Full Text for CTM Book Review 10-1 (Text)

arnurnr~ta m~tnln!lital Atn1l}ly Continuing LEHRE UNO ~EHRE MAGAZIN PUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. X January, 1939 CONTENTS Foreword. W. Arndt _ __ - _ 0 ___ _ 0 _ _ 0 ___ 0_ 0 0_ Pilgrims of Hope. Victor Bartung ____ 0 .···0· ••• • _. _ No.1 ... e . 1 ._ 10 Dr. Walther's Boolt "That the Ev. Luth. Church Is the True Visible Clturch of God on Earth." Paul Schulz _ 0 _ .0._ 25 Predigtentwuerfe ueber die Thomasius-EvangeIiemeihe __ ___ .. _ 37 Intersynodical Documents _ .. _ 0 • • • __ _ • • 00_ • • _ . 0_ __0 •• ___ . 48 Theological Observer. - KirchIich-Zeitgeschichtliches ._. 62 __0_ 72 Book Review.-Literatur ___ _ . ___ 0_ ·· __ .0_. _ _ _ _ EIn Predfger muss nlcht alleln wei- den, also dass er die Schafe unter- weJse. wie sle rechte Chrfsten sollen seln. sondern such daneben den Woel- fen wehren, dass sfe die Schafe ntcht angreifen und mit falscher Lehre ver- fuehren und Irrtum einfuehren. Luther. Es 1st keJn Ding. das die Leute mehr bet der Kirche behaelt deIIn die gute Predigt. - Apologle, An. 'C. If the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle? -1 Cor. 14, ,. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBLlSIDNG BOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. 72 Book Review - ~itC\'atut Book Review - 2itcrtltur 'IlnliJ ~' ~ firm,tent tmIl hllliJ \0l!nngeHum. 9)1 e ! d) i feb e t. mon S,;)ans 105 unb 40 GeUen 6 >( 91/4. ,\:)cllbarbt. ~(jt.,5(l1ifct'~\et!ag, 9JCtind)e11. ~\l'ci5: HlVL 3.80. :;5m n:ften :;Sci! bieie" ~deftrs llefprid)t bel' merfalfel' in anregCllber ~(\eiie bas metljiiltng, in bon bas \,fWe 'rcftamCllt sum (,I;bangeiium fter)t. ~a!l s~me :;Sefta' ment ift il)m cine 511mmfung hmonifd)et l5d)tiften, 15. 7, bas (\;bongelium bie motfd)a;t, [Jan (.\jot! bCli (j;rllliif)!tm um Cl:1jtifti )uillcn gut ift, 15.13. 27. ~lJtan liet1nint in bem gan3en I,ffuffa~ ba$ Hare illctenntniii 3ut ®ortinipiration unb llnfcl)lbadeit bes I,ffUcn ;teftaments, uub bes mctfajfets 'Definition bes ~bange, limns ift nid)t bie btbHfd)e, fonbern bie culbiniftifd)c. 'Del' Bweite ;teU bes l8ud)es oietet cine 'fCol)l1ltb!un(l Uber 1 9J10f. 14, bie nad) bel' 18emedung bes metfalfel's im morwott "a15 eln merfucl), bie Dogmatifd)en ~t' wagungen bes etften l,ffuHates in i~ter l8ewi)tigun(l born ;tc,;t ljet BU etweifen ltllb fie wiebetum fut Die I,ffuslegung fntd)±bat 3U nll1cl) en", berftanben wetben 1ltOe!)!e. :;5n biefem ;teUe seigt fid) noef) beutlief)ct, bail bet metfaffet nicl)t bas wI)te merfttinbnts bon bet ®ottlief)feit bet 5efJrift (yat. '!l.lo~! todf:; et aUf ®tunb hes Sl:ai1itclS 1n lJ1'iici)ti\"lcl' 5ef)ifilcl'Ung bier ffiiel)tiges ultb ~rliau!id)c5 il6cr bas clUige ~ricl±cr±ltm bes . linigs '1Jlc'ifias aU fagen. (l;r meift aud) in fiil)1DCr ®eife hie merffad)nng biclCs~;rr)l1!tf, l1llU ieiten bet mobentcn ;tl)cologen luriieL \,fIber lle3eid)nenbfiit feinc Gtcl!unG 3llt Gd)tift un'o fUt Die I5tellung nUt all bidet fogenanl1tcn jlDlitibctt SSl)cofogcn if I es, bat er bcnnod) fel)reiben fann: '1(,I;S Ion, nell l)ier nie!)t alle bte ®riinbc fiit un)) miber Die ®efef)id)t1icl)teit bcs mctici)tctcn (le~anbeft IDcrUm. (I:S 1ft ami) nidJt unfete ~hlfgabe, I5telIung all bem ~roblclll an fief) oU ml)ll1cn. ~lur 10 bier fei gefagt: ~ie {l'tage naef) ben tatiCicfJlicl) bem ~lan3en JugrunDe ltcgcnDm 3:reignifjen ift cine, bie ber <\';)iftotire:t 5U ftcllen unb 31t oeantworten ljat. @Sic geL)t ben ;t!)eo!ogen 3ltniief)ft uub entfel)eibenb nid)ts an. ~lief)t Die ®efd)iel)te, 'oie ljintet biefcn (\;reignifien Hegt, bon bet bielleid)t butel) llUfetll l8edel)t noel) etwas butcl)fd)intnlcrt, ift ®nmb!age bet tljeoIogifd)en ~e, tracl)tl1ng, fonbent biefer ;te!;t unb bas ~roblem bet ®efeI)ici)te, roie es nid)t bllteL) Die ~teigniffe an fid)r fonbern Die burcfJ biefen l8eticl)l batgeltellten mot~ \lange geftellt unD oeanil1Jotiet witb." (,5.54.55.) ,,'Das StajJitel ift - in bet I5ptacfJe bet {l'ael)l1Jiffenfel)aft BU reben - ein 9JHDtafci) jungerm ~atums, oei bem cs feineswegs aUf bie ~t3aljlung bet gefef)icl)t!ief)en ~teigniffe, fonbem aUf hie q\ropagicnmg cinet ,tcligitifcn Il'lnfcl) aU1m g' anrommt." (15. 