Full Text for CTM Book Review 4-12 (Text)

loflWl, Art. ~ If the trumpet live an UDcertain IOUDd. who .h:lll prepare hlDUleif to the battle t 1 OM. ~.8. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of lttissouri, OhiO, and Other States CONCORDIA. PUBLlSHIN'G HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. Book Review. - 53itetatut. 953 Book Review. - £iterlltltr. ~ie ~fltrmenberbeutfdJung bon ben erften ~nfiingen lii~ 2utijer. ,8hleite S';liilfte, mit ail)t mHbtafefn. S';lerausgegeben in ®emetnfilJaft mit \}' tit :;s ii It ill e r unb Iffi i I r ~ 53 ii b t f e bon S';l a n s m 0 rIm e r. 1933. ~fa, bClllifd)!e medagsgcicflfilJart ~tl)cnaion, ~otsbam. 288 @3eiten 6Y2 X9%. ~rets: R::'1. 20. illitr freuen uns uufriil)tig, bat l)ierlllit oie 31neite S';liilfte bes bon uns filJon ftill)cr ange3eigten illierfes (mb. IV, 1l1lJrif, (5. 316) botltegt. ($;5 ift ein illietf, tiber bas fief) bet S3utl)erforfcf)ec bon ganaem S';lcr3en freuen tuttb. :;Sn iibet~dJt~ Heflet Illnorbmmg fiil)ten 194 @3eitentabeUen dne \}'iiUe IJerfilJiebeniter itbec~ fetungen, alt~ unb mittelflod)beutfd)cc, nicberbeutfd)er, niebcrHinbifdJer unb anger~ fiid)fifd)ct, aus bem fo bief benutten l/liartetbud) boe ~ugen. l/li.139 tuirb in 38 berid)iebenen itbetfe~ungen g(ma bargeooten, cbenio bie 530bgeiiinge bet S';lanna, bet lJJ1uttet 5amuelS, bee lJJ1aria, bes ,8ailJatias unb bes @3illlcon fohlie bas mater' unfet in '18 berfcf)iebenen ftber(euungen, bon ber gotiiilJen bes 4. :;Sal)rl)unbettil vis aUf bie 53utlJctfd)e (etter ~ant> bon 1546. 5tlie lJeigegebenen mHbtafeln bienen ber Q5ercmjd)auHc1)unll, unt> ein (lHoffar fteUt ben fUr bie @3lJtad)funbe hlid)tigften ®cf)aH bet mannigfalHgen st:ebte beibet ~iinbe 3ufammen. 'iller fid) hlirUid) in eh Jen 1l1selfr bei ~'ot"bmit J UI ',f bas !ommenbe mllJefjubifiium mit griint>, Hu)en st:ebtunteriud)ungen bcfd)aftigen hliff, witb ljiet bas ®etuUnfd)te in inter~ effantct \}'otm finben. l/l. ($;. st t e t man n. '!!Il~ ~tlangenUnt nadJ imattijiiu§l. ($;ine urcl)tiftlicl)e ($;rUiirung fUr bie ®egen~ toart bon D. Dr. :;s 0 lJ ann e 5 ~ e t' e m I as, ~farter in S3imbud), @3ud)ien. 5tliirffHng & ITtanfe ~ merIag, £eilJ3ig. 1932. 206 @3etten 6X9. l/lreis: M.6. illias lIns lJict geboten hlitb, lit nicf)t eht .\fommentar im lani:J1iiufigen @3inu, \onbern eine Illnall)\e, bie bie @3timmen angenen rom, hle1d)e bie berfd)iebenen ~b~ fd)nttte bes lJJ1attl)ausebangeIiums geflJrod)en lJaben. D. :;Scremias Intmfjtect fid) fel)t fiit @3d)aUanal~fe unb £)at, barauf fuuenb, fd)on me£)rm Iffietfe nfd)einen laffett (SDer alJoftoIifd)e Urf~t1lng bet bier ($;bangelien unb .ffomlllentare iiber lJJ1ar~ fus, 53utas unb :;Sol)annes). ~ud) lJlet rebet er tuieber ftad biefetlJJ1etlJobe bail Iffiort, bie beriud)t, in bie ($;ntftel)ungsberl)iHtnilfe alter @3d)dften ein3ubringen. ($;r fc1)reibt @3. 72: //:£ile botHegenben fut3en ~usfiil)rungen tuoUen bcr falfilJen smat begegnen, bafl @3cf)aUanar~(e ein buntle§ ®ebict, ein tein offuItes Iffiiffen unb .ITonnen fei. 5tlafl bie stfangfor(d)ung ble @3timmarten aus gefd)tieoencn lInb gebntdten st:c,;ten etmittdn fann, 1ft burd) mannigfa,cf)e ,\{5etfud)e im l/lf~d)ologi~ fd)en ;;snftitut au £eilJaig, bon benen bie bon :;Sbfen lInb starg ollenan ftelJen, lJeute hlifienfd)aftlid) eintoanbfrei betuiefen unb fann barum nid)t mefJr mit ftid)l)altigen tui([enfd)afHicl)en ®rUnben be3hleifelt tuerben.