Full Text for CTM Dispositionen ueber die altkirchliche Epistelreihe 4-1 (Text)

(!tnurnr~tu m~tnln!ltrul ilnut41y Continuing LEHaE UND WEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETlK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLy-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY VoL IV January, 1933 No.1 CONTENTS XRETZKAllN, P. E.: Foreword .......................... . FtlERBRDlGER, L.: Praesidialrede ... . ............ . .... . SIHLER, E. G.: Studies in E usebius ....... . .............. . XRETZMANN, P. E.: Luther und das Sub Utraque ...... . . XRETZMAliN, P. E.: Die Hauptschriften Luthers in chro- nolog~er Reihenfolge ................ . ...... . ....... . LAETSCH, THEO.: Divorce and Kalicious Desertion ..... . Dispositionen ueber die altkirchliche Epistelreibe ..... .. . l'Itiscellanea ........................ , ...... . .......... . ..... . Theological Observer. - Xirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches .. ... . Book Review. - Llteratur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...... ...... . . . Page 1 11 15 26 33 35 38 46 50 73 Ein P redlger mWII nicht allein 1DeWen, also das1 er die Schafe unterweise, wie sis rechte CbriBten IOllen llein, IOIldero BUch daneben den WoeHen wehr ... , daas sie die Schafe nicht angreifen und mit falscher Lehre verfuehren und Irrtum ein- fuehren. - Luther. Es ist kein Ding, dll8 die Leute meh. bel der Klrche behaelt denn dt. rute Predlgt. - .4pow"u., Arl. ,... If the t rumpet give an uncertain aound, who shall prepare hlmseH to the hattle1 J 00r. 4. 8. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of lIIissonri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE, St. Louis, 38 SDiSvojltionen tiber bie aHfitd)1id).e ~Vifteltei~e. of rescinding the state by putting an end to that whereby the state was established and sustained, the marriage consent. To use or to waive the exercise of this right rests with the party to whom the right itself has been granted by the Lawgiver. In the decision whether the state should continue, the guilty party is entirely at the mercy of the innocent party until the decision has been rendered, and this decision is final. If the injured party decide to condone and uphold the existing relation, both parties are and remain bound as they were before the offense. If the innocent party decide not to condone, but to rescind and thus to terminate the existing relation, both parties are free as they were before the relation was entered into and estab- lished. This final decision must be the free act of the party entitled to this remedy, and condonation brought about by duress 01' fraud is not condonation and leaves the case open for final decision. Of course, the innocent party cannot condone, or refuse to condone, before having obtained knowledge of the offense, and the burden of proof, when the charge is denied, rests with the offended party." Neither does the fact that A. has condoned one case of fornication while being ignorant of other cases committed either before or after the case condoned prohibit him from obtaining a divorce if these cases become known to him later and can be proved by him. Self-evidently the convicted adulterer must be subjected to dis- cipline, unless he is repentant and willing to ask the forgiveness of the wronged spouse and make public amends if, and to the extent that, the offense is publicly known. TI-l. LAETSOH. \)1cujafjx. ® a r. 3, 23-29. §Jeute miinfdjen mir einanber ein friifjIidje§ unb gefcgnete§ neue§ ~aljr. fIDerbcn bicf e ®egen§miinf dje in ®rfiiIIung gefjen? [Sic filnncn wil' Dieie!§ neue ~aljl' 5U einem fl'illjfidjcn unb gefegneten mar~en? 1. ~abutdj, ban mit un£; ±iiglidj burdj ba§ @lefet? ilU (f~rif±o fii~ten raffen; 2. babutdj, ban mit ar§ ®ot±e§ S1:inbet manbefn; 3. babutdj, ban mit Da§ bCtljeincne emige ®rbe ft e t§ i m W u g e be fj a It e n. 1 . .A.. ~idj± af§ f oldje, Die untet bem @Ie, c\? berlllafjtt unb berf djloffen finb, mie ba§ moff @lotie§ im WHen lEunDe, m. 23-25. fIDir finb nidj± meljr im ~edet, nidjt meljt un±er bem 2udj±meif±er, fonbem frei, unb ~Hl1Jofitionen tivet' bie urtfitdjIidje ~1Jiftehei~e. 39 Btvar burdj bai3 ~inbrein au )SetfjIefjem, burdj bai3 bet ®rau6e offen6ad juorbcn ift. CSfjtiftus ift fur uns 11)1tet bas ®efel,} geian juotben, @aL 4,4 f.; .2ut 2, 21. ®t fjat es fur uns erfuIIt. SDutdj ben @Iauben an ifjn finb juit nun freie ~inber @ottes. WIs foIdje gcfjcn tvit friifjIidj burdj bie I.l3foden bes nellen :;Safjres. B.