56.) ,,~et 0d)rift fann bicic lU1fere Gorge, 06 bas a1lC~ ~iftorifcl) fei, Was fie er3af)1t, lUtl' g!eit!) , niUtig fc1n, ba Dicfc Gotge dne an bie l5d)rift ~erangeOtad)te unb, bon bct l5el)rift aIS bem @l1l'te @oiteil nus gefel)en, torid)te 150rge ift." (15. GS.) 'DamU ift allerbln\1s bie 53egrc DOlt her @ottinfpitation aUfgegeoen. \,floet toei11 9)eo[. 14 Hun e1nmaI im '\(anon bel' ~ltben fteljt, fo ift eil ein ;teU ))es I,ffHen ;teftaments. Ilnb wei! eil "eine te1igHifc ~l!lfe[)a1!ung" .)Jropagiett, weU es na1lllid) Cn)tiftultt treiDt, 10 geI)ott eil aU bern Zci[ bet l5d)rift I,ffaen ;teftaments, bas ais ®ottcs @ott auef) fiit uns uoe!) (.\je(tung l)at. ~s fef)eint bem metfaffer nicl)t 3um l8e, )ult[Jtfein gefommen BU fein, ban et bamU 'oie ®ottliel)reit bet gan3en l5el)tift, iljre ~hltOtitat unb iljte ®eUung fur unfere .Bdt, aUfgegeoen gat. 9JliJel)ten boel) Book Review - l.'iic rutur 73 hie fl0fitiben st:~cofoQen wieber aU ber umut~etifcl)cn bibHfd)cn £le~te bet mlotb illfpiration, bie uniJ a[(ein bie iIDuf)t1jcit bes in bet iSdjrift gcoffcnliutten iIDeges aUt iSefigteit berbiitgt, 3UtUCne~tcn! st:~. 53 Ci t f d) '1'- He!;; Lao Up to Gmt By Edward Mack, Ph. D., D. D., LL. D. Presbyterian Committe of Publication, Richmond, Va. 251 pages, 5X7%. Price, $2.00. May be ordered through Concordia Publil;hing House, 3558 S. Jefferso~'l Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Mack, who is professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Interpreta- tion at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, herewith offers us a refreshing, stimulating, reverent volume of Old Testament studies. The fourteen chapters are essentially a statement of basic Old Testament ideas, expressed in the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms concerning God and His worship. Because of the incessant attacks leveled against these fundamental truths Dr. Mack 31so shows the inconsistencies of modern anti-Scriptural claims. We have thoroughly enjoyed this volume, although, 8.S must be expected, here and there an expression occurs which does not find our approval. Such, for example, is the statement on page 227: "Today there is a longing, world-wide hope for peace among men and nations, a hope which has been long deferred. Will it ever be that mercy and truth will meet together and righteousness and peace kiss each other? It must not be forgotten that the first great advocate of world peace, who first suggested a world Supreme Court with un- limited jurisdiction, was the golden-hearted and silver-tongued prophet Isaiah. He laid down (2: 1-4) the principles by which alone this hope of mankind can ever be realized, all of v!hich centers about the doctrine of God: the Lord of hosts supreme in the hearts of men; His judgment- seat in Zion, the spiritual center of all truth and service; His Law the rule of conduct; and His righteous will the decisive solution of all problems. Then the nations shall not need to 'learn war any more.''' This is chiliastic. Again, on page 55 the author uses the absence of the article in the first word of the Hebrew Old Testament to suggest this translation: "In beginning, - an indefinite, unfathomed, and un- fathomable beginning." After calling attention to such statements, few in number, we wish, however, to express our happiness over this volume and the hope that it may be widely and profitably read. W. A. MAIER It ~zall GaB '. A Study in Revobtionary Christianity. By Regi- nald J. Barker. Cokesbury Press, Nashville. 