Full Text for Zur Lehre von der Reue, part 4 (Text)

(ltnurnrbtu UJ4rnlngirul :!Innt~l!J CoDtiDuiDg LEHRE UNO WEHRE MAGAZIN FUER EV.-LUTH. HOMILBllK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY. THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. V July, 1934 No.7 CONTENTS Zur Lehre von der Reue. Th. E ngelder . •••.•••.•.•.••.•. " 497 Christian Burial. J. A. Petersen .••••.•.......•••...••.• " 509 Die rechte Mitte in der Liturgie und Ordnung des Gottes· dienstes. L. Fuerbrinr:er. • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • . . . . • . . • • • . • •• 520 The Question of Aramaic Originals. P. E. Kretr 1IlUl-o~ nicht aUein t('rv/'l4 . L i .. ( ".·ill Bing. ua' die Leute mt:hr al~(l da ..... cr diE' Schnfc uuwn,l'iiOil't \vic ""i de-T Kirch£' 1I4'iuu·1t dtnn di .. gute .., i e r t.'l'htc Chribtel'l soll('n 'l'ill.. nude-rn l'lf·.li~t. .1pol o!lzj • • \rt . .!-~ . • luch danelJ..·n d('n\\ oclft n wthn'n. dat-· ie dit' Schl1f~ niehl. nngreiff'n lIm} mit Ii the trumpet. gin~ an un("~rtain !«lWld, ral.pher Lehre "erfuehr('Tl lind lrrtum ein "h" .• hall pr~pa" hhll,elf to the battle? fuehn·n L",II,..,. 1 Cor. Lf. S. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States OONOORDIA. PUBLISHING HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. ARCHIV Concordia Theological Monthly Vol. V JULY, 1934 gur £e~te tu,JU bet ffieue. (1}odfetung.) No.7 ~a\3 bie refotmier±e 5t:fjef e: ,,~ie mu\3e forgt auf ben @Iau6en; unter ber mu\3e berf±efjt bie I:0djrift bie ~eiIige meue bes [fjrif±en unb bie ®rneurung" bem @lpradjgebraudj ber I:0djrift @ehlart antu±, hlurbe im botigen 2!r±HeI bargeiegt. \:tber es ~anbert fidj in biefer €5adje nidjt liIo\3 um eine berungIilctte ;iterminorogie. ®s ~anbert fidj um farfdje Be~te. ~ic firifte Wnhlcnbung bes €5aj~es, ba\3 bie @ldjtif± immet unter mu\3e bie ±iigHdje ®rneurung berfte~t, filfjr± unaushleidjHdj au falfdjer Be~re. linb bie meteithlilligfeit bet Weformier±en, bie in biefem l:0a~e Hegenben ~onfequenaen au aie~en, entftammt ciner falfdjen .2efjrf±eIlung, ber gefe~ndjen @runbridjtung ber rcformier±en ;itfjeologie. Um ifjre ;itfjefe aufredj±auerfjaIten, finb bie rn:eformieden ge" ghlungen, bie @ldjrififteIlen, bie bon ber iiigIidjen mu\3e reben, unb bie @ldjriftftelIen, bie ber mu\3e, bet mefe~tung, bie ®rlangung bes .\:>eHs au" fdjreilien, burdjeinanberautl.1erfen. ~as baliei fjerausfommt, ift bie Befjre, ba\3 bie meue unb bie SjeiIigung fjeHshlidfam finb. ~cnn bas ~eftminf±er"mefenntnis im 15. ~apite! bie mu\3e liefjanbert unb fie afS Die tiigHdje Weue unb SjeiHgung liefdjreiVt, aitted es unbebcnUidj ben I:0prudj: ,,@lo fjat @oti audj ben .\:>dben mu\3e gege6en Bum Beben", 2Ipof±. 11, 18; unb ben @lprudj: ,,@lo i~r eudj nidj! beffed [mu\3e tut], hlerbet igr aIle audj arfo umfommen", But 13, 3. 5; unb ben @lprudj: n~un aber gebeut er allen .imenfdjen an allen ®nben, mu\3e au tun", 2!poft. 17, 3 O. :.Das regi bem .2ef er folgenbe @ebanfenreifje nage: :.Die I:0djrift fnilpfi bas .\:>eiI an bie mu\3e; bie \Blt\3e lieftegt in ber ®dotung bes arten .imenfdjen; fomit ift bas @efdjiifi ber .\:>eiIigung fjeHshlidfam. iYreiIidj hlilI bas ~ef±minf±er"mefenntnis babd bie medj±fertigung allein aus ®naben fef±fjarten. (!is fagt: "Although repentance be not to be rested in as any satisfaction for sin or any cause of the pardon thereof, which is the act of God's free grace in Ohrist." Woer bann gei\3t es roeHer: "Yet it is of such necessity to all sinners that none may expect pardon without it." ~as befog! megr ag bies, ba\3 ber, ber in @lilnben Iebt, fidj nidjt ber fSergebung ±toft en fann. (!is befagt, ba\3 bie fSergebung irgenbhlie an bie .\:>eifigung gdnilpf! ift. ~ie benn? 1:00, 32 498 ,sUt £le~te bon bet lJleue. fagt m. ~~aw in feiner Exposition of the Confession of Faith, ~. 