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Book Review. -53iteratur. 553 Book Review. -mteratuf. :Bible Difficulties. An Examination of Passages of the Bible Alleged to Be Irreconcilable with Its Inspiration. By W. Arndt. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 1932. 117 pages, 5 X7%. Price, 75 cts. This is a worthy sequel to the same author's book Does the Bible Oontradict Itself? which was issued in 1926. It covers a department of apologetics which has been getting much attention of late years, and with good reason; for the enemies know that, to speak with the Scriptures, "if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Ps. 11, 3. This book slmws that the founda,tions are well established and that they can well endure the reasonable examination of the honest sea-rcher after the truth. Those who have the first volume will surely want the second; for the latter expands upon the information contained in the former, adding SUCll features as will stimulate admiration for the Word of God as the eternal truth. The book is divided into six parts: I. Some General Considerations; II. The Miracles of the Bible; III. Moral Difficulties; IV. Historical Difficulties; V. Difficulties from the Point of View of Science; VI. Miscellaneous Passages. 'I'he pastor who is doing much work in Bible classes will do well to study this book and to give it to the members of his classes. Although it gives evidence throughout of being based upon careful and intensive study, the language is simple and direct and will therefore appeal to theologian and layman alike. P. E. KRETZMANN. The Festivals, and Sacrifices of I&ae1. By P,·of. William Moenke­moeUer. Concordia, Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 40 pages, 6X9. Price, 20 cts. per copy; dozen, $1.92. A brief, but comprehensive treatise on the festivals and sacrifices of Israel. It describes them in clear and simple language and always points out their significant purpose and especially their Messianic content. Pastors and Bible students will frnd this little brochure profitable reading. T. LAETBCH. The Origin and History of Hebrew Law. By J. M. Powis Smith. The University of Chicago Press. 285 pages, 5% X 7%. Price, $3.00. This is one of a, series of handbooks published by the University of Chicago for the purpose of setting forth "in a readable form the results of the scientific study of religion and ethics." Powis Smith is well known as editor of the Old Testament section of The Bible: American Translation. In the present volume he seeks to establish the theory that the Hebrew law as contained in the Old Testament is a product of evolution. "In general it may be said that legislation does not precede the conditions of life with which it is intended to deal, but arises out of actually existing conditions and situations which it seeks to guide and controL For example, there were no laws for the regul&tion of automobile usage and traffic lmtil some time after automobiles had come into common use upon our 554 Book Review.