Full Text for CTM Book Review 8-4 (Text)

(tTnurnr~iu m~tnlngitul 6tut1Jly Continuing LEHRE UNO ~EHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. vm April, 1937 No.4 CONTENTS Page The Pastor and the Pastoral Cure of Souls. H. F. Wind ______________ Z41 Kleine Hesekielstudien. L. Fuerbrlnger _____ ______ ________________________________________ 252 Romanism, Calvinism, and Lutheranism on the Authority of Scripture. F. E. Mayer __________________ _________________ ______________________________________ 280 Sermon Study on 1 John 4,9-11. Theo. Laetsch __________________________________ 272 Outlines on the Eisenach Epistle Selections __________________________________ 281 Miscellanea ___________________________________________________ __ _ ___________________________ 291 Theological Observer. - Kircblich-Zeitgeschicbtlicbes ___________________ 300 Book Review. - Literatur _________________________________________ __ _ ________________________ 311 Ein Prediger muss nlcht alleln wei- den, also dass er die Schafe unter- weise, wie sie rechte Christen sollen seln, sondern auch daneben den Woel- ten tDeh,.en, dass sie die Schafe nlcht angreiten und mit falscher Lehre ver- tuehren und Irrtum einfuehren. Luthe1" Es 1st keln Ding, das die Leute mehr bel der Kirche behaelt denn die gute Predigt. - Apologie, Arl. 24 If the trumpet glve an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle? -1 C01'. 14, 8 Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBUSBING BOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. Book Review. - £iterntur. 311 Book Review - £itcratur The Interpretation of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. By R. C. H. Lenski, D. D. Lutheran Book Concern, Columbus, O. 934 pages, 6X9. Price, $4.00. Order from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. "Dedicated to the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri" - these words greet the reader as he begins the perusal of this noble volume. If the author were still living, we should assure him of our gratitude for the kindly, friendly feeling expressed in these brief dedicatory words. But hardly had the book arrived and study of it had become possible when the Lutheran world was shocked by the news that Dr. Lenski had departed this life. As we sorrow over the severe loss which the Church at large and his church-body, the American Lutheran Church in par- ticular, has suffered through his death, we are thankful that he has bequeathed to all of us this splendid heritage, a scholarly commentary on the New Testament, the various volumes of which are now, at brief intervals, appearing, among them this stately one on Romans. In de- scribing this work, we may say that here, as in the former volumes of this commentary, one finds a literal translation of the original Greek, an explanation of difficult or striking linguistic phenomena, an exposition of the thought of the apostle, and finally a discussion of this thought with appropriate applications. All this is submitted not in pedantic adherence to a certain scheme, but with delightful freedom and fresh- ness, the author never permitting himself to lapse into a humdrum, lifeless presentation of exegetical details. The reader will not find every little point treated on which he would like to be given information, but he will see that all major matters have been given due consideration, often at considerable length, and that which is given abounds in vital, scintillating thought. To give an example of the author's style, we shall quote some sen- tences from his remarks on Rom. 16, 17.18 (p.918f.):- "Paul's admonition is devitalized in its application to us today by a specious use of the historical principle of interpretation. Who were 'those causing the divisions,' etc.? In the first place, the well-known Judaizers, who mixed Law with Gospel; then, as First Corinthians shows, a number of others, some with philosophical, some with false moral teaching. Now, it is insisted that Paul's words can be applied only to these errors and that today we cannot invoke Paul's admonition unless we are able to point to exact duplicates of these errors. Generally the case is narrowed down to the Judaizers of Paul's day, who demanded circumcision and observance of Jewish ceremonialism. And even these are painted in pure black, as men who rejected the entire Gospel. But look at those Judaizers mentioned in Acts 15, 5: 'certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed,' former