Full Text for "Intuitu Fidei" und Sola Gratia (Text)

802 "Intuitu Fidei" unb Sola Gratia. Ortl}obo~ie ireue ?madjt l}ieIten." \!Iocr ba§ ift nidjt ridjtig, ban fie il. m. gelel}rt ljiitten: ,,;;Det: IDIenfdj liat bns 0intfdjeibenbe in feinen .\)iin~ ben" unb bat fie ben ®Iauoen a16 cine men f dj r i dj e m e bin gun 9 in bet 0irlangung De§ .\)eU§ gefatt liiittcn. ;;Das ift be§ lUeitet:en bat~ geIegt in D. /Y. !l!ie1'et:§ e;djrif± .. But @linigung". ;;Da lieitt e~ e;. 55: .. Bum anbetn ffrljt:en audj fie [bie ;;Dogmatifer] aU§, Fe lUomen mit bet: ~rnfeljung be§ ®Iauoens eigentridj nut: bie~ feftljarten, baB bet: ®rauoe in bie rnaljlotbnung Ii in e i n 9 e lj 0 t e 11nb nidjt -nadj bet rncif e bet: CSaIbiniften _. bon bet @ltlUiiljlung all S 3 u f dj lie 13 e n i e 1. ;;Der lJorau§gefeljene C£Hauoe fei eigentIidj nidjt als boraufgeljenbe me bin ~ gun g, f onbern nUt a16 etn ;it e i r ber gotHidjen rnaljIotbnung auf~ ilufaffen. Ouenftebt II, 53: ,Fides ingreditur electionem non ratione cuiusdam dignitatis meritoriae, sed respectu correlati sui, sive qua­tenus est unicum illud medium electionis, sed dumtaxat condit·io pmerequisita seu potius pa'rs ordinis divinitus in electione constituti: ~;,'>ietau ffrgt ?maHljet bie memerfung: ,@ls ift ljodjf± medtufrrbig, lUie Duenftebt fidj liter f dbft forrigiert, toenn er nadj bet \!Ingaoe anbeter meaieljungen 11nb !BerljiiHniffe bes @Iauoens aUt @ltlUiiljlung fdjIietHdj fagt, et lei b i e I mel} t ein ;itcH bet bon @oti in ber @lrlUiiqlung feft~ gefetten Orbnung.''' e;o ift audj ba§ nidjt ridjtig, ba13 bie ;;Dogmatifer ben ~eifstuillen @otte§ als volunas ordinata et conditionata oefdjtie~ Den liiitten. \!I16 voluntas ordinata, ja, audj aI§ voluntas conditionata im e;inne bon voluntas ordinata, aber nidjt aI§ voluntas conditionata im eigentridjcn e;inne. ;;Den \!Iusbrucr voluntas condition at a in feinem cigentridjen e;inne liaoen bie e;lJnctgiften oefdjlagnaljmt. m. !l!ieper, CSfjx:if±ridje ;;Dogma±if II, e;. 36 f.) linb liiet liegt bex: ®runbfel}Ier 2Iulens: er ibentifiaieri bie Eeljte ber e;lJnetgiften mit ber Eefjt:e bet: ortljobo;t;cn ;;Dogmatifer. 0it Iiitt einmal bie ;;Dogmatifet: au ?morie fommen: n ;;Det: @Iauoe ift gana unb gar ein ?mer! ®oties." ;;Dann Ia13t et bie Sl)ncrgiften au rnotie Iommen: n ;;Der IDIenf dj fjat ba~ 0intfdjeibenbe in jeinen &;liinben." Unb bas lUirb ljingel±cIit afs e in e e;timme unb H1cbe. @t fann barum aUf e;eite 275 bicfen ~affu§ niebetfdjreilJen: ,,;;Die ;itfjeologte ber Drtliobo;t;ie vefinbd lidj ~ict in einent ;;Dilemma, au§ bem fie niemaI§ fjet:ausfommt. . ., \!Iuf ber einen e;eite lUitb vis sum iiutcrften aile§ negied, toa§ menf djIidjes ~erbienf± Ijettt, unb bies glaubt man babmdj erreidjen au fonnen, baB bei5 IDIenfdjen boilfommene ~affibiti:it oei bet @lrlofung [?] lieIjaU1'tet Inirb. 2Iuf ber onbcrn e;eite ift bie DrtIjobo;t;Te, ba fie bie gottlidje @nabe l1idjt aI§ cine mit ~)(n±urno±lUenbigl'cit l1Jirrcnbe Shaft oetracljten lUill, gCillUungen, nufirgenbeine ?metfe bie \!Ifiibitiit bes IDIcnfdjen au oe~ fjauptcn, :Iliefe \!Iftibitiit fann man inbeffen nm alB cin menfdjIidje§ ,IDIittuiden' (concursus) auffaffcn, unb bie§ liebeu±e±: ein ,e;lJnergis~ mus', bet gegen ba§ sola-gratia-~rinaip ftreitet. n ~n einem !l!unft aver fielj± \!IuIon ridjtig. @§ ift ridjtig: biejenigen 5rIjeologen, bie mit bem intuitu £.dei fagen lUollen, ba13 bet IDIenfdj ba§ "Intuitu Fidei" unb Sola Gratia. 