-S3iteratur. roads and streets." (P. 3.) Smith distinguishes six codes: The Decalog, the original form of which is conceded to Moses, the present form showing additions by later legislators; the Covenant Code; the Deuteronomic Code, assigned to the scventh century; the Holiness Code, the Ideal Code, E7..ek. 40---48, not one word of which was written by Ezekiel; and finally the Priestly Code, written some time after the Exile. In Appendix No. I the author reiterates a number of the old, outworn arguments against the ::I10saic authorship of the Pentateuch, long ago ably refuted by Biblical scholars, yet here restated with the positiveness so characteristic of modern criticism. The author rather naively concludes this chapter with the fol­lowing paragraph: "It is unnecessa.ry to multiply evidence upon this phase of the history of Hebrew law. Indeed, if Moses did actually dictate all the Hebrew law, there was no history of Hebrew law whatever. The only sort of history that could have been written would be a history of the actual administration of the law, concerning which, as a matter of fact, we know very little. If the foregoing history of Hebrew law be at aU in line with the actual facts, that history itself makes the Mosaic origin of the four codes wholly impossible." The book contains translations of the code of Hammurabi and of the Assyrian and the Hittite codes. Smith's book may be of value to such as wish to ascertain the position of American liberal critics of the present day. THEODORE LAETSCH. S::fjeofogifd)cl$ jffiiiricdindj 5nm Inencn S::cftalttettt. .~erausgegelien bon @ e t ~ 1) a t b st itt e 1. lBetIag bon?m. ~o1)(ljammer, I5tuttgart. 1932. l5uD~ iftifltionsflreis flro S3iefetung: RM.2.90. 'liies ift tie erfte S3ieferung eines neuen ®etfes bon gani licbeutenbem Um~ fang; benn es foll in etwa Dreijiig S3iefetungen bon ic 64 l5eiten erfcljeinen. SDet ~etausgevet bes gan3en ?medes ijt ~tof. @erljatb ~ittel, bet jid) bie lJJlitljUfe cinet g01qcn SUn3a~1 1)erborragenber ~euteitamenUet gejid)ert ljat, im gan3en 33 an bet 3aljI, untet benen wit ~amen finben wie \3'tiebtidy iBUclj·fel, lRubolf !8ultmann, SUlliert SDelirunnet, \3'tiebticlj ~aucr, :;Soacljim :;Seremias, Dtto ~tocrfclj, S';)ans iYret~err bon €Soben, @ujtab €StiiljHn unb ·SUrtur ?metfer. SDl1S mOtWott fcljUbert bie SUlificljt bes metfafjers in tuqen 3Ugen. ?mir 3itimn foIgenbe €Siite: "SDas ,~ljeologifclje ?miirterliuclj 3um ~euen ~eftament' tnUflft an Die grofle S3eliens~ arlieit bon S';)ermann (,l;remet unb :;su{ius ~iigel an. S\)all 3ier, bas ben lJJlit~ arlieitern bell ,~eo(ogifcljen ?mortetbud)es' borfcljwelit, tann nicljt befjet formuHert ltJerben aIll mit ben einleitenben ?motten 1m mOneDe (,l;remets aus bem :;Salju 1883 3um ,!8iliHfclj~t~eologifcljen ?morterouclj Det neuteftamentlicljen @rii3itiit', in benen et bon Dem ,neuen @ewicljt unb neuen @efltiige', bet ,neuen ~netgie' fprad), bie bie gtied)ifcljen ?motte baburclj etljieUen, baji ,ficl) ber @eficljt5treiS bes lRe~ bennen unb €ScljteilienDen mit bem SUullgangs~ unb 3ielfluntt allell S\)enfenll umgeftaUete'. SDiefen ,neuen @eljalt' ber ein3e!nen iBegriffe hutclj unfere SUli~anD~ lungen ficljtbar .werben au lafjen, ift Der eigentficlje 3wed unfers iBucljes. . . • :;Sn bem ,~ljeologijcljen ?morterliuclj 3um ~euen ~eftament' follen aUe lBotabeln bes ~euen ~eftament5 liel)anbeU ltJerben, benen irgenbeine reHgioie unb tljeo(ogifdje iBeftimmung an~aftet. s\)ie 3a~( ift gegenUlier (,l;remedl'ogef ftad berme~rt." S\)ie neuteftamenHidje I5fltadjwifjenfdjaft ift feU bem erften ~rfcljeinen Dell (,l;temet~ fcljen ?medes um tin gana iBettiicljtlidjes betmeljrt ltJorben, fonbedidj Durclj bie ~apl;)tu~funbe in ~gl;)flten, bie bon nam~aften @elel)rten, fonDedidj in ~ng(anb. unb S\)eutfdjIanb, lie~anDelt ltJorben finD. S\)ie ~amen bet lJJlitatlieiter ~ittels Book Review. -S3itetatut. 