Full Text for Die Stellung der Frau in der christlichen Kirche (Text)

Qtnurnr~tu m4t~1ngiral jinut~ly Continuing LEHRE UND WEHRE MAGAZIN FUER E v.-LuTH. H OMILETIK T HEOLOGICAL Q UARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. I V February, 1933 No.2 CONTENTS P age GRAEBNER, THEO. : The Modernistic Christ 81 KROEGER. A. C.: Die Stellung der Frau in der christlichen Kirche . . ... . , 85 MAIER. W. A.: Archeology - the Nemesis ... 95 SIHLER, E. G.: Studies in Eusebius 102 KRETZMANN. P. E.: Luther und Zuelsdorf . 112 KRETZMANN. P. E.: Our Formula for Infant Baptism . 120 LAETSCH. THEO.: Divorce and Malicious De~rtion . ..... 127 KRETZMANN. P. E.: Die Hauptschriften Luthers in chro- nologischer Reihenfolge . ... . . 133 Dispositionen ueber die altkirchliche Epistelreihe . 135 Miscellanea .. ... .. .. . .... . . . .. .. . 141 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches 145 Book Review. - Literatur.. .... ... 153 Ein Predlger mUM nleht allein Vlri p.127), the number of scholars who doubted the validity of the transliterations and translations ,vas not inconsiderable. Notable in the lattcr group were critical minds that in spite of their characteristic inclination to explore new avenues of depal'ture l'emained anchored on their old critical basis. The great N oeldeke, prince of Semitists, as late as 1871 declared that the results of As- syriology both in matters of linguistics and history wel'e characterized by "a highly suspicious air." The school of Wellhausen, with its dominant emphasis upon the history of religion, paid scant attention to archeology and dallied with it as a toy of sophisticated Semitism. A perusal of Julius Wellhausen's History of israel shows the pro- nounced indifference with which he regarded Assyriology. This neglect has proved fatal to many of the theories which have been set up as canons of criticism. Archeology has convincingly demonstrated its capacities as a nemesis of higher criticism. Scores of hasty judgments and other scores of intricate theories, spun out of critical fancy, now appear as entirely fallacious in the light of archeological research. And while it is a thankless task to enumerate ".) :'Diefe I5timme aus bem ~teiie unfexer fiibametifanifcl)en ~riii:Jer otingen hlit um f.o lieber, ba bet SUttifeI 3eigt, bat aud) bDtt im 0eift bet I5d)tift gclc9tt unb gearbeitet hlitb,ellen aud) in be3ug aUf Mefe fltaftifcl)e j}'tage. :'Die fitcl)licl)e SUtbelt cl)tiftricl)er j}'rauen fome gan3 nnb gat unter SUufficl)t unb £eltung bet Orfs= gemeinbe gefcl)el)en. :'Dies fclJ1ie&t feineshlegS aus, bat eine grii&exe fitcl)Iicl)e ~iit= .perfcl)aft burd) cine f~ftcmatifcl)e Otbnung bet SUrbcit fo(cl)er j}'taucnbmine ein: grii&ms .Bic! etteicl)en fann. ~. &. ~.