317 pages, 51Jzx8. Price, $2.50. Study this writing if you want information on the spirit and aim of the social-gospel theology. According to this theology the chief and real purpose and aim of Christ's work and of the Gospel is social rehabili- tation. "The Christian revolutionary movement stands for a new world society, whose economic system will implement the principle of the com- mon ownership of the means of production and exchange, whose social order will be free from class distinction and the inequalities they per- petutate, etc. . .. The community life which began in Galilee will not be complete until it is incarnate in a visible social order which extends to the uttermost bounds of earth." (Epilog, p. 311 ff.) "The central ex- perience of salvation is social." (P.89.) "Christ's message was good 74 Book Review - 53iteta±ur news to the poor. The dispossessed, the vast masses who were without economic security, were the lost He had come to save - 'to the poor good news is preached.''' (P.47.) "The breach between Christianity and Judaism was a breach between two opposed conceptions of the social order." (P. 263.) "The gospels are dealing directly and mostly with political, economic, and social affairs." (P.259.) "Christ's message was :pj'imaTHy 'good news to the poor.''' (P.232. Italics by the author.) This social-rehabilitation theologian goes so far as to write down these words: "Men have turned away from that 'semipagan divinity' whom some have called Christ ... ; and those who still worship Him seek little but 101'- givenes8 f01' sins from which they expect no complete freedom before death." (F .155. Italics our own.) - Here are a few extracts to show what kind of exegetics our book emplOYS. "The story of the Laborers in the Vineyard was a challenge to the wage system. This story clearly indicates that in such a community life the method of distribution which regards the amount of work done and the kind of work done as its basis is wholly rejected by Jesus." (F. 239.) "The evidence for the Virgin Birth is itself contradicted by other New Testament evidence for the fatherhood of Joseph." (P.166.) "It is well to remember that belief in the divinity of Jesus is never a first requirement of those who come to Him. He did not 'snatch at equality with God' (Fhil. 2: 6). He emptied Himself" (Fc 156.) - The author is director of the Methodist Central Mission in Tonypandy. His book is a pendant to E. Stanley Jones'" books The Choice before Us and Chri.st's Alternative to Comm~mism. TH. ENGELDER VV'itnecsll . " Power, By Albert Hughes, D. D., Copastor, Church of the Crusaders, TGrGnto, Can. Zondervan Fublishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. 150 pages, 5lJ4X7lJ2. Price, $1.00. This is a useful, stinmlating book, which will help the preacher in preparing sermons or lectures on the first thirteen chapters of the Book of Acts. The work is intended to give a practical exposition of these chapters. The author rightly regards this book of the New Testament as the "witness-book." There runs through his remarks a protest against superficial and mechanical Christianity, in which machinery is exalted rather than power. When the author says (p.17) that, when Matthias was chosen, "the principle those early disciples used was wrong, their method was wrong, and therefore they chose the wrong man to take the place of Judas; you do not find apostles by the rule of majority nor by ballot vote but only by eternal choice," he misunderstands the passage in question. He likewise holds a wrong view concerning the baptism with the Spirit, saying (p. 33): "When the Holy Ghost takes possession of the Church again, there will be splendid surprises, mighty miracles; men and women will speak, our sons and