// Uns fefber ift immer nod) nic1)t Qe~ lJeuet 3umute bei biefer WldlJooe. ~lIf ieben \}'aU ift es nod) au frii9, aUf bie ($;tgeb~ nifie folcf)er Untetfud)ungen fJin grote @3lJriinge 3U wagen. ~uc1) ift bas ffiefultat reid)1id) tom~1i3iert; nimmt bod) D. ~eremias an, bail in ben ($;bangeHen fiinf~ 3eI)n @3timmen 311 untetjd)ciben jelen. //5tlas QtieilJifd)e ($;bangelium bes I))lattgdus bidet bie £el)ren ber ~~oiter lJJ1attl)dus unb st:gomas, ~cttUS unb :;sogannes nad) bet ~rt ciner ($;bangeHenl)atlnonie ... , llluUcrbem l)at lJJ1attgiills anbere IlJm But metfUgung ftelJenbc Ducnen alJoftolifd)er UrlJcbcriilJaft mit l)ol)er mufibifilJet .ffunft 954 Book Review. - £!itet'atut. in fein ($;bangeHum ~ineingearbcitct." (6. 127.) 'iller jid) fUr 5d)allanall)jc in~ tcreHiert, fd)aife fid) bies mud) an, bas in cinem oCjonberen St'apiteI aud) l\lieber Uber bic angemanbte 9.net~obif saufid)lufl gib!. itbrigens ift in biejem mud) eine itoerfetun\J bes 9.natt~auseban\JeHums ent~alten, bie, menn aud) mit oefonbeter ill:Udjid)t aUf bie 6d)allanar~fe angcfcrtigt, bod) aud) aogejel)C1t babon i~ren 'illert ~at. 'ill. sa r n b t. D. <£fjt. <£'tttlt £utfjatbti\l ~om\Jettbium bel' 'l)ogmatif. mollig umgearoeitet unb crgiin3t bon D. Dr. ffi Doe t t :;s e ! fe, otbentliel)em !l5rofcfiot bet st~eolDgie in bdeibeloetg. 13. sauf!ngc. \lei)l3ig, 1933. I!:\edng bon SDijtff~ ling & ~ranfe. 467 6eiten 9X6. !l5reis; M.I0, geljeftet; M. 11.20, ge~ ounben. :;Sn bicier SJleubearDeitung f) at bas aUe, bie!georauel)te, mettbolle \lutl)arbtfd)e St'ompenbium feinc tllefentfiel)e llieriinberung erlitten. 6einc llior3Uge finb bei~ oe~alten morben. SDiefe befte~en in bet umfaffenben SDadegung bet SDogmen~ gefd)id)te fOlllie in bet Haren, gtiinbHd)en unb meift del)tigen SDarftellung fomo!)! bet lut~etifcl)en SDogmatif alS auel) bet :;Strleljre. ~in ffieaenicnt nennt es mit lRed)t dn "fUt junge stljeologcn faft uncrfetlid)es ~ompenbium". lillenn aud) in bet borliegenben sausgaoe ein3elne !l5aragrapljen unb aud) gan3e !l5artien umgeftellt linh (bie 53e!)rc bon bet .ldcHigen Scl)tift ~at 3 1.8. i~te 5teUung 1)1cr tm XI. S;,aupb teU: "SDog1l1at1fd)e !l5rin3ipienlel)te", ma~tenb bie aIten 'llusgal1Cll fie biel \~1itet oeljanbeln), aud) me~rere '-\laragtapf,len biillig neu finb, fD f,Jat bod) ,umeift \lub fJarbt bas lillort. :iDaoei ljat bie neue~(uffage ben meitmn mOt5u9, bat nid)t nUt bie 53iteraturangalie 3U ben einac1nen Loci burel) ,l)in3ufUgung neueter (\'rid)ei~ nungen berciel)ctf morDen ift, fOllbem auel) bie neuen ~ntmid!ungen aUf bem @e~ biet bel' :iDogmatif nnb stf,Jeologie, fo 3. 1.8. bie Dialeftifd)e st!)eo!ogie, uefprod)en merben. :;sn einem san~ang tvirb ba uud) "llie aUfler'oeutfd)e unb bie tatfJoltfd)e 3)ogmatH" batgefegt. - :iDa mitb 3.1.8. auel) bet St'reB bet um 53. :J·fJmeB fiel) fd)a~ renben stljeo!ogen cl)atafterifiett. ,,~uen bas :;Sneinanbet bon ($;tfaljtungs~ nnb lillorttfJeologie ift es, mas :;sr)meB' !l5ofition fo ftatt macl)t. . .. SDen beiben let~ tetCn [:;seUe, Sd)neibet] fommt es mef,lr unf bie forma(,pljilofopf)ifd)e lRcd)ifertb gung bel' c!)riftlid)en i'tller3eugung an." (6.57.) saus hem sabicljnHt "SDie SDog~ matH ~cotbametitas", bel' ,mei 6eiten umfaflt (er ift, mie bet 6d)reiber, D. lReu, mitteift, bebeutenb betfUrst worben), mag fo!genbes mitgeteilt merben; "lSefannt~ toerben 11ltf)etifd)er stl)cologie :iDeutfel)lanbs, (S;inmanberung entfel)iebener 531ttlje~ raner ins 53anb (befonbets lillaHl)er, @tabau, Die 5enbIinge 53ofJes), bas sauf~ fommen lutljetifel)er ~Uljter engHfd)er ,(lunge (befonbers !l5orterfielb S1:taut~, bel' burd) f tin lilled The ConseTvative Reformation, 1871, unb f eine perfonIid)e mlittfa1l1teit aud) bie cnglifd)~reformierte 'illelt auffJorel)en mael)te) brad)ten eine cntfd)iebenc :J1Udteljt 5U ben 1SetenntniSfcl)tiften bel' lutljetifcl)en mtel)e unb cinet iljr fonformen SDog1l1atif 3uftanbe, bie (Jeute nod) fUr bie !utljetifd)e S1:ird)e same~ rUas el)atattetiftifel) ift. SDer miffolttifd)en ffiicljtUllg gC90rt an bie SDogmatif bon ,l)onede, bie tiicf,ltige SDogmatH bon ~tan3 !l5icper unb cin lillerf hes SJlotmegets ,l)obe (Christian Doctrine); inmittcn bel' mminigten \lutljeriicl)en St'ird)e er~ fd)ienen bie lillerfe bon ,I). ~. :;saeoM, ffi.