Full Text for CTM Predigtentwuerfe fuer die Evangelien der Thomasius-Perikopenreihe 9-11 (Text)

Qtnurnr~iu m4rningtral :!Inut41y Continuing LEHRE UND VVEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. IX November, 1938 No. 11 CONTENTS Page A Course in Lutheran Theology. Th. Engelder _____ . _______ . __ .. __ ._. _____ .. _ 801 Was lehrt die Schrift ueber die iustitia civilis? G. Hnebener ... __ .. 821 The Lure of Biblical and Christian Archeology. P. E. Kretzmann ___ 828 Sermon Study on Heb. 10:19-25. Th. Laetsch .. _. _____________ .. _ __ _______ 834 Predigtentwuri fuer den ersten Adventssonntag _______ .. ____ .. ______ . ___ 846 Miscellanea _______ . . ________________ . ___ . . _________ . __________________ _ .. ____ . __ 849 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches ___ ___ .____ ._. __ . _ 852 Book Review.-Literatur -__ .... _. __ .. __ .. _.' _. _______________ .. ___ . .. __ . __ . _________ 873 E1n Pred1ger muss nicht al1eln w ei- den, IJlso dass er die Schafe unter- weise. wie sie rechte Christen Bollen sein. sondem auch daneben den Woel- fen wehTen. dass sie die Schafe nicht angreifen und mit falscher Lehre ver- roehren und Irrtum elnfuehren. LutheT. Es 1st k eln Ding. das die Leute mehr bel der Kirche behaelt denn die gute Predigt. - Apologie, A,.t. 24. If the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle? -1 COT. 14, ,. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBLISHING ROUSE, St. Louis, Mo. 846 ~teDi\ltenthJurf fur ben crften ~bbentsfonnta\J should not be used in the service of sin, should not be spent in a life of estrangement from Jesus. In the same measure as the signs of Christ's second coming are being fulfilled, - and they see the Day approaching, - they should be in readiness, 2 Pet. 3: 10-14; for that will be the day of their complete, everlasting redemption, Luke 21: 28; Rom. 8: 18. In view of this fast-approaching Day, every Christian ought to follow the admonition of the writer, v. 24, so that he, like his High Priest, may say: Heb. 2:13 b; John 17:12. This beautiful passage is admirably chosen as the text for the first message in the Advent season, the opening Sunday of the new church-year. Like the standard Gospel-lesson it pre- sents to the congregation The Glorious Advent Message. It speaks of the King who is also our High Priest, and it exhorts us to come to Him and vow faithful allegiance to Him. One may word the theme thus: Confidently We Enter into the New Church-year with Our Great High Priest. He is the firm Foundation of our faith. He is the never-failing Fountain of our hope. He is the perennial Well-spring of our love. - Many contracts and pacts are only tem- porary, ending at the close of the year. Not so God's covenant. Is. 54:5-10. At the Portals of the New Ch1Lrch-year Our High Priest Greets Us. He assures us that the way to the throne of God is still open for us, 19-22. He pleads with us to remain His loyal servants, 23-25. - God's mercy was new every morning in the old church-year, also this morning. Lam. 3: 22,23. At the Be- ginning of the New Church-year let Us Pledge Anew Our Loyalty. Let us make diligent use of the way He opened for us. Let no one rob us of the profession of our faith. Let us incite others to true discipleship (and for this purpose attend church regularly).- Let Us Hold Fast the Profession of Our Faith. Because then alone the way to God will remain open to us. Because then alone we shall help others to walk this way. - Were the services attended as well during the last year as they ought to have been? In the New Church-year let Us Not Neglect Church Attendance. In church we meet our great High Priest. Here we are encouraged to a living faith and hope. Here we can incite our brethren to love and good works. TH. LAETSCH ~ . ~ ~tebigtentwutf filr ben erften &biJentfljfunntllg B u f. 1, 67-80 ("t~omajiu~~~etifoj)enrei1.Je ) @in neueB SHrdjenjaqr 1 ~ir benIen oefonber§ an ba§, llJa§ un§ llJii~renb ber fommenben 3llJolf .:monate im ®eiftIidjen neborfteIit. ~as ift es, ~adj9±um obcr mucrgang in ber @rfennini§, @5iiidung ober ~o~ jprebigtentwutf fUt ben etftett ~bl1entsfonnta\J 847 naqme im ®Iauben, ijiirberung in ber .\)eiHgung ober @daHung ber £tebe, ein fefteG 580runeifen aUf bem fdjmalen jilleg ober eine aUmiiljIidje ober bieUeidjt audj pfiitIidje eiI veftimmt filr aUe, Die ba fitcn in 3'infterni§ Hnb im 6cgatten be§ ~obe£l, alfo filr aUe Menfcgen. ;r,a Z5®fu§ ber metter ift, finb tnir liei iljm geoorgen. 2 21:ucg eig tnirb biefer meHer berlei~en. 2adjm:iael oefcgreiDt m. 76 f. ba£l aufiinftige mJerr feineel 6oljnlein£l. ®r fagt, bie£l frinlJIein tnerbe ®dcnntni§ beel .\>eiI6 liringen. ,;soljanneel lja± bael getan. 21:ver freiIicg ftanb er tm ;r,tcnft eineG .\>oljeren. ®r tnar nur mJegoereiter, .\>anlJIanger, ;r,icner. (l5r fonnte nur, tnie er felo]t fagt, mit mJaffer taufen, bael ljeit( nur bael iiuterIicge mJerr berricf)ten; ben .\>eiHgen ®eift, ber aud) in feiner ~aufe gefd)enH tnurbe, mU13te ber MeHiael geoen. 60 ift eel bodj (fljriftU£l feloft, ber burd) feinen ;r,iener biefe ®denntni6 bedeiljt. mJiiljrenb bie ®rfofung aUBerljalo nnferer ~erfon. aUf ®oIgatlja, auf±anbe fam, finbet ®denntni§ bc53 .\>ei1el in nnel ftatt. ~el ift bamit nidj±6 anbercel gemeint aI§ ber ®rauoe fellift. mgI. ,;sol). 17,3. ®el ift ljier meljr veocidjnet ag ®denn±ni6 bc53 frojJfe§, niimIidj .\>erilen§~ edenntniel, bie ein ®rgreifen Z5®fU in ficg fdjIiett. Oljne ®Iauoen giot e£l feine 6eIigfeit, ,;solj. 3, 36. ,;seiIigfeit unb ®eredjiigfeit, bie iljm gefiiIHg finb, m.75. mJo ber ®Iauoe if±, ba ift audj tnaljrer ;r,ienft ®otieel, oa ift man ber 6ilnbe gef±oroen unb [eDt ®o±t in t:rljrifto ,i'5®fu, unferm .\>immel fjineinoringen, finb fie bodj unumgiingfidj noitnenbig. 6ie flieten niimIidj gana 0011 feIoft au§ bem ®rauoen. )lBie fdjtner ift bod) ein mJanbeI in .\>eiIigfei± unb ®eredjtigfei± angefid)±6 ber bieIen merfudjungen unb 6djfingen 6atcm§ I t:rljriftu§ fdjenft ben 6einen ba£l )lBoUen unb bas moUVringen filr einen folcgen 2BanbeL 2adjaria§ rebet ljierbon aI53 bon einer ®aoe @o±te§, m.73. 21:udj bie )lBede ber .\>eiIigung finb ein ®eid)enf bon oOen. 21:n ber .\>anb be§ .\>eiIanbe§ oraudjen tnir alio nidjt all IJerilagel1. @;r lllirb un§ aUe§ geoen, tna§ notig ift. ~m .\>inond' aUf Hin treten tnit getroft ins neue S'rirdjenjaljr cin. )lB. ~ r n b t •••