daughters will prophesy, parents will gladly bid their children Godspeed as they go forth to the ends of the earth, and church-members will hilariously [?] give as faithful stewards." Here truth and error are mixed. Neither can we share the author's view pertaining to the speaking with other tongues reported Acts 2. While we cannot sanction all the exegetical and doc- trinal views of the book, we do not hesitate to recommend it to pastors who are lecturing on New Testament books. W. ARNDT Book Review -Sitetatur 75 Vivid Exr:;:'i':,l~:"; ;8 Korea. By William H. Chisholm. Foreword by Dr. Howard A. Kelly. The Bible Institute Colportage Association, Chicago, Ill. 136 pages, 5x71/2. Price, $1.00. This book is the story of the experiences of a missionary dodo:;: during fifteen years of service in Korea, where the Christian Church has made such remarkable progress during the past fifty years, especially through lay-preaching and the careful planning of a native Church. It is in no sense a biography of Dr. Chisholm, but rather a series of accounts as to how the Gospel is being spread in spite of opposition, superstition, and unbelief. W. G. POLACK 'Ii' an Quest vine Plan. By VJilliam Hazer Wrighton. Zondervan Pub. f:loLlse~ Grand Rapids, NIich. 165 pages, 5V~ X '2 ~~. These chapters have grown out of lectures delivered by the author to his classes in the University of Georgia, where he heads the Depart- ment of Philosophy. It is a rare treat indeed to find a text so well oriented theologically, written by a professional teacher of philosophy. One of the lectures reviews :he status of man as viewed in the Scriptures. Another discourses on the nature and extent of evil, stressing the truth that unbelief is the greatest sin - against God the Father, against the Son of God, against the Holy Spirit, and against man's self. The cross represents "the penalty of the Law carried out in the person of the One who became our Substitute." (P.72.) On account of it "such full and complete satisfaction is made that the highest glory of holiness is mani- fested and perfect holiness is imputed to those who accept the provisions of grace." (P.73.) "We see our sin crucified in our Savior." (P.79,) By his resurrection Jesus "penetrated and conquered death" (p. 113); He delivered us from the curse of the Law "by being made a curse for us and taking our place on the cross" (p. 119) . There are fine chapters on growing in grace, on walking with God, on prayer, and the Second Coming. It is noteworthy that the chapter on the Second Advent is devoid of any chiliastic elements. In his introduction the author apologizes for the more technical or philosophical treatment of chapter two ("God in Greek Philosophy and the Scriptures") and another on the various them-ies of natural ethics. However, these chapters contain valuable quotations from the classics, and they add weight and value to the book. We question, however, the author's definition of metaphysical evil as conceived by Leibniz. (P.50.) The Reformed vocabulary is recognized when the author calls repen- tance "an indispensable condition to salvation" (p. 93) and when a woman is "saved in a meeting in Glasgow" (p. 105). The synergistic point of view is discovered in one passage only when Professor Wrighton says (p. 106): "Faith in Christ is the prime requisite of the new birth. Although it is not meritorious and does not earn or procure the new nature, yet it is the receptive attitude by which the gift of divine life is received." We would define faith, not as a requisite of regeneration, but as a new creation, the result of the Spirit's regenerating influence upon the heart. Weare not misreading the author on this point, since he heads this section "Faith the Condition of Renewal." THEODORE GRAEBNER 76 Book Review - 53iteratut