Full Text for CTM Book Review 22-9 (Text)

f~ ,r-o!fj) ,:) In,U .. ' ,)'" '._. ConcoJl~ia Theological Monthly SEPTEMBER · 1951 . ARCHIVE Concou()ia Theological Monthly Published by The Lutheran Church -Missour~ Synod EDITED BY TIlE FACULTY OF CONCORDIA SEMINARY ST. LOUIS, Mo. Add,~ss all communications to th, Edito,ial Commitl~~ in CM~ of the M.naging Edito" P.E.May",BOl De MunAfJe., St.Louis 5, Mo. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE PAUL M. BRETSCHER, RICHARD R CAEMMERER, THEODORE HOYER, FREDERICK E. MAYER, LOUIS J. SIECK CONTENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 1951 BRUNNER ON REVELATION. Robut Bertram BACKGROUND FOR THE PEASANTS' REVOLT OF 1524 W. Theophil lanzow SERMON STUDY ON PSALM 46 FOR REFORMATION A SERIES OF SERMON STUDIES FOR TIlE CHURCH YEAR BRIEF STUDIES THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER BOOK REVIEW . ' ,:;. ¥: \ , PAGE 625 644 665 675 676 681 699 B,annon, ClMence H,: An Introduction to the Bible. -Chilton, Cha,les G. E", Ph, B" S, T. M,: Satisfaction from the Scriprures. -Wesley, John, M. A.: Ex­planatory Notes upon the New Testament. -Hwsch, Emanuel: Geschichte der Neuern Evangelischen Theologie im Zusammenhang mit den Allgemeinen Bewe­gungen des Europaeischen Denkens. -Andrews, F. Emerson: Philanthrophic Giving.-Laubach, Frank c,: Wake Up or Blow Up.-Link, Henry C.: The Way to Security. -Watus, Charles L.: A Treasury of Sermon Illustrations.­Smith, WilbM M,: A Watchman on the Wall.-Poling, Daniel A.: The Armed Forces Prayer Book. -Alexander, Charles: The Church's Year. -Little, Charles E,: 10,000 Biblical Illustrations. CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY is published monthly by Concordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis 18, Mo., to which all business correspondence is to be addressed. $3.00 per annum, anywhere in the world, payable in advance. Entered at the Post Office at St. Louis, Mo., as second-class matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 5, 1918. PIUNDII Elf v. I. A. BOOK REVIEW All books reviewed ilJ this periodical ma;y be procured from 01' through Concordia Pub­lishing House, 3558 South Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis I8, Missouri. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BIBLE. By Clarence H. Brannon. Printed by the Graphic Press, Inc., Raleigh, N.C. 292 pages, 6x9. $4.75. The author of this book of introduction is not a professional theologian; he is State entomologist of North Carolina. For many years he has been a Bible class teacher, and one sees that his reading in archaeological lit­erature and in history has been extraordinarily wide. In his church connection he is a Presbyterian. and holds the position of elder in his church body. The sixty-six books of the Bible all are given one chapter each, some naturally a shorter one than others. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament are discussed in a special chapter of introduction. The style is simple, and quite often little apropos stories, helping the reader to make the proper application, are interwoven. It is to be regretted that the author has permitted Modernism to govern to a large extent his approach to the Scriptures and his treatment of the introductory material. He does not reject all miracles, for instance what the Bible says on the virgin birth, the feeding of the five thousand, and the resurrection of our Lord he accepts. But he does not refrain from ascribing errors to the Biblical writers. I shall confine myself to some New Testament in­stances. That there were two miraculous feedings, one giving aid to five thousand, and the other to four thousand men, he does not accept. The account of the second miracle is "believed to be a slightly different record of the same event" as the first one (p.154). In Luke 2:1-2 the Gordian knot is cut through an assumption that some copyist wrote Cyrenius instead of Saturninus (who was governor of Syria from 9 to 6 B. C.). On the same page (p. 167) Jesus is said to have been thirty­eight years old at the time of the crucifixion. About the genealogies of Jesus, that in Matthew 1 and that in Luke 3, it is held that they are hopelessly at variance with each other; they are declared to be "early, unhistorical attempts to establish the lineage of Jesus" (p. 168). From the introductions to the Old Testament books similar jarring statements could be submitted; but what has been said will suffice to indicate the tenor of the work. The book can serve those who wish to see to what an extent liberal thinking can influence the broad facts of the Gospel story. 