Full Text for CTM Miscellanea 3-4 (Text)

Miscellanea. 295 fommen ift, um fjier in ®rfiiUung be~ )IDort~ ber )IDei~fagung, ~ef. 53, ben ~ampf mit @:liinbe, :iteufeI unb ~ob aufaunefjmen. )IDie bollftanbig er ben @:lieg babongetragen fjat, vC3eu9t 1 ~ot. 15, 54-57. ~e~ sum j8ewei~ ftanb er am britten ~age aUf au neuem unb ullbergangIidjem Eeven, ffiom. 6, 9. 10. @:lo ift toafjr, wa~ ~ofj. 11,25.26 ftefjt. ®fauven wir ba~ nur feft unb gewif3. ~n ifjm aUein, in ifjm alier audj gans gewif3, fjalien wir Eeven unb ~uferftefjung. )IDie wit fjoften, burdj ifjn an ber S)ettIidjfeit be~ sufiinftigen Eelien~ teifsuneljmen, ;0 faBt un~ ie~t fdjon in einem neuen Eeven wanbeln, bamit wit nidjt burdj @3iinbenbienft un£5 bon iljm ro~reif3en, ber ba aUcin 1ft bie ~uferftcljung unb ba~ Eeven. ~.E. Miscellanea. ~ef ;tobe~tng Ultfef~ .\)eirnnbe~+ @3d)on feit geraumer Bcit fJat man aUf @runD berfd)iebener jBered)~ nungen ben ;:robe~tag be~ .\jeHanbe~ in ba~ ~aljr 30, unb illtJar aUf ben 7. WprtI, gelegt. 60 aud) auf ber feinen ~afeI, Die bon ~epljart angefertigt unD ber People's Bible Encyclopedia eingefiigt ltJurbe. :tlie friiljeren me~ recljnungen oetreff~ be~ SDatu~ lja'oen in ben Ie~ten ~aljren ltJeitere me~ ftiitigung gefunben, fo auclj fonbedid) in einem wrtHer bon Il5rof. D. n~ltJarb @etljarbt~jBernn, ber in "tyorfd)ungen unb tyortfd)ritte" bom 20. tyeoruar 1931 fo fd)reiot: ,,,SDa§ ~reus bon @oIgatlja f d)eibet bie !!BeHgef d)idjtc in oltJei :iteiIe', fo ljaite einft St:. bon .\jafe bie jBebeutung be§ ::tobe§ ([ljrifn priiaifier±. @3djl1Jcrfid) ltJorrte er bie tyorberung auftteUen, baf3 bie ([ljronologie ber !!BcUgefdjidjte in hie BltJei ;reiIe ,bor unb nad) bem ::tobe ([ljrifti' georbne± wetbe; ba§ wiire bamag unmogIid) geltJefen, ba man nicljt ltJuf3te, 00 bie SfreuoigUng im ~aljre 29, 30,31,32, 33 ober gat 35 ftattgefunben ljiiite ...• \Eon ben @3cljltJierigfeiten, bie liclj bet jBered)nung be£l ~obe£ljaljre£l entgegen" fteUen, fann fid) ber Eaie faum eine \EorfteUung macljen. 1. ~05fUi3 oegann feine iiffen±riclje !!Bitfatnfeit naclj bem erften Wuftre±en ~oljanni£l be£l :itiiu~ fer£l, bai3 Eufai3 batiert ,im 15. ~aljre ber .\jerrfcljaft be§ St:aifer£l :itiberiui3'. :tla Wugllftlli3 am 19. Wugllft 14 n. ([ljr. [13 n. ([ljt.?] geftoroen ltJar, 10 fonnte bai3 15. ~aljr be§ :itifJeriui3 bai3 bon Wuguf± 28 fJii3 Wuguft 29 oDer Da§ ~aljr 28 ober 29 fein [eljer 27 ober 26]. 05ine bierte WCoglicljfeit, hie :rioeriu£ljaljre au aiiljlen, ergao ficlj au§ ber :ratfaclje, baB :rioeriu§ au Eeo" seHen be§ Wuguftu§ burd) ein @efe~ bem Sfaifer in ber \EetltJaHung aUer Il5robinaen unb im .\jeere§fommanbo gIeicljgefterrt wurbe. 05§ finb WCiinaen borljanben, Deren legenda Da§ ~aljr 12 n. ([ljt. aI§~aljr 1 De§ :rtberiui3 oeac.icljnet, inbem fie Ie~tere§ bem ;;saljre 43 bet Wftifcljen \!Tta gleicljfe~en. Bu Diefer 8iiljlung ber :itifJerhl§ialjre ltJar man in bet Il5robina gefe~nclj oered)tigt; fic ift auclj gelegentIid) bon Wutoren Der erften ~aljrljunberte innegefjalten ltJorben. SDemnaclj trat ~ofjannei3 ber :itiiufer im ~aljre 26 11. ([ljr. auf, unb bie :raufe ~05fu ltJar 26/27. .\jiequ ftimmt genau hie Wngabe im bierten 05bangelium (~ofj. 2, 13-20), baB ~®fu§ naclj feiner :itaufe aum erften WCale in ~erufafem ltJar, ag ,am )tempe! 46 ~aljre ge~ 296 Miscellanea. vau± tom:', b~ ~eif3±, im ~tii~ja~t 27. 