183: "God, for the vindication of the honor of the plan of mercy, has so connected pardon with repentance and confession, the expression of repentance, that they are the only certain evidences that we are in a pardoned state, while pardon and repentance are equally the gift of God through Jesus Ohrist." stla~ ~dtt: stlie Qeoen~oeffet:Ung ber~ fdjafft awm: nidjt bie ~ergeoung, wo~I aoer bie ®ewit~eit bet ~er~ geoung; BUt (§tIangung bet &JeiI~gewiMeit ift ber ~iinbet auf bie guten msetfe augewiefen. stler niidjfte l{SatagmlJ~ im mefenntniS Iautet: "As there is no sin so small but it deserves damnation, so there is no sin so great that it can bring damnation upon those who truly repent." stlie Exposition iIIufttied: "David, after his 'great transgression,' and Peter, after .his denial of his Master, repented and were pardoned." msenn bet Qut~emner biefe msode Heft, fo finbet et batin bie feHge msa~r~eit au~geflJrodjen, bat ber outfedige ~iinbet, bet ~iinbet, ber Bum ®Iauoen gefommen ift, ~etgeoung etIangt. stler mefotmiede ~in~ gegen, bem repentance ibentifdj mit &JeUigung ift, Heft fidj dne greuHdje Qe~te ~etau~. The Shorter Catechism Iefjd: "To escape the wrath and curse of God, due to us for sin, God requireth of us faith in Jesus Ohrist, repentance unto life, with the diligent use of all the outward means, etc. What is faith in Jesus Ohrist ~ Faith in Jesus Ohrist is a saving grace, whereby we receive, and rest upon, Him alone for salvation .... What is repentance unto life ~ Repentance unto life is a saving grace, whereby a sinner, out of a true sense of his sin and apprehension of the mercy of God in Ohrist, doth, with grief and hatred of his sin, turn from it unto God, with full purpose of, and endeavor after, new obedience." mmge 85-87. Of. The Larger Catechism, iYmge 153.) (§in Qut~emner betfudje einmaI, 00 er biefen ~aJ;l lioer feine QilJlJen oringen faun: stlamit idj bem Born ®otte~ entge~en fiinne, mut idj ein ~emge~ Qeoen fii~tenl man oeadjte audj, bat, wii~renb ba~ mseft~ minftet~mefenntni~ Die Qeoen~oeffet:Ung aI§ evangelical grace oefdjreilit, bet .l'fatedji~mu~ ben ~u~brucf saving grace geomudjt, genau wie er ben ®Iauoen djamfterified: Faith is a saving grace. Repentance is a sav- ing grace. ~n:e~ bie~ fjat ~albin gele~rt. ZSm 3 . .l'falJiteI be~ III. mudj~ ber Institutiones berfidjed er immer wieber: "Not that repentance is properly the cause of salvation" (§ 21). ~oer immer wieber rebet er bon ber &JeiI~notwenbigleit ber mute (ber reformieden mute). "When once the thought that God will one day ascend His tribunal to take an account of all words and actions has taken possession of nis mind, it will not allow him to rest or have one moment's peace, but will perpetually urge him to adopt a different plan of life that he may be able to stand securely at that judgment-seat" (§ 7). "Ohrist came to call sinners, but to call them to repentance. He was sent to bless the 499 unworthy, but by 'turning away everyone' 'from his iniquities.' ... 'Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him.' 'Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out,' Acts 3,19. Here, however, it is to be observed that repentance is not made a condition in such a sense as to be a founoation for meriting pardon; nay, it rather indicates the end at which they must aim if they would obtain favor, God having resolved to take pity on men for the express purpose of leading them to repent" (§ 20). ~n e i n em 2Hem3uge rann cralbin fagen, baj3 bet @)unbet aUein aU0 ®na~ ben getecljtfettigt roirb uub baj3 et bie lEute uoen muffe, "roenn et ®nabe erIangen luiII u. 5tun luit i'ljm llnteclj±? SDet tefotmiette 5t~eorog we. @)cljnecfenoutget urteiIt getabe roie roit, baj3 cralbin bie jilletfe in ben S)anbeI bet !Recljtfettigung ljineincrieljt. (Et fcljtewt in feinet "j8et~ gIeicljenben SDatfteUung be0 Iut~etifcljen unb tefotmictten Ee~tlJegtiff§": ,,@)o fe~t iI. IE. bon bem negotium iustificationis aI0 bem S)anbeI . aroifcljen ®oH unb bem @)iinbet bie jilletfe aU0gefcljloffen roetben, fo oe~ ftimmt roirb ba0 lEerouj3tfein bet mecljtfettigung fur ben @)iinbet f eIlJft babon ali~iingig gemacljt, bat et gute ~etfe uoe, ficlj im neuen ®efjotfam etroeife. . .. SDiefc ganae 2Iuffaffung ift bem Eutljctancr llnet±tagIid). SDaj3 bet ilJCcnfd) etf± burclj feine ~men0oetatigung, butclj ~-':" tl"~.:n jilletfe, feine0 eigenen ®Iauoen0 geroit roerbe, ~iete getabe3U iljm aUe 2uberficljt be0 ®Iauoen£l neljmen, iljn au neuet llntu~e be0 jilletfbienf±c£l betbammen, roeIclje iljm bie medjtfcrtigung in iYtage f±eUte. U (1, 40 f.) "Eu±ljerifcljerfei±0 iff bie salus aI0 etuige @)eIigrcit bie unmiiteIlJate ~on~ fequen3 ber iustificatio unb iiliatio unb potentieU in bicfer er~arten; xefotmiettetfeit0 iff bie possessio salutis bon bem ius, ba0 arretn bie meclj±fettigung giot, noclj un±erf cljieben unb burd) jilletfe au teaIifieren, arfo bie ®eroij3ljeit ber possessio salutis noclj nicljt gegeoen mit bem feloer fIietenben llnb oeroegIicljen lEerout±f ein bet meclj±fertigung, f onbern nut mit bet Diefem lEerouttfein entfptingenben, ba0feI'6e etf± aU0 bem ®e~ oieie be0 fuojeftiben SDefibetium0 3ut olJjeftiben meafitat etlje'6enben 2Iftibiti:i:t be£l ftommen Eeoen0. U (@). 