Full Text for CTM Book Review 3-12 (Text)

Book Review. -\literatut. 953 Book Review. -' .s!ifertttuf. Men Who Knew God: Samuel, Amos, Haggai. By M. O. Wee. 122 pages, 5Y4,X8. Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, Minn. Price, $1.00. Professor Wee, formerly of the Hauge Synod, instructs at the theo­logical seminary of the Norwegian Lutheran Church. He has in this volume published a series of simple lectures on Samuel and his ministry, ·on the message and times of Amos, and on the prophecies of Haggai. The .author has worked with the Hebrew text and has given attention to va­riant interpretations, sometimes a little too trustful of critical scholars, although not sharing their attitude. The reviewer does not believe that "the dervishes of Arabia constitute an analogous phenomenon in our own time" to the prophetic schools of the Old Testament. Strangely enough, Professor Wee's discussion of Amos 9, 11 f. takes no account whatever of the fulfilment authentically recorded Acts 15, 15 fr., where the rebuilding of David's tabernacle is identified with the conversion of the Gentiles. Pul should be identified with Tiglathpilesar (p. 86). Except in the importance given to conscious entering into fellowship with the Lord (p.14) the Haugian viewpoint is not prominent. There are a number of bad misprints (p. IX, Manahaim for Mahanaim; p. 12, Hesekiah for Hezekiah; p. 56, Ramay for Ramah; p. 95, plumet for plummet; p.1l9, Jubelees for Jubilees). Tn. GRAEBNER. <:Da£l Weue iteftament 'l)eutidJ. 9leues ®iittinger ~ibe{roerf. ~n ~erbinbung mit '\;1ermann 'l.lloIfgang ~e~et, i\'tiebridJ !Slief)fe1, i\'riebticT) ~aucf, ®etIJatb ~ein3clmann, ~oad)hn ~etemtail, ~lbtcd)t OjlTC, ~einrie!) illenbtotff, ~uHus 6cljnieroinb, ~etmann 6tratljmann unb ~ein3<iliettief) Wenblanb ljetaus< gegeocn bon ~ a u 1 5!{ f t lj au S unb ~ 0 lj ann e s Q\ e lj m. Eied)fteil :teilbanbd)en: il e r Q\ tie fan b i e ill jj met, libetf ett unb etllCirt bon ~ a u f~l I t lj au 5. ~anbenljiic! unb ffiupreef)t, ®iittingen. 126 6citen 6 X9. I.13tei§: (\;in3eln M. 4.40; bei :5uoiftijltioH M. 3.75. Wie bet l3eiet aus bet obigen ~ngabe fie~t, erid)cint gegenlDartig in Sl)eutid)< fanb ein muer Stommentat tiber bail 9leue :teftament. (\;s ift nicljt bie ~biicljt ber !Seatbeitet unb ber .\;;'erausgeber, ein toiffen[cl)aftHcljes Wed 3U liefem, fonbern if)r Q\eftteben gel)t baljin, cine (Jute, f1iejienbe Ulierfetung in mobcrncm ileutjd) ljer3uftellen unb bie groflen ®ebanfen, bie iiclj in ben betreffenben ~bfd)nitten finbell, in fnajljlen Wotten, aoer bod) fo, bafl fie feid)t gefaflt tuerben riinnen, ljet" aus3uitreicljen. ®tammatifclje (iriitterungen finbet ber \lcjer ljiet faum, abet Q\e< griffe tDie ffied)tfettigung, ~etfjjljnung, ®f(lubc, (itroiiljlung lDerben bcfjlrodJen, unD es lDitb bet ~er[ltc£j gemad)t, fo ben ~nlja(t ber ~eiligen 6dJriften bem d)riit" lief)en mon naljetDuDringen. (ill betfteljt fief) bon lefbft, bafl bie ~etfaffet, lDenn fie aud) jlopulCit fd)retben, boel) butcljaull aUf grammatifef)"~iftotifcljem ®tunbe fuflen roollen unb nut batuuf beqicljten, bem l3eftt ljier bie ®efeJjrtengange bot3uftiljren. iler tljeologiid)e 6tanbjlunft ift feiber nie!)t ber bet ~etbulinfjlitation, lDie (lull bem borliegenben !siinbcf)en 3u ericljen ift, lDenn I.13rof. ~ltljaus 3.~. 6. 37 bie smetljobe, lDonae!) l.13aulus bail ~lte :teftament gebraud)t, (If§ eine flit uns bet< gangene, Dum steil rabbinifd)e befef)reibt. 