Pharisees, now believers, yet errorists. In Jerusalem they dropped their error; in Galatia some ap- peared as separatists to divide the churches and to draw them into their separatism. He who knows his Bible will not be deceived. Paul's in- '312 Book Review - ~iteratur junction is not to keep away only from total rejecters of the Gospel ~ what Christians ever needed such a warning? His injunction is to keep away from believers who are errorists and teach falsely. Not only the exact duplicates of the errorists of Paul's day are to be shunned, as though no new ones could arise, as though new ones do not divide, tear, and set traps, as though all errorists, new and old, great and small, are not related, all in the same class; but, according to Paul himself (15, 4), 'whatever things were written before, for our instruction were they written,' to be fully applied, not devitalized, evaded. Give up the effort to make Paul even a mild unionist. "18) The very first word generalizes: ot 't"OWU't"OL, 'such,' the ones Paul has met and any others who may yet appear. Paul here charac- terizes all errorists in and by their error, first as far as the Lord is concerned, then as far as the innocent Christians are concerned. Too little attention is paid to the meaning of bOUAEUOUOW, just as we found in 14,18. 'Not our Lord Jesus do they serve' does not mean - as if the verb were bUXXOVEffi - that they do not render Him the benefit of their service; but that they are not acting the part of slaves who obey as slaves, obey without question every word of 'our Lord Jesus Christ,' to whom as our Lord all of us (you Romans and I) are slaves. In the very next verse Paul has the contrast: 'Your obedience' has become publicly known, i. e., you are slaves who do obey our Lord as Lord, and it is so evident, has been proved to such an extent, that all men who at all know you know it. As we have seen, many of the Romans were actual slaves to earthly masters; this word about obeying the heavenly Lord went home to them much more effectively than it does to us, who have only heard of slaves. They knew what masters did with recalcitrant slaves. These got the lash or worse. Such evil slaves are all 'such' as teach contrary to their heavenly Master." In the section on Rom. 8, 28-30 the author takes the view of Dr. Stell- horn, holding that here the intuitu-fidei trope of the doctrine of election is taught. He is fair inasmuch as he does not conceal that such eminent authorities as Cremer-Koegel and Moulton-Milligan take a different view of the meaning of the verb foreknew. But that he misunderstands the position of many of those who disagree with him when he assumes that their definition of the divine foreknowing as einen Willensakt Gottes, einen goettlichen Ratschluss excludes or eliminates knowledge, is very ,evident. He writes (p. 563): "Both linguistically and doctrinally it is impossible to eliminate the knowing and to substitute for it an act of willing, a decree." If we here think of the teaching of our fathers, we certainly must say that it never was their intention to eliminate knowing from the complex content of the verb JtQOYLYVW<1?tffi. What they con- tended for was that not mere foreknowledge was spoken of in this verb, a point which Lenski himself agrees to when he ,defines YLyvwaxELV with the old dogmaticians as a noscere (nosse) cum affectu et effectu (p. 561). Lenski, it is true, repudiates synergism. When he stresses that JtQOEYVffi refers to foreknowledge, he conceives of this foreknowledge as covering "all that God's grace would succeed in working in us" (p. 563); but his view certainly empties the divine decree of election of its chief element, for essentially he reduces it to a mere act- of registration in the lists Book Review - Xlitetatut 313 of divine omniscience, God surveying mankind and knowing those that would be believers, and, of course, saying with respect to them, as it were, "I see these people will be My own; I shall give them a Father's care." It is difficult to understand how, with this conception in mind, one can still speak of an election of grace. In brief, what Lenski cham- pions is the well-known position of the later Lutheran dogmaticians, which they adopted in their polemics against Calvinism, but in which they overshot the mark. For a quite complete discussion of the intuitu- fidei view we may refer the reader to the Intersynodical Theses (also called Chicago