268.) SDie ®eroif3fjeit be0 S)eH0 faUt alfo nicljt aUfammcn mit bem ®Iauoen, fonbern muj3 aU0 ben jilletfen sefclji5pft roerbcn. SDie reformierte lEute, ljeHige meue unb SEeffemng be0 Eeoen0, ift ljeiI0roitffami @)d)IietIiclj: "jill i e b i e @)eIigfeit butclj ben ®Iauoen etIangt roitb, fofetn ex gute ~etfe roitfIiclj aU0uo±" (bon un0 untetf±ricljcn) , "fo Die meclj±fettigung aI0 ®eroij3ljeit bC0 ®nabenf±anbe0 bur clj ben ®Iauoen, fofetn er iYrud)te bet lEefeljtung roid±. ... SDie mortificatio unb vivificatio, aI£l bie fottlllafjrcnbe aftuerre lEe~ !e~tung, ift ba0 aUf ba0 cigene @)ein gericljieie ptaftifclje j8etljarten, rote bie bona opera bie micljtung be0 S)anbeln0 naclj auten finb, aI0 roo~ burd) man feine£l ®rauocn0 etf± geroi13 roetbenl'ann." (II, 131.) jillenn roit bie mefotmiet±en ber Ee~re oefd)ulbigen, bat aur S)eiI0geroitljeit, ja 500 But Xlef)te bon bet lReue. audj aut ®rrangung ber ~engfeit bie [Berte noiig finb, 10 berfidjeri un~ ~djnecfenburger, baf3 mir i~nen nidji Unredjt tun. ~a~ ift bie fonftan±e S3e~re ber lReformier±en. matt~em SJenr~ fommen±iert ma±t~. 3, 2 a1fo: "'Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.' This repentance is a necessary duty, in obedience to the command of God and a necessary preparative and qualification for the comforts of the Gospel of Ohrist." (~er S3ui~eraner fOnnte biefen ~atl aur ~ot redji berf±e~en. 2!ber ma~ bef ag± er bei ber reformierten ?Bebeutung bon repentance?) "Repent, for your sins shall be pardoned upon your repentance." (~er Sl'a±~om miirbe ba~, fo mie ber lRefor~ mier±e ben 2!u~brud berf±e~±, a1~ba1b un±erfdjreiben.) "'Return to God in a way of duty, and He will through Ohrist return to you in a way of mercy.''' (®ott iff bem gniibig, ber feine ~ffidj± erfiillt - ba~ iff ma~rfidj nidj± bie S3e~re bon ber lRedj±fertigung be~ ~iinber~ allein au~ ®naben. - [Benn man millen mill, ma~ matt~em SJenrt) un±er re- pentance berf±e~±, 1efe man feine ~efinition in ber 2!u~regung bon 2!pof±. 17,30, 2!bfdjni±± IV, 2. ~er ®1aube mirb ba nidj± genann±.) ~a~ ?BefenniniS ber 5'reimillendBaptif±en bon 1834 (1868) fag±: "The re- pentance which the Gospel requires includes a deep conviction, a peni- tential sorrow, an open confession, a decided hatred, and an entire forsaking of all sin. This repentance God has enjoined on all men; and without it in this life the sinner must perish eternally." iJJCan fage nidj±, baf3 ba~ smar in ba~ ~t)f±em ber fBerfedj±er be~ freien [Bif~ 1en~, ber. 2!rminianer, paffe, baf3 aber bie ca1biniftifdjen lReformierten nidj± fo reben fOnn±en. SJier iff ber f±renge ~re~b~±erianer (£. SJobge; ber 1e~r±: "The terms of admission into the spiritual kingdom are faith and repentance (John 3,3.5), or conversion (Matt. 18, 3), purity of life (1 Oor. 6, 9 £.)." (Syst. Theol., II, 601.) ®emif3 biirfen fidj bie 2!rminianer unb SJobge aUf 1 Sl'or. 6, 9 ff. berufen, menn fie fagen, baf3 ber ®ottfofe emig berforenge~±' ~a~ iff bann ®efetle~prebig±, mie benn 1 Sl'or. 6, 9 ®efetle0prebig± iff. 2!ber menn fie ba~ ®bangefium prebigen mollen, biirfen fie nidj± fagen, baf3 ber menfdj bermittef~ feiner S3eben~~ befferung in ba~ lReidj ®otte~ einge~±. ~ie 2eitfdjrif± The Presbyterian fdjrieb in ber ~ummer bom 17. ~obember 1927: "Is repentance a con- dition of forgiveness? .. , It should not be forgotten that God does not forgive without repentance. . . . We think that the Scriptures clearly teach that repentance is always a condition of receiving for- giveness." [B. m. 5tat)1or: "Very close is the relation which God has established between a ~inner's turning from sin and receiving pardon. Take that matchless promise Is. 1, 16 f.: 'Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before Mine eyes; cease to do evil. . .. Oome, now, and let us reason together.' In the same way we have elsewhere in Isaiah (55, 7): 'Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will .gUt £e~te bon bet !Rene. 501 abundantly pardon)) So, too, the apostles everywhere preached re- pentance in connection with the remission of sins." (Parables, Matt. 21,28-32.) The Watchman-Examiner bom 31.~anuat 1929: "The saved man has turned from ungodliness to God, from sin to the Savior. Turning from sin is repentance. . .. Jesus taught that repentance means to change the whole life, subjecting and conforming it to God's will. . .. True repentance is inseparable from faith. . .. Both are essential to saving trust in Ohrist." (\{Jon un~ fjctbotgcfjobcn.) S\)icf e ~u~fiiljtL1ni=(en finb nun anet nidjt unfteiltJiIIigc @ntg[ei~ fungen, bie bet eigentridjen meinung ber m:eformierten 3UltJibet ltlaren. Wean ltJunbert fidj mandjmaI, ball bie m:eformicrten, bic ja laut bc~ fennen, ball bet 6iinbct aUein butdj ben ®Iauben geredji ltJirb, foldje ge~ fetIidjen m:eben fiifjtcn fonnen. man ltJitb fidj aber nidjt ltJunbem, 11Jenn man fidj barauf liefinnt, ball bie ®runbridjiung ber terotmietien :itljeofogie eine gefe~Iidjc if±. man ltJitb bann edennen, ball fie in ouigen S?)arIegungen ifjte eigcntndje meinung au~gcfprodjen ljaben. s\)ie :itljeologie bet m:efotmietten triigt einen f±ad au~gepragten gefctIidjen ~fjaraftet. @~ ift ja aUbefannt, ball bet ~rtHef bon bet m:edjtfertigung nidj± im ,9)~i±±erpunft ber reformierten :itfjeologie fteljt. S\)a fagt s. m. ber teformierte S1: . .\)agenbadj: ,,®eltJill fjat audj er [8ltJingIi], fo gu± ar~ .2utljer, fidj But pauHnifdjen m:edjtfet±igung~reljre befanntj abet fie finnb bei iljm nidj± 10 im \{Jotbetgrunb." (~itdjew gefdjidjte, III, 436.) S\)er ~lrtifer ,bon ber ~riibef±ination, bon ber 60uberiinitiit @o±te~, if± bcm rcformierten :itljeologen bie .\)auptf adje. S\)et ®otte~begriff, ber feinern S\)enl'cn 3ugrunbe Iiegt, ift nidjt bet be~ gniibigen ®ottes, bet urn ~ljrif±i 11Jmen aus ®naben bie 6iinbe bergib±, fonbern bet be~ ~Umadj±igen unb ~ITljemgen, beffen )!Bille fidj burdjfe~en mUll, bern bot aUem an bern ®eljotfam gegen feine ®enote geIegen ift. S\)as ganse ±ljeologifdje S\)cnfcn bet m:eforrnierten berliiuf± barum nidjt in ebangeIifdjet, fonbem in gefe~ndjer maljn. )!Bit ltJollen bas an brei ~unf±en boranf djauIidjen. 1. S\)a~ @bangeHum ift ben m:efotmierten ein ®efe~, ba~ ben W,en~ f djen ~fridj±en aUflegt, mebingungcn ftem. .\)obge gebraudjt in bet S\)efinition bom @bangeIium eite! gcfe~Iidje :itermini. "Being a proc- lamation of the terms on which God is willing to save sinners and an exhibition of the duty of fallen man in relation to that plan, it [the Gospel] of necessity binds all those who are in the condition which the plan contemplates. It is in this respect analogous to the Moral Law." (Op. cit., II, 642.) 11nb ltJeIdje~ finb bie botgefdjriebencn me~ bingungen? "The terms of admission into this spiritual kingdom are faith and repentance." (6. 601.) SDas @bangeIium opetiett alfo mit 1) lI~n biefen l5d)tiftausfagen, .\Jcjef. 18, 21; 1 ~iin. 8, 35 uftu., tuitb Die lSefel)rung nad) btu it t it d) ten befd)tielJen, bie mit bet S';)et3enslJefe~runiJ un~ gctttennlid) ber6unben finb, unb tuoburd) Me S';)et3ens6efc~tun\l \)·0 t ill1 e n ~ f d) en, bie nid)t ins S';)eq fe~en filnnen, offcn6ar tuerben mufl." (it. lpiepet, trlJtijU. :Dog., II, 546.) 502 Sur 13e~te bon ber ffieue. mebingungc.n, mcbingungen gcfcJi,Iicljcr ~d, mit ber .\:leiIigung (repen- tance im rcformierten 6inn). Unb ber ®lauoe fdoft lnirb al§ cine mebingung djaraHerified unb aI§ duty - unb mit ber repentance auf eine 6±ufe gef±em. ~ief e mcrmif cljung bon ®ef eJi, unb @5bangeIium ift feU ben ~agen 2l1JingIi§ in ber reformierten ~fjeologie fjeimifclj. ,,2ilJingIi empfinbet nicljt, bat ba§ ®efei;J ~u§brutf ciner anbern lllier±~ anfcljauung ift; unmerfIiclj l1Jirb ifjm ba§ @5bangeIium ilum ,niiben ge~ faJ,J'." (6eeberg, ~ogmengefcf?, II, 299.) linb umgdefjrt - unb ba§ Hegt in ber 97a±ur ber 6aclje - fCfjCltt ficlj 2l1JingH nicljt, ba§ ®efcJ,J aI§ ein @5bangcIium 13u oeileicljnen. ,,~a0 @efeJ,J ift niclj±i3 anbere0 aI§ ber el1Jige, unl1JanbcIol1re llliiIIe ®0±±e0. . .. ~oer l1Jafjrlicfj, fo ift e0 an ifjm fcIbf± nicfj±0 anbere§ benn ein @bangeIhtm, ba0 ift, cine guie, gel1Jifie mo±fcljaft bon ®o±±, bamit er un§ bericlj±et feine0 llliiIIen§." mranI, ~ie ~fjeor. b. ~onforbienformer, II, 312.) 