Full Text for CTM Book Review 5-7 (Text)

(ltnurnrbtu UJ4rnlngirul :!Innt~l!J CoDtiDuiDg LEHRE UNO WEHRE MAGAZIN FUER EV.-LUTH. HOMILBllK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY. THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. V July, 1934 No.7 CONTENTS Zur Lehre von der Reue. Th. E ngelder . •••.•••.•.•.••.•. " 497 Christian Burial. J. A. Petersen .••••.•.......•••...••.• " 509 Die rechte Mitte in der Liturgie und Ordnung des Gottes· dienstes. L. Fuerbrinr:er. • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • . . . . • . . • • • . • •• 520 The Question of Aramaic Originals. P. E. Kretr 1IlUl-o~ nicht aUein t('rv/'l4 . L i .. ( ".·ill Bing. ua' die Leute mt:hr al~(l da ..... cr diE' Schnfc uuwn,l'iiOil't \vic ""i de-T Kirch£' 1I4'iuu·1t dtnn di .. gute .., i e r t.'l'htc Chribtel'l soll('n 'l'ill.. nude-rn l'lf·.li~t. .1pol o!lzj • • \rt . .!-~ . • luch danelJ..·n d('n\\ oclft n wthn'n. dat-· ie dit' Schl1f~ niehl. nngreiff'n lIm} mit Ii the trumpet. gin~ an un("~rtain !«lWld, ral.pher Lehre "erfuehr('Tl lind lrrtum ein "h" .• hall pr~pa" hhll,elf to the battle? fuehn·n L",II,..,. 1 Cor. Lf. S. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States OONOORDIA. PUBLISHING HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. ARCHIV 568 Book Review. - £itetatut. Book Review. - £iteratur. Excavating Kirjath-Sepher's Ten Cities. By Melvin Grove I(yle, D. D., LL. D. 203 pages, 6X9. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1934. Price, $2.00. Order from Concordia Publish- ing House, St. Louis, Mo. If anyone thinks archeology is a "dry-as-dust" subject, of value only to specialists and theologians of a certain group, he is bound to be agree- ably disillusioned if he reads this book. It is delightful, fascinating, in- forming from beginning to end. Written in the form of a chatty narrative, describing the four campaigns of excavation undertaken under the direc- -tion of the author, the book gives one an acquaintance with the flplendid .and successful work done at Kirjath-sepher and at the same time serves .as an introduction to many customs still observed in Bible lands, thus ,opening up many sections of the Bible in a most interesting and instruc- tive manner. Seventeen half-tone illustrations, the first being a late one IOf the deceased author, enhance the value of the book. It stands to reason that certain views of the author will not find full acceptance, and one may differ with him with regard to his peculiar notions of Bible chronology (p. 85) ; but one is most agreeably compensated for this fact by the author's staunch defense of the Scriptures. The book thoroughly corroborates the Bible narrative. P. E. KRETZMANN. 'l:ld lneue l:eftament 'l:lentidi. %ues ®iittinget jJjilie1med. ~erausgegelien bon ~ au ( I~l rt ~ a u s unb ~ 0 ~ ann e s jJj el) m. 9. steHbCinbdjen: 'tI i e jJj tie f can st i mot ~ e u sun b :t i t us, Ubetfetlt unb edfCitt bon ~ 0 a d) i m ~ e t e m i a s. 'tI e t jJj r i e fan b i e S) e Ii t a e t , Ubetfetlt unb erf!att bon S) e r man n 6 t rat ~ m (l n n. ll3anben~oed unb lRujlted)t, ®iittingen, 1934. 128 6eiten 6X9%. 