Theses), where the incompatibility of this view with the Scriptural teaching and that of the Lutheran Confessions is set forth. There are other points where we have to voice our dissent. In speaking of Rom. 5, 12-19, the author is unwilling to admit that objec- tive justification is taught by the apostle. His opposition seems to be directed not so much against the doctrine of objective justification itself as against the terminology employed and the position that Paul, in v. 18 f., sets forth this doctrine. The reader may compare Lenski's remarks on p.87: "When thus correctly used, we may speak of allgemeine Recht- fertigung and of persoenliche Rechtfertigung. Since both are equally objective, both judicial declarations made by God in heaven, it should be seen that it is confusing to call the one 'objective justification' and the other 'subjective justification.' This terminology is inexact, to say no more." - Having said this, we now reiterate that we consider this commentary a splendid achievement and hope that it will promote far and wide a better understanding and fuller appreciation of the chief epistle which God has given us through St. Paul. W. ARNDT. ;tIcr ~~mVVer6rief. i:i.bnfc~t unb ausgelegt bon D. Dr. ~aul ~a(weit. ®uftab 6cljHinmanns metlllgsbudJ~llnb(ung (®uftab iYid) , £leiNig unb ~amoutg. 67 6eiten 5X8. ~rets, fartoniert: M.l.40. :Diefer neue meitrag 3U ber neuteftamentHcljen ffiet~e bet 6erie I1mi6e1~Hfe flir bie ®emeinbe" ~at wieber gtoBen lIDert flit ben :t~eologen unb mi6e1forfcljer, bet fefbftiinbig 3U at6eiten berfte~t unb 3U untetfdJeiben wetn. :Denn niefe fnavpe ~tuslegung fann bem ~6egeten gute ~ienfte leiften, wenn fie auclj in ber 6teUe bon bet ~rniebtigung ~~tifti 3iemliclj fcljwaclj unb un3ufiingliclj ift unb es man~ cljetorts an ~larf)eit unb :tiefe mangeft. ~tngegen fann man ficlj nur fteuen iiber 6a~e wie ben, welcljen wir unter 1,18 finben: l1~ine anbere ~Qriftusbotfcljaft aIS bie bon ~aufus unb bem gan3en !Jteuen :teftament bertlinbigte fann unb barf es nicljt geoen." (6. 20.) ~s ware fe~r BU wiinfcljen gewefen, ban bet metfaffer ge~ legentHclj ein Hates !IDort iibet bie lIDottinfpiration bet @5cljrift gefagt Q(Hte. ~. ~. ~ re ~ man n The Way of Life. By Geo. Luecke. Third, revised edition. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 96 pages, 4X61Jz. Price, 40 cts. We are sure that all who know Pastor Luecke's Way of Life will be heartily glad that this little gem of dogmatico-apologetic literature is presented in a third and revised edition. Written in a simple, yet dig- nified style, it makes ideal reading for all who are interested in the fun- damentals of the Christian faith. As a gift-book to catechumens, adults as well as those of school age, it has few equals. In eleven brief, but 314 Book Review - S3iteratut rich and thoroughly worked-out chapters it treats of God's existence and nature, man's destiny, the divine inspiration, authority, and inerrancy of the Bible, the God of the Bible, the Triune God, who is Love, the con- trast between Christianity and unbelief, the Christian hope of salvation, repentance and conversion, reasons for joining the Christian Church, the' orthodox and the heterodox churches, and lastly, the reasons why un- churched readers should join the Lutheran Church. Here a true, kindly pastor speaks to his readers out of the abundance of his faithful, con- secrated heart. And he sets forth every essential truth regarding the' way to life so clearly, correctly, and convincingly that we should like to see this excellent little book spread throughout our country in mil- lions of copies. By all means let our pastors and teachers make those over whom they have charge acquainted with this fine witness to the divine truth. J. THEODORE MUELLER Vicarious Atonement through Christ. By Louis Berkhof, B. D., professor of dogmatic theology at Calvin Seminary. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub- lishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1936. 