954 Book Review. -£itcrntut. lillns nun gernbe ben l)ier oU be\~red)enben steH, Die Uber\etung nnb ~ln§= legung bes 5{ltiefes an bie fiomer, b.ettiflt, fo ift bes ~ntereffnnten unb ~nregen= ben jo bief, bail ber 51:f)eolog groilen lJ1uten bon ber 53eftiirc be!ommt. lillit tiinnen cil uns Ilid)! berjagrn, einen jd)onen ~bjcljnitt iiber bie 'SebClttnng bes stobes l:i;f)rifti f)icr a03ubwcien: ,,'I:atl (If)tijti 'toD ,fiit unfere 6iinben' gejd)ef)en iei unb fiif)nenbe 'SebClttung f)abe, Diejen (&jebanfen fnnb q.\aulus fcljon in her Urgcmc1nbe, 1 Sfor. 15,3; 11,23 fl. \~htd) bon ben 'Silbern unb 'Segriflen, in benrn cr bie !;)cilsbebeutung bes stobes C\:f)rifti niil)et ous3ufliljren fucljt, mitb et einige jd)on iilicrtommen ljaben. 6ucljt mon in bet ~Jlannigfa1tigteit biefer lBHbet unb lBegriife (3. lB. D~fet, 53ostauf, fteUbertrctenbcs 6:deiben bes 01efetesjIucljes) ben ent\d)eibrnben @ebanfen, fo er= gibt ficlj elma folgenbes als ~rClt3estljeologie bes q.\aulus. :tias i8crf)aitnis 010ttes unb ber OO1enfcljen ift infolge ber 6iiube bas ber i\'einbfeligteit gem orb en, I, 18 fl.; 5, 10. 60U es nus bem bcnmlenfd)en 3erftorenben 6treite aum i\'riebrn fom= men, 5, I, fo bebarf es bcr 6iilJne, 3,25; bus ljeiut, 010ttes 6trafernft iuibet bie 6iinbe muil um feiner 0.\erecljtigfeit iuillen, 3, 25 f., ®eniige gefcljeljen. :tiie men= fcljen fonnen bie 6iiljne nicljt befd)aflcn. ®ott felbet tut es. lJ1icljt bie mlenfd)l)cit tann bas fllf,menbe D~fer leiften; 010tt liringt es, ~r gibt feinen 60f)n, ber in emiger 01emeinfd)aft mit iljm felit, in bie jiinbige OO1enfcljf)eit unb um iljretmillen in ben D!utigen stob baflin, 8,32; 01nl. 1,4, ®ott alfo ift bet Utljeber ber i8er= fiil)nllng, nid)t, toie 1m s;,eibentum, Die men[ci)cn, bie cine 3iirncnbe ®ottf)eit erft nmftimmen miinen, 010tt um3uftimmen, ift roeber ml1g1ic!) nod) notig; Dbgleiclj er 3iirnenb miber bie ~Jlenfcljen fteljen muil, 1,18 fI" ift fein 53iclie;liuiUe ber Utf~rung, llid)t erit bas (i;rgeliniS bes lillertes C\:f)tifti: C&l)rifti .Ihrlqestob ift ®ottes 53iebes= tat, 2 ,Rot, 5, 18 ff,: mom, 5, 8. :tienn C\:ljrifhts ftarli nod) (SJottes lilliUen ,fiir uns'. :tias l)ei!,t, 010tt bolilief)t an bern 60f)ne felnet 53iebc, bcr ill Die [linbige mlenfclj= ~eit als i~rer ciner cingegangen ift, jein Urteil iiber bie 6iinbe ber lilleU, 8,3; er liel)anbeU ben Unj,cIjufiligen als ,6iinbe', boli;ieI)t ben (SJefejjcsjIuclj, iibet bie 6iillbe an Unn, 2 £tot. 5,21; ®al. 3, 13. 6iiI)ne lann bieier stob aber nur barum fein, meil et bon bem 6of)ne in freiem 01ef)orfam gegen bes i8aters lilliUen erlitten mirb, 5, 19; q.\f)il. 2, 5 fl. :tias ift nUll nad) (SJottes Dtbnung unb lillilien fiir a fIe gef c1jef)en. ~nbem l:i;ljriftus bas UtteiI iibet bie 6iinbe tragt, ift bie i8ewrteilung 3um ,siele unb ~nbe gefommen -es giM nun leine i8erurteilung fiir bie OO1en~ fcljen meljt, 8,1. lilleil 010tt ben 6iinbIofen alS 6iinber beljanbelt f)at, lann et nun Die 6iinbet um ieinetroiUelt, in iljm, alS gerecljt beljanbeln, 2 .!tor. 5, 21. (,I;r ermedt (f~tiftus aus hcm stobc auf 3um Iebenbigen s;,~rtn; bamit beacugt unb bermitflicljt er Die burd) C\:f)tifti stob fiir aUe befcljaflte ®mcljtigleit, 4, 25 j 8, 34," OO1lt befonberem ~ntereffe \laben ioit oie ~bfd)nitte gelefen, bie bon bet ®na~ bentunf)l l)anbeln, lJ1icljt aUem, mas bet i8crfajfet [agt, fonnen tuir 3uftimmenj l)ic, unb ba mUffen toit fogar etmas entfd)iebcn betincrfen, :tiod) finben mit ber s;,au~tf ad)e nad) bie :tintfteUung bet .!tonlotbienformcl ~ier mieilergegeben. 60 fagt ber i8etiajfct a, lB. 6.76 (au lRiim. 