6ubfftijltionsjlreis: RM 4.25; ein3eln RM 4.95. 'tIiefet neue, \JopuIlite .R'ommentat Uvet bas 91eue steftament, bet, menn borr~ ftnnbi\1, 3mBlf jJjnnbd)en umfaffen foU, bavon eins dn lRegiftetvanbc~en, fd)teitet rUftig fciuet ll30tfenbung entgegen. 'tIet borliegenbe steH fd)eint uns liefonberS mertvotf. SJ/ad) fut3en (Jinfeitungen merben hie jJjriefe ferlift in cinet mufter< gUltigen uberfetlung 'oargeboten mit ~tlauterungen, Die liei aUer .R'Ur3e bod) bie S)aujltfad)en in ben bctid)iebenen Illlifd)nitten liefjlted)en. mlegen ftU~eret lRe~ 3enfionen fiinnen luit ~iet bon cinet meHeten ~f)(lra!tetifierung bes lillerfes ali~ fe~en. mlD~Ituenb !JetU~tt bet biefem ~iinbd)en, bab bie ~aftota1briefe bem Illjlo~ ftd ~aulus 3ugefjlrod)en metben, oug(eicf) etn unniitiget ~lbfttid) gemad)t mitb, menn aUf 6eite 4 bet Illusleger es aIs fetne Illieinung ausfprid)t, "baB bie jJjtiefe im Illufttag bes ~(lulus, mo~l auf ®runb bOt~etiget mUnblicl)et Illnmeifung unb unter feinet Illiitarbeit, gefcl)tielien finll". ~n be3ug auf ben S)elitnetlitief ift bet betteffenbe Illusleger bet Illieinung, bab man bei bet i\'tage nad) bem Illutot am fid)etften bet SJ/oti3 stettul1ians forge, monad) ~(ltualicts fUt ben ll3etfalfet biefes fBjtlid)en jJjtiefes au ~anen ift. (!;t fUgt ~in3u: " 'tIo d) bleilit 'oie Ut~ebetjd)aft bes jJjatualias dne ll3etmutung. Illnbete ll3etmutungen betbienen teine ~tmn~~ nung, ~iid)ftens nod) Me 53ut~ers (aliet nut um £ut~ets milIen), bet an Illjlotfos (Illjloft. 18) bad)te." IllfS 'tIatum bes ~tiefes benft bet IUusleger eHua an bas Book Review. - ~itetCltut. 569 ~a~r BO. SDie fd)tuierige 6te[e &'debr. 6, 4-6 tuitb erniirt, inbem bie bott Ile~ nannte Unmoglid)feit ber SSu!le befd)tieben tuitb ars giittlid)e~ @etid)t (bgL bag @etid)t bet ~etftochtng), eine 'l(u~legung, bie fid) roo!)! mit ber analogia fidei bertragt. ~. 'l! t n b t. ~otenauferite~un.g. ~in ~ibeUurs libet 1 .!tor. 15. ~on D. ~ a r 1 'i)' e 3 e r , ~rofeflot in ::tlibinllen. cralroet ~etlagsbud)~anblung, 6tuttgart. 1933. 78 6eiten 5%,XB%. ~reig: ~artoniert, RM 1.80; gebunben, RM 2.80. ~it ~aben biefe 6tubie mit Ilto!lem ~nteteffe in e i n e m .Buge bur,d)gelefen. ~g ganbelt fid) nid)t um dne roiifenfd)aftlid)e (\;!:egefe, fonbern um ben anet'~ tennenstvetien SDienft eines St:!)eologen, bet, roie er ferber fagt, mit ber @emeinbe in 'i)'ii!)lung bfeiben roil1. "SDarum ~at bie @emeinbe bie ::t~eologen, ... ball bie ::t~eologen il)te 'l!tbeit fo lditen fiinnen, tuie iie fie leiften mliflen. Unb batum ~aben bie St:f)eofogen jl)te 'l!rb~it au tun im SSlict aUf bie @emeinbe." (6. lB.) !!Ber fid) mit bem 1. ~ortntl)erbrief, fveaififcf} mit bem 'l!uferftel)ungsfallitef, in~ tenfib befd)iiftigt, tuirb aus btefer 6tubie mand)es rernen fiinnen. ~. (1;. ~ t e tl man n. The Basis of Christian Faith. A Modern Defense of the Christian Re- ligion. By Rev. Floyd E. Hamilton. Harper & Brothers, New York, N. Y. 348 pages, 5'4 X 8. Price, $2.25. Professor Hamilton teaches in Union Christian College, in Dorea. While a student, he lost his faith in the Bible, in the atonement, even in the existence of a God. Later he was led back to faith, when