~. lilleibnet, sa. @. ~oigt, WL ma!entine, Singmafter, 3u benen infJaltlicl) aud) bie SDogmatH bes 6cl)mebcn l3inbbetg gefJott. :iDen ,(lufammel1f)ang mit bel' satbeit SDeutiel)llll1bs betfucf)en bom feften l.8oben bes lSeienntnifies aus feftsulJaltcn bie bogmatij.d)en satbciten bon ffieu (@nabenmitteh [eljte, metlllidliel)ung bet @ottcsgemeinfel)aft burd) ~~riftus)." \~loet auel) ljinfiel)tltd) feinet 9J1iingel ()at bas St'ompenbiul11 trine mefcntlid)e Book Review. -\literatur. 955 meranbetung erfal.)trn. :3::ic fcl)lDctitlicgcnben ~oirrungen S3utl.)atbts finb nid)t !orrigiett tuorben. ?fiit lefen nad) tule bot: ,,:tial.)er finb alle ;Snfpiration~tl.)eotien, bie neueren nie!)t mlnber als bie aHptoteftantifd)e meroalinfpirationslel.)te, a03u, lel.)nen." (6.119.) ,,:tile ;Snj.lllration ift all0 3U l1egreifen a15 cine fold)e ?fiitfung bes @ciftcs @ottes, burd) tue!d)e olefe i5.d)tiften unb il.)rc eln3c1nen ;reue il.)rcm .Btoed entfpted)enb liefiil.)igt tuurDen, ber .relrd)e benjenigen :tiienft 3U Ieiften, ben fie Ieiften foUten." (15.119.) linb aU biefet bagen :tiefinitlon ber ;Snf~iration itleit ;Scae nid)g anberes 1)in3u3ufugen ols bie eoenfo bage ~rf1iirung: "s\)ie .retrd)e ift getuili, bail ber Utfprung bet i5d)rift auf cine befonbete ?fiittung bes Dffenbarungs' geiftes (;Snfpitation) 3urud3ufu1.)ren ift, tue1d)er bas gciftige metmogen ber ein' ,eInen liiolifd)en merfaffer io in feinen befonberen :tiienft na1)m, tuie es bet .Btucd ber einselnen 6d)tift tuic bes i5d)riftganaen erforbette." (6. 120.) :tiie 6d)tift ift "bie lldunbe bet ~e\!iJoffenliatung" unb 1)at "eine menfd)1icl)e Geife" (im Ginne bet S3eugnet ber mcrl1alinHliration). glad) tuie Oot tuitb mit S3ut1)crs ange11Iid) freieret 6tclIung in bet ;Snfiliratinnslel.)te opctiett, 6. 107 (,,~013, ~eu, 6toppeln"; "ie nad)bem bie Gcl.)riften (flJriftum treiben"). G.336 fagt ;SeUe mit ffied)t: ,,;Sn bet neueften ;r1.)eologie tuitb mit bern ~egtiffe ,?fiort @oUes' \)ie[fad) red)t tum, fudid) umgegangen." snoet et feluet ibcntifi3ictt nicmalil hie ~eiligc Gd)tift nnb @ottes ?fiatt. Wad) tuie bot hliri> bie .Il'enofis borgetragen. "Ut ;Sene berfud)t - in gciniffet :-mobififatiDu ber !enotiicl)en (f1)tiitDfogic -, bas cl)tiftologifef)e !j5tol1Iem ems bern ?fieien bcr 3tueiten ~\)poftafe, bas lJei\lt, aus bet ~ier allein in jJrage fommenben liefthnmten jJorm bet Chligcn Gelbftoeftimmung @nttes, iU lofen" ultu. (6. 273.) mad) tuie bot "bedt fid) bas, tuas (;l;~tiftus fur uns getan unb gelitten 1.)at, nid)t im i5inne gegenfdtigct~orecl)nung bonig mit bern, tuas tuit 3U tun unb 3U lciben 1)aben tuurben"; bas ift ein "fd)tifHofes ;rlJeologumenon"; IIbie ~t' fetung bes iutibifd)en ~egriffs bet 6trafe DUtd) ben etfJifd)en bet i5u1.)ne ift tm groten unb ganaett bet gefamten neueten fttd)1id)en ;tI)eologie eigen". (6. 300.) linb ;Sene tebet im Sinne S3utfjatbts bon ben "ftad jutiftiielj oticntierten @e" banfengiingen" ber :tiogmatHer. (6.294.) mad) tuie bot "oeaeid)net bie 6cfJtift bie ~efeI)rung teHS afS ein ®ed bet mnabe, teifs a15 dne S3eiftung bes smen" fcl)ett", unb IIbie bet oefefJrenben ?fiitffamteit @ottes entfptecl)enbe petfilnltd)e ~nb fd)eibung bes 9J!enfef)en gefcl)iel.)t nur in .retoft unb auf @tUnD jener ?fiitTfamfeit @ottes, alfo viribus non nativis, sed dativis". (G. 384-389.) jJolgetid)tig tuitb bieie SJel.)te bon ber ?fialJf ootgetragen: ,,:tiie etneuette lutlJetifcl)e ;tI)ologie ift 3Ut fitef)lid)en .