699 a person who still believes in W.F.ARNDT 700 BOOK REVIEW SATISFACTION FROM THE SCRIPTURES. By Charles G. E. Chilton, Ph. B., S. T. M. W. A. Wilde Company, Boston. 208 pages, 51;2 X 81;2. $2.50. The title of the. book is to indicate what the author would like to see the reader obtain from the Scriptures -satisfaction, holy delight. The book consists of studies in the Gospel of John and the Book of Acts. The approach to the Bible sections is that of the evangelist rather than that of the searching interpreter. Some striking epigrammatic sentences are found, thus "In many instances we have preached psychology rather than penitence, and we have substituted sociology for salvation" (p. 64). "The Sadducees thought of Peter and John as plebeians, but actually they were God's noblemen" (p. 123). The author places himself on the Scrip­tures and rejoices in Christ, his Savior. It ought to be stated, in explanation of the character of the work, that what is here offered was originally given to the public in radio addresses delivered over WMEX, Boston. This accounts for the detached and fragmentary character of the various sec-tions. W. F. ARNDT EXPLANATORY NOTES UPON THE NEW TESTAMENT. By John Wes­ley, M. A., Sometime Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. The Ep­worth Press, London. 1,055 pages, 4~X6%. 8S.6d. John Wesley, founder of Methodism, won fame not only through his eloquence as a preacher, but likewise through his ability as an expounder of the Holy Scriptures. He possessed remarkable talents for apprehending the chief thoughts set forth by the sacred writers and setting them forth in clear, simple English. Hence the venture which presents his little com­mentary on the New Testament in a new edition, printed in England, need not be considered an unfortunate effort which from motives of pity for harassed readers should not have been undertaken. What makes this work all the more interesting to us Lutherans is the information Wesley himself in the Preface (p. 7) submits: "I once designed to write down barely what occurred to my own mind, consulting none but the inspired writers. But no sooner was I acquainted with that great light of the Christian world (lately gone to his reward) Bengelius than I entirely changed my design, being thoroughly convinced it might be of more service to the cause of religion were I barely to translate his Gnomon N ovi T estamenti than to write any volumes upon it. Many of his excellent notes I have therefore translated; many more I have abridged, omitting that part which was purely critical and giving the substance of the rest." Wes­ley's Explanatory Notes then spread out before us in brief, convenient, English form the exegetical treasures of the celebrated Bengel. Wesley states that he, in addition, drew on the works of several scholars. In its theology the commentary naturally is of the Reformed-Arminian type, ad­vocating, for instance, the view that in the Lord's Supper bread is a sign of the body of Christ. The critical scholarship reflected here is that of the second half of the eighteenth century. Most of the notes will be BOOK REVIEW 701 read with feelings of gratitude and with genuine profit and edification. The book is a neat little volume; because thin paper is used, the great number of pages has not resulted in something distressingly bulky. W.F.ARNDT GESCHICHTE DER NEUERN EVANGELISCHEN THEOLOGIE 1M Zu­SAMMENHANG MIT DEN ALLGEMEINEN BEWEGUNGEN DES EURO­PAEISCHEN DENKENS. 10. und 11. Lieferung, Vol. II, pages 321 to 384. By Emanuel Hirsch. C. Bertelsmann Verlag, Guetersloh. Vol. I, xiv and 411 pages, 6 Yz X 9 Yz, cloth, is now on the market and sells for DM 20. Vol. II, which will appear soon, will cost DM 24. Lieferungen are now DM 4.50 for subscribers; DM 5 for others. The higher prices reflect the rising costs of production also in Germany. Lieferungen X and XI, presenting a critique of the theology of J. Fr. Buddeus, Chr. M. Pfaff, Lorenz von Mosheim, Sigmund Jakob Baum­garten, Turretini, Zinzendorf, J. Chr. Edelmann, and J. Lorenz Schmidt, substantiate the opinion expressed regarding Hirsch's own theology in previous reviews appearing in this journal (d. XXI, 7 [July, 1950), p. 556 f., and XXII, 5 [May, 1950}, p. 379). Hirsch is obviously in com­plete sympathy with the spirit of the Rationalists whom he discusses and an advocate of modern religious liberalism. His brand of theology, which at present fortunately seems to be on the decrease in Germany, will neither fill empty pews nor prevent the rise of another despotism in which the publication of theological works will be prohibited. 1. W. SPITZ PHILANTHROPIC GIVING. By F. Emerson Andrews. Russell Sage Founda­tion, New York, 1950. 