184 pages, 5lh X 7l,~. Price. $1.50. "The doctrine of the vicarious atonement is in discredit today." Many no longer believe it ("The modern world cannot conceive of any one still believing the doctrine of the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ," says the preface of our book), and many of those who still be- lieve it no longer believe that it must remain the chief subject of their study and their preaching. To that extent they discredit it. They agree with the dean of an Episcopalian seminary who lately said: "I think we spend too much time on dead subjects. . .. I have heard of a semi- nary where a whole term - or was it a whole year? - was given to a course on the atonement." (See Living Church, Aug.8, 1936.) But there are also those who do not consider the hours lost that are devoted to the study of the vicarious atonement. And' they will gladly give their attention to what Professor Berkhof, president of the theological semi- nary (Grand Rapids) of the Christian Reformed Church, here writes on the necessity of the atonement, the objective nature of the atonement, the vicarious nature of the atonement, the subjective effects of the atone- ment together with the objections raised against this doctrine and the substitutes offered in place of the vicarious atonement. Those who have studied the chapters on the atonement in Dr. Pieper's Christliche Dog- matik will here find valuable supplementary matter. They will be going over familiar ground and will find additional useful information on various points. Unwaveringly, unmoved by the protest of reason, Pro- fessor Berkhof stands on the Biblical teaching concerning the necessity and the vicarious nature of the Atonement. But when he discusses the extent of the Atonement, he maintains, despite the protest of Scripture, the Calvinistic position. These are the final chapters of the book: "The Restricted Design of the Atonement" and "Objections to the Doctrine of a Limited Atonement Considered.'" At this point the Calvinist permits reason to dominate his theology. Calvinism has accepted reason as a safe guide in divine matters. We Book Review - £iterntur 315 hear Professor Berkhof saying that a certain teaching "does not com- mend itself to human reason and is also unscriptural. (P.71.) And so he denies here that grace is universal because of rationalistic considera- tions. Before he gives the "proof from Scripture-passages" (p.161), he establishes his doctrine by arguments like these: "Since God from all eternity decreed to save a certain definite number of the fallen human race, ... it is but reasonable to suppose that He adapted the means pre- cisely to the end which He had in view. . .. We can only suppose that He designed the necessary means also for those and for no other per- sons. . .. If God knows precisely, as He does, who will and who will not accept the offer of salvation, does it seem reasonable to think that He would send Christ into the world to suffer and die for the purpose of saving those of whom He is sure that they will never meet the con- ditions and be saved?" (P.157.) Again: "Another argument is based on the fact that, according to the doctrine of universal atonement, as held by some, God is really exacting a double satisfaction for sin. If Christ really satisfied the demands of the Law for all men; if He made atone- ment or amends for all, meeting all their legal requirements, it would seem that the Law would have no further claim on them as a condition of life and could not very well exact another satisfaction of them by eternal punishment." (P.159.) And on the strength of these bald and coarse ratiocinations the plain statements of Scripture are ignored and turned into their very opposite. Did the Lamb of God take away the sins of the world? of all men? No; for "the word world is sometimes used to indicate that the Old Testament particularism belongs to the past and made. way for New Testament universalism. In all probabilty this is the key to the interpretation of the word world in such passages as John 1, 29; 6, 33. 51; 2.Cor. 5, 19; 1 John 2, 2. . .. The passages in 1 Tim. 2, 3. 4 and 2 Pet. 3, 9 refer to the revealed will of God that both Jews and Gentiles should be saved, but imply nothing as to the universal intent of the Atonement." (Pp. 169. 