555 bUtl1en u1)ne ZJmeifel fUt grUnblidJe ~rbeit bettefff! bet Ubetnl1mmenen !Bl1fabeln. ~aj) fid) leiber aud) eine faffd)e 1)o1)ete .lhUH bemetfbar mad)en mirb, etfdJeint fdJl1n auf! ber erften S3ieferuU\l; bodJ errellt bie!! in cinem lillerte mie bem 1)ier botliegenben nid)t fo biel ~nftoj) iuie mOl)l fonftmo, meH man bon botnl)etcin beim ®ebtaudJ cines lilletfes biefer ~rt biel borfidJtiger unb lritifdJer 3U lilletfe ge1)t. :;Sebenfalls fann fein st1)eolog, bet aUf bem ®ebiet 'oef! 9leuen steftameng atbeitet, o1)ne bie oRenntnifle 'oiefes lilletfes fertig merben. liller efl fidJ bd bem l1etingen !\5teife bet ein3e1nen S3ieferungen leiften fann, mitb ol)ne ,{3itleife1 bie! ®eminn baban l)aben. !\5. ~. oR ret man n. The Word and the World. By Emil B1'unner, University of Zurich. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 1931. 127 pages, 4%,X7%,. Price, $1.50. The Theology of Crisis enters the lists against Modernism with blunted weapons. Men are still asking exactly what the Barthian Theology stands for, and its leaders have not yet set it down in clear, concise terms. But this much is clear from Dr. Brunner's book, that this new theology has laid aside the only weapon that can overthrow Modernism. Dr. Brunner points out, and aims to assail, the radical error of Modernism: the self-sufficiency of man, the autonomy of reason. "Self-sufficiency is the core of Modern­ism." (P. 90.) "The tllcological problem as well as the church problem is this -to deliver modern man and the modernized Church and theology from the illegitimate self-sufficiency of reason and the spirit of auton­oll)cy." (P. 126.) But he cannot strike a decisive blow in this matter be­cause he refuses to uphold the absolute authority of the Bible. ,Ve have seen the statement that Earth and his followers place a strong emphasis on Scripture as the Word of God. But our book denies that Scripture is strictly the Word of God. Statements like this one are indeed made: "This book with its claim to be God's Word to me is quite undeniably outside of me, here on the desk." (P.91.) And: "Christian faith is faith in the Bible." (P.82.) But the next sentence reads: "When the Chris­tian speaks of the Word of God, he means, in the first place, the Word of Holy Scripture." Why the limitation "in the first place"? Because "God's Word is only indirectly identical with the Bible word." (P.I02.) The real Word of God is Jesus Christ (p.l02), and only so much of the Bible is God's Word as brings Christ to us (p.84). Therefore: "Nothing can stand between God's Word and myself, neither the Bible nor the Church nor a creed, although God gives His Word through these media. Eelieve I must in His own Word alone, and believe loan only because and when He speaks His own Word within me through His Holy Spirit." (P.75.) (According to these statements "Word of God" is a most indefinite quan­tity in the Dialectic Theology, and Dr. Jelke is right when he says in Die Grunddogmen des Ohristentums [po 9]: "Damit Wi1-d der Begriff 'Wort' Gottes voeUig aufgeloest und die Saohe selbst einem 1bferlosen Subjek-, tivismu8 anheimgegeben.") Dr. Brunner cannot identify the Bible with God's Word because he does not believe that the Bible is inspired. He rejects "the doctrine of the infallibility of the Bible word, the so-called doctrine of verbal inspiration." (P. 97.) "That is why in the Bible we find so many errors and inaccuracies; the Bible is full of that frailty and fallibility wllich is characteristic of all that is human." (P. 96.) 