8, 28-30): ,,:In fofd)cr 53iebe 3U ®ott etiueifen bie C\:l)tiften fid) alS berufen burclj 010ttes emigen fiat. lJ1ur meil ®ott fic mit f einer IBewfung begnabet f)at, ift in iljnen, bie bon ~latur 010tt j1ief)en unb I)aifen, bie 53iebc entaiinbet. ~ls lBnufenc abet finb jie aUer :tiinge macljtig unb ber i80Uenbung gemiu, :tienn ,na~ bem fiatfcljluil berufen' bebeutet: cill lilliUe flat fie ergriffen fiir feinen q.\lan, bet unbebin\lt, mit gott1i~er 6icljerljeit, 3um ,siele fiif)t±. ~afl fie, mie if)re £iebe 3U ®ott ermeift, berufen jinb, bas ift nut ein ®lieb in ciner .!tette, ber ,gUlbenen .!tette' (mie unfm i8iiter fngten) giitt= Book Review. -l3ilcratur. 955 lief)et .\)eiISaite, nad) tilchuiitlS unb \lOtllliiri§ im feften 2ufalllmen~ange. Sl)ic (!nben bet Seette tcid)en in bie l!:l1liglcit. 6ic beginnt mit ben el1ligen 'mten, in benen ®ott bie 6cinen fief) ,uetfannt -bas (!dennen ®uttes bebeutet ~iet fd)on cinen millensaft -unb baraufl)in iU bem &'deile bcftilllmt ~at." ubet bie 6ef)l1lie, rigicit, bie fid) flit uniet Sl)enren er~ebl, l1lenn itlir einctfcits bie ~llcinillirffamleit bcr ®nabc unb anberetf eits bie ll.\crantl1lottlief)feit besl)Jeenfd)en betraef)ten, f agt ~ft~au§, 6. 77: "mei l.j.\aulu5 l)ebt bie 0eruilll)eit ber ~tioii~lung bie lnerantl1l0t' tung bes &'danbelns int miffen unt bie stobesgefa~r nid)t auf j in bent gfeid)Clt SlCajJUel (8), bas bie l!:tioiigfung beBellgt, ft(1)en bie gtoflcn ::5ntjJeratibe 8, 12 ff., bet \Ruf Bur Cl;ntfef)dtntnIJ 3l1liicl)en 5.leben unb stob. ~inc bOjJjJcltc I)JUigHcl)!eit [? J fte~t bot bem I)Jcenfcl)cn -bet ~truii~fun\Jsgebante l1leifl nicljts bon I)JUiglicl'j!eiten, nut bon ber duet feligen 'Ulitfficl)!eit. ®ebanflief) ~at I.j.\aulus bas nid)t aus, gegfid)ett, unD tann nientanb ell auf,g!cid)en. ~liet in ber 'Ulidlicl)!eit unfets l}ebens bot (\jott gef)iirt beibes unttennnat 3ufantnten. ... 60 ift bct ®ebante bet ~rl1liiljlung als ein 6at beil ®laubens bon cinet ,abfofuten' metajJ~l)fi[cf)en mal)rficit fttcn\} untcr\ci)ieilen." mei feiltCn Q!u§fuljrungen illJcr fRom. :) gcl1linnt man faft ben l!:inbtud, a15 [ei D. ~ftl)aus 3u ben ~albiniftm ilbergegangen. ~uf lSeite 84 le[en l1lit aU IRom. 9, 17. 18: "Sl)ie tyteiljeit bes giittlidjen ~rbarmens et, I1ldft [id) in bet tyteil)eit, b a!l ~ r bat nt e 11 3 u bet fag c n unb ben \))(cn' fd)en 3U bet~iit!en." l!:s l)utte ausgcfiilJtt I1lctben fullen, ban aud) ~~atao reicl)Hd) ~tbarnten l1libetfal;ren ift unb baa et etft, naef)bem et ljartniidig Die ®nabe bon fid) gel1licfen ~atte, berftodt l1lurbe. ~uf Seite 100 mobifiaiett ber lnerfaffer biejen @cbanfen etiDas, inbent c1' [agt, ball I.j.\au{us in .ffajJitel 9 bie ty rei 1) e it ® 0 t, t c s berftinDigt unb nid)t etl1la bie \))(enicl)en in l!:tl1lii1)1te unb mertuorfene teUe. SDod) luit ntiiffen ljiet abbtecl)cn. -Sl)ie itbetfe\lung, [oluett l1lit [ie gejltiift ~aben, ift cine trefflid)e l}dftung unb fann bent mibellefet 1)eifen, fef)l1lietige IStellm au berfteljen. W. ~ t n b t. The Road to Faith. By Winij1~ed Kirkland. Richard R. Smith, Inc., New York. 270 pages, 5Y2X7%. Price, $1.00. The Spirit of God and the Faith of To-day. By RiahMd Robeds. Willett, Clark & Colby, Chicago. 185 pages, 5'4 X 71/2, Pdce, $2.00. Both these books belong into the department of Christian apologetics, since both are designed to save the Church of to-day from utter unbelief. The first, The Road to Faith, appeared five years ago under a different t.itle (Ohaos and a OTeed) and over a pseudonym (James Priceman) and was hailed by H. R. L. Sheppard, author of The Impatience of a PaTson, as "one of the few great religious books written in our time." Writing from a layman's point of view, the author appeals to t.he Christian world to consider the perils with which modern agnosticism is fraught. and tD scrutinize the dest.ructive tenets of Modernism, which already have caused such confusion of thought that no one any longer knows just what to believe. He t.hen examines the charges which higher cdt-ies have prefened against. the New Testament and wit.h irresistible logic proves t.hem to be false. The gospels are true; their writers were sincere and could write them; to assume t.hat t.hey were composed at. a. later time is preposterous; Jesus lived, and so as the evangelist.s picture Him; He suffered, died, and rose again; the resurrection of Jesus, as at.tested by the evangelists, ca.unot be denied on scientific grounds; any at.tempt. to do so is puerile. 956 Book Review. -2itetatut. From this follows that there is a Creator and that there has been a crea­tion; also that the Creator assumed human flesh. "I believe that the incarnate Creator was an actual man .• living, breathing, historic, and tha,t His name was Jesus." Unfortunately, however, the author, instead of believing the Scriptures, now builds up a new rationalistic system of doc­trine, accommodated to the intellectual and spiritual ideas of the modern man. "I believe that the Creator chose voluntarily to be an example." Beyond this Ritschlian doctrine the writer does not go; to him evidently the sa,tisfa,ctio vicaria is as intolerable as it is to the ~fodernists whom he condemns for their rank unbelief. -'l'he Spirit of (fod and the Faith of To-day was concBived as a contribution to the nineteen-hundredth anni­versary of Pentecost. Its purpose was to call attention to the vital work which according to Scripture the Holy Spirit performs among men. Great things might have been expected of a dissertation on this weighty topic of Christian dogmatics, especially since the WI'iter is a Presbyterian minister. But Dr. Roberts, now pastor of Sherbourne Church, Toronto, Canada, missed his opportunity. He interprets the Holy Spirit merely as "the divine Presence of God in the whole field of human life" and His divine operation as a mere stimulation of the natural powers of man. Though wishing to awaken the Church to a deeper appreciation of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, he actually, by his insidious Liberalism, makes it impossible for the Christian to believe in the Holy Spirit of the Bible. ~fodernism has nothing to fear from the kind of apologetics whieh these two books offer. J. T. MUELLER. The Partiality of Jesus. By E. O. Oomfort. The Reformed Press, Grand Rapids, Mich. 154 pages. Price, $1.2.5. E. C. Comfort, the author of this book, is a man living in Texas. More than that the book does not reveal of him, except what he tells us in his foreword. He says: "This book is written by a, man who has failed. He knows the sting of defeat, the shame of a fall from a high position, the poignant disgrace of wallowing in the mire, the bitter realization of being a disappointment to loved ones and friends, and the aching remorse of having been an agent of Satan in leading others into abominable prac­tises. But if that were all he knew, the writer would not send forth these words to the world. He has learned, not only the cause of his failures and disgra.ce, but he now knows, beyond all question, how failure can be turned into 'more than conquest' and how God can rcstore thc ycars which the canker-worms have eaten. . .. This book conhtins my first meditations in my new life in Christ Jesus." The book has the