he realized that even from the standpoint of reason the evolutionist and atheist have no ground to stand on. Some of the chapter headings will convey an idea of the rich contents of this book: The External Universe; The Reasons why "Ve must Believe in God; The World and Its Origin; The Reasonable- ness of Supernaturalism; The Cause and Growth of the Great Religions of the World; The Unity of the Bible; The Historical Trustworthiness of the Bible; The Integrity, Genuineness, and Authenticity of the Bible; His- torical and Literary Criticism of the Old Testament; Historical and Lit- erary Criticism of the New Testament; The Alleged Discrepancies in the Bible; Doctrinal Difficulties in the Bible; The Resurrection of J eaus Christ; The Fulfilment of Prophecy. The chapters dealing with the genuineness of the Biblical books are the strongest. Incidentally we note (p. 178) that also this author has accepted Thothmes III as the Pharaoh of the op- pression. THEODORE GRAEBNER. God at Work. A Study of the Supernatural. By William Adams Brown, Ph. D., D. D. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York and London. 301 pages, 5% X 8. Price, $2.50. Like Dr. Brown's other much-advertised book Beliefs that Matter this monograph is a book of insidious poison, doubly so on account of its lit- erary appeal and because of the fact that he uses many of the old ortho- dox terms while investing them with modernistic meanings, which take the very heart out of Christianity. The proton pseudos of the book is the placing of all religions on the same level, whereby Christianity is bound to lose its very soul. The author does not really progress beyond the natural knowledge of God, and of course he does not believe in the inspira- tion of the Bible (p. 269). He is in sympathy with Karl Barth, whom he 570 Book Review. - 5.litetatur. calls Oalvin's latest disciple (p. 75, note; 76, note), but also with Mahatma Gandhi and with Buchman. He clearly does not know what faith is (p. 60 ff.), denies miracles (p. 81), believes in evolution in religion, denies the exis- tence of a personal devil (p. 103), and has no idea what conversion really means (p. 125). Altogether, Dr. Brown is running true to form. It is a pity that so many people follow his antichristian vagaries. P. E. KRETZMANN. Evolution Cross-Examined. A Oritical Examination of the Theory from Matter Arising out of Public Debates and Discussions. 44 pages, 5X7%. The Lutheran Publishing 00., Adelaide. Price, 1 ah. This booklet is of interest not only because it presents the best argu- ments against the theory of evolution in the form of a cross-examination, the Ohristian and the evolutionist being the opponents in the debate, but in particular because a new argument is added, namely, that taken from the rate of propagation. If the age of homo sapiens is to be accepted on the basis of the evolutionist's conservative estimate as being 500,000 years, and if we may assume the rate of propagation during those half million years to have heen the same as during the past 150 years, then the earth would now have a population running into eighteen figures, and there would barely be standing-room for all the people of the earth. Other points a.re b. 