170.) Has the grace of God that bringeth salvation appeared to all men? Titus 2, 11 says so, but in- spired by reason, the Calvinist says: "The all in this verse evidently refers to all classes of men." (P.170.) Can one be lost for whom Christ died? Not according to the doctrine of the limited atonement. Then why did Paul say so in 1 Cor. 8, 11 and the parallel passages? "These passages do not imply that the weaker brethren could actually fall away. . . . Some commentators assume that the. word perish in these passages does not necessarily refer to eternal damnation, but may simply mean 'embitter' or 'injure.''' (P. 170.) - The study of these sections of the book is not unprofitable. It will show that the Calvinistic teachings are not based on Scripture. The book closes with a paragraph stating that "it is not the duty of the preacher to harmonize the secret counsel of God respecting the re- demption of sinners with His declarative will, as it is expressed in the universal offer of salvation." Whatever may be meant by "secret coun- sel," the principle expressed is the only correct one. When reason tries to harmonize Scripture doctrines, it vitiates or destroys one or all of them. The Calvinistic reason harmonizes Scripture by eliminating the sweet doctrine of universal grace. TH. ENGELDER 816 Book Review - ~itetatUt What Is Christianity? By Sverre Norborg, Ph. D. Translated by J. C. K. Preus, D. D. 136 pages, 514x8. Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, Minn. Price, $1.00. How Halvor Became a Minister. By Peer Stroemme. Translated from the Norwegian by Inga Bredesen Norstog. 192 pages, 5X8. Augs- burg Publishing House, Minneapolis, Minn. Price, $1.00. 'Laur. Larsen, Pioneer College President. By Karen Larsen. 358 pages, 5Y2X9. Norwegian American Historical Association, Northfield, Minn. Price, $3.00. May be ordered through Concordia Publish- ing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. LOUis, Mo. Three volumes representing the Norwegian Lutheran scene, all three bearing a relation to Luther College of Decorah, Iowa, which celebrated its diamond jubilee last year. The first is a work of a Norwegian scholar, 'who is at the present time lecturing in this country. Norborg received early honors from the Lutheran Church of Norway and from the uni- versities of Erlangen, Leipzig, Berlin, Oslo, and Oxford and has held pastoral positions in Norway and in New York City. From the academic side the mantle of Soederblom has fallen upon Norborg as one of the most highly talented sons of the Scandinavian Lutheran Church. He converses with ease, as did Soederblom, in five or six languages, and he can write simply. His book discusses the essence of Christianity,-the ,new birth, faith in Jesus Christ, and the life of daily repentance and re- newal, - and it does it with a stirring, powerful appeal. Whatever faults .may be found with the book, - sometimes state-church conditions are perceptible, the doctrine of the Church and of the means of grace are not ,prominent, - it surely has none of the leaven of synergism. The sola gratia is powerfully stressed. The higher criticism is rejected (p.108). 'The sermon to Norborg is, as to us, "the message which an obedient wit- ness of God has drawn forth from the Holy Scriptures under the gui- dance of the Spirit of God" (p.111). The translation has been beautifully ,done by the president of Luther College, Dr. J. C. K. Preus. Future edi- tions will give us the correct typography for "perusia" (parusia, p.108) and for "insane" (inane, p.111). The second volume announced above is the autobiographical sketch 'by the late Peer Stroemme, written some forty years ago and now trans- 'lated from the Norwegian. Stroemme was a gifted journalist, who never lost his Lutheran consciousness although success beckoned to him in the field of naturalistic fiction. In Hvorledes Halvor blev Prest he told his life-story, to a large extent the story of his experiences at Decorah and at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. In the story appear the names of men honored in Norwegian American history-Preus, Ottesen, Brandt, 'Koren, Larsen, Stub, Ottesen, Brandt, Muus. Stroemme's reminiscences of St. Louis,-Concordia Seminary, Dr. Walther, Schaller, his Wasch- tante,-embellished with wholesome humor, possess historical value, as does the entire book, as a record of an almost forgotten age. Norwegian Americans are to be congratulated upon the high scholar- ,ship which marks the productions of the Norwegian American Historical Association and also upon their latest product, the life of Dr. Larsen by ,his daughter Karen. Miss Larsen teaches history at St. Olaf College and Book Review - mtetlltur 317 at.the diamond jubilee of Luther College was given the honorary Doctor of Letters. Her life of the distinguished Norwegian Lutheran educator is written with scholarly restraint and shows the hand of the trained his- torian on every page. Due to the modesty of the sainted Larsen only few autobiographical data regarding his life were available, and Miss Karen was