2. SDie SDauer bet offentHdjen jillitffamfeit ;'5(§fu laf3t fidj Cll§ bem ;soljanne£lebangeHum vetedjnen; fie vetrug mnb 3% [veffet 3%,] ;saljte. !8gr. audj Euf. 13, 6-9 unb 34. 3. jilliII man avet bie vivHfdjen 2Ingaven nidj± lJteffen, fonbern aIle WlogHdj~ fei±en bet 2Iu£llegung vetiiclfidjtigen, fo etgtb± fidj, baf3 filt Die Sheuaigung ein£l bon ben filnf ;saljten 29-33 in l!3e±tadj± fomm±, baf3 abet anbete ;sa~te gana aU£lfdj eib en. 4. ;S(§fU£l f±m:v am ~teitag im ~affalj. SDiefe£l ~ef± vegann am 14. »lifan; am flJiiten »ladjmittage biefe£l Stage£l vegann ;S(§fU£l mit ben 8toolfen ba£l ~affaljm~l, b~ fidj vi£l in ben 2Ivenb ljinein~ aog; am folgenben Stage, ~teitag, bem 15. »lifan, tourbe et gefteuaigt. ... jilleldjem SDatum unfet£l stalenbet£l entflJridjt ~teitag, bet 15. »lifan~ 5. SDet etfte Stag be£l jiiDifdjen Wlonai£l toutbe feftgefetlt, toenn nadj bem »leumonb bie junge @5idjel fidj in bet 2Ivenbbiimmemng toiebet aeigte. SDa£l gaIt aI£l b~ bon @loti eingefette 8eidjen, f. ~f. 104, 19. SDie l!3etedjnung be£l SDatum£l bet Sheuaigung ift alfo letten (§nbe£l eine tein af±tonomifdje 2Iufgave: ;sn toeIdjem bet ;saljte 29-33 fiel nadj bem »leuItdj± bet 1. »lifan fo, baf3 bet 15. ein ~reitag toat~ 6. SDie etften af±tonomifdjen ~iIf£lmitieI ~atte ~. st. @linael geHeferl, inbem et Die »leu~ unb !8oIlmonbe jenet ~a~te filt ;setu~ falem nadj unfetm stalenbet vetedjnete auf Stag, @5iunbe unb Wlinu±e. SD~ alVeite afttonomifdje ~iIf£lmittel, ba£l »leuHdjt, veftimmt man jett nadj einet bon ~otljetingljam etfonnenen, bon Wlaunbet, @5djodj unb »leugevauet bet~ boIlfommneten Wle±ljobe, inbem man filt ben etf±en, valV. alVeiten, 2fVenb nadj »leumonb Die Wlonbljolje unb ben 2Ivftanb Wlonb -@5onne am toef±~ Hdjen ~otiaon± vetedjne±. 7. Wlit ~iIfe Diefet af±tonomifdjen SData fonnte idj ben jiibifdjen staIenbet fenet ;saljte tefonf±mieren unb nadj eingeljenb~ f±et ovjefiibet ~tiifung aIlet in l!3e±tadj± fommenben Wlomente nadjtoeifen, baf3 Die Sheuaigung ~teitag, ben 7. 2IlJtiI 30, ftatigefunben ~a±." K. The Pastor as Liturgist. It is not expected that every pastor be a liturgiologist, with a de­tailed knowledge of the entire science of ligurgics and related fields; for this is such an enormous field that it requires years of intensive applica­tion, not to speak of larger works and special monographs, which are found in only comparatively few large' libraries. But every pastor can well manage to become a good liturgist, to be familiar with the liturgy and agenda of his own church-body, to understand the rubrics, to have a proper appreciation of the principles which govern proper decorum in the chancel. It is true that these matters are adiaphora and that Luther was a stout defender of Christian liberty in the matter of these adiaphora. But the same Luther wrote some very emphatic paragraphs in favor of a sensible uniformity in liturgical customs, which we shall do well to heed in our days. (10, 260; 20, 1790; 5, 720.) -It is a comparatively simple matter to become familiar with the rubrics of the various services in pub­lic, and it is strongly advisable, to say the least, that the liturgist become expert in following these directions without the slightest show of friction or self-consciousness. It is self-evident that a Lutheran pastor will avoid both extremes, that of being offensively unctious and that of being care­less while officiating in the chancel. -It will be well for the liturgist to keep in mind also the difference between sacramental and sacrificial acts. Miscellanea. 