556 Book Review. -~itetatut. Even H. E. Fosdick makes no stronger statements. Compare the two state­ments: "The Biblical message is embedded in the world-view of antiquity, not in ours," and: ''Let us not forget the world-view which possessed the. mind of the Church when this phrasing ... grew up." One is found on p. 5 of our book, the other on p.l04 of The Modern Use of the Bible. Fosdick never penned a stronger statement than this one on p. 92: "This idolatrous acceptance of Bible authority has done great damage to Christian faith." And p. 94: "So far as the orthodox theory of Scripture is concerned, there is no distinction between this and the Indian or Mohammedan belief in their sacred books; the Bible has become a divine oracle." The Theology of Crisis cannot serve as champion in the conflict with Modernism; it wields a broken lance. And it is offering these terms of surrender: "Now, if the modern man is done with the Bible, the Church is not free from blame in the matter; it is a state of affairs which is largely due to the churches' orthodox misunderstanding. The result of the misunderstanding is the doctrine of the infallibility of the Bible word." (P.97.) "It is quite as possible to be a Biblical Christian with the new world-view, say, with the teachings of Darwin, Einstein, and Planck, as it was to be religious with the Babylonian three-storied universe." (P. 126.) -Dr. Brunner se­verely arraigns the churches for their neglect of the Gospel, a neglect springing from the infection of Modernism. And that is well. But it is a pity that he himself makes such far-reaching concessions to Modernism. "The Church has nothing to do but proclaim this message, the message of the Cross and of reconciliation. That the Church does not and cannot do it because she does not know this message any more -this is the guilt a.nd sin of the Church. • .. The Church cannot give this message because she is thoroughly poisoned by modern thought." (P.124.) On the nature and aims of this new theology Dr. Brunner has this to say: "I have often been asked what the 'Dialectic Theology' is really driving at. . .. The word dialeotio is used in Kirkegaard's sense, not Hegel's. . .. It is only by means of the contradiction between two ideas­God and man, grace and responsibility, holiness and love -that we can apprehend the contradictory truth that the eternal God enters time or that the sinful man is declared just. Dialectic Theology is the mode of thinking which defends this paradoxical character belonging to faith­knowledge from the non-paradoxical speculation of reason and vindicates it as against the other .... The name Theology of Crisis means something very similar. What the Word of God does is to expose the contradiction of human existence, then in grace to cover it. Man is placed in the critical position of having to deoide j and such a situation, just because it is crit­ical, cannot be apprehended by means of any single theoretical idea. Theo­retical thought seeks the unity of system; the theology of faith insists on the reality of existential decision." (P.6.) TH. ENGELDEB. The Secret of the Universe. By Nathan R. Wood. 223 pages, 5X7:!f2. Fleming H. Revell Co. Price, $2.00. The author defends the thesis that "the Triunity of the Father, Son, a.nd Holy Spirit reftected and expressed in the triunities of space, matter, time, and man is the secr~t of the universe." (P.117.) The standpoint of Professor Wood is not that of pantheism. He stresses the personality Book Review. -53Uetatut. 557 of God and states the relation of the Persons in accord with the ancient creeds. He does not :find in the universe a personal substance. While "the Biblical presentation of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in God means what can best be described as 'three personal centers of consciousness in one Being'" (p. 28), he does not predicate such personal consciousness of the physical world. Yet the universe in the identity of time, space, and mat­ter represents to him the triune essence of God. In the constitution of matter as well as in the newest research into the nature of space and time he finds "a universal and exact confirmation of the divine Trinity." The author is president of Gordon College of Theology of Boston, Mass. TH. GRAEBNER. $ilberatrd ~ur Otcligioniilgefdiidite. :;sn .Bufammcnatbeit mit Sjans Qlonnet, Sjugo ®tejimann, ilieotg Sfato, lffidlibalb .!l:itfel, Qleuno '\)aubSbnger, :;sol,Jannes 53ei~o1bt, (§ugcn illl 0 g !, sa n b rea s !R u m ~ f, ,~e in t i ef) .8 i m met n u. a. TJetaus~ gegeoen \Jon D. Sj a n s Sj a as, ~tDfeffot ber !Religtonsgefdjief)te an bet Unibctfit1it .\3eiV3ig. 8. 53iefetung: ,,::Diesainu unb il,Jte !RHigion." 101 Qlilber unb 3 .!l:aden aUf 32 %afeln 7% X 11; ba3u einfeitenbet %ebt bon Sj. Sjaas aUf XVIII 6eiten. >.preis: M.I0. 9. bis 11. 2ieferung: ,,::Die ffiefigionen in bet Umweft bes Utdjtiftentums" bon :;so'f)annes 53eipolbt. 193 teief)befdjtiftete QlHber aUf 50 %afeln nebft XXII 6eiten einleitenben %e~te!J. ~reis: M. 12.80. 12. 2ieferung: ,,::Die ffiefigion ber :;Sainas." 77 QlUbet aUf 30 %afefn; baau einleitenbet %e~t bon ~tof. Dr. mi . .!l:itfel auf xxv 6eiten. ~teis: M.9. 13. unb 14. 53iefetung: ,,::Die ffie1igion bet ®tiedjen." 208 Qlilbet aUf 80 %afeln; baau einleitenbet %ebt bon ~tof. Dr. sanbt. ffium~f aUf XII 6eiten. >.preiS: M. 17.50. 15 . .l3ieferung: ,,::Die ffieligion bes illlitl,Jta." 50 Qli1bet aUf 23 %afeln; baau einleitenbet %e"t bon >.puf. D. Dr. :;So .\3ei~olbt aUf xx 6eiten. >.preis: M. 6.80. 16. 53ieferung: ,,9.nebUanifef)e ffieligion." 73 QlHber aUf 21 %afern; oaau einleitenbet %ebt bon ~rof. Dr. Sf. %£). ~reufl aUf XVII 6eiten. ~teis: M. 6.80. £leiNiq. sa. ::Deidjettfef)e lnedagSDuef)l,Jnnblung D. lffiemer SdjoU. ::Dicfes groji angc!cgte unb fe!)r fef)on ausgeftattete lffied ift fclJon ftuTJer in ,,£le'f)re unb mie'f)te" wie im CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY angeaeigt wor. ben, unb audj hie neueften 53iefetungen betblenen (§twiil,Jnung unb werben f olef)e inteteffieren, bie fief) aUf bem laufenben erlJalten moUen uber bas, illas aUf hem ®coiete ber betgleief)enben ffieligionsgefef)ief)te l)cutautage gefef)iel,Jt. ~ebe £lieferung ift ein3eIn fut fief) erl,Jiimief). ::Der %ebt ift buref)weg teligionsgefd)ief)t!iclJ oden. tiert, wie ia auef) bas ganie lffied bon bem angef eTJenen ~rofe\f or ber !Religions. gefef)ief)te an bet Uniberfitiit 53eivaig D. Sjans ,\;laas l,Jerau§gegeoen \llitb; unb bie sJJHtarbeiter gelten alS 5'acl)leute aUf i£)wn 0Jeoiet. Qleionbet§ intere\fant finb bie :;sUufttationen, bie bie S';)au~tfaef)e oilben, wie ia aud) bas lffied ein QlW.let. atlas ift. ::Die 8. ,\)tefetung be'f)anbelt bie sainus, Mefes ~rimitibe :;siiget~ unb 5'ifdjerbolf, in bem man bie ffiefte bet javuniiclJen Urbebii!tetung rnbet, bas auf dne ®efef)iclJte bon 3wei :;su!)rtauienben 3lttiicfbHcft, abet l;cute auiammengefclJmol~ aen ift aUf 18,000 SeeIen. Qlefonbers iutete\fani ift bann bie 9. biS 11. ,\)tefetung! bon bem ~rofe\for bet neuteftamentHef)en %l)eoIogie :;So 53ei~olbt in '\)ei~3ig be~ arbeitet. 