6cljnecrenourger ftimmt bi:iIHg froerein mit bief em UdeH frOer 2l1JingIi0 ;itfjeologie: ,,60 nenn± 2ilJingIi @bangeIium aIIe§, ,l1Ja0 ®o±± ben9Renfcljen i:iffne± unb bon ifjnen er~ forb ed' ; ba0 @5bangeIium ,fjiiH in iljm ®eoo±, Q3eroo±, @efjeit unb .2eiftcn'." (Op. cit., I, 128.) ~ie reformiede ~eiI0Iefjre ift gcfeJ,J~ Hdjer ~rt. 2. 9Caclj reformierier .2efjre grfrnbe± lidj bie ~eH§gel1JiMeit aUf WCenfdjenl1Jerf. Waclj reformicrter .2efjre fann ber WCenfclj nidjt aU0 bem @5bangeHum f eine0 ~eH0 gel1JiB l1Jerben; benn ba§ @bangeHum fennt nur eine padifulare ®nabe. Unb e0 oie±e± ia auclj bie @nabe niclj± bar - ber ®cif± fjanbeIt mit bem 9JCcnfdjen unmitteloar. ~m:um fomm± bie 6aclje f 0 ~u ftefjen: ,,60fern bie 6djl1Jiirmer bie @nabenmitteHefjre bdfeitefeten, finb fie geal1Jungen, bie nadj ®ottC0 @nabe fragcnben 6frnber aUf cine un mit ± e r bar gel1Jid±e @rneurung im ~eraen be§ WCenfdjen al0 ®runb ber 2uberficljt aur ®nabe ®o±±e0 au bertDeifen. ~a0 ift aber lllierfIefjre. ~aoei ift aoer niclj± au bergeffen, bat bicfe unmi±±eIoare ®eif±C0l1Jirfung, auf l1JeIdje bie 6djl1Jiirmcr bon 2l1JingH unb <£albin an oi§: aUf ~obge unb 6fjebb einen armen 6frnber ffrfjren, nur in ber menf cljHcljen @inbtrbung cr,iftiert. . .. 60 6Ieiflt cinem WCenfcljen, ber un±er bie mefjanblung eine§ fonfequen±en 6djl1Jiirmer0 gera±en ift, l1Jciter niclj±0 frorig, af0 au 0 f i clj f e f b ft, au§ feinem eigenen n a ± fr r r i dj en ;;:5nnel'll, f oldje 6eelenftimmungen, 2uf±iinbc, Q5eriinberungen unb lllierfe au probuaieren, bie cine iiuBere ufjnHcljfeit mit bem eclj±cn ~robuH be§: ~eingen ®eifte§ fjaoen, lInb barauf feinen ®lauoen au grfrnben. U (.2efjre u. llliefjre, 71, 256. Cf. <£fjr. ~og., III, 199.) ulllieil bie <£albiniften bie padifulare ®nabe unb bie lInmi±±e1~ bare ®nabcnl1Jirfung lefjren, fo mitffen fie bie bom @efct getroffenen ®el1Jiff en anfeiten, bie gniibige ®efinl1ung ®ofte0 anfta±t aUf bie ®nabenmi±ter aUf bie gratia infusa, auf bie innere liml1JanbIung, bai3 ift, auf bie ~emgung unb bie guten lllicrfe, au grfrnben. U (<£fjr. ~og., III, 291.) ~a§ tun Die D1eformiertcn in ber :irat. "Repentance and confession are the only certain evidences that we are in a pardoned ~ur £e~re bon bet !Reue. 503 state." (@iljaro ooen.) @iljebb btiid't e£l geregentnd) fo aU£l: "If from his present experience and daily life he has reason to think he is truly a believing Ohristian, then he has reason to expect that he will con- tinue to be one." (Dog. Theol., II, 558.) ::Det 2utljeranet 1ft feinet @iad)e geroin, roeir er fid) an bie 2ufage be£l @ioangelium£l ljaIt, nid)t in erfter 2ink roeiI er ein ljeUige£l 2eoen fiiljtt. @io gtiinbe± bet 2utlje~ runex aud) bie @eroif3ljeit ber lBeljarrung allein auf bie Q3etljeif3ung be£l @ibangelium~. ::Det !Refotmiede benft gefetlid), benft in biefex @iad)e borneljmlid) an bie jillerfe. 3. ::Daljer fomm± e£l benn, baB in bet refotmietten 5rljeologie, bie arretbing~ bie !Red)tfertigung allein burd) ben @lauoen Ieljd, bodj niclj± auf bet !Redjtfextigung, auf bem @Iauoen an bie im @ibangeIium bat< geootcne gnabige Q3etgeoung bex @iiinben, fonbern auf ber ~eiIigung ber 9?ad)brud' negt. jilla£l berfteljen bie !Reformiet±en S. lB. unter ber jilliebergeourt? jillir ljaoen ba£l roeitlaufig im borigen \lhtifeI batgelegi, Inollen e£l aoet ljiet roiebetljolen, roeil e£l fo beutIidj bie gefe12Iidje ::Denf~ torile ber !Refotmiet±en retl11,3eid)nei. 1llias benH iidj alfo (£a1bin oei bem @iprud): ,,@i£l fei benn, baB iemanb bon neuem geooten roetbe, fann er ba£l !Reid) @otie£l nidjt f cljen" ? @it benft borncljmIid) an bie ~ciIi< gung I "In one word, then, by repentance I understand regeneration, the only aim of which is to form in us anew the image of God .... Accordingly, through the blessing of Ohrist we are renewed by that regeneration into the righteousness of God from which we had fallen through Adam." (L. c., § 9.) ::Die ::Definition, bie bet ~eilanb bon bet jillicbetgebutt giM - "aUf ba13 alIe, bie an iljn glauben, nid)t bexIoten roerben", ~olj. 3, 16 -, ift in bet ::Definition (£albin~ nid)t bie ~au).J±< fad)e. \lIlIerbing£l trag± ba£l oetreffenbe ~aj:li±el bie ftoerfdjtif± "Re- generation by Faith. Repentance." \lIbet in bet Q30tbemerfung ljeif3± e£l - unb ba£l ift