\.lef]re 3urudgefe~tt ... ; ,@ottes S3iebe tulJt aUf (;l;l.)tifto, bem @elieDten, unb in if]m aUf allen, bie fief) im @fonoen mit 1l.)m 3uf ammenf d)!ieflen. ?fidcl)e Dieie finb, ball ift nicf)t ;Snl.)alt, nid)t cine ~eftimmung, hie iener ffiatfd)luji an fid) 1.)at; et ift alfo nad) biefer 6eite 1)in nid)t aogeid)foffcu, unb ,tuat bes1.)aIb nidjt, hleif es mit iflm aUf bas ll.lerfJaHen bet smenfd)en abgefeI)en ift'." (6. 177.) S\)ie 9leul1eatbeitung bringt nidjts Weues Uoer bie smetl.)llbe ber :tillgmattf. ;Sn ben ftiil)eten ~usgaben l.)ie\l e§: ,,:Ilus @Iaubensbetuujitfein - bcfonbets butc:f) uub felt 6ef)Teietmurl.)et afS ,bas d)tiitIief)e ~eilluf3tfein' 3ut betuutten @eTtung unb ~nerfenmtng aud) fUt bie :IlogmatH getllmmen - 1ft bie innetltd)e @etui\l1)eit unb bet innere ~efiil bet ~eHStuaI)t1)eiten, tuefd)e Die 6cl)tift ue3eugt unb bie mtd)e Ie1.)tt, unb l1ilbet balJet ben ~usgangs\>unft unb Die nacl)fte £:lUelIe fut bie llie' iltobuftion bet @lauoensTel.)te im bogmatlfd)en G1:)ftem, untet ftcter ~egtunbnng bet @laubensausfugcn aus bet 6cf)tift nnb mergIeic!)ung mit bet S3e~rc bet .reitd)e." ;SeUe briidt fief) fo aus: "Wencn bet Gd)tift aIs bem oojeftiben !j5oI bet clJtiftIidJen ?fiaflrl.)citscdenntniS lJat bet :tiogmatifet 'oie (lHau!ien,3etfafJtnng be~ [1.)tiften alS ben fulijeftiben !j501 biefer ~tfenntniS aU3Uettennen." (6. 127.) ~in tllefent~ 956 Book Review. - 5.Jiteratur. Hd)er Untetfd)ieD liegt flier nidjt bor. ~s fd)eint, aHl foUte Die 6d)rift aIS ~r~ fenntnislltin3i.p me!)r oetunt tuerben, aoer :;5elfc !Jiilt ausgef.prod)enermailen an bem (,\;tfa!Jtnngs.ptin3i.p feft als bem regierenben \llthqi.p. I/lUber nun nid)t afS foldjer, fonbetlt nut jDfern et bem 5\)ogmatiIet .perj6nIidj'fubieftiber Qlejiil ge~ tuorDen ijt, ge!Jiitt bet :;5nl)alt bet 6djrift in Die 5\)ogmatif." (6. 124.) ~in eUa~ tantes Qleif.pieI finbet lid) 6.178. IJHdjt nut gint bie l/un3tueifelljafte ~rfaljrungl/ I/bem ®Iauoen bes ~!)riften ben tiefften .Idalt", fDnbetn eil tuitb aud) bie ffrage, Db ®Dtt in feinem ehJigen lRatfdjluil getuifie SJJlenfdjen 3ut 5!lerbammniS oeftimmt ljaoe, nidjt aus bet 6d)tift oeanthJortet, jonbern fo: I/~inen 6djluil aUf Die 5!let~ tuerfung anhel'et BU macf)cn, geftattet bem ~I)riften bieje Grrfa!)rung nicl)t," -- 5\)er ffiaum bnlJietet eil, aUf jiimtlidje lUoirrungen ljin3utueijen. :;5m 5!lOtlDOti ljeiilt es: ,,'Dabei galt es nntiirHd), bon ber IUrbcit 5.Jutf)arDtil miigIid)it bier aU erljaften; bas !)eiilt, nut' bail burfie fallen geIaffen mer ben, tuas mit bem mDbernen tuifienjdjaftHdjen Grm.pfinben unmiigIidj in ~inHang BU bringen mat." Unb 6.57 erUiirt :;Sene, baf] eil i!)m I/me!)r aUf bie formal~\JljiIojo\Jljifd)e lRed)tfertigung ber djriftltdjen ftbetaeugung" anfomme. 5\)as erfHirt IJieUeidjt, Inarum 6.433 ber 6at 53utljarbts ausgemerat tuutbe: l/:;5n iebem f;aUe miiilte ber SluifdJen3uftanb Btuifd)etl stob unb :;5iingftem 0lerid)t 10 gefaflt toetben, bafl er mit b';leor. 9, 27 im ~in!1ang ite!)!, tuonadj bieies 53 eli en im f;feijdJ bie Seit ber ~ntfd)eibllng unfers 5!lerlja!tnijjes 3U ®ott ift." 'mas bie "formaf,jJ[)HofojJDifclje lRedjtfertigull\1" oettint, fo l)eiilt es s. QI. 6,169: l1:;5rgenbmie hJirb vie ::tl)eologie aud) 3U berfudjen ljaoClt, an bas ®elJeimng biefes brei\lerfonlid)en 6eins 0lottes tuenigftens in ethJas ljeran3ufDmmen", unb 6.337: ,,5\)en betben Sjau\Jtmitteln Sut SJJlitteilung geiftigen 53ebens, bet 6.pradje unb bem barfteUenben Sjanbeln, cnb f.predjenb tritt neoen nas smott im engeren 6innc a{iJ bem erften ®nabenmittel bas 6ahament afil hie barjte1!enbe f;orm ber Sjeilsberhinbigung." - (l;il ift hJaljt, bem jungen - unb alten - stljeologen ift bies \{Iud) fait unentbeljtliclj. ~Der fein ::tljeolog follte eil georaudjen, bem bie I5djrift nid)t bas ein3ige ~rfenntniS.prin3i\l ift. ::t lj. ~ n gel b e r. Disputed Doctrines. A Study in Biblical and Dogmatic Theology. By O. H. Little, D. D., S. T. D. 1933. The Lutheran Literary Board, Burlington, Iowa. 127 pages, 51f2 X 8. All the Lutheran synods of America and all its members ought to welcome this treatise; for, brief as it is, it takes up thirty-two points, most of them controverted either in the past or at present, and offers in almost every instance a clear, Scriptural presentation of the respective doctrine or question of practise. The following points are treated: pre- destination, inspiration of the Scriptures, the millennium (including the Antichrist), the conversion of Israel, the first sin, the humiliation of Christ, the impeccability of Christ, hades, the call to the ministry, justi- fication, marriage and divorce, the Lord's Day, the admission of women to church offices, the assurance of salvation, the attitude of the Church against the lodge system, union services, the origin of souls, the com- ponent parts of man's being, the relation between Church and State, ques- tion of the wine and of the cup in the Lord's Supper, liturgics, Buch- manism, capital punishment, tithing, race suicide, prohibition, open forum, etc. The author himself distinguishes, and properly so, between "doctrines" and mere "questions," that is, those pertaining to the field of Christian practise and ethics. Though the discussion is brief, in many Book Review. - \litetntut. 957 instances strongly so, enough is said on every point to satisfy the searcher. The reviewer finds himself in almost perfect accord with the writer in practically every statement made. The choice of "dynamic" for "verbal" inspiration is not altogether happy, since the term "dynamic" has received another COl1l1Otation, namely, that associated with an energized intellect, an understanding which is evidently far from the author's mind. In the section on the call we cannot subscribe to the statement that the call by the "representative church" (synod) is on the same level with that issued by a congregation; for there is no sound Scriptural basis for such a declaration. With regan] to the passage 1 001'.·7 it may readily be said that this passage does not offer a second reason for a divorce, hut it cer- tainly indicates that a spouse who has been unjustly deserted by the other may eventually have the fact of the desertioll acknowledged by means of a divorce obtained in the courts. But apart from these small naevi we consider this book one of the finest contributions to the Lutheran litera- ture of the country, and we hope it will lead many pastors to the right understanding of the truths which it so ably sets forth. P. E. KRgTZ~£ANN. 6nl 'l)ijfdJcn. .!:!itcrntur' i:fcr beB 16. ,cri8. 1. :U1 art in 53 1t t I) e r. 5l3on I.j:lrof. Dr. 0J u it a b me bel' met) e r. ~alter be 0ruIJter & ~o., merlin unb 53ciP3ig. 128 Sciten 4X6. I.j:lteis, in \leincn genul1ben: M.1.62. m3ieber eil1 Heines 53ut~erbud), aber al1bers ungelegt uub ausgefti~rt aiS feine .1l30rgiin\ler. SDie Sammlung 0iifd)Clt ift in bet \lnn3en m3clt 11efal1nt, unb es \Jib! luo~[ fcine iif)nfid)e 6ammiunG, bie in riner fold) fUl'jen unb bncl) 3ugleid) 3U~ berfiiHigen ~!.Seife unb au rineut fo biTIigen ~,teilc Hbcr aUe hie DC!ltI)iebenen menfd)liel)Cl1 'l.l.IiffensgelJicte nricntiert. m3enl1 iel) bns 5l3etDeid)niS bet IllDtcHung tiber Sprael)luiffenfel)aft unb 5.litcraturgeid)id)tc burel)fclJe unb bebenle, ba)) jebes manbd)en, gut gebrucft unb in 53eintnanb geliunben, nur :M. 1.62 fofte! unb ba)) !lei gleid)3eitiger Illllllai)me in~a(tIid) 3ufammcngc~iiriger manbc be[onbete @efamt~ preife in ~taft trcten (3e~n miinbd)Cl1 filr M.14.40), 10 tann man fid) luitflid) burd) Illnfd)affung bicfCT liillig bargenotcnen Samm(ung iibet bie betfd)iebenften ~iffCltsgebietc unterrid)tcn luie !aum in einct anbcrn m3eife. SDas bcrliegenbe manbd)Cl1 criiffnet nun cine neue Serie: "SDeutfclJe Biteratutbcn!miilet bes 16. ~a~t~ ~unDerg", unb mit med)t fte!)