6ie bel,Janbell bie ffiefigionen in bel' Umwelt bes Utdjriftentums, unb gemeint finb bamit beionbers bie ffieligionen unb WHfdjreligionen wgl)~tens, 6l)tiens, .!l:1einaiicns in l,JeUeniftifef)~tiimifdjet .Beit mit ben Qlaef)d)ifef)en, Ot~'f)i~ 558 Book Review. -£iteratur. fd)en unb &Ieufinifd)en !ml)ftetien. ilie 12. mefetung be~anbeIt bie !Religion bet ~ainall, Me fogenannte inbifd)e &tIilfungsteligion, bie ~eut3utage bon ben !ReIi: gionll~iftornern, aud) bon ben ·!marburger %~eologen Otto unb SjeUer als ein Ronfumnt be!! ~~tiftentums ~ingefteUt roitb. *) ilie £ieferungen 13 unb 14 be: lJanbeln @lauben unb RuItull bell ~eUenifd)en moues au!! aUen 113erioben feiner ~efd)id)te; fie bringen nid)t roeniger a!S 208 ~bbHbungen. ilie 15. £ieferung, roieber bon D. £eipolbt bearbeitet, be~anbeIt bie !Religion bell !mit~ra, bie im britten unb bietien ~a~t~unbett bef onbetll aIll gefa~dicl)et iYeinb bes ~~riften: tumll im aItitanifclyen @ebiet bei 113etjien aufttat, unb Me 16. mefetung fii~tt nad) ~metifa unb be~anbeIt tetUid) unb bUbIid) eine !Religion, bie bon ben &Uto: paetn faum entbedt, bann aud) fofort fd)onungllloll aullgetiIgt wotben ift. !!Bag bie ~eutige betg!eid)enbe !Religionllgefd)id)te ift unb wtu, ift fd)on me~t alll ein: ma! an biefer esteUe aUllgefit~tt wotben. £. iY it t b r i n get. Martin Luther, Humanist. The Intellectual Contribution of the Italian Renaissan.ce to the German. Reformation. By Paul Harold Andreen, M. A., Th. D. Augsburg Publishing House Print, Rock Island, Ill. 76 pages, 6X9. Price, 60 cts. Order through Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. Here we have a study which will delight the heart of every one who is trying to understand the great work which God performed through Martin Luther. It is not merely a new biography with a different viewpoint, but an original piece of work, in which the author has successfully presented the evidence in favor of Luther's humanistic equipment for his great labors, particularly also in preparing his German version of the Bible and in his -efforts in behalf of Christian education. The book is by no means too technical and exhaustive for the beginner in this particular field, and it certainly is most stimulating to every one who is endeavoring to understand the great work of the Reformation. The author presents his thesis in the statement that Luther was "a skilled scholar, mentally and intellectually equipped to interpret the spirit of the age in the light of Holy Writ," and that he was "in his life and work the best, expression and interpreta­tion of the sixteenth-century movement." The book is recommended for careful study to all lovers of the truth. P. E. KRETZMANN. The Lutheran World Almanac and Encyclopedia, 1931-1933. Com-piled by O. M. Norlie and (J. L. Kieffer. Editorial Committee: Ral,ph H. Long, chairman; O. (J. Erickson, M. (J. (J. Scherer, (J.E. Lenski, O. M. Norlie, and (J. L. Kieffer. Published and copyrighted by the National Lutheran Council, 39 E. 35th St., New York. 1932. 