'ought out in just as interesting a manner, and the book may well be added to the pastor's shelf of apologetic literature. P_ E. KRETZMANN. l5eijen wil' nuLl im ~enfeit~ wieber? ili( gtofle 6eijnfud)tsfta(Je bet !DlenfdJijeit. mon fj.\t'of. Dr. ff t' i e b l' i d) 3 u l' m 0 n f (n. jJrQn3 mot'gme~er merrag~~ bud)ijanblung, &;lilbegijeim. @r. 8°, 176 6citen. @analeinenbanb, 4.50 RM. ilieg ift dne anteg'enbe 6tubk stier merfaffer, dn namijafter @eleijtter, abel' ein 5.laie, ift @Heb bel' riimifd)en .Rird)e (6. 142 passim), mas abel' im mud) felber nul' felten ijetbOt±titt, aufl·et' in ben .BUaten, bie, mie es fd)dnt, aUe aug bel' beutfd)en ftbetfetung bel' mulgata genommen finb. stlie ffotm bet ilarj'ttUung ift feffelnb, bie S~tad).e ift gemii~lt, oft aud) e~igtammatifd). !illenn mit nud) iifter Den \llugfu~tungen nid)t 3uftimmen fiinnen, f·o finben mit bod) aaijllofe mid)tige unb mllijte @ebanren, bie mit' moij! antnenbm fiinnm. ~in fj.\aftot, bet bie~ mud)~ Iein ftubiert, mitb auef) fut 5.leief)enteben mand)e ttoftteid)e @ebankn geminnen fiinnen. Unter ben bic!en f.d)iinen \llusfagm bes mud)eg finben fid) fo!genbe: ,,!illet dnma! in bie lilletoebliitter [bet 6~ititiften] dnen mlief getnn l)llt, bet mirb miffen, ma~ fut entfetHef)e teHgiiife ~tt'mege uns l)iet broijen, unb mitb jebe @elegenl)eit benuten, ol)ne f.atfd)e ;toletana IlUell, mag mit bem mobetnen S~ititigmull 5U~ fnmmen~iin\lt, bom Stanb~unU beil ~ijtiftentumg nus 5U befiim~fen.1I (\llus .RtO~ lllltfd)eef 5itiert.) "ilatum ift uns aud) bet ~imme( meniger tin ,ott ag ein 8 u ~ ft a n b, mte benn bie !illonne beg &;limmeg in bem biiUigen stlutd)brungenfein b.et 6tde bon @ott unb bet giittnd)en mebe oej'teijt." "ilie .Ritef)e feloft leijnt biefe ;tf)eotie [bes 6eelenfef)lafeg] fd)leef)tmeg ab; bie ibee!e em~fiingt nad) bem \llb~ fd)eiben agbillb il)t @etid)t, unb 6tligreit unb !illiebetfeijen ge~iiren aueinanbet." ,,!Dlit jebem @lodenfd)!llge fommen mit bem ;tobe niiijet, unb bet ;tob ift bie fj.\fotte, bel' &;leimgnng aum maijten 5.leben. Unb fo bet ibenfenmann bit bein 5.liebftes ge~ nommen, fie~e, bQ tritt mie dn ~ngel beg ;ttoftes bet U1:alte !Dlenfd)en~ unb ~~ri~ fteng!nube, bon bem in biefem \Bud) bie !Rebe, ijoffnungsft'eubig bit aur Seite.· '!ler lutl)erifd)( ;t~eolog mitb felbftbetftiinMid] bie 6 d) l' i f t meijt aUt @eUung fommen laffen. fj.\. a"j &)omann: ,,:!ler megtiff ber (Slnabe in ben flJno\ltifdjen 0:bangeiien." - 3. miettdialjtsljcft. 198 @Stitcn. l.JJloe: "mernunft unb @eilt im ~euen :teftament"; ~fannenftiU: ,,~et @Ianbc £intlicts aliJ mer~ ttauen unb 0:dcnntnis"; .Ro!>!>: ,,:tl)cologie alS @Selliftauslegnng ber Offenliatung"; \}nglfang~~amgctarb: ,,~ie Wiebetlielebung her ~tibatoeidjte tm £id)te bet \lluf~ falfung £intljets"; ~nbetfen: If~er lRefotmtatl)oH3tsmus nnb bie banifdje iJt~fot~ mation"; eingefanbte ~iteratnt. NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. In order to render satisfactory service. we mnst have onr cnrrent mailing- list correct. 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