E:is!l[)ry of the Kansas District, ;';V, J of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States, 1888-1938. By J, W, Werling, In a booklet of fifty-five pages Professor Werling of St. John's Col- lege, Winfield, Kans., tells in a very interesting manner the story of our Church in Kansas and tl:1e adjoining territories, It is worthy of note that the history of Missouri Synod Lutheranism in Kansas begins baek in the stirring days of the Civil War. In 1861 Pastor Lange, a member of the last class to graduate from the Practical Theological Seminary in Fort Vvayne, preached the first Lutheran S2rlTlOn at Clarks Cr2ek, neaT the present Junction City, In 1888 the Kansas District was organized, separating from tb2 liVestern District and comprising at the time the States of Kansas, Colorado, and Oklahoma, and Indian Territory. In the decades which followed this District became one of the most rapidly developing mission-fields in Synod, In 1921 Colorado and Utah were separated to form the Colorado District, and in 1924 Oklahoma was created a separate synodical District, In this centennial year we hear a great deal about the sacrifices and the heroism of the pioneer fathers in Perry County, But this same pioneer spirit, with a willingness to suffer and sacrifice to establish the Church, appears again and again as the Church pushed westward and northward. The pioneers in Kansas were no exception, as is seen from the following. "The conditions under which they labored 1'0"" fessor Werling, "were primitive and trying in the extreme. Theil' field was the frontier of a country suffering from the sacrifices and l"aVo"ges of the bloody Civil "War. I-lard times! Pastor Lange's first receipts, solicited from individuals for postage, amounted to 85 cents. Pastor Meyer in Leavenworth had complained about his friend's tanIiness in answering letters. Lange's reply: 'It is easy enough for you to chide; for although you also have no surplus of money, you can at least get together enough to buy a stamp, I cannot do that here; my people have no money.' In such dire circumstances was Lange at times that his friend Meyer had to share with him the few dollars he had brought to Kansas and that his parents, living at Washington, Mo" had to supply him with new clothing. His total income from the six preaching-stations in the Clarks Creek field amounted to less than $100, and this repre- sented his salary for two years' work. The congregation at Humboldt promised their first minister an annual cash salary of $65, plus one sack of wheat flour and five bushels of corn per member. Nor does this meager remuneration reflect on the liberality of the parishioners. As a result of the war conditions, of drought and crop failures, they were themselves in bitter poverty. It is a matter of record that many would have perished if food, clothing, and seed had not been sent them by friends back East. And these conditions impeded mission-work. To the missionary's labors was added the struggle for existence, Synod's mis~ sionary endeavors were not yet organized as they are today, Thel'e were no mission treasuries from which missionaries were assured a suffi- cient income to provide them at least with the necessities of life, but they were simply thrown on their own resources, Another circumstance that rendered mission-work very difficult was the lack of good roads and railways. Generally speaking, there were no roads at all. The Book Review - Diteratur 77 Kansas Pacific Railroad was not extended to Denver before 1869; the fare was eight cents per mile. The first missionaries, with few exceptions, were taken westward from Leavenworth in ox-drawn wagons. Their missionary journeys covered large distances and were made on horsebac:-:: or in open wagons. Naturally, this consumed much