318 pages, 6y,.X9y,.. $3.00. This comprehensive work covers all aspects of giving and human wel­fare particularly within the United States, including tax-supported agen­cies, trusts, private welfare agencies, and community chests, religious agencies, education and research. The work is an interesting blend of assembly of facts through statistics and tables, and incidental comment and interpretation. Stewardship secretaries, parish finance committees, and pastoral conferences will be glad to pass the book around. The author concludes for religious giving: "For the three decades here examined, re­ligious giving has not increased in proportion to the increase in national income, nor does the total compare favorably with our spending for many luxuries" (p. 187). Interesting is the chart (p. 193) contrasting public and private institutions of higher education for the school year 1947-48. The device of the "leaseback" or industry operated under the tax exemp­tion of a philanthropic foundation is explained neatly (p. 240 ff.). The author's rational suggestions for giving (pp.258-259) accord remark­ably well with the prescriptions of Christ and the Apostles. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER 702 BOOK REVIEW WAKE UP OR BLOW UP. By Frank C. Laubach. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York, c. 1951. 160 pages, 5~x7Ys. $2.00. Herewith the world's one-man literacy movement publishes another of his vigorous discussions of his central passion, to teach the masses of the world to read and thus to find Christ. This time Dr. Laubach, taking advantage of the Communist threat, widens his thinking to embrace a total program of love to the poverty-ridden majority of the world in order to counteract Communism. He challenges the Church to do the major part since profit is not involved and business will not go to work on the problem. Interesting are the anecdotes of the literacy compaign and the world-wide grasp of nations and individuals. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER THE WAY TO SECURITY. By Henry C. Link. Doubleday & Co., Inc., Garden City, N. Y., 1951. 224 pages, 51;2 X 8Ys. $2.50. The author of The Return to Religion produces herewith another volume on practical psychology in the spiritual sphere. He takes occasion to attack some of his pet phobias, such as unearned social security, uncertainty in moral standards, "the danger of not being afraid," sex education, exclu­sively intellectual education, and the elimination of the profit system. On the positive side he discusses a security which is "spiritual," namely a sense of security developed through inner self-reliance, discipline, making fears our friends, sleep and relaxation, learning connected with activity and sports, and the inculcation of principles of behavior. "Physical educa­tion is spiritual education"; "the great and positive American system rests squarely on these Commandments" (the sums of the two Tables). "The key to this system is the concept of the dignity of the individual ... it springs from the Judaeo-Christian doctrine that all men are the children of God, that they are created in God's image, and that they are possessed of immortal souls" (p. 148). This theology can be expected to produce the remarkable mixture of helpfulness and confusion which this little book provides. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER A TREASURY OF SERMON ILLUSTRATIONS. Edited by Charles 1. Wallis. Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, Nashville, c. 1950. 319 pages, 6~ X 9~. $3.50. Mr. Wallis, a teacher of English and a minister of college churches, offers 2,448 items including quotations ranging from single sentences to longer paragraphs, anecdotes, analogies, and metaphors. They are arranged according to religious topics; additional indexes refer them to the Christian Year, children's stories, hymn stories, names of authors or characters, and additional topics. The chief value of a book of this sort is that it alerts the preacher to materials from his own reading and experience which he may file, in his mind or otherwise, for his own use. Ordinarily a reference BOOK REVIEW 703 quotation or analogy needs to travel more deliberately through the ex­perience of a preacher, than through listing in a book, before he finds it significant in his own message. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER A WATCHMAN ON THE WALL. By Wilbur M. Smith. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1951. 