803 ~ntfd}eihenhe in ieinen ,\;liinbcn fjaue, baB feinc bon ®ott in bcr @ltuigieit l.lorfjergei efjenc (ifntf djeibung f cine (ifrtuiifjlung nadj lidj gei)ogen fjaue, baB er erroiifjH f ei infoIgc ber bon ®ott borfjergef efjcnen (ifrfilUung ber noti~ !Jen 5Bebingung, bUrfen bann nidjt in bemfducn 2f±em !:lerfidjern, baB ber ®raune gang lInb gar rin jffied @otte§ fei. S})ie (ifntfef)eibllng barf io: nief)t nadj biefer 5tfjeorie in ber ,\;lanb @one§ Iiegen. "SDcr Wlenfdj· fjat ba~ (ifntfef)eihenhe in ieinen ,\;lanhen. U ®cmeinigfidj betficgcrn ja crudj hie @It)nergiftcn nidj!. baf3 her ®rau6e gana unb gar ein ~err @ottc§ ift. SDer @)l)nergiemu9 lJeftefjt e6en in her 2eugnung bicfer ~afjroC ljett. Unh ber @It)nergiemue fjat cine ucfonberc !8orIie6e fUr bae intuitu fidei. @lo roie er bie ~ormer beritefjt. baf3 @o±t niimfidj ben menfdien: erroafjIt ltJcgen feiner borfjergefefjenen (ifrfiUIunl1 ber redjtcn 5Bebingung, I'af3t fie fcin iJU ber Eefjre, Daf3 ber menfdj bae @leine 3ur ,\;lerboruringung. bee @Iauuene fjin3utun mil fie unb ronne. 9\:ur3, 2fulen fjat redjt: roer: bae intuitu fidei, niimIidj ba~ ft)ncrgif±ifdje intuitu fidei, Iefjrt, fann unmogIidj riinger bon sola gratia fjJredjen. (ifr fonnie elJenfogut fagen: SDer @rauue, ber gani) unh gar ein jilled @oite§ ift, ift nidjt gang unb gar em !iller! @ottc~. -SDicfce intuitu fidei !:lethagt fief) nidjt mit bet Iutfjer:ifdjen 5tfjeologie, ber sola-gratia-5tfjeologie. (if§ gefjod in bie romifdje 5tfjeologie. S})er @lemipefagiani§mu§ fjat hie iJormeI jo: et> funben. @lo tann audj bie ~fjeorogie be§ @It)nergi§mu§ gut bamit ope,; deren. 2Hier ber Eutfjeraner, Der bamit operier±. roiberfjJridjt fief) lcTlJft. S})a§ intuitu fidei mit fI:.)11ergiftifdjer UnterIage fjat feine (if6iften3~ liercdjtigung in ber djriftridjen 9\:itdje. ~~ berbriing± ba§ sola gratia. jffiie ftefjt e§ auer mit bem "unfd}ulbigen" intuitu fidei? ~ie ~og,; matifcr ge6raudjten boef) auel) biefe ~ormcr, unD fie roaren feine @)t)ner~ giften r 2flicr audj biefc§ intuitu fidei minus @It)ncrgi§mu§ fjat feine -Eeredjtigung in ber ~irdje. (if§ ift nidjt fd}rif±gcmiif3. (if~ ift nidj! be~ rcnntniegemiif3. (if~ 1ft finnro~ -finnlo~ im 9JCunDc cine? lmonergiftcn. m!cnn man fagt, haf3 @ott bon (ifroigfeit bicfen menfdjen erroiifjIt gaue, wei! er borau§gcrouf3t fjabe, baf3 er ifjn 3um ®Iauuen uringen roerbe .. f 0 madjt man jffiorte um nidjiS. man ronnte c6cnfogut fagen, baE ber ®runb ber (ifrroiifjlung bie (ifrroiifjlung ift. Unb roenn man fagt, baf3 ®ott bon (ifroigfeit uefel)loflen fjat, biejenigen am ~ilngften 5tage mit ber GeHgfei± ilU uefdjenren, bencn er hutdj @ldjenfung unb (ifrfjaItung bee ®lauuens f djon Die @)eIigfdt gef djenft gat, f 0 f agt man audj nidjt bier. Unb fdjIief3Iidj !:lertriigt fief) audj hicfe 2fd bcs intuitu fidei nidjt mit bem sola gratia. 