time and entailed many hardships." It is with much pleasure that I recommend this history of the Kansas Church to all who are interested in the beginnings of our Church in this country and in particular to the pastors and people of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Colorado. It is the story of their Church, an inspiring record of the labors of their fathers. It may be ordered from the Kansas Luthemn, c/o Rev. O. H. Pooker, 2547 Metropolitan Ave., Kansas City, Kans. A. M. REHWINKEL l:teport of ihe Tw::;1fy-First .Regular Convention of the NOIJ"wegian Synod of tIl<.! r',x::erican Evangelical Luthel'an Church. 1938. 99 pages, 6X9. Price, 40 cts., postpaid. Order from Synod Book Co., Man- kato, Minn. The entire spirit of this report is buoyant and encouraging. It is found not only in the customary reports of the various boards but in particl:'lar also in the two essays, one by Dr. S. C. Ylvisaker on "The Clea~'ness of Scripture" and the other by Pastor A. Harstad on "The Curse of the Age," namely, the secularization of the Chur~:~'. "Soth are clear and convincing and may be studied with great profit. A feature of the pamphlet is the "Address in Commemoration of the Saxon Immigration," delivered by Pastor Justin A. Petersen on Sunday afternoon of the con- vention. It is a ringing tribute to the fortitude of the Saxon leaders and 2 grateful recognition of the debt which the Norwegian Synod owes to the Old. Guard of Missouri. The report should be sold out in a ShOl"t time. P. E. KRETZMANN Lutheran .I>.~anual, 1!J39. Edited by Dr. J. T. Mueller. 192 pages, 5lj2X81/2. Concordia Pubishing House, St. Louis, Mo. Price, 15 cts. Amerikanj,;C~1'~!' f(alendcr mer ~'.~~ Same editor, publisher, and price. Lutheraner R'"~r ~~J.:i Jahr 1939, Here is an old and faithful servant knocking at our doors and offering his services for the entire yeC'y for the ridiculously small sum of 15 cents. A brief survey of what thi.s servant offers will convince us that he is indispensable in every home of Synod. Besides the almanac, an "Easter Table 1901 to 2000," and a list of Bible-readings for the year it offers interesting and informative reading-material on 22 pages. This is fol- lowed by a mass of statistical material of immeasurable value to the reader gathered by our statistician, Pastor S. Michael, the successor to our dear friend Pastor E. Eckhardt, whom the Lord has called to His eternal l·est. There is a list of the religious bodies in the United States, brief statistics of the Synodical Conference, a roster of all the pastors, professors, and teachers of the Synodical Conference and the synods in fellowship with it, a list of all the officers and boards of these church- bodies, lists of the school superintendents, the city missionaries of the Missouri and Wisconsin synods, of all the State institutions served by our pastors, of the missionaries among the deaf and blind, among the 78 Book Review - 53itetatut foreign-tongue people, of university pastors, of United States chaplains, of woman workers in India and China, of all pastors, missionaries, and teachers outside of North America, a Walther League Service Directory, and the names of places served by the pastors, teachers, and missionaries of the Synodical Conference and its associated bodies in Europe. These lists are invaluable for thOS2 of our members who intend to visit, or move to, 8.ny part of our far-flung territory, particularly for traveling salesmen, who should be given a list of the places on their routes which are served by one of our pastors, or who have relatives or friends living at or near any of these places. The list of State institutions served by our pastors or missionaries ought to be studied carefully by all pastors and members, and if there are any State institutions in their