Full Text for CTM Book Review 3-1 (Text)

'Q!nurnr~tu (lJqrnlngiral :!Inut41y Continuing LEHRE UND WEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. III January, ,1.932 No.1 CONTENTS ARNDT, W.: Foreword Page 1 LAETSCH, TH.: Die Schriftlehre von del' Verstockung. . . . 'I MUELLER, J. T.: Introduction to Sacred Theology....... 12 KRETZ MANN, P. E.: _I\..postelamt, Predigtamt, Pfarramt, Synodalamt ................... '" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 LAETSCH, TH.: Studies in Hosea 1-3................... 33 Dispositionen ueber die zweite von der Synodalkonferenz angenommene Evangelienreihe ........................ 45 Miscellanea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches. . . . . . 57 Book Review. - Literatur ................. , .... '" ...... .. 72 Ein Prediger muss nicht aHein weiden, also dass er die Schafe unterweise, wie sle reehte Christen Bollen sein, sonde'll aueh daneben den Woelfen wehren, daBS sie die Sehafe nieht angreifen nnd mit falseher Lehre verfnebren und Irrtum ein· fnehren. - Luther. Es ist kein Ding, das die Lente mehr bei der Kirche behaelt denn die gute Predigt. - Ap%gie, Art. 24. If the trumpet give an uncertain Bound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? 1 Oor.14, 8. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other 'States CONCORDIA. PUBLISHING HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. 72 Book Review. - £itetatut. that Christianity has gained considerably. But only six million Christians over against a population of three hundred fifty million - what a dis- parity, what a cry for help in those figures! A. :.i)et SioniBmuB relit nod! immet. S£)er "Q:~riftIiclje Wpologete" oe~ ricljtet: ,,~n ber )!Bert<8ioniftenfonferena, Die in mafel, @5cljl1Jeia, tagte, l1Jurbe lette )!Boclje mit £Ironer @5timmenme~r~eit Na~um @5ofolol1J, ber feU ~a~ren aUl bie recljte &Janb Dr. ~aim )!Beiamann£l gart, an @5telle biefe£l &Jerrn aum lJSriifibenten ber mel1Jegung erl1Jii~rt. ~n ber offenen @5il,?ung ber s£)eIegaten l1Jurbe ein Q}oranfcljlag ber Wu£lgaoen fur ba£l niicljfte ~a~r im metrage bon $1,800,000 bel1JilIigt." ~. ~. ~. uliettritte ijUt lut~etifd!en ~itd!e in oftmeid!. ~n einem mericlj± au£l "S£). ®. S£)." ±eHt bet ,,2ut~erifclje &Jerolb" mit: ,,~m ~a~re 1927 l1Jurben in ber ebangeIifcljen Sfirclje in S£)eu±fclj~,ofterreiclj 3,980 ®inhitte unb 2,565 Wu£lhitte geilii~rt. S£)ie meiften i'toerlritte aum ~roteftanti£lmu£l lam en ben lut~erifcljen @emeinben, eine Ueine 2a~l ben reformierlen augute." ~.~.~. Book Review. - £itemtuf. Psalms. By W. G. Scroggie. Harper and Brothers. 144 pages, 4X6. Price, $1.25. This is a brief commentary on the first 41 psalms, prefaced by an in- troduction treating of Hebrew poetry and the divisions, the authorship, the titles, the character of the Psalter and including a reading scheme according to which the entire Psalter may be read every month. We were delighted to read the following exposition of the Twenty-second Psalm, which may serve as a sample of the style of the author: - "This amazing psalm is in two distinct parts. The first part is a sob (1-21), and the second is a song (22-31). The key to Part One is, 'Thou answerest not, and to Part Two, 'Thou hast answered. The first part tells of sufferings, and the second part, of the glory that follows (1 Pet. 1, 11 ) . "Not a few answers have been given to the question, Who is the suf- ferer? But there is only one answer that fits the facts: ... the sufferer is Jesus. It has truly been said that 'the psalmist gives a more vivid de- scription of the sufferings of Christ on the cross than the authors of the gospels.' Mark carefully the parallels. Christ's dying cry (1); the mockers gathered round the cross and their taunts (7. S. 12. 13); torture by crucifixion (16); the distorted body (14. 17); the parched tongue and lips (15); the divided garments and unrent vesture (1S); and at last the sudden silence in death. Why is there no mention of the spear thrust? Because Christ was already dead when that was done, and the Sufferer could not be represented as telling what happened after He had died. "The most poignant utterance of Jesus discloses the most tragic factor in His sufferings, namely, His being forsaken of God (1); note, He does not say, 'My Father-why?' Now, of no one but Jesus could these words (1-21) have been written, for we know of no one in history but Himself who had such an experience. This, therefore, is pure prophecy, genuine prediction, and whoever was the writer of the psalm, he was writing by Book Review. - 53ttetatut. 73 inspiration of events which were not to be fulfilled for probably a thousand years and not relating any experience of his own or of another in the past. Get thoroughly hold of that. "And now kneel at the foot of the cross and read verses 1-21 and sing softly to yourself: 'Alas! and did my Savior bleed l' etc." On the other hand, we were painfully surprised to find in this book also many concessions to modern theology, which make an unqualified recommendation impossible. T. LAETscH. The Foundations of Bible History. (Joshua and Judges.) By John Gars tang, M. A., D. Litt., etc. Richard R. Smith, Inc., New York. Illustrated. 1931. XXIV and 423 pages, 5% X 8%. Price, $5.00. Largely on the basis of the results obtained in the recent excavations at Hazor, Jericho, and Ai (financed by Sir Charles Marston, to whom this. book is dedicated) Prof. John Garstang of the University of Liverpool presents in this volume the latest archeological light on a number of ques- tions involved in the conquests and settlement of Canaan by the Hebrews. It is a noteworthy publication, not only because of the archeological ex- perience of the author, but also because it definitely tends to verify a num- ber of fundamental Biblical statements in the Books of Joshua and Judges. Garstang, of course, is not motivated by any harmonistic tendencies. He accepts without question the dismemberment of the books of Joshua and Judges according to the current and critical literary analysis. He believes, for example, that there is a discrepancy between Josh. 15,63, which records that the children of Judah could not drive out the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the statement in Judg. 1, 8 that "the children of Judah fought against Jerusalem and took it and smote it with the edge of the sword" (not conceding either that the two events refer to two altogether different military movements or that the second conquest, as the World War campaigns so frequently emphasized, might be merely temporary). Such "numerous discrepancies" ,he cites as one of the evidences for the justification of the textual analysis. Ruling out the alleged amplification of the Deuteronomic school (D) in the sixth century and the further post- exilic supplementing and editing "from the view of the organized priest- hood" (P), he restricts his investigation to what criticism recognizes as the oldest portions of Joshua-Judges, the sources represented by the sym- bols J, E, and JE. In this he follows quite generally the critical partition of the late Canon Burney in his commentary of Judges, 1918. After a presentation of this mutilated text, Garstang comes to the object of his study: the investigation of the accuracy and truth of the Biblical statements as illumined by the light of his expedition in 1928 and similar subsequent efforts. He accepts, because of the testimony of the Tel-el-Amarna letters and the Biblical chronology in 1 Kings 6, 1, the earlier date of the Exodus, making Thotmes III and Amenophis II, re- spectively, the Pharaohs of the Oppression and the Exodus, and places 1407 B. C. as the nearest available approximation to the year of the opening of the Book of Joshua. After a general description of the Palestinian territory and terrain the third section discusses the campaign led by Joshua. Typical of similar results is the summary of the archeological history of Jericho. Garstang, 74 Book Review. - mtetatut. as we read his report, brings these interesting corroborations of Joshua's narrative: 1) Jericho occupied a strategic location; yet it was isolated, remote from any center of authority. 2) It was surrounded by great de- fensive walls, on which houses had been built. 3) These walls actually collapsed and fell outward, and this catastrophe is dated on archeological evidence at a time chronologically compatible with the Biblical statement. Thus Garstang concludes (p. 147): "The evidence all points, then, toward the year 1400 B. C. for the fall of Jericho." 4) Joshua's charge that the city was not to be rebuilt was apparently observed, because after its de- struction, Garstang concludes, "the city lay in ruins with no appreciable population for some five hundred years" (p. 147). Similar archeological deductions, though not always as precise and de- tailed, are found in the following sections, which speak of the destruction of Ai (p. 6), the relief of Gibeon (p. 7), the fall of Hazor (p. S), the allotment of the tribal areas (p. 9), Judah and Simeon (p. 10), Ephraim and Manasseh (p.ll), tribal portions in the north (p.12), death of Joshua and the elders (p. 13), restorations of peaceful conditions in Egypt (p. 14), establishment of the northern tribes (p. 15), Shamgar and the Philistines (p. 16) (significant because, while the early mention of the Philistines is generally regarded by critics as an anachronistic gloss, Garstang is not definitely opposed to an early Philistine infiltration), the reunion of the tribes under Deborah (p.17), the conquest for a leader (p.lS), movement toward kingship (p. 19), Philistine rule over Israel (p. 20) . One of the most valuable features of the book is the 53-page sup- plement, listing place names and the archeological light shed on their identity. The photographs, all taken by the author, are far better and more copious than the usual run of such illustrations. W. A. MAIER. !iYDtfdjuugeu 5Ut ~utfte~uug be?3 Utdjrifteutum?3, be?3 lJ1eueu 'iteftameut?3 uub bet ~itdj!e. III. ~etfouen1Jtolileme berl!(1Joftelgeicf)icf)te: :;'Sol)auues Wlartus, e;ilas unb :titus. IV. \Rom. 15; le~te lReife3ieIe bes ~aulus: :;'SerufaIem, \Rom unb I!(ntiod)ien. V. :tlet nid)t1JauHnifd)e Utf1Jtuug bes ~ataUeliSmus bet l!(1Joftel ~ettus unb ~aulus. III: ®totoUab; 32 e;eb ten. IV: ®totofiab; 23 e;eiten. V: ®totofiab; 32 e;eiten. metlag bon ~aliet ®. Wllil)lau, Si:iel. :tlie gtiitereu &Jefte je RM. 1.60, bas Heiue RM.1.20. Illiit litiugen eine futile j{\ef1Jted)uug bieiet e;etie aus nUt e in em ®tunbe: Illienn mau h1itUid) einmal f el)en h1iU, h1ie h1eit mand)e ueuete .!hitHet gel)eu, Mnu fie mit Si:onjeftUtaHtitU, mutmatHd)en I!(uslaffungen, unodauuten OueUen, :;'Sntet1Jolatiouen ufