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by Rev. Heinrich Willkomm
by John Theodore Mueller , Rev. Paul M. Bretscher , and Dr. Lewis William Spitz Jr.
by Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , Rev. Dr. Martin H. Franzmann , Dr. Lewis William Spitz Jr., Lorenz Wunderlich , Rev. Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn , Rev. Richard Rudolph Caemmerer Sr., Albert G. Merkens , Edward J. Mahnke , and Rev. Alex William Charles Guebert
by Arthur W. Schelp , Walter James Bartling , Rev. Lewis C. Niemoeller , and Paul Koenig
by Albert G. Merkens and William Frederick Beck
by Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt
by Prof. Dr. H. Richard Klann
by Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , Dr. Victor Adalbert Bartling , John Theodore Mueller , Walter Edwin Buszin , Elmer Christian Zimmermann , Rev. Richard Rudolph Caemmerer Sr., and Edward J. Mahnke
by Walter W. Stuenkel , George H. Sommermeyer , Rev. Dr. Lorman M. Petersen , and Luther Poellot
by Rudolph F. Norden
by Rev. Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn
by August C. Rehwaldt
by Frederick Emanuel Mayer , John Theodore Mueller , Rev. Paul M. Bretscher , and Dr. Lewis William Spitz Jr.
by Dr. George Victor Schick , Rev. Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn , Walter Edwin Buszin , and John Theodore Mueller
by William Albert Buege , William Graumann , John E. Meyer , F. A. Hertwig Jr., and Walter H. Bouman
by H. Armin Moellering and Rev. Waldemar B. Streufert
by Rev. Dr. Martin H. Franzmann
by Frederick Emanuel Mayer
by John Theodore Mueller , Rev. Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn , Albert G. Merkens , and Elmer Christian Zimmermann
by Rev. Dr. Roland Paul Wiederaenders , Rev. Dr. Henry J. Eggold Jr., Dr. Paul G. Bretscher , and Richard A. Jesse
by Martin H. Scharlemann
by Thomas Coates
by Arthur Christian Repp
by Frederick Emanuel Mayer , Dr. Lewis William Spitz Jr., and Rev. Paul M. Bretscher
by Martin H. Scharlemann , Lorenz Wunderlich , Dr. Lewis William Spitz Jr., Frederick Emanuel Mayer , Rev. Paul M. Bretscher , Rev. Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn , Albert G. Merkens , Elmer Christian Zimmermann , Walter Edwin Buszin , and Rev. Richard Rudolph Caemmerer Sr.
by Albert C. Burroughs , George W. Hoyer , Herbert John August Bouman , David S. Schuller , and James G. Manz
by Rev. Dr. August R. Suelflow
by Dr. Albert B. Collver III