vicinity that are not listed in our Annual, they ought to find out the reason why they are not listed or why they are not being served. We welcome these old and faithful friends, who have served us many a year, and wish them Godspeed on their way. T. L. D~y ::y Day with Jesus. A Christian Calendar for 1939. Prepared by Prof. W. G. Polack. Ernst Kaufmann, Inc. Price, 60 cts. Order from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. For many years Prof. W. G. Polack, a close student of devotional and liturgical literature, has prepared these popular annual Christian day- by.day calendars, which have won for themselves hosts of fri2nds among Lutherans and non-Lutherans. The calendar may either be attached to the wall or be placed upon a table. The devotions are brief but fitting and winsome and offer the reader a great variety of meditations, some- times expositions of texts, sometimes Scripture-passages, and, again, poetical contributions. The prayers are either in prose or in poetry. We gladly recommend this new "Christian Calendar for 1939" and hope that it may have a wide sale in Christian circles, subscribing very emphatically to what the esteemed author says in his "Greetings to the Reader": "In our day the family altar needs to be maintained and, where it has fallen into neglect, to be reestablished. It will prove to be an important safeguard against the spiritual confusion that is prevalent almost everywhere. This daily devotional calendar is offered as a help to those who wish to walk through the year with Jesus, the only Guide who is reliable, the same yesterday, today, and forever." J. THEODORE MUELLER ~iJ:l!trJenfd)"2ut~erifdjer Ililireififa!ettber fiir bt!~ ~aijr 1939 mit ~nbad)ten 1mb 'Btldlc!tionCIT filt jcben ::rag, ~etausgegelien bon bet ~b.~53utl). S\)nobe bon O:\l'u'ii1trn. @ro])c: ffiilrrhlanb 71hx12; ~lnbad)ten 4Y2X6. ~teiS: GO (Wi. \JDdofrei. 'man lieftcUe liei Concordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson p.~ve., St. Louis, Mo. 9..Bit miicf)tm bicfClt ~(Dl'eiilfa!c!lber 3ut ~enntnisna~me unferer 13cfC1: bdngen. ~s ltJitb unficber Scite cine 'BiocHcftion angegeoen; bann foigt aUf CIlnmb cines @ottCS\uotg cine fnqr ~lnbac(Jt fur ben lietreffenben stag, bie man mttnebcr in ber '1Jlorgcn~ Dbcr ~nlcnbanbucf)t ober BU irgenbeiner stagesBeit fefen ranu. 'Brim @ebraucf) biefes .\tulenbers loll!e bann jebesmal ein Seuf3er Bum &)(.5;rm bet .ll'itc[)e emjJorfteigen, baji et unfem 'Btubetn in SubamerHa mit feinet aUmad)tigen @nabe unb @llte Deifte~en miige. st~. .I:J a t f d) Book Review - 53tteratur 79 Offenll!ltung nut in ber fBi6e!J mon D. Dr. :Sol)anne~ smitte. ®iittingen, manbenf)oeci & iRulmcl)t. 1937. 34 ESeHen 6lj4X91h. snuslanb~lmiS: RM .. 90. 'iDies ift cine fm:se EScl)rift be~ befannten lJJliffion~manne~ tiber ein S::f)ema, ba~ in bet betgfcicl)enben lJJliffion~gefcl)icl)te immet roiebet aUftaucl)t, nam!icl) tibet ben refatiben smert ber berfcl)iebenen "f)eHigen ~tic!)er" ber gro13en iRe!igionen. smitte lieljanbeft bie fofgenben j}tagen: 'iDie &'dauptfcagej EScl)iipfung~offenliatung1 Dffenoatung in ben iRefigionen? Dffenliatung in un~ 1 Dffenbatung in bet ®e~ fcl)icf)te1 Dffenbatung nut in bet ~i1ier. 'iDa~ &'deft foUte eigentlicf) nut im snn~ fcl)lu13 an smitte~ anbete~ ~ucf), ,,)Die [f)tiftu~botfcf)aft unb bie iReHgionen", ge~ fefen roetben. q\. 0:. st t e t man n Exercises in Bible History. By H. A. Mertz and W. A. Siems. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. Old Testament, 156 pages. New Testament, 150 pages. Price, each set, 45 cis. These work-books on Bible History are a splendid departure, which will, it is to be hoped, develop into a series of helps of this kind in other branches taught in our schools. They are based on the Advanced Bible History and prepared in the usual work-book form, size 8Xl0ljz in., with two punches to fit the common high-school folder. They are not tests, nor will they serve as a short cut for the teacher; rightly the fore- word says: "No matter what technique (for the use of these Exercises) the teacher may decide upon, he should always first teach the story him- self in the regular way, together with brief explanations, exhortations, and admonitions. This is by all means the most important part of the teacher's work. The success of the lesson depends on it. The exercises should not be worked out immediately after the teaching of the story. This should be done during a later study period or at home (with text- books open before the pupils)." The Exercises are to encourage pupils of Grades 5-8 to work independently and consistently. They will no doubt serve this purpose well. Several little maps are included in each set; and this is my only suggestion for improvement: The maps should be larger; an extra map sheet inserted at the appropriate place would be better; it would also, in my opinion, improve the maps if a larger section of land were shown (e. g., Palestine - the Sinai peninsula); pupils may get a false idea of size and location of the respective country if only a small section is shown. The price is very reasonable, and the Exercises should be used extensively. THEO. HOYER BOOKS RECEIVED FTorn Zondervan Publishing HO~Lse, Grand Rapids, Mich.: Ti:1H~ G:rriJil that Holds. Sermons by Oklahoma Baptist Preachers. Compiled by Chester M. Savage. 184 pages. Price, $1.50. Pickings. Illustrations for Pulpit and Platform. By Robert D. Lee, D. D., LL. D. 125 pages. Price, $1.00. At the Gates of Mel'cy. New Testament Sermons on Short Texts. By John H. Webb, A. R, B. D., D. D. 96 pages. Price, $1.00. Blue Skies. By Louise Harrison McCraw. 262 pages. Price, $1.00. The Blessed Life. Sermons on the First Psalm. By Calvin Bernard Waller, D. D. 110 pages. Price, $1.00. 80 Book Review - S3itcralm: lVly Human Best. (Quiet Hour Series.) Summer quarter. Devotional Studies in the Word of God for Family Altar, Quiet-time Groups and Individuals. By Richard Ellsworth Day. 277 pages. Price, 35 cts. The Divine Unfolding. By James R. Graham, Jr. 128 pages. Price, $1.00. The GodI-ll'caihed Book. A Study in Bible Numbers. By Marion McH. Hull. 50 pages. Price, 25 cts. From the Abingdon PTess, New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Boys and Gids Living as Neighbors. A Guide for Teachers, Including Source Material and Teaching Procedures. By Lillian White. 196 pages. Price, $1.25. Boys and Girls Living' as .~Tejghbors. Pupil's Work-book (Grades 7 and 8). By Lillian White. 136 pages. Price, 35 cts. What Jesus Taught. The Sayings Translated and Arranged, with Expository Commentary. By Burton Scott Easton. 157 pages. Price, $1.50. From the W. A. Wilde Company, Boston: Little Camp-Fires. Intimate chats by the firelight at the day's end. By F. H. Cheley. 248 pages. Price, $1.50. FTOm the National Union of Chrisiia.n Schools, 10119 Lafayette Ave., Ill.: G, us, Series Five. By Marion Scl1 151 pages. F1'Om Fleming H. ReDell Company, New York, London, and Edinburgh: Tl Sill. By NevV'Inan WattE. 223 pages. Price, $1.50. From the JliIacm-i!la.n Compnny, New York: Tl FoE:!!)1 ,Jesus. By James Gordon Gilkey, D. D., LL. D., Litt. D. 127 pages. Price, $1.50. From the Wm. B. Eerdmans P~tbU3hing Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.: Christ at Evel'Y Turn. Twelve Popular Sunday Evening Sermons. By I'=arl Frederick Wettstone, D. D. 168 pages. Price, $1.00. NOTICE TO O'V::; §'lJ'2::;,:~;'r:3~';~~S In order to render satisfactory service, we must have our current mailing-list correct. The expense of maintaining this list has been materially increased. 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