297 In the sacrificial acts of every kind, such as prayer and confession, the pastor acts as the mouthpiece of the congregation and should be turned, with the hearers, toward the altar or toward the liturgical East. This is true also of the Lord's Prayer. In all sacramental acts, however, or when­ever the minister acts as the mouthpiece of God in proclaiming to the congregation the Word of the Lord and in laying upon the people the blessing of the Lord, he faces the congregation. This means that the pastor must be prepared to take care of the service. Some introits are sacrificial in tone, others are sacramental. The same holds true with re­gard to some antiphonies. The request, "Let us pray," should not be ad­dressed to the altar, but to the congregation. There is always ample time to turn back to the altar for the prayer. Likewise it seems incongruous, to say the least, for the pastor to address the altar in the introduction to the prefatory prayer: "Lift up your hearts," etc. -And finally we shall do well to observe the ancient rule regarding the manner in which the pastor ought to turn to and from the altar in the various acts in the chancel. The ancient rule prescribes that the liturgist should always turn to the congregation with the right shoulder, clockwise, returning through this same half-circle counter-clockwise aHer addressing the congTegation, except after the final benediction, when he completes the circle, since this now concludes his official acts at the altar. By observing' this very simple rule, one will avoid the confusion created in the minds of attendants at services by the uncertajnty of the liturgjst. Whatsoever is conducive to further edification of the congregation is worth observing. K. ~tt~ ~nrnfi bet ~{rtifeI iilicr D. ~. ~ic~cr, Die im borigen ZSafjre fotoo~I im ,,2utfjeraner" (Nr. 15-20) aI~ audj' in Dicier :8eitfdjrif± (Nt. 10 unb 11) erfl1]ienen finb, finb mir eine \1fnilafjI :8u~ fdjriften ilugegangen; unD tueif einige \1(nfragen 1idj aUf fjif±orijclje @Jadjen oedtefjen, hie toofjI b!eioenben m5ert ~alien, ge~e idj mi± furilen m5or±en barauf cin. @Jo miidj±e einer ber @JdjreilJer genauer toiffen, toie fidj mbredj± ffiitfdjI iiber ba~ S1arfrei±ag~neb ,,;0 SJaup± boll mIu± unb m5unben" auB~ (lefprodjen ~abe. ~a\3 Dieier befannte unD biefgenann±e. ~eoIog (t 1889) Dic bibIifdjduU)crifdje 2e~rc lion ber f±eIIl1er±retenbcn ®enugtuung ~~rifti gdeugne± ~at unD ba\3 bie @JdjuIe, bie fidj nadj feinem lnamen nunn±e unb i~te \1fn~anget in bet gunaen m5eIt ~at, in fetne ~u\3tapfen getreten iff, ift befunn± genug uuB f einem gro\3en, breibanbigen m5etfe ,,~ie djtiftridje 2cfjre bon ber meclj±fertigung unb ~erfiifjnung". (~gI. buau bie \1(tmeI~ reifje in ,,2efjre unb illiefjrc": "ffiitfdjg 5t1)eoIogie" , 40, 218.) s\)ie )!Bode jCDodj, in benen DHtfdjI fcine W/.if3biIIigung beB genann±en 2iebe§ auBfpradj, finben fidj in feiner ,,®efdjidjte DeB ~ieti£;muB" (2,65) unb Iauten toor±ridj fo: "ZSfjm [bern 2iebe] faun nicljt ilugef±auben toerben, baf3 eB ein treffenbet unb erfdjiipfenber WUBbrucl' ebangertfdjer .I'l'atfreiiag§ftimmung ift. ~enn bie @Jdjilberung ber 2eiben ift nidjt aUf Den ®e~otfam Cl:1)rifti ~inauBgefii~d, unb Die allgemeine ~etfiifjnung toirb an Diefe @JdjUberung nidj± gefniipft. ~em ®eprage bet Ia±einifdjen ~orragen entfpridjt eB, ba\3 in ben ~idj~ tungen tvie ben @)rbauung~biidjern in ber Iut~erifdjen Sfirdje . , . bie finnfidje @Jeite be~ 2eibenB ~1)rifti, \1fngftfdjtueif3, mIut unb illiunbcn, o~ne ben SJin±er~ gnmb unb baB W/.otib beB ®e~otfamB atuar aI§ @)rfdjeinungcn ber ftell~ bertretenben 2cif±ung ~fjrif±i, aoer baneben nur ag IDCotibe ber ®egenfiebe 298 Miscellanea. unb mieberum aI~ §Jon-unb lReinigung~mitteI gegen bie ®iinben, nidjt alier ag ~roger ber allgemeinen j8erfo~nung gebeutet merben." 