following eight eha pters : His [Jesus'] .Favorite Friend: the Sinner; His Favorite Book: Deu­teronomy; His Favorite Name for Himself: Son of }'[an; His Favorite Title for God: My Father; His Favorite Place: Olivet; His Favorite Time: Evening'; His Favorite Tone of Voice: Loud; His Favorite Atti­tude toward Man. The book is written in an evangelical spirit and shows a good acquaintance with the Bible. The author says: "If you are power­less as a Christian, then cease your own impotent talk and the quoting of religious leaders and give yourself over to 'searching the Scriptures.' Remember His promise that, if you abide in Him and His Word abide in Book Review. -S3iteratur. 957 you, you shall 'ask what you will, and it shall [not may] be done unto you.' . .. Sad indeed we feel when we go into a church and hear a min­ister read from the Bible a few verses and then preach something else." The author states that the Bible clearly teaches the deity of Christ and the vicarious atonement. JOHN H. C. FRITZ. 2utijcr3 lffierfe in IHu3IUaijL SieMer manD: ~rebigten, ~erau§gegeben bon t;f man u e ( ~ i r f dJ. VIII unb 420 SeHen 4% X 7%. IlldJter manb: :tif dJreben, ~erau§gegeben bon £) t t 0 [I e men. VIII unb 388 ScHen. ®alter be @ru~ter & [0., medin. ~reis: ~n S3einllHtnb mit !RUden" unb :Dedeftite! gebunben, je M. 8. :Dies finb all.1ei bor nidJt {anger ,Beit erfdJicnene manbe in ciner fe~r ~nnblidJen Illusgnbe ausgemii9lter ®ede S3utgers, bie \lemii~nlidj bie "manner Illusgabe" ge" nann! mitb. ~s ift nidJt cine Illusgabc ftir ben einfad)en mann, (onbern ftir ben 53utgerftllocnten, uno oeioe borIiegenoen manbe finb bearbeitet unb l)erausgegeben bon lieianntcn uno anertannten 53uti)erforfd)ern. :Der ~tebigtbanb umfaflt me9t a!s ein 9albes ~unbert ~rebigten 53ut~ets unb gibt bem, ber fid) ein milb bon bem ~tebiget 53l1tger, fo mie er mirflid:) gCIl.1efen ift, mad)en miidJte, alles ba3u lRotige in bie ~anb. :Der erfte :tei! ent~iilt S.1-38 Selbft3eugnif(e S3ut~ers tiber feine ~rebigten unb cine t;finotbnung bon S3ut~ets ~rebigt in bas @nnae feiner :t~eologie unb feines .perfiinHd:)en S3ebens. :DCt 3meHe :teil, S. 39-93/ gibt eine giftotift1}e itberjidJt tiber bie bet(d)iebenen ~oftillen 53ut9crs unb ift babutdJ 9iftO" ti(dJ fe9r mertnoll. :Der btitte :teil, S. 94-208, bringt ®ittenberget I)'eft\lte" bigten, bet bietie ~eH, 6.209-355/ fogenannte !Rei~en.prebigten tiber ~09. 17, tiber 1 :;So9. 4,16 f. unb tiber l.!tor. 15. :Der ftinfte unb lette :teif, S.356-417, bringt ~tebigten Dei befonbmn SUnliiffen. ~in bo\l.peltes !Regilter bietet etn mer~ seid)niS ber auigenommenen ~tebigten £ut9crs nndJ ber (Intfte~ung~3cit unb nndj ben :te1;tmorten. :!lie ~rebigtcn finb in bcr oHen Sd)reibll.1eife bnrgeooten unb menn £ut~cr :Deutfd) unb S3nteini(dj teilete in bet ~tebigt, bann aud} in beiben S.prad)en. :Der ~ild)rebenbanb ent91ilt eine grofle Illn3n~1 fdJiinet ~uterungen 2utgets, mie fie fie!) in ben IRndJfdJriften bon meit :Dietrid), Ill. 2auterlindj, ~.®eller, :;S. l)J1atfJefius, .!t. S)e~benreid:) unb :;S. SUurifabet au~ ben :;sa!)ten 1531 biS 1546 fin'oen. ,Bugrunbe gelegt ilt bie au~ge3eidJnete Illllsgabe bet ~ild)reben 53ut~ers bon (Irnft .!ttolcr in ben [edJs manben ber ®eimarer 53utgernu~gabe, mie iiber~nu.pt unfere ganse Illusgnbe eine Heine ®eimarer Illu~gnbe genannt weroen lonnte. ~in ausfti~rHd)es !Regiftcr aUf 31 6cHen erleid:)tert ben @ebtnud:). :Durdj licibe miinbe lJin finben fid) bie il.1ertbollften SUnmerfungen unb ~dliirungen, bie namcntlidj Illusbrtide unb \j5!Jrafen 53utf)cd beroeuHidJen, bie ~eut3utagc nie!)t icbem gleid) ber[tiinbHd) finb; sum meif.piel "bie tun e~ wiber ben Strom" mitb erfliirt mit "im @egcnfat aur gansen menfdJ9eit". (8,57.) :Det Sat "finb reblidJ unter SUllgen gnngcn" ll.1irb erflart mit ,,~nben offen angegriffen". (8,238.) SUue!) fel)!t e~ nidjt an ber SadJedliirullg. IllI~ £utf)er dnmal geftagt mutbe, "an Pla­tonis sententia sit vera" -2ut~ers lateini(dje ®orte luerben nud) l)ier latei" ni(dJ miebcrgegeben -, fo tuttb 9insugeftigt als (Irfliirung untet bem :te!;te "bolt ber ~tiiebiftena ber Seele". (8,278.) Wenn S3ut~er dnmal ben "midjnel ,Bali" nennt, fo fte~t untet bem :te!;t ,,·mid)ael [oHu~, bet grafHdj mnnsfelbifdje ~of" \lrebiger". (8/333.) So finb biefe beiben manoe nadJ mel)t nls e i net ~infidjt tuertnoll ftir bent bet fidJ genauer mit 53utger liefdJaftigen mill, unb finb witber ein meleg ftir bie gegenmattigc 53utgemnaiffnnce. 53. I)' ti r b r i n g e r. 958 Book Review. -53iterntur. Ouellen 3ur (Mefdjidjte bdl Sflltedji!3mu!3unterridjt!3. mon!m.!R e u. SDritter %eil: Dft~, norb~ unb hleftbeutfd)e .Rnted)i~men. ~tfte mfJteilung: £;)ifto~ tifd)~bibriogrnll~ifd)e ~inleitung. {lhleite £;)tHfte. ~rfte 53iefetung, 15. 505 bill 662. 7XIO. metIng bon [. !8erte{~mnnn. ~reill: M.8. :;Sn biefem hlid)tigen DuelIenhletf hletben 3unad)ft fd)le§hlig~~olfteinfd)e .Rnte~ d)i~men nufgefll~rt, teilS in niebetbeutfd)et, teil~ in banifd)et, teilll in ~od)beutfd)et @3l1tnd)e bernbfnfit, bnnn bie .Rnteef)iSmen, bie in ben £;)nnfeftabten fdnmbutg, 53llbed unb !8remen gebtuud)t hlutben. SDie %itel hletben genuu ungegeuenj bunn folgt eine futse :;Sn~nmungube unb je nud) bet Wid)tigfeit bes !8ud)es fllt3ete obet langete {litute, bie uns einen ~inbrid in Me mrt unb Weife bes bumurigen .Rute~ d)ismu§untenid)ts geben. mud) bringt D. !Reu uu~ unbetn @3d)tiften biel :;Sn~ teteffuntes llber Untmid)tsmet~oben bet bumuHgen {leit. SDull ulIes ift nid)t ethlu eine ttodene mUf3a~lung bet betfd)iebenen .Ruted)i~men, fonbetn bet met~ fuffet betfte~t ell meiftetHd), in fut3en {lllgen bie ~infll~rung bet !Reformution in Mefen 53nnben au fd)ilbetn. !mnn freut fid), hlie bns 53td)t bell ~tJungeHum§ feinen @3d)ein immer hleiter hlirft, unb edennt, mit hleld)en @3d)hliedgfeiten bie !mitnrbeiter be~ !Reformutorll au famllfen ~ntten unb hleld) unge~euren ~influfi 53ut~er~ .Rleinet .Rnted)iSmull nUf bie mullbreitung bet !Reformntion ~ntte. mlir filnnen bn§ !8ud) nut hlurm emllfe~len unb freuen unll fd)on im bornull nUf hleitm fdefte. %. 53 a t f d). D. $~utlJlJ )81lclj.mnnn, her $rebiger unb ber 2iturg. mon Dr. fd n n ~ .R toe f f e 1. metIng bon SDiitffHng & :(frnnk 56 @3eiten 5% X8%. ~teis: M.1.50. SDer im bodgen :;Sn~te berftotbene ~rof. !8ud)munn in ~tInngen hlur bet @3d)i1let be§ befnnnten ~rlunger ~1:egeten ~rof. D. ~eobot {ln~n, bet i~n llber~ lebt, obltJo~1 et fed)sunb3hlunaig :;Su~te aUet ift, uls fein @3d)lllet geltJorben ift. mn {lu~ns grofiem .RommentutltJerf bentbeitete er bie beiben .Rodnt~etbriefe, gerube bie beiben !8tiefe bell mlloftel§, bie um tiefften in bie ~ra1:is bell ®emeinbe~ Ieben§ ~ineingteifen. !8nd)munn hlnr eben, e~e er nUf ben 53e~rftu~1 berufen hlurbe, im llrnUtfd)en ~fnrrnmt tatig unb ~ut nudy nt§ ~rofeffor nod) immet biel gellrebigt unb bet ®emeinbe gebient, unb feine !8ebeutung aUf biefem ®ebiete hlitb in bet bodiegenben @3d)dft gehllltbigt, ein mliebetubbrud einet !Rei~e bon mrtUeln, bie bot einiger {leit in bet "mlIgemeinen ~b.