meyer , Norman C. Habel , Dr. Lewis William Spitz Jr., Martin H. Scharlemann , Robert L. Conrad , and Rev. Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn
by Edward H. Schroeder
by John Reumann
by Dr. Wenzel Lohff
by Terence Y. Mullins
by Frederick William Danker and Duane Mehl
by Edward H. Schroeder , Paul G. Lessmann , Dr. Ralph W. Klein , Carl S. Meyer , Erwin Louis Lueker , and Frederick William Danker
by Walter J. Wegner Sr., Dr. Ralph W. Klein , Rev. Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn , Rev. Richard Rudolph Caemmerer Sr., Prof. Dr. H. Richard Klann , Carl S. Meyer , and Frederick William Danker
by Dr. Paul G. Bretscher
by Robert W. Jenson
by Rev. Richard Rudolph Caemmerer Sr., Arthur M. Vincent , and George W. Hoyer
by Rev. Robert H. Smith , Edgar Krentz , Dr. Ralph W. Klein , Erwin Louis Lueker , Rev. Richard Rudolph Caemmerer Sr., and Frederick William Danker
by Otto W. Heick
by Dr. James S. Preus
by Rev. Dr. Alfred von Rohr Sauer
by Harvey D. Lange
by Donald Schultz and George W. Hoyer
by Edgar Krentz and Frederick William Danker
by Wayne Saffen
by Anonymous