1) ::Dall aber lRUfdjI aUf feinem Sh:anfen-unb ®terlieliette anbers urteiHe, lieridjtet bet berftorliene liaptiftifdje ~eoIog W. §J. ®±tong in feiner Sys­tematic Theology mit folgenben }liorten: "He [lRUfdjI] had severely criti­cized Paul Gerhardt's hymn 0 Haupt voll Blut und Wunden as describing physical suffering; but he begged his son to repeat the last two verses of that hymn when he came to die." 2) Z5n einem ber genannten WttifeI iiliet D. !j3ieper ~atte idj audj bie Z5n­fdjrifi aUf bem ®ralie be~ ~opetnifu~ ermif~nt unb angebeutet, ball Diefe Z5nfdjrifi ni# bon S1'opernifu~ feThff fjerriifjre. @iin ®djreilier fragt an, mie e~ benn eigentIiel) mit biefet Z5nfel)rifi ftefje. @i~ ift arrerbings mett­berliteitete Wnnafjme, ball biefe Z5nfel)rift, tnei! lie aUf S1'opernifus' ®raomal in bet Z5o~anni~firel)e au ~orn fiel) finbe±, bon ifjm feThft betfallt morben fei, unb fie ift bielfadj ag )BeIeg bafiit angefUfjrt morben, ball biefer lie­riiljmie @)±ernforfdjet bamt± fdnem el)riftHdjen (QHauoen \l!u~btucr gegeoen ijalie. Wlier bie~ ift ein aIter, immet fidj miebetijolenber Z5rtium. ::Die Z5n­f d)rifi Iau±et Ia±einif el) : NOll par-em Pauli gratiflrl1 requiro, Veniam Petri neque poseo, sed quam In crucis lign(} dederas la troni, Sedulus oro. ®ie lallt fiel) beutfel) etma 10 miebergelien: Wicljt hie @lnabe, hie '!lauIu£! empfangen, liege~t' iclj Woclj Me .\:lulc, mit bet bu bem $ettu£! betilieljen; ~ie nut, bie bu am ~teU3e bem @iclj1icljet getu1iljrt ljaft, ~ie nut erf[e~' idj. ::Det liefann±e ~eorog (2;. @i. Eutijarbt, ber in ben etften Wuflagen feiner "Wpologetifdjen j80rtrage filier Die @runbmaljrljeiten be~ (2;ljriftentums" Die oliige Wnnaljme bertreten unb ben j8er~ bemgemoll berlDertet ljaite,3) ljat in ben fpo±eren ~rufragen Diefer [\oririi:ge, burd) ~rome~ \l!roeiten filier ~opernifu~ eine~ )Beffeten oeleljrt, Diefe Wngalie forrigiert unb fidj anfilje gegelien, ben Z5rrium aus bet }lieIt au fdjaffen.4) ::Der bielaitierie j8er~ ftamm± nidj± bon ~opernifus, fonbern ift eine ®±ropfje, bie bem @eDidjt be~ 2tnaus ®l)rbiu~ ~iccoromini De Passione Domini eninommen ift unb bie ber @)tab±pfjt)fifu~ aU ~Otn, Dr. anelel)ior \l9~rnefius (t 1589), aUf ba~ au feiner Beit bem ~opernifu~ erriel)tete ~enf­mal fette. ,\'fopernifus ift ba mit gefalteten §Jonben bor einem Shuaifi~ aligebiThet; neoen bem Hnlen \l!rm ift ein ~o±enfopf unb im ,~intergrunb ein §Jimmefsgloliu~ unb banelien ein Bitler, unb un±et bem tedjten \l!rm fteljt jene @)±roplje. ®omeit mix: befannt ift, riegen fUt bie ~rommigfeit nnb firdjIid)e @efinnung be~ S1'opernifu~ feine Beugniffe bot. ®ein fi±Hidje~ Eeben ift nid)t oljne ®djatten, unb in bem Sh:eife feine~ ::Domfapitel~ mefjte bamag era~mifel)e 2ufi. ::Daliei liIeibt abet ber j8et~ feIlift in arren @iljten unb otingt fdjon cinen @ebanfen ilum t'tusbrucr, ber es maljrIidj mert ift, feftgefjarten au 1) WeUe, iEdjluffel