Full Text for Objective Justification, part 2 (Text)

the objective justification, while the statement concerning the non-imputation of the trespasses deals with the subjective justification. The Glossa of Flacius, it would seem, takes this position: "For in a threefold way OUI' salvation is accomplished: by the Father as the Author and Lord; by the Son as the Mediator, meriting and acquiring it; and by the Holy Spirit as the Teacher. . .. So also in a threefold manner the Father procures our salvation, first, by sending the Son, an act which lies in the past and is finished; secondly, by giving and sending the doctrine and the teachers, rendering their word efficacious; thirdly, by pardoning, or not imputing, sins, that is, by absolving us; and these two acts take place at all times." So also the commentary of 572 Objective Justification. Lucas Osiander: "God, the true God, dwelling in the man Ohrist as in His most holy temple, through the suffering and death of that Mediator, reconciled the world unto Himself. And this reconciliation consists in this (reconciliatio autem in eo sita est,' solehe Versoeh- nung aber bestehet darauf), that God no longer imputes, but forgives, sins to the penitent sinners who believe in Ohrist. And in order that we may obtain this benefit, this reconciliation, the ministry of the Word of God has been ordained and instituted that we may believe the Gospel, be justified, and saved." H.Olshausen, Biblischer Kom- men tar : "V. 18. . . . Oonsidered objectively, it should be added, the reconciliation is finished, once for all, therefore >eilanb, bonn wer" ben fie bll§J @bangeIium berllinbigen, wobutcIj iIjre BuIjorer Bum ®Iauven Tommen £Onnen. linb loIcIje ~rebiger finb in unfeter 2eit Die befferen IDCora[prebiger, Die meiften protefiantifcIjen @littenprebiger. IDSir sieljen nut in ~etracIj± bie ~teDiger, wefcIje mit @rnft lrIjrif±llm, ben ®efreu3ig" 37