ljod)ft oebeu±f am: "The title of the chapter seems to promise a treatise on faith; but the only subject here considered is repentance, the inseparable attendant of faith." Unb fo roirb benn andj InirfIid) in bet ::DarIcgung be£l lBegtiffs jilliebetgeourt feljt roenig bom @Iauoen gefagf.2) ::Diefeloe ::Definition ljat bet Presbyterian bom 20. \lIptif 1904: "In e:ffecting the wondrous change, the Spirit acts upon the soul from within, implanting by His creative power a new moral nature or principle of action." ::Dem 2utljeruner ift bie jilliebet< geourt roefentlid) bie @itseugung be£l feIigmadjenben @rauDen~, bem meformierten roefentfidj "implanting a new moral nature". ::Der unierte ~a±edji0mu£l betleugne± aud) ljiex nid)t feine reformierte \lIrt. ",::Die 2) ){Jet bem ISVtud) ,,:.Det in eucfJ angefanl1en ~ut bas gute mJerf, bet witb's aucfJ boUfii~ten", ~~iL I, 6, benU [albin aue!) un nicfJtll anberes als bie 8jeUigung. "God therefore begins the good work in us by exciting in our hearts a de- sire, a love, and a study of righteousness, or, to speak more correctly, by turning, training, and guiding our hearts unto righteousness; and He com- pletes this good work by confirming us unto perseverance." (§ 6.) Cf. Cant. Sooticana, I, -\Rrt. XII. 504 .BUt £eljte bon bet mcue. miebetgeliurt ift bie ®ntfteljung bei3 neuen 2eoeni3 im IDCenfdjen, ttJie biefeIoe bon bem bteieinigen Cllott butdj bie 5taufe aui3 manet unb Cllcift gettJirH tuirb.' Oljne biei3 neue 2eoen fann fein ,j)JCenf dj f efig tuerben .... ~n ber ljcHigen 5taufc gibt ClJott bem lDcenfdjen bie 2Inlage nnb ben 5trieli fiit bai3 ClJute unb fiir ben &)immeL . . ." (~rion, :fIer @ill(mgeIifdje Sl:a±edjii3mui3, 238-242.) ~a, audj bai3 fiiBe ebangeHfdje mort ClJlauoe liefomm± in ber te~ formierten @Spradje dne gefetHdje IBebeutung. :fIet ClJlauoe ifi, tuie &)obge badcgt, eine ber ~f!idj±en, bie bai3 ®bangeHum borfdjrcibt, cine IBebingung, bie erfiiUt il1erben mUf3. 11nb fein mefen tuitb aIi3 ClJe~ ljorf am gegen ClJottei3 ClJeoot befiniert. :fIie Oonfessio Scoticana I, hie im XII. 2Ittifel ben ClJlaulien lieljanbelt, nennt ba nirgenM bie hie ?Set~ geoung bet @Siinben etgteifenbe {SnnHion bei3 ClJlauoeni3, fonbetn fagt untet anberm: "Of nature we are so dead, so blind, and so perverse that nether can we feill when we are pricked, see the licht when it shines, nor assent to the will of God when it is reveiled, unless the Spirit of the Lord Jesus quicken that quhilk is dead, remove the darkness from our myndes, and bowe our stubborn hearts to the obedience of His blessed will." menn ffi. 2I. 5totte~ bie miebergeourt nadj iljren {Sorgen oefdjrcibt, fo siiljH et bie folgenben @S±iicfe aUf: bie ®inil1oljnung bei3 &)ciIigen ClJeiftei3, ben €lieg iiliet bie €liinbe, bie butdj bie ®rneurung bei3 @Sinnei3 oetuitfte 11mtuanblung bei3 2eocni3, ben ClJlauoen an (£ljriftum, ben €lieg iioet bie melt, bai3 2eoen in ClJe~ tedjiigfeit, bie meoe au ben mtilbern, €lumma, hie ®rncurung in jeber IBesieljung. linb ba ljeif3t ei3 nun: "The fourth result of being born again is that the regenerated man believes that Jesus is the Ohrist, 1 John 5,1. The faith that John here speaks of is not a faith that is a mere opinion, but that real faith that Jesus is the Anointed of God that leads us to enthrone Jesus as King in our lives. . .. If you are making Jesus King in your heart and life and absolute Ruler of your thoughts and conduct, then you are born again; for 'whosoever believeth that Jesus is Ohrist is begotten of God.'" (The Fund. Doctrines of the Ohr. Faith, 212.) miiljtenb 5totre~ an anbetn €ltellen tidjtig bom ClJlaulien tebe±, fiem et iljn ljier im IBanne bet gefetIidjen 2Infdjauung bet tefotmiet±en 5tljeologie aUf cine @S±ufe mit bet &)ei~ Iigung in iljren berf djiebenen IBeaieljungen unb oef djteibt iljn bann foTgeridjiig aT;::: eine djrif±ridje 5tugenb. €lo tDirb bon bet genuin teformierten 5tljeologie ber &)auptnadj~ bruel: aUf bie &)eHigung gelegt. :fIie meif±en €leftenptebiger erfIiiren iljten ,8uljiitern, baB bie Guin±eff ena bei3 (£ljtif±entumi3 in ber ®rfiillung bet Clleooie, in bem ernf±ridjen IBeftrelien, nadj ClJottei3 milIen su Teoen, lief±clje. :fIai3 ljaoen fie bon iljten 5tljeologen gefetn±. @StaHet: "Re- pentance, if understood in its full Scriptural sense, is the sum and. substance of the Gospel" (The Ethic of Jesus, 155), unb in jeinet :fIefinition bon IBUlle nennt et ben ClJlaulien nidjt. m . .\)enbtif] en fiiljtt ,aUt ~e~te bon bet \Reue. 505 in ieinem neuIidJ etfdJiencnen jBUdJl The SM'mon on the Mount cine fefjr beutridJe ~pracfJe. "The man who builds his house upon the rock is a picture of the individual who not only hears the Gospel of the Kingdom, the proclamation of the will of the Father, but who also acts upon it, realizing that his life will have abiding value only then when it is built upon the solid foundation of the doing of God's will, the joyful recognition of God's sovereignty. . .. Either the fundamental principle of your life is the cheerful recognition of God's sovereignty, the doing of God's will through the grace of God and out of gratitude, so that you are building on the Rock Ohrist, or your house (i. e.~ your life) has no foundation at all." The Ser- mon on the Mount emphasizes "the one fundamental principle of Christianity, the very essence and the root-idea of the 'kingdom of God,' namely, obedience to the will of God, joyful recognition of God's sovereignty." (~. 244-248. iYe±tbruc'f im Original.) mJas ift bie ~aup±fadJe in ber reformierten 5tfjeofogie? SDie ,,5tfjeoL GuartalfdJrift" trifft bie ~adJe, menn fie bon ShJingfi fagt: "Uoer aUdJ im @ibangeIium tvar ifjm bie ~eHigung be£i 2eoen£i fo fiad ba£i eigentHdJe Sier be£ife!oen, baB fur ifjn 9tedJtfertigung unb @Iauoe eigentIidJ nur als IDHiter aut ~erfteUung be£i fjeifigen 2eoens in lBetradJt famen, baB feine ~rebigten unb ~dJtiften fo ftad ber 5triiftung ber mUfjfeIigen unb oefabenen @ehJifien entoefjren unb aU fein 2efjren unD ~treiten fur bie ~dJrif±gemiiBfjeit ber firdJHdJen 2efjre einen eoenfo gefetIidJen [fjarafter tragi hJie fein IDCafjnen unb ~trafen unb 9tefor~ mieren." (1931,~. 16) mJ. mJaHfjer ±tifft Die ~adJe, hJenn er bon [albin fdJreiDt: ,,@ir berftefjt unter mJiebergeburt Die fi±tfidJe Um~ fdJaffung be£i IDC enfdJ en .. " ,SDa£i @ibangeHum girt un£i nidJt efjer, als bg tvir in ein neues 2eben eingetreten finb' (J. III, 3. 1). ~er burdJ ben @eif± @oties gehJirfte @laube etgreift bicfe be i ben ~re~ big±en bC£i @ibangeliums, mergebung unb jBuBe (III, 3. 11), offenbar be£ifjalb audJ bie ~rebigt bon ber jBufle ober ~eiIigung, hJeir nun ein~ mnl ofjne bieie bie bon Dem ~unber lJegClJrte mergebung nidJ± oU lJalJen ift. . .. ~ief e£i @ehJidJtregen aUf bie ~i±tIidJfeit begegne± un£i audJ fdJon bor [albin in ber reformierten ~irdJe. SDie Helv. pro be~ aeidJnet aI£i Das Sier beli en, ,tva£i tuir burdJ ben §J@irrn [lJriftum fjaoen', bie£i, ,bal3 er l1n£i au bem jBiIbe, au bem tvit gef dJaffen fiub, refor" miere l1nb illieberoringe unb in bie @cmeinjdJaft f cines giittIidJen 2eocn0 einfulJre'. SDie @:lunbenbergebung hJirD fjier gar nidJ± crhJiifjnt; nut lJei jBefpredJung bes 2I6enbmafjl£i hJirb einmar ,ber 2lDral3 ber @:lUnDen' genann±. ,SDie Brommacljung' ilt bie ~al1ptfadJe (103, 34; 104, 12. 20; 106, 33). iYur bie 9teformierten ift @oft ber 2lrrein~ fjerr, bem aIIe£i nn bem @efjorjam gegen feine @ebote gelegen if±. " (2efjrouclj ber ~l)moOm, 245 ff.) 2utfjer trifft bie ~adJe, tvenn er fdJreiD±: ,,~elJC±, tva£i tun l1nfere nellen 9to±ten unb ~dJhJiirmer an~ bers, benn bal3 fie Die 2eute auf bie mJerfe fufjren? U (III, 1691. Of. II, 1828; XI, 1415; XIII, 917.) 506 .sUt £e~re bon bet meue. @:ld)necrenDUtger ftimmt bem im bJefen±Iid)en au. "Sjierl:ntrclj lJet~ lied aud) bie S'ted):tfettigung f eroft biejenige 2Bid)tigfeit, bJeld)e fie fUr ben Eutfjeraner ljat, bet eigentrid)e 2BenlJepunft, bet ~rini3ipielle ~nfang be§ fUDjeftiben SjeHsliefites i3U f ein. @:lie bJirb Droll eins bet ®iitet, ltlerd)e bem 2BiebetgeDornen i3uteil ltlerben nelien anlJern, niimHd) baf3 et fid) bie ®enugtuung CSfjtifti applii3ieren barf." (Op. cit., II, 5.) ,,~a, e§ ift gana teformiert, baf3 bet ®raulie feIDft unier bie {Sotm bes ®eliog gefaf3t unb ars {Sorbetung an bas @:lulijefi aUf bas mofaifd)e ®efet, arfo aUf bie ~uioritiit bes giittIid)en 2BiIIens, i3uriictgefiiljrt bJirb. Oonl. Scoticana, c.14: "unum habere Deum, Verbum eius audire, ei fidem dare, sanctis eius sacramentis communi care sunt primae tabulae opera." (r, 117.) ~Jlan lefe in bicfem Sl1fall1mcnfjang iDieber ben ooen aitieden ~afius: "bJie bie @:leIigfeit burd) ben ®Iaulien eu rangt bJirb, fofetn er gute 2Berfe bJirflid) ausiilit" , ufbJ. @:lcf)necfen~ outger fagt bJeiiet; ,,{Siit bie 2Biebetgeliornen iff bas ®efet f eIDf± in boraiigIid)em @:linn ®nabenmittel, bJciI es aUt noung ber 2Berfe itemt, burd) bJefcf)e bie ®nabc immet boIItommenet bem Wlenfd)en affhniIied unb Die @:leligfeit bJirflid} geltlonnen bJitb. Wlit bief er meljauptung fiteifte bie teformierte Ortljobo!;ie nid)t feHen fo nafje ans Sl:atfjoIi~ fiercnb'e unb @:loainianifd)~~ubaifierenbe, ball" UfbJ. cr, 131.) ./tlie fjolje 2Bertf d)iitl1ng bes ~uns iilietljaupi. teUs aliZi noitoenbige Q;tgiin~ i3ung bes ®lauoens. tei!§ ars bJirfIid)e Sl:aufaIitat fUt ben ®enuf3 bet @:leHgfeit, teiIs aIil oojeftibe (trbJeifung bet Sl:taft [ljrifti, ift eine ~n~ niiljetung an bie fatljoIifd)e aup±nadJ'otucf Iiegt abet in 'oem ~rtiter aUf bet s;;>eiIigung.3) 3) SDem Lutheran ift bie gefeijrid)e Q}ethlenbllng bet ebangelifd)en j)3e~ griffe feitens bet ffiefotmietten lJefanl1t. "The Congregationalists, Disciples, and others, including Methodists and Presbyterians, while acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, nevertheless present Him rather as an advance on Moses than as One who fulfils Moses for us and does for us that which Moses could never do. Christianity with them tends more and more to become legalistic and the Gospel a new law rather than a procla- mation of grace, of forgiveness of sins, and of freedom in Christ Jesus .... As illustrating the legalistic mind of that portion of the Christian Church which we designate as Reformed, I wish to cite," etc. 60 ftelJt im Lutheran bom 1. Illiiiq 1928. lU.uf ®tunb biefet (Q;tfenntng lJiitte ofJiget IU.ttHe1 ni4)t ge" btllcft hletben bUtfen. Christian Burial. 509 ,,(Etje benn ;noUor Euttjer gefcljrieoen tjat, finb eifel buntIe, ber~ luorrene @Scljrif±en unb )8ucljer bon ber )8u13e tlOrtjanben getnef en." C2!poL, XII, § 4.) lBei ben 9teformicrien tja± bie merluirrung lialb luieber eingef ett. Unb finb luir nicljt au13erf± borficljtig in unf erm @Stu" bium reformierter @Scljrif±en, fo luirb bie l8ertnirrung auclj in unf ere )ttjeologie einbringen. (il'ottjetuug folgt.) 5t tj. (E n gel be r. oj •• Christian B urial. l ) "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth," Rev. 14,13. The topic "Christian Burial" might on first thought appear to be a topic that rightfully belongs to the pastoral conference. It should not require so much thought to realize, however, that the right understanding of this important subject and, following upon the right understanding; the correct practisA concerning Ohristian burial is of vital importance to the members as well as to the pastor of the congregation, especially in our day, when the opinion is steadily gaining ground that Christian burial should be denied no one, regardless of what the deceased has confessed and how he has lived. At no time perhaps does the pastor need the enlightened understanding and sympathetic support of his flock more than when he is forced on Scriptural grounds to refuse to officiate at a funeral. The purpose of this paper is to further this understanding' and sup- port. May the Lord of the Church grant His blessing! What a Christian Burial Is. We must first inquire what a Christian burial is and what mean- ing such a burial has. Though a burial in itself is a purely civil affair, - everyone must be buried, and anyone can bury, - yet because of the mode of burial among Ohristians, accompanied as it is by hymn-singing, prayer, and preaching, it at once becomes a sacred, religious act, a part of OUl' litul'gy and public service. To the consel'vative Lutheran Ohurch the real essence of a Christian burial consists in the words of committal: "Out of dust art thou come, unto dust shalt thou l'eturn, from the dust shalt thou rise again. Amen." In these words is expressed the hope of resurrection to life, life eternal, not a general hope, as some would have it, but a specific hope for the body being buried. This same specific hope of resurrection to life is also powerfully expressed in the grand words from St. Peter's .First Epistle General: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant 1) Paper read at the convention of the Norwegian Synod and re- printed by permission.