Full Text for Der Schriftgrund fuer die Lehre von der satisfactio vicaria, part 15 (Text)

QTnurnr~iu m4rnlngiral ilnutqly Continuing LEHRE UND VVEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. VII January, 1936 No.1 CONTENTS Page Testifying the Gospel of the Grace of God. Th. Engelder. • • • 1 Der Pietismus. Theo. Hoyer . • . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . • . • • • • • 6 Present-Day Problems of Lutheranism. F. Kreiss. . • • • . • • • • 14 Luther on the Study and Use of the Ancient Languages. F. v. N. Painter . . . . . . • . .• 23 Der Schriftgrund fuer die Lehre von del' satisfactio vicaria. P. E. Kretzrnann . . • • . • . • •• 27 Sermon Study on 2 Cor. 4. 3-6. Theo. Laetsch ......•..• , 30 Dispositionen ueber die erste von del' Synodalkonferenz angenommene Evangelienreihe .................... 39 Miscellanea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches. . . . . 55 Book Review. - Literatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 73 Ein Prediger 1I1U88 n1eht aIleln ID.~, also dUs er die Schafe unterwelae, wi. ole rechte Christen lO11en seln. sondem ouch daneben den Woe1fen weMen, da.se iie die Schafe nicht ancrelfen und mit falacher Lehre Tertuehren und Irrtum ein· fuehren. -'- Luther. E. at keln Ding, daa die Leute mehr bel der Kirch. behaelt denn die gute Predigt. - ~polollia. ~rt . t .. It the trumpet giTe an uncertain lOund, wbo oball prepare himself to the battle? 1 COf'. ~. 8. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of JIlissouri, Ohio, and Other States COB'COBl):u. PtrBLISHDfG HOtrSE, St. Louis, Mo. CHIVE :iDet 6cl)tiftgtunb fiit bie S3ef)te bon bet satisfactio vicaria. 27 Hence it is foolish to attempt to learn the Scriptures through the con=ents of the fathers and the study of many books and glosses. For that purpose we ought to give ourselves to the languages. For the beloved Fathers, because they were not versed in the languages, have often failed, in spite of their verbose expositions, to give the meaning of the text. You peruse their writings with great toil; and yet with a knowledge of the languages you can get the meaning of Scripture better than they do. For in comparison with the glosses of the Fathers the languages are as sunlight to darkness. Since, then, it behooves Christians at all times to use the Bible as their only book and to be thoroughly acquainted with it, especially is it a disgrace and sin at the present day not to leaTn the languages when God llrovides every facility, incites us to study, and wishes to have His Word known. Oh, how glad the honored Fathers would have been if they could have learned the languages and had such access to the Holy Scriptures! With what pain and toil they scarcely obtained crumbs, while almost without effort we are able to secure the whole loaf! Oh, how their industry shames our idleness; yea, how severely will God punish our neglect and ingratitude! St. Paul, in 1 Cor. 14,29,8) enjoins that there be judgment upon doctrine - a duty that requires a knowledge of the languages. For the preacher or teacher may publicly read the whole Bible as he chooses, right or wrong, if there be no one present to judge whether he does it correctly or not. But if one is to judge, there must be an acquaintance with the languages; otherwise the judging will be in vain. Hence, although faith and the Gospel may be preached by ordinary ministers without the languages, still such preaching is sluggish and weak, and the people finally become weary and fall away. But a knowledge of the languages renders it lively and strong, and faith finds itself constantly renewed through rich and varied in- struction. In the First Psalm the Scriptures liken such study to "a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not wither." SlJer 5dj:dftgrunb fUr bie £efjre );l.on bet satisfactio vicaria. (fri1rtfetung.) srifus 2,14. (!siefje!S. 748 f. biefes \Banbes.) lljje±r. 1, 18. 19: ~iffenb (ba ifjr mitt), bat ifjr nidjt mit bergangTidjen (~ingen), !siIlJer ober ®oIb, erIjjle± l1Jurbet bon eurem eitlen, bon ben IBa±ern illierIie~ ferten lllianbeI, fonbern mit fjjftIidjem \BIut, aIs 3) "Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge." 28 SDet 6d)tiftgtunb flit bie \1ef)rc bon bet satisfactio vicaria. cines Bammes fe~rros unb oqne IDeard, namIiCfj Gr fj ri fH. ;t)ex l13affus ~. 13-21 en±~aI± due IDeafjnung 3u gIauoensfefkr unD freubigcx Sjoffnung aUf ®runb ber ®nabe, bie in ber DffenfJarung ~®fu (1)rifti en±fjaHcn if±. m:uf ®runb bes ®mpfange§ biefer ®nabe, fo fii1)d ber ~lpof±el aus, foUen bie (1)rif±en fiCfj ag ge~orfame ~inber ®otiei5 berfjaIten unb oettJeifcn unb bemnaCfj in i1)rcm gan3en msanbeI fjeiHg fein. ;t)iefe ®rma~nung mirb nun noCfj einbringliCfjer motibied burCfj bie ®rinnerung an ben unbergleicljIiCfjen l13rei§, ben ber @6o~n ®o±±e§ erlegt ~at, um bie @rIi:ifung bex IDeenf Cfj~eit 3U eraMen. ;t)ai5 l13artiaip maCfjt bie @rmafjnung oefonber§ einbrucr§boU: ;t) a i fj r m i 13 t, mrit i~r bie @denn±ni§ 1)alit. ;t)a§ mar ben Gr1)riften in ben ni:ixbliCfjen l13robinaen ~reinafiens bom m:pof±eI mit liefonberem ~ad)brucr ans Sjera geregt morben, biefe @denn±ni§ 1)aUen fic burdj bie i~nen gegebene ~ele1jrung gemonnen, baf3 fie namIiCfj niCfjt tJermitteIs bergangIiCfjer ;t)inge ober mserfe (cpfJa(!uJ., faft fuoftaniibif dj) Iosgefauf± morben \uaren. ~ein, bas Bi:ifegeIb, Das in biefem ~aUe eniriCfj±e± murbe, ging meit iioer aUe ge~ mofjnIicljen ~ergreidje 1)inaus. Sonft fonnie man mo~I an Silber unb ®orb benren, ba ®eID unD ®eIDestl1crf georcrudj± murDen, um WCenldjen bon leiliIidjer ~neCfjifCfjafi 3u erIOf en unb au oefreien. Sjier aoer mar bie Sadjlage fo: ;t)ic Befer bes ~riefc§ 1)a±±en un±er ber S'tnedjifdjaf± eines eitIen, fittIidj geljaIHofen msefens gel eo±. @s mar ein Belien unb msefen, iuie fie es bon i1)ren ~atern 1)er, burdj biele ®enerationen ~in~ bmdj, ii'6edommcn fjatien. WCandje m:uslegcr benfen tl1egen cp{}a(!7:6. unb wJ.rawq an bie @iteHett Des ~allierbienfies in ber msiif±e, bie fidj bann aueL) nodj fpiiter 1)ie unb ba im ~oUe ;;'SsrcrcI fanb. m:nbere benfen an bie ®e1)aItrofigfeit bes ganacn fjeibnifdjen ®i:itenbien1ies, bOn bem ia fdjon ber l13falmif± fagt: ,,;t)ie ~lidj±ie ber Sjeiben finb Sillier 1mb @loIb." ;t)icfe aHen gotenbicnerifdjen DleHgionen fjatien dnm geil1a[~ iigen SjaH an ben @6eelen i1)rer m:nfjiinger, nidjt nur eine vis inertiae, fonbern dne @6iiide, bie lidi mit ber grotten ,3ii1)igfeit be1)aup±C±c. m:lier \uas l'eine§ IDeenfcf)en WCadjt an fidj ausgericf)tet fjiitie, ba§ bermodjte bie ~raft ber fteUberfreienben ®enugmung