~53ut~ . .Ritd)en3ettung" er~ f d)ienen finb. Wit InolIen nut ein llunt @3ate nus bet intmff unten @3c9dft mtt~ teUen llbet bas immer nod) fo ftart betnad)laffigte ®ebiet bet 53iturgie. Sl)et merfuffet fagt bon !8nd)mnnn: "mliebiel {leit unb !mll~e ~nt ber ftnd belnftete !mann bnrnuf betltJnnbt, bie geeignetften 53iebet unb merfe aufaufllllren unb fie un bet geeignetften @3telIe ein3utd~en! mn i~m gemeffen, ltJitb fo Idd)t aud) fein bielbefd)aftigtet ~rebiget eine ~ntfdJulbigung ftnben, bie 53ieberhln~l betnud)~ laffigen 3U bllrfen." (15. 51.) SDas ift gun a geltJifi rid)tig. SDie 53ieber, bie im ®ottesbienfte gefungen ltJerben, finb ein hlid)tiget !8eftunbteU bes ®ottesbienftes j in i~nen ift bie ®emeinbe unmittelbar unb gemeinfum tatig alll in einem .Ruftus~ uU bon gtofiter !8ebeutung, unb fie folIten burum mit befonbmm !8ebad)t nus~ geltJa~ft hlerben. ~fumt .Rteffel fagt bunn uud), ltJeld)e 53iebet !8ud)mann liefonbetll l1flegte. /lSDa hluren es 3unad)ft bie ftaden reformutotifd)en unb urtfitd)ltd)en (:5;~orale, bie in ben morbergrunb geftelIt ltJutben. mn ben ~o~en :(fefttngen unb aUflerorbentlidJen :;SubWiumsfeietn fe~lte ferten ba~ Tedeum, ,fd~tt ®ott, bid) loben hlir', unb ·bus beutfd)e @3nnftus, ,:;Sefuju, bem ~roll~eten'. mom grofien Book Review. -~itetatut. 959 Dftctfteb ,[I)tift ift etftanben' an unb bom cin,ig fd)iincn unb ftebliel)en, ~et3~ liel)en unb tinbliel) jauel)3cnbm, bieUeiel)t iel)onften 8';limmrlfalJr±sfteb ,9hm freut euc!), @ottes ~tinbcr aU' ... tiber ~utlJer~ ~fingftlieber ,J~omm, 8';leiliger @etft, 8';l@rre ~\)ott' unb ,lJ1un bitten bJit ben 8';leHigen @eift' biS l)in 3um fcl)fic!)ten ,merleil) uns \'l'tieben gniibigftcl)' ... bJaren aUe iJtitften unb ~iinige untet ben \3'eftliebem 1mb ~Iiel)t~\'l'eftficbem in feinen @ottesbienften lmttetcn .. " 5llus manel}en .\3iebern, bie er mit llefonberer morliebe fingen liell, bJie bas cnoii~nte '\dimmeffa~rglieb, bJeiter ,5..:ooe ben S)@nen, 0 meine 5ce1e', ,~Jlorgcn\llana bel' @bJigfeit', ,(~rnC1lre mic!), 0 ebJ'ges .\Jic!)t', infonberfJeit ,8';ler31iel) fieb ~ab' id) bid), o 8';l@tt', meint man ben 8';ler3fel)!ag ieiner glaubensftarfen, ~et3lid)en unb innigen \'l'riimmigfeit an fl,ltiren. ®ie tourben bicie @emeinbe1febet noe!) ngun,! burd) Die entflJred)enben [fJorgefiinge, bie nie!)t im 5tH bel' beriiel)tigten ~on3erteinlagen aufttaten, fonbern organifel) luie bie [fJorare in ben litHrgifc!)en @ang eingeorbnet bJaren unb nid)ts anbexes erftrebten, alS ben @emeinbecl)oral BU bdrtiftigen unb bJeitequfiil)ren!" (5.52 f.) Unb io !iinnten lui< nod) me~r 5tellen anfiil)ren, bie ~aclJiltamt «15 rid)tigen ~iturgifer unb .\3iturgen fennaeicl)nen . .\3. \3' ti r b r in g e r. Introduction to Religious Education. General Editor, J. M. Prioe; Associate Editors, L. L. Oa.rpenter and J. H. Ohapman. The JliIac­millan Co., New York. 1932. 489 pages, 5%X8%. Price, $3.50. This book of twenty-four chapters, written by as many different edu­cators, some of them with an international reputation, gives a fine view -of the present status of religious education, since it offers five chapters on Orientation, eight on Principles, and eleven on Institutions. Every phase of Christian education is discussed, including objectives, history, curricula, worship, tests and measurements, leadership, etc. Some chap­ters of the book are, of course, not applicable to our work because we do not have those particular problems. Some paragraphs are of minor value or entirely valueless, especially those which approach the vagaries of social theology. (Cp. pp. 17. 19. 33.) The sectarian viewpoint concerning the Sacraments as mere symbolical acts appears frequently (pp. 119. 129. 171. 