2fudj bas UCDCllgt 2fulen, nidjt i)roar mit jillorten, aber mit ber 5tat. S})cnn iuoger lommt e§, baB cr ben intuitu-fidei-S})ogmatifern @)t)nergi§mus llnterfdjic6t? SDic @ldjulb Iiegt Dum groBen 5teil an biefcr ungIiicl'feIigen ~otmcr. @lie legt hen @ehanfen nage. aI§ rooIIte man fagen, her !:lorfjergefefjene 0Hauue be~ uetreffenben mcnfdjen jei. ber ®runb oher bie (ifrfIiirung feiner (ifrroiifjlung. @lo fjat ofjne 2roeifeI 2fuliin hie ~ormeI in ben @ldjriften ber S})ogmatifer berftanben. @)ic roar ia hurdjau§ nid}t fl;metgiftifdj gemeint. @lie iuar gegen ben (farbi", 804 "Intuitu Fidei" unl> Sola Gratia. ni§mu§ geddjtet, ber ben @Iauoen bon ber (Ertoii~rung au§fdjlie13±. ®o erfIiir±en bie ~ogmatifer bie {YormeI, luie baE, 2ita± auf, Duenftebt va§ 3eigt. ~ie ~ogmatifer ~aoen fidj audj mit Iauter ®±imme bon einem ftJnergiftif djcn 1nerj±iinbni§ ber {YormcI Io§gef aat. @er~arb: "wm {auter IStimme oe!ennen tuir, ba13 tvir bafiir~aItcn, ba13 ®oti nidj±§ ®uicE, in bem gum etuigen Eeoen ilU ertvii~renben ~J(enfdjen gefunben fjaoe, ba13 er tveber aUf gute lillerfe nod.) auf ben ®eoraudj be§ freien lilliIfen§ nodj audj fo aUf ben ®Iauoen fcIl1f± gele~en ~aoe, baB cr, ba~ bmdj oetuogen, ober be§~aro getuiffe Wlenfd.)cn ertuii~rt fjaue, fonbern tub: fagen, bat ein5ig unb aUein ba§ j8erbienft [fjrifti ba§jcnige fei, beffen lilliirbigfeit ®oti angefe~en, unb baB ex au§ reiner ®nabe ben (Er~ tuii:~rung§oefdjruB gefaf3± ~aoe." (L. de Electione, § 161.) ~a§ aUe§ aVer ~at ~ulen iioed)ort. @'ir ~ort 01013, ®oU ~aoe ertuii:~rt intuitu fidei. Unb ba§ ~ort fidj Ieidj± fl)nergiftifdj an. @'i§ paBt fo gut in ba§ ft)ner~ giftifdje ®lJf±em. ~ie ~ogmatifer finb ilum :iteil feIDf± fdjulb baran, baB ~uren fie mit ben ®L)nergiften aufammentuirft. ®ie ~ii:±±en ben ~u§~ brucr nidjt georaudjen foUen. @'ir bertriigt lidj nidjt mit ber Ee~re bon ber sola gratia. ilJIan muf3 @'irfIarung aUf @'irffiirung ~ii:ufcn, urn i~n l1CUW bem sola gratia unterauuringen. @'it pa[st nirgcnM ~in. ,,;Die fcu:cen l))(iinner (®er~arb, ®criber, jjSontop\.1iban, Gucnftcbt, [alob, ;:So~. 0:bam Gfianber unb anbere) ~aoen fidj linb anbern mit bem intuitu fidei ~mii~e ucrcitC± unb i~r @5djtuert gegen ben a:n[tJiniE,mu0 ±eiItveife ftumpf (1cml1dji. abet ,±~eologifdj' nidjt§ getuonrtcn." (Bur C£iinigung, IS. 59.) Bur ;:SUuftraiion fei aUf bie ;DarIegung beE, intuitu fidei in Sj. @'i. ~L1CoM' Summ arll of Christian Faith ~ingctuicfen: "Define Predestina­tion and Election. It is the eternal decree, purpose, or decision of God according to which, out of pure grace, He determined to save out of the fallen, condemned, and helpless human race each individual who from eternity He foresaw would by His grace be in Ohrist unto the end of life." (®. 554.) ®Ieidj fie~t lidj aver ;:Sacoo§ BUt {Ytage ge~ 111:ungcn: "Does not this introduce a synergistic error into the state­mentv of predestination by making faith a cause of election and thus denying that it is an act of God's free will?" (®. 560.) linb in me~ anttuortung ber {Yrage uringt er un±er anberm bl1§ Doen mitgeteH±e 2itat au£] ®er~arb. ®. 564 fie~t er lidj ge.brungen, bie @5adje nodjmal§ illi cdliiren. ;Das sola gratia tvill lidj eo en mit bcm intuitu fidei nidJt illl~ [nmmenIolJPcfn ralien. "Is there no need of caution, however, in stat­ing the relation of faith to election? Oertainly. :1"01' faith is too frequently regarded as a result of man's own powers and the words of the Oateehism forgotten: 'I believe that I cannot of my own reason and. strength believe in Jesus Ohrist, my Lord, 01' come to Him.' There is a strong tendency to make of it a ground instead of a mere organ for receiving mercy. It is to this that the Formula of Ooncord refers when it says: 'It is false and wrong when it is taught that not alone the mercy of God and the most holy merit of Ohrist, but that "Iutuitu }'idei" unil Sola Gratia. 