191 pages, 5l/zx7%. $2.50 Wilbur M. Smith of the staff of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago presents this sketch of the late Will H. Houghton, James M. Gray's suc­cessor as president of Moody in 1934. Houghton died in 1947. At first an actor, he entered the Baptist ministry without formal training and rapidly achieved a signal ministry in congregations in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and New York City (Calvary). At the same time he wrote extensively, cultivated friendships with fundamentalist leaders throughout America and England and preached as an evangelist from pulpits and on the radio. While at Moody he preached several series of network broadcasts on the general subject "Let's Go Back to the Bible," and the printed collection of these sermons was widely distributed. Lutheran readers will be interested in Dr. Gray's specifications to Houghton of the doctrinal position of Moody Bible Institute (pp.101-104). In keeping with this position Dr. Houghton did not stress the Baptist position on Baptism. However, he was anxious to continue membership in a Baptist congregation and belonged to North Shore Baptist Church till his death. The biography stresses the gentleness and sincerity of Dr. Houghton's personality. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER THE ARMED FORCES PRAYER BOOK. Compiled and edited by Daniel A. Poling, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York. 1951. 113 pages, 4l/zx6%. $1.00. This little compilation, prepared by the Editor of the Christian Herald magazine, is intended for men and women of all faiths. It is very dis­appointing to hear the editor of a periodical which claims to be Christian say in his Foreword of the present collection of prayers: "On these pages the common heritage of believing men and women has been made ar· ticulate, for in prayer there is no distinction between Catholic and Jew and Protestant, even as all are children of one Father." Many of the prayers were written by noted Americans of our day. Walter P. Reuther is represented by a prayer spoken by a Jewish Rabbi at the opening of a U. A. W.-c. I. O. convention held in Milwaukee; the prayer is not offered in the name of Jesus, though Mr. Reuther is referred to as a member of the Lutheran Church. WALTER E. BUSZIN THE CHURCH'S YEAR. By Charles Alexander. Geoffrey Comberlege, Oxford University Press, London. 1950. 234 pages, 5X7l/z. $2.00. We have here a useful little book which was written with care and caution. The festivals of the church year are arranged chronologically, 704 BOOK REVIEW and the section dealing with each one includes an explanation of its celebrations. It is thus conveniendy arranged for occasional reference or continuous reading. As Lutherans, we miss a discussion of Reformation Day. That the author sought to be careful may be concluded from his discussion of The Epiphany, where he says: rrSome say the three men were kings, whose names were Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar" (p. 42). With regard to St. Silvester he says in his discussion of the Feast of St. Silvester (Dec. 31): " ... it is said that it was he who baptized Constantine. He is also said to have received on behalf of the Church of Rome certain gifts of property known as the Donations of Constantine." He then does not hesitate to add the factual remark: "Upon these supposed gifts subsequent Popes based wide claims to temporal power, that is, to govern territory as its rulers, and although the stories are now known not to be true, they made Silvester famous" (p. 38) . WALTER E. BusZIN 10,000 BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. By Charles E. Litde. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich. 632 pages, 9Y2 X 6Y2. $4.95. This is a practical handbook for the minister's desk. It contains not only the 10,000 Biblical illustrations as announced by the title, but also a good topical Bible, a practical concordance, and Bible quotations on hundreds of subjects, the latter in sufficient completeness to obviate follow-up reference to the Bible. In preaching this reviewer has always given preference to illustrations taken from the Holy Scriptures themselves. Here they are to be found with alacrity. The book is well bound -the type is pleasing to the eye -the price at present costs of printing is surprisingly low. LOUIS ]. SIECK BOOKS RECEIVED From Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo.: CONCORDIA NURSERY PROGRAM PACKET. Materials for church-home co-operation in the Christian nurture of children from birth to age four. Prepared by Lois and Allan Jahsmann. 75 cents, net. From The World Publishing Company, Cleveland 2, Ohio: A JOURNEY WITH THE SAINTS. By Thomas S. Kepler. 150 pages, 5 Y2 X 8Y4. $2.00.