! I)}lattin 53ut~er oDcnan. Unb a15 mear!leitet ift eine bcr etftcn ~(utoritiiten auf biefem 0eliiet getDonncn luorben, I.j:ltDf. Dr. meliet~ melJet in ~iiliingCl1, ein betannter 0crmanift unb gegcntoiirtig bet 53eiter bet gro))en ~eimarer 53ut~erausgabe. (5l3ieUeicl)t btitfen luir Dei biefet 0e(egel1~cit aUel) fcf)on bdauntgcnen, ball Dr. mcbermet)et an einem :rrlerfe arlieitet, bas bor~ ausj'idJtricf) bOll bet griif)ten mebeutung flit bas 53ut~etftubiulll roetben roirb, niimlicf) an chum m3iittetbucl) au 53ut~ets 6pracl)e.) ,{3ulllnfang fte~t cine turoe (:l;inlcitung, unD nann fofgt cine gute Heine lllustnaf)l aus ben berfcl)iebenften 6cf)tiftCl1 53ut~ers, immer bon bem @ej'icf)t5punU liUS getroffen, But~crs 5l3et~ bienfte um bie neutfcf)e Spracf)c bar3ufteUen. So f) at bet Sjerausgc'(Jet [cel)s Illb~ teilungen eingericf)tet, erftenll: ,,53ut~er aIS i'tbCLieter", 5roeitens "Illus ben e);ege~ tifd)en 6cf)tiften", orittens "Illus ben il'(ug~ unb 6tteiticl)tiften", biettens "Illus ben ~i[cf)teben", ftinftens "mtiefe", fed)[tens "meber". Ullb getabe cine folcf)e mannigfnItige Illusro(l~( lann £utl)er in ieinet mebeutung filr nie beutfcf)e Sptacf)e tecf)t botfiilJren. :!lie ein3elnen altsgej\)ii~1ten Stiicfe iinD mit ciner futacn 5l30t~ 958 Book Review. - 53itetCltUt. bemerfung betfe~en, unb ungeluii~nrid)e ~rusbrUcfe finb in ben ~rnmetfungen et~ Hiuted. iSefonbers inteteffont unb luettboU ift, bo~ ber ,\Jetousgebcr, menn er 6tiiefe bet iSibeWberfetung S3ltt~et!l luie 1 9)lof. I, qJj. 23 unb 53uf. 2 barbietet, in ~olltmnen nebeneinanbet jett bie bor1ut~etfo)e iSibe1 unb bie 53ut~erb1be1 bon 1545. SDa erfcnnt man teo)t mit elnem ~1id ben gemaftigen Untetfo)ieb 3mije~en beiben unb bie !ffia1)r~eit bes !ffiotte§; ;so~. 9Jlat~efius', be§; \}reunbes 53ut~ets unb erften 53ut~erbiogtap~en: ,,;sd) ~abe in meiner ;sugenb Clud) cine unbeutfd)e beutfd)e ~ibef gefe~en, aoer bie mar bunfe1 unb finfter." ~ine 10(0)e mergleid)ung ift 3U~ gfeld) eine Heine \lute moromitung fUr bas ;sulJUiium ber beutjd)en ~ibel, bas nud)ftes :Jal)l' au feiern ift. qJrof. iSdietme~er fd)1ie!\l [cine ~inleitung mit biefen !ffiotien: ,,';Sm \Jansen gefe~en, biirfcn lui! feftftellen: S3ut~et ~at in erniter, 1iebe~ boUer iSejilll111cf]feit unb iSeobot~tung bie 6eele bet beutfcl)en 6prad)e entbedt, fie butd) bie iSibdiibetfetung in§oejanbete geljeiligt unb ge)lJei~t unb fa im (Enb~ erfolg iljr bie ®!eicf]bmo)tigung mit ben olten lJeiTigen ~irdjenjprodjen enungen. 91 am entlid) butdj bie iillettagenbe 53eiftun\l feiner iSibe!i.ibetfetun\l luirb er bet ~egriinber ber neuen beutfd)en ~unftproja, bie Dis ~eute iljte jptodjerneuernben Shufte gern ous 53lltljers 53eiftung fd)opf±. ;sm ein3elnen ift f cine 6pradje felJr bielfcf]ic!)tig: in ben \}lugfo)riftCll, qJrebigten unD iSricfen 3ieIt bet iReformator lueniger aUf Wnftletijdje \}ormung ols (tuf fc!)la\1enbe 'illitfun\J buto) bcrb bOltS~ tiimlid)e 5tH, unb ~u5btltclf)a[t1tllg. ®leic!)luo~( barf auo) ilJre jprad)liC!)c iSe, beutung nid)t ullterjcf]o\lt luerben, benn fie ljabClt bcr iUflgen, auffttebenben bent' yel)en qJroja etn llCne5, meites \}elb etobert. ~Lnbets bie 6pracf)e bet stifdjreben, bie balb aUf ge!e~rtett, balb auf gemiitboll ~laubetnben ston bet iRebe im bet' twuten ~reije aogcftimmt finb. SDie ljocf]fte bid)tetifo)e ~taft erreic!)t bie 53ut~er' fptac!)e in ben i\'aoeln, 53iebern unb ben poctiio) ge~obenen 6teUen ber ~ibel~ iioerje1jllnq. Uub luas filt bie 6procf]c, gilt aue!) filr Die 1iterarifcf]e iSeDeutull(! beil gcjamten S2lttterfdjen 6c[jrifttumiJ. . .. 6prnd)t unb 6tU bet XlutlJ,,[o)rl[ten finn im bejoubnn luie im gan3Cll filt aUe .{leUen betente .