424 pages, 6X9. Price, $2.00. Order from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. In evaluating this work, we may well begin by quoting a paragraph from the introduction of Dr. R. H. Long: "As a source-book of factual and statistical information of the Lutheran Church the Lutheran World Al-*) ,otto ljat bot futaem eine auffeljenenegenbe @icljtift: ,,~ie @nabemeItg!on ;jn' bien!! unb ba!! ~tiftentum" betliffentIicljt, unb .l,;>etret fagt in ben "Wlatliutget :itljeo' (ogtfcljen @itubien": ,,~ie 1Ileligionen ;jnbten!! betmligen Illunbetfame @icljiitle aufaulllelfen. i3mmet Illiebet m6cljte man lietm &nlilicl bet @tBjie unb 1Ileinljeit inbifcljet @IaulieniJ. gebanfen ... in :itettulIianiJ ;julieItuf auiJlitecljen: 0 testimonium animae naturaliter Christianae!" (5, 13.) &liet hloau bann nodj Wliffionate naclj ;jnbten fenben~ Book Review. -2itetatut. 559 manao occupies a unique position. No other book attempts to gather and 'compile all the information concerning the various Lutheran bodies in America into one volume. Each body has its own year-book, but nowhere can the composite picture, made up of all the elements in the Lutheran Church, be seen except in this handy book. As such it claims to have a permanent place in Lutheran literature and a distinctive function among Lutheran pUblications. It is also gratifying to note that it is included in Mudge's Guide to Reference Booles, published by the American Library Association, as a standard reference book." The table of contents bears out that the paragraph cited is not guilty of overstatements. The seven­,teen sections of the book treat these topics: Church-year Calendar, The Lutheran Church of the 'Vorld, General Lutheran Church-bodies in the United States and Canada, General Cooperative Groups, Historical Essays and Digests, Lutheran Biographies, Necrology, Alphabetical Ministerial Directory, Geographical Ministerial Directory, Executive Directory, A Di­rectory of Those in Other Church-work, Parochial Statistics, Detailed Sta­tistics (Foreign Missions, Home Missions, Inner Missions, Education, Pub­lication), General Comparative Statistics, Statistical Summaries, Cumulative Index (Vols. I-VI), Index (Vol. VII). It is the seventh time that this Almanac appears, and this edition is funy as useful and informing as preceding editions. In some sections the type is larger than was the eaSEl formerly, a change which enhances the value of the book. Historica,lly minded readers will be especially interested in the subdivision of the sec­tion cntitled "Historical Essays and Digests," which presents an "Outline History of the Lutherans of America (including illustrations and graphs) ," pages 100-137. It was the object of the compiler to enumerate all the Lutheran bodies which ever originated in the United States and to sub­mit in as concise a form as possible the chief data on them. Thus we find that the two synods which bear the name Steimle, the second one 'of which ceased to exist in 1880, are listed, likewise the Holston Synod, which merged with other bodies in 1922, and the three synods which bear the name Concordia. What increases the value of this compilation is that authoritative books and works of reference, from which fuller iuformation can be obtained, are always mentioned. The chapters dealing with the General Lutheran church-bodies were written by leading men of the re­spective bodies, the one treating of the Missouri Synod by Dr. Theo. Graeb­ner, while the chapter on the Synodical Conference was contributed by its president, Dr. L. Fuerbringer. We emphasize again that here there is pre­sented to the Lutheral1s of America and to the world at large a work of real importance and usefulness. It may not be superfluous to add that the price of the book does not pay for the cost of production, which amounts to $2.50 per volume. W. MNDT. 2ntIjct IlliJ 6cefforgct in idnen .R:olintgcr 6diriften nnb )Bricfen. (!!:lie.les ,i'jeft bet 6~botuer ~tiibetfd)aft.) !!:lon:S u r. 6 e e b a fl. VI unb 91 6eb ten 6%X9%. 