805 thel'e is also in us a cause of God's election on (~ccount of which God has chosen us to eternal life." -~§ 1ft ein vo§ ;Ding mit bcm intuitu fidei. ;Die @5t)nergil±en ftreidjen bami± ba§ sola gratia. linb bie bie ~oImcf o~ne @5tJnergi§mU!3 gevraudjen, fommen in!3 @ebrange, luenn fie bet ~ormeI h:gc.nbeinen @5inn in [lerbinbung mit sola gratia beiIegen hJoIlen. @5ic fommen audj vei 2!ulen in ben [lerbac~t be!3 @5t)llcrgi§mu§. 2!uf aIle ~iille, angefidjti3 ber :ita±fadje, baf3 fie cine mev1ing~fDrmer bet @5t)nergiften, ber ~einbe be§ sola gTatia, ift, lome fie au!3 ber rut~erifdjen :it~eDrDgie gana unb gar berfdjhJinben. "Sl)arum ttJieber~oren ttJit: ;;Die amcrifanifdj~rlltfjerifdje .mrclje foITte ja nidjt bern intuitu fidei nevcn @5djrift unb ){ldenntni!3 cine ){leredjtigung einriiurnen. U (,Bur ltinigung, @5. 59.) 2flier bie ungfiicHidje ~ormer qat ein siifje§ Eeven, @5ie ~at fidj in iiiCrtidjen :iteiIcn ber ameril'anifdj~rutqeriidjen Si:irdjc feftgefe12±. ~n ber Norwegian Lutheran Ohurch of America befitt fie immer nodj $)au!3~ redjL linb in ber United l .. utheran Ohurch in America befitt fie bon aIter!3 fjer ba!3 [lorrecljt. ,'iSacoM fja±ie bic ~ormeI. ~. 2. IDlellenbntdj qat fie: "Election is in 'foreview' of faith (electio intuitu fidei)." (The Doctrines of Clw'istianiiy, 1931, @5, t38.) nnb audj ,'iSofejJ~ @5tump luci\) nidjg anDere!3. ,'iSn feiner in bicfen :itagen erfdjienenen ;Dogmatif The Christian Faith ~ei13t ei2l @5. 134 ff.: "The special benevolent will of God is His will considered in connection with His foreknowledge of the treatment which men would accord to His grace. It is some­times called the consequent will because it is consequent upon His foreknowledge of men's attitude. . .. By predestination, or election, we mean the eternal decree of God to save those individual persons of whom He foresaw that they would enduringly believe in Ohrist .... Predestination, or election, is in view of faith. (Intuitu fidei. Mis­souri rejects the doctrine that election is in view of faith; contends that such a doctrine leads to synergism; and lets the doctrines of the general benevolence of God and of the special benevolence of God stand side by side unreeonciled,) This does not make faith the cause of man's election. The cause is simply the unmerited grace of God in Ohrist. But the foreseen faith is the condition without which the decree of election for a particular person would not have taken place. . .. Predestination, or election, is not conditional, but cate­gorical and simple. The forming of the decree by God is indeed conditioned on His foreknowledge of man's faith. But the decree itself is categorical and unconditional. It has no 'if' in it. It is not a decree, for example, that John Smith shall be saved if he believes; but it is a decree that John Smith shall be saved. God foreknows that John Smith will enduringly believe and hence elects, or pre­destinates, him to salvation. In this foreknowledge God cannot be mistaken. If John Smith would fail to believe or fail to endure in 806 "Intuitu Fidei" unO Sola Gratia. the faith, God would foreknow it. But He foreknows that J olm Smith will believe and endure and therefore predestinates him." lUirft,