limited to obscure pamphlets and periodicals for much of her source material. It does not appear that much of the correspondence of Dr. Larsen was available. The story of his life is told with many side-lights upon his colaborers. Very often we note the progressiveness. and independence of the man's thought processes, also with reference to national (Norwegian) issues and educational questions. As is well known, Larsen for a time taught at Concordia College, St. Louis (1859-1861). There is much stirring detail regarding the slavery controversy and, of course, regarding the controversy on election. While it is evident that the author does not appreciate fully the fundamental nature of the issues involved, she remains at least fair and objective in these sections also. The defection of her father from the Missouri Synod position (by his ac- ceptance of the Madison Agreement of 1912) is told without justifying this step or passing judgment upon it. One could wish a little more definition on this or on other points. There is a criticism in the remark that, when Larsen died in 1915, "only the very briefest note of the event was made in the organ of the Church to which he had been so closely bound" (p.339).* Such deficiencies-there are a few besides this de- tachment from underlying theological tendencies - do not detract essen- tially from the value of the book. It is a masterpiece of historical com- position. We have nothing like it in our own synodical literature. THEODORE GRAEBNER lffin§ fjciJit Iutfjetifdj? lBon &;letmann SaITe. ,Blncitc, berme~tte muffage. ~lJr.~ Raifet=l{ledag, MUncl) en , 1936. 171 Seiten 6 X9. :Iliefe~ mucf), ba~ nad) furser ,BcH in ,roeHer, bermelJtter muffage erfd)cint, lJat ung bet merfaffer, bet befannte ~tofeffot bet ~lJeorogie an bet Unil1etjWit ~t~ langen, fteunbHcf) 3uoefanbt. ~~ ift eim in beutfd)!anbifd)en Rteifen faft ein3ig~ attige, trefflicf)e Scf)tift. D. Saffe fte~t mitten tm Rampfe, bet ie~t bie stird)c SDcutfcf)!onDS beroegt, unb ift ciner ber motfiim~fer. (\;r rennt roie rocnig onbere bie IntlJctifdJe ~elJtfteUung unb 1)ot ben Mut, fcine iHm,eugung nar unll be~ ftimmt aU§3ufptecf)en. ;;sebe Seite faft 3eigt fcine grUnbficf)en, ~iftotifd)en un!> bogmatifdJen stenntniffe, nnb e~ ift ilJm um bie lut~erifd)e stitcf)e 3U tun gcgcn bie Union. ~t jagt mit uted)t in bem morroott, ball ber stircf)entamPf in SDeutfd)~ lanb "cin stampf um bie stonfeffionen, cin ccf)ter ~efenntngfampf, ift. . .. !illiilJ~ renb bie llilelt ben Ronfeffionen ben ~otcnfdJein au~gefteUt unb ba~ fonfeHioneUe ,BeUaUer fUr beenbet erfIiirt lJat, finb bie stonfeffionen innet~alb nnferiJ .ffirc~en~ tums Itlicbet cine Macf)t geroorbCll. mOt cinem 9J1enfd)Cl1aftet roat man faft allge~ * The present reviewer was then editor of Der Lutheraner and of the Lu- theran Witness and also responsible for the department of Lehre und Wehre which passed in review contemporary history. Well does he remember the dis- tress, and quite insoluble dilemma, which confronted him and his coeditors when Dr. Larsen's death was reported. It became a question of harmonizing the stal- wart attitude in doctrinal matters that had characterized the sainted Norwegian Lutheran leader and his later acceptance of the Madison Theses. The suggestion of reasons and motives involved was unescapable, . .. The result was the brief objective notice in LehTe und WehTe, 1915, p.131. 318 Book Review - \literatur metn bet ftbewu\Jung, bali hie 3ufunft bes !1l)tiftentums aUf bem @ebicte bet ,@ejinnung unb ;tat' liege, bail abet bas bogmatijdJe ,scHaUer bet dJtifHidJen ffi:eligion abgcfdJloffen fei. mUen metedJnungen unb morl)etfagen bet oejten ~en< net bes @djtesleoens 3um ;tro~ jtel)en lui! l)ellte an bet 6dJweUe dnes neue!t bog< matifdje!t ,seitaHer§, unb swat nidJt nut in ~eutfdJTanb. ~enen, bie uns ein< teben miid)ten, bas !1l)riftentum l)abe bie mad)t Uber bie ®eifter bedoren unb bie menfdJen ftitrbe!t l)eute niC!)t mel)t fUr reHgiiife ftbetdeugungen, mUilte es boel) ilU benfen geben, bab bie (1l) tiftenl) eit, foweit wit bas abfdJiiten fOnnen, in ben {etten beiben :;Sal)qel)nten mel)t 9niit!t)ret unb ~onfejioten in ben ;tob, in bie metliannung unb ins @efiingniS l)at l1el)en fel)en aIS in ben erften brei :;Sal)r< l)unberten". (6.3.4.) 6affe bel)anbert nun, wie es bie gegenwiittige ~ird)eniage etforbert, ausfitl)didJer hie S3el)tuntetid)iebe 3wifef)en bet lutf)etifd)en unb bet teformierten mtdJe unb l)at in feinet ~amHestiitigfeit "bie etfef)itttetnbe ~tfal)~ tung" gemaef)t, "bali bide bon ben beutfcl)en i\'iif)tetn bie \lel)re il)tet ~itd)e ... gar nic!)t me!)r fo fennen, wie es um bet 6aef)e willen noiwenbig wiire". (6.5.) llnb er Iielont: ,,'fiie naclj bem 'fiotte bes !j.lauius niemanb bas lBctenntniS, ba% :;S~ius bet ~~tt ift, fjmef)en fann ,ol)ne butef) ben ~emgen @eift', fo fann audJ niemanb Me ~onfotbienfottneI ais witflicljes mefenntniS unterfdlteiben ,oljne bltte!) ben ©eHigcn ®eift'. ~s fann nicmanb bie muguftana widlief) aIS bas me. fenntnis feinet ~itcf)e annef)men, in beffen ©er3en cil nief)t iuliert ,l)1un freut euef), Hebe ~!)rijten g'mein'." (6.6.) 'fiit mBef)ten nod) mef)t 'fill1:te bes metfajjers altfUl)ren, mUfjen eil ieboci) l)ierbei Iieweltben fajfen; aber wir empfef)Ten bicie €)e!)ri.ft utd)t nur benen, bie dne gennuere ~infici)t ilt bie firef)fief)en ~iintpfe in ~e1ttfd)fanb nef)men wollen, fonbern gan3 aUgemeilt. mud) !)ier ilt mmerifa finb nae!) ultferer ftbet3eugung \lel)diimpfe, lBefenlttniSfumpfe, in 6ici)t, ultb es gift, barl jeber st!)eolog, jebet !j.laftor orbentlid) gerUftet ift fitr fo!ef)e ~iimpfe. ~s wirb fief) ba audJ um bie j}rage l)altbe!n: ,,'fias ift !utfJerifcf)e S3ef)te?" bieUeidJt Itief)t gcgenitber ultierter oDer ultioltiftifci)er ~el)re - benn im 'ficfen be~ llltioniSmu~ unb bet ultierten £Href)e Hegt, bali fie eben feine fefte beftimmte S3e~te l)at -, fon' Dern anbern alief)tungen gegenitber. 'fiir wiinfef)en bem um bie lut~erifef)e ~iref)e fo crnftlid) fiimpfenben mcrfaffer bolt .\;) etD en, Dab er nun auef) bie redJten ,prafti~ jd)en i\'ofgen aus feiner \lef)tfteUung 3iel)en unb ins 'fiert feten miief)te. \l. j} it r b ri n g e r Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Convention of the Ev. Luth. Synodical Conference of North America. 1936. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 125 pages, 6X9. Price, 25 cts. This report is worth reading just at the present time. Everywhere men are speaking of Lutheran union, a cause to which the Synodical Conference is committed. One of its objects is, as the presidential ad- dress points out, "the uniting of all Lutheran synods of America into one orthodox American Lutheran Church." A further remark in this address will discourage those who are aiming at a unionistic union: "By the grace of God the Synodical Conference has remained true to its principles, has remained a conference of Lutheran synods standing firmly and unequivocally upon the inspired and inerrant Word of God and upon the Confessions of the Lutheran Church." And now let all those who are speaking and writing and conferring on a Lutheran union study Pro- fessor Hoyer's essay on "Union Movements in the Church," as much of it as has been presented at Indianapolis. Let them take to heart what Book Review - mtetatut 319 .is said about those "unions which are worse than dissension, union at the expense of the truth," about formulas "veiling the difference" and "vague, ambiguous phrases"; also that from the early days of Chris- tianity men who stood for a union in the truth were charged with "ob- stinacy" and "were told that with their stubbornness they stood in the way of progress and advancement for the Church"; nor let them forget how Luther dealt with those who, though differing with him, were willing to discuss the differences with a view to their removal: "Since we do not yet understand each other fully, it is well to exercise mutual kindness and always hope the best until all turgid waters have settled." (P. 40.) - The report is worth reading, too, because of the second essay, by Dr. J. T. Mueller: "The Glory of the Gospel Ministry," which should be read at the present time and at all times. - The members of the Synodical Conference will also want to be kept informed on the state and progress of the Colored Missions, just now particularly with regard to the work begun in the Negro's homeland, Africa. - (On page 13, line 13, substitute for "Lutherans" they; p. 34, 1. 32, for "Luther" Er; p.76, 1.14, read: "unless we retain the Gospel of salvation by grace, we shall have, etc.") TH. ENGELDER :Brightcst Light for Darkest Africa. A mission-story book about the Ibibios of Ibesikpo, explaining their country and their customs. By John Theodore Mueller, Th. D., member of the Missionary Board for Colored Missions. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 35 pages, 5% X 7%. Price, 10 cts.; dozen, 96 cts., and postage; 100, $7.00, and postage. It is proper that our theological journal also should draw attention to this interesting, well-written brochure, in which in thirteen chapters pertinent information is given on the African field where the Synodical Conference has begun a promising mission. The many questions that all those interested ask as to climate, rainfall, travel, economic, social, and religious conditions in this field are here briefly discussed. The numer- ous illustrations help to make the little work appealing to our people. W.ARNDT :!Ier S)eifnnb her !melt. j)JiDelftunben ubet bie fiebcn lIDotte :;SCffu am SheuB. mon &'jermann j)Jc33eL SD. ®unberbmet!ag, Stuttgart. 106 ScHen 4X 6. q.Jteis: ~attoniett, RM. 1; .\leinen: RM. lA,O. ~iefe ficben j)Jetrad)tungen finb in igter lrorm einfad)e q.Jrebigten, bie, illie bet &'jetausgebet, Lic. :;Sogannes !RujJjJred)t, fd)teibt, "bie ®tunbillagtgeit unfet!l tbangerifd)en ~gtiftenglauben!l, bas merf5gnungs, unb Cft15fungsroetf unfed ~ottmenfdjridjen WlitHct!l" betonen. ~ie SjJtad)e illitb aUetbings in biefet ubet, gangsjJcriobc in unfetn ®cmeinben biefen fd)on 3U fcf)ioer fein, nbet q.Jaftoren, bie 'fid) nad) neuem Wlatetiaf fUt q.JaffionsjJtebigten umfegen, illetben in biefen me' ttad)tungen roettboUe ®ebanfen finben fBnnen. &'jin unb roiebet f5nnen tvit bem metfaffer nid)t gana fo{gen, iDte illenn et begaujJtct: /IlIDorte roie ,bie feufdje ©im~ meISbtaut' foUten nie ubet ebnngeHfcf)e .\lijJjJen gfeiten. ;ttaume roie bon ,bet Wluttet ®ottes' foUten in bem ~erBen eines nUd)terenen !l.\toteftanten nie maum 1)aben./1 (6.40.) lIDafJrenh illit nUerbing!l mehenfen gatten, ben etften ~ushruif au gebtnud)en, bUtfen roir un!l bod) bot bem 3weiten nid)t fd)euen, ba er hurd)au!l Quf oibHfcf)em monen berugt. q.J. Cf. ~ t e t man n 320 Book Review. - mteratur. Thirty-Fifth Annual of Convention Associated Lutheran Charities, Sep- tember 1-4, 1936, at Detroit, Mich. 108 pages, 6X9. Price, 50 cts. May be ordered from Rev. J. H. Witte, 304 Tuscola Rd., Bay City, Mich. Reprints of Pastor Gloe's paper may be had for 10 cts. This report contains all the addresses which were delivered before the 1936 convention of the Associated Lutheran Charities as well as a summary of all discussions in the afternoon institutes and the papers of the sectional meetings. Every person who desires to remain abreast of the times with regard to the work of our Lutheran organizations in the field of charity and social welfare should read and study this report. P. E. KRETzMANN (.Hngcgangcnc l:.\itcmtut 2utljertultl, .\'dcft 12, 1936, entljiHt cine SZLlJljanblung be§ ~r!anger Jtircljen= recljtIers ,\Jans mermann tiber IISZLngIifanifclje j}'tagen" fomie dnen SZLttUeI bon !n. Sj. 6iie (.\to.penljagen) tiber IISDie d)tiftHclje l3iebe uub bas l3eben im \Serufl/. SDie !ltanbbemerfungen bou .\';Ians 6dJomerus unb eiu gttinbIid)er \stidjet= UUD 3eitfcl)tiftenberid)t iinben fief) aUf ben letten 6cHen. - Sjeft 11 unb 12, 1936, bet ::tljeofogie ber aJegenlUart btingen \Sef~tcd)ll1lgcn aUf bem (lJebiet bet fiJftema= tifd)en %ljeologie. 2utf)crtultl ftir ~anuar 1937 entl)frlt mid)ttge SZLrtHel: 6imon 6djiiffel tiber IISDas angeneljme ~aI)r bes Sj~rtn", .\'dans ~reub tibet ,,®ebanfen gum StiIgeftige bet ®egenil.lattl/, Dtto Sjenning 9cebe tibct "l3utljetifd)c l3eljte, SDeiSmus unb lJR1)ftit". SZLufletbem finben fid) bie ffianbbemertungen bon &;ians 6dJoments ul1D bet \stidjer= unb 3eitfdJtiftenbctidJt bon ~ol)annes \SergboIt. - SDie ~anuar= nummer ber ::tl)eologie bet aJegenlUart bringt \Sef~red)un\len tiber neuere ~r= fdJeinungen aUf hem (lJebicte ber ~itd)engefcljid)te. From Augustana Book Concern, Rock Island, IlI.:- These Tluee. Devotional Thoughts for the Quiet Hour. By the Rev. G. H. Knight. 174 pages, 5X7lj2. Price, $1.00. From the Round Table Press, Inc., New York:- The Second Book of Story Talks. By Simeon E. Cozad. 205 pages, 5X71/2. Price, $1.50. NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRmERS In order to render satisfactory service. we must have our current mailing-list correct. The expense of maintaining this list has been materially increased. Under present regulations we are subject to a "fine" on all parcels mailed to an incorrect address. inasmuch as we must pay 2 cents for every notification sent by the postmaster on a parcel or periodical which is undeliverable because no forwarding address is available or because there has been a change of address. 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