207) . -But if we regard the information of the book as suggestive rather than directive, we may well read most of its chapters with profit, for there are many stimulating passages, as for example: "The problem of im­morality is perhaps more serious than either of the above. The dance-hall, mixed bathing, the sex plays, modern dress, birth control, the double standard, alld other forceR ha.ve made this 8" powerful problem." "A purely secular education can produce only a machine without a soul, a social personality without a conscience, a horizon without a hcaven and a God. Secularized education has broken clown, and the educational world is to-day in the throes of a revolution." Quoted from Eby. (P.12.) "These pagans were won to Christ and then taught the mysteries of the Christian faith for three years before they were welcomed into the full membership of the Church. Those early teachers, Clement, Origen, and many others, did their work thoroughly." (P. 25.) "Parental firmness. The parents' 'no' must be final. K 0 argument should be allowed. If the child is allowed to overrule the will of the parents ollee, it will expect to do it again. In the matter of punishment. The child should learn that breaking of law brings punishment. In breaking nature's laws the penalty is inevitable. 960 Book Review. -~itetatut. It should be so in the violation of parental law." (P. 44.) Thus we' might quote for pages, but it will be best to say: Let the interested educator get the book and read it carefully. He will be sure to derive a great deal: of benefit therefrom if he uses the book with discrimination. P. E. KRETZMANN. Convention Year-Book of the Fortieth International Convention of the Walther League, Los Angeles, Cal. ErwVn Umbaahy Editor. Published by the Walther League, Chicago, Ill. 94 pages,. 6 X 9. Price, $1.00. To those who know the Walther League, are affiliated with it, or have' a Walther League society in their parish this book comes as a matter of course. To such as do not yet know the organization and its work this· report will give most valuable information, indicating that organized young people'S work is a most blessed undertaking. Every page speaks of true' consecration, earnest endeavor, high ideals, and well-organized activities .. The book is heartily recommended to our pastors everywhere. P. E. KRETZMANN. Catalog of Concordia Publishing House, 1932-1933. Concordia Pub-· liahing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 1169 pages.. 5%X8%. BOOKS RECEIVED. Ooncordia PublishVng House, St. Louis, Mo.:-Joy to the World. A Christmas Service. Revised edition, 1932 .. Compiled by Herman Voigt, 1119 N. 15th St., Melrose Park, Ill. 20 pages, 6 X 9. Price, 7 ets.; dozen, 72 cts., plus postage; 100, $5.00, plus postage .. May also be ordered from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. Fleming H. Revell 00., New God in the Shadows. $1.00. York, London, and Edinburgh:-By Hugh Redwood. 127 pages, 5X7%, Price,. NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. In order to render satisfactory service, we must have our current mailing­list correct. The expense of maintaining this list has been materially increased. Under present regulations we are subject to a "fine" on all parcels mailed to an incorrect addl'css, inasmuch as we must pay 2 cents for every notification sent by the postmaster on a parcel or periodical which is undeliverable because no forwarding address is available or because there has been a change of address. 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