1931. !!:ledag bon ~. ~ettefSmann in @iitetsfo!.J. ~teiS: M.3. iIin feines ~iid){ein, bas man mit groflem :;Sntmfic Heft. (gil 3eigt un!! ~utgCt uls 6eelfotget, unb swat nid)t nut am .Rtanfenbett, fonbcm ag einen 6ee1forget, bet Hal' edannt !.Jat, baB fein giltt1icl)er ~eruf i()n 3U einem &iitcr fetnes ~rubets 560 Book Review. -£literatur. \ltmad)t gat, bet eil bor allem aUf bas i5eelengeil aUet beret aligefef)en f)atte, mit benen et in !Betilgtung fam, bet bann abet aud) aUf @runb ber @nabe @ottes iU ted)ter d)riftlid)et tfreube unb tfriiglid)feit maf)nt unb burd) f ein eigenell !Bet" f.\1ieI ermuntett. SDas i{\ud) entf)iilt cine fo fltiid)tigc 2uf ammenfteUung aus i{\rie" fen unb I.j:lteDigten jenet behlegten 2eit, bab man fief) faum habon 10llreiben fann. £leibet flnb einige :;Srrtilmet mit untergelaufel1, \0 )lJenn bet metfaffer aUf i5eite 21 ben @lauben alS tin ,,@efef)ent @ottell, angenommen in fteiet @ehliffenllentfd)ei" bung", oqeid)nct. SDet @laube ift bielmef)r eben biefe fteic @el1Jiffensentfd)eibung, bie <010tt toidt. tfetner flnb £lutgets ~ullf.\1tad)en tibet ben ~ntief)riften nid)t nut "in i5toff unb tfotm gehlib aeitgefd)td)tnd) bebingte ~nfd)auungen". (i5. 70, ~n. metfung.) ~inbcftenll mibbetftiinblid) ift eiJ, )1Jcnn i5.15, ~nmertung 5, bet ~us. \.\1mef) £lutl)ets, et lei bell (,f3ed)iel milbe, fiit "bie m.leite feinet tfteif)eit gegeniiliet bet i5ef)tiftll angefilf)tt hlitb. :to £l ii t f d). (I;ingegangene mtemtut:. m et I a g ~. i;l ei n fi u S (IJI a d) f 0 1 get (,f get u n b i5 i e bet s) , £lei.\13ig: S)et S)eUlmb bm SHullettt! ~lusgeftif)rte ~inbetgottesbienftbotbeteitungen fUt i;lelfet unb £leitet. I. ~Dbent Mil I.j:lfingften. mon I.j:lfattet i. ffi. I.j:l f). m 0 gel in 5l)tesben. 149 i5eitcn 5%X8%. )j.lteiiJ: M.4.80. II. :ttinitatisfcit biS :toten" fonntag. 125 i5eiten. I.j:lteis: M.4. met rag i;l. @. !ill a f I man n, £l e i.\1 3 i g : S)ic 18otfd)aft be~ Sl:atedJi~lltlt~. ~hliJlegungen iiir bie @egenhlatt. @e. ,ummelt bon ~ b 0 If ~ ii b er I e. 144 i5eiten 5X6. I.j:lteis: RM.3.50. ~uuI l]ellOn, 9Rllnd)en: ffiuffifdje g'riitnmigfclt. mon ~ a t 1 9l ii ~ e 1. 89 i5eiten 5X7. \l(eltC SHrd,Hdje SeitfdJrift. i;lerausgcgelien \Jon :;So i{\ erg b 0 1 t in met" binDung mit :t I). D. 2 a I) n, tf. m e it, £l. :;s f) mel 5 unb anbern. S)eid)ert, £leiP3ig. 43. ;;sal)rgang, 3. i;left. :;Snl)art: sm. m.lagnet: "SDet £lof)ngebanfe im Cibangefium" (i5d)lub)j ~. :tf). :;sotgenfen: "SDas moberne £lut1)ettum aIS natio. naIe unD a Is internationale @eiftesmacf)t" j i;l. ffienfetuit: ,,£lutf)et unb 2in3CU" DOti" j i{\crgbolt: 2eitfd)tiften"ffiunbfd)au. -4 . .\~eft: ,ff. i{\oml)1iufet: "tfliel)e bie £ltifte bet :;Sugenb"j @. 6d)hlabe: "SDie i5t)mlio1if bes ~itd)enra1tmsl1j ffiofen' frana: "i;linbuiftifef)e :ttinitiitsanttiinge unb cf)riftlid)er :trinitiitsgfauoc/; i{\etg. :&oIt: 2eitfd)riften.ffiunbi d)Qu. S::~e(\logie btl" &egenwart. &')craullgegebcu bon ~. !B e t f), C. G' u e t • ~ Q t b unb anbern. SDeicf)ett, £leiNig. 26. :;Sal)tgang, 3. i;left. ;;snf)alt: I.j:lteub: "mterarifd)e lJIeuerfd)cinungen auf bem @~liiete bet dJriftlid)en ~unft." 14 i5 eit en. -4. &')eft. i;l. m.I. i5cf)omerus: "ghuc (,ftfd)einunIJen aUf bem @ebiet bet 2!ttberen ~ifjton. II 18 i5eiten. Please Take Notice. 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