{leugen feiner einmafigen qJetjiinlic!)lcit unb gejdjiel)Htd)Clt ®rofle./1 (6.6.7.) 53. \} ii t b tin get. Contemporary American Theology. Theological Autobiographies. Ed- ited by Ve1'giZius Perm. Vol. 1. Round Table Press, Inc., New York. 1932. 361 pages, 514 X8 14. Price, $3.00. The purpose of this volume is to give the reader a cross-section of present-day religious thonght in America. Naturally, in the weight which we attach to the conclusions flowing out of this symposium, we shall be guided by the consideratioll that the initial choice of contributors at once determined the complexion of the volume. We have here twelve essayists, and all except one represent the modernistic school of religious thought. lt would have been possible to eliminate both extremes, the eleven Mod- ernists and the sole evangelical scholar, Professor Machen, and instead to limit the choice to middle-of-the-road men, of whom there are hundreds in the theological seminaries, and thus giye a picture of the American religious mind which would greatly differ from this. Bacon of Yale, whose essay leads the series and who died just when the volume went to press; Brightman of Boston University; S. J. Case of the Divinity School of Chicago University; Knudson of Boston; Wie- man of Chicago, - the life-story of these men as told by themselves; in some cases it describes the arc of a soul which discarded historic Chris- tianity and accepted the conclusions of modern rationalism; in others it Book Review. - 53itetntut. 959 places on record the history of a mind which has never been touched by the Christian Gospel. One and all, these essays are depressing, with the exception of Professor yIachen's masterly contribution "Christianity in Conflict." This article also excels in beauty of diction. In this respect only W. E. Garrison's sketch impressed us as above the average. The volume might be summed up as illustrating the conquest of a great por- tion of American religious education by German higher criticism and rationalism, through its influence chiefly on Yale Divinity School and Andover Seminary. THEODORE GRAEBNER. The Drums of Dawn. By F. lV. BOJ'ehnm, pastor at Kew, Melbourne, Australia. The Abingdon Press, New York. 272 pages, 5lh X 7lh. Price, $1.75. ~"or nearly forty years the author of this volume, a Methodist minister, has been pa.stor of churches in New Zeala.nd, Tasmania, and Australia, and it is largely from the rich and varied experiences of his long pastoral and missionary activity that he has gleaned the instructive observations and refiections which he has so ingeniously woven together into the twenty- five sketches that make up his new book. The deep interest which the Christian reading public has accorded his literary productions is proved by the fact that this is the twenty-seventh book of his published in the United States. This quite unusual interest is fully warranted; for the author has the rare gift of illustrating every-day truths so charmingly that in their novel settings they gain new values. His tenets are not always those held by the reviewer, but in his essays there is so much that is inspiring that the reader will be well repaid for studying them. They possess thc winsomencss of Maclaren's Beside the Bonnie Bn:cr Bush and the quaint subtlety of Goethe's Diohtung und Wnh1"heit, and both are enlivened by a kindly, dignified humor, which adds a welcome zest to their perusal. In the confusion of cynicism and pessimism that prevails among our popular atheistic authors to-day Boreham's essays appear as refresh- ing fountains in parched wildernesses, where the pilgrim may imbibe anew copious draughts of cheer and hope. J. T. MUELLER. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Convention of the English District. 1933. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 83 pages, 5%,X 8'Y2. Price, 18 cts. This is a report of special interest. It offers first of all an instruc- tive essay on the Christian creeds. The essayist, Prof. E. J. Friedrich, out- lines briefly the history of the creeds and then proceeds to show the neces- sity of creeds in the lifc of the Church. The Proceedings give in full the synodical committee's report on amalgamation. This committee was ap- pointed by the President uf Synod pursuant to a resolution of the Delegate Convention of 1932, to which several overtures had been submitted aiming at the amalgamation of the congregations of the present English District with those of tlleir respective geographical Districts. The report of Synod's committee was turned over to a District committee, whose report "was unanimously (overwhelmingly) adopted," to wit: "Inasmuch as a careful inquiry into the sentiments of our congregations and pastors has convinced us that the time for such action has not yet arrived, be it therefore re- 960 Book Review. - 13itetatut. solved, 1) that in our opinion the dissolution of our English District and the amalgamation of our congregations with other Districts would at this time be premature; 2) that we assure the Delegate Synod that we shall keep the matter in mind, and when in our opinion the time for such action has arrived, we shall not neglect so to inform the Delegate Synod." The congregations and pastors of North and South Carolina petitioned the English District to grant its consent to the formation of a separate District for the Southern territory. This petition was granted subject to approval by the General Body in 1935. The chief reasons stressed were the remoteness of these congregations, which in most instances prevented congregational representation at the District meetings, and the better development of missionary opportunities in that section of the country. TH. LAE'fSOH. S1'itd)nd)e~ ~n~t!Jud) fill' Me eunngeHfd)cn £lnnbe~fird)en '!Ientfd)rnnb~. 1933. ~in S'dnf~6uef) 3ut aitef)enfunbe ber @cgenmart. ;;sn ber 91ad;fo{ge bon D. ;;S 0 1) ann e S 6 d) n e i b c r l)erausgegeben bon Lie. S'd e t man n 6 a f f c. 60. :;Sa!)rgCtnG. lEnIag (.1:. )ScttefilmCtnn, @Utetslof). 121 6citen 5"1:, X8"!,. ~reis, fortvuiert: M.3.50. Sl)ic5 ift bcr erfte steH bes Ilcfl1llnten ;;saljtbnef)'l, bel' il)CrtboUften 311[ammen~ fteUnng iil1cr bie ebangeH[cf)en .\tircf)en Sl)eutjcf)luuLl§. 0utDo!)! ber GalloC lDanD fcljon naf.JC3u fertiggejtclft unl> sum stetl bereHs gejett tDat, ljanen S'derausge6er nnb llSetleget fief) boel) entfcljloffen, fein (i';rfu)einen nm me[)rete ~TIonate BU bcr~ fcljieben. Sl)et @tunl> liegt eben in ben llSorgCingen biefe~ ;;saljres, bie eine biiUige lEerCinberung bes beutju)en ebangelifd)en aira)enmefens 3ur \}olge ljaben unb fo tief in bie mref)cn(lefef)icljte e1ngrctfen, bab Uber aUe biefe (,\;reigni!!e erf! bann beftiebigenb bericf)tet merben tann, )oenn bie fird)1ic[)en li3eriinberungen tocnigftens einen bvtHiufigen ~bfd)lub crreief)t ljaben. Sl)et botliegenbe erfte steil entl)iilt barum nut Die fttcljIicf)e 6tatiftif, abet biefe im tDciteften 6inl1C bes 'mortes; unb mit feljen, bail aud; brUnen bie .I1anbibatenfrage cine lftoUe fpieH. Sl)er metfaffet leitet biefen SUbfcf)nitt e1n mit ben ?lioden: /I~ngefid)ts bet ciner arijis 3U~ briingenben ~ntmicUung bet aUgemeinen stljeologenaaljl bleibt es lel)treid;, ben llSetiauf ber 18erufstibetftiUung in bet griiflten beutfcl)en 53anbeSfird)e (~ltpreuflen) au beooaef)ten./1 (6. 96.) ?liit fommen auf bas ?lied 3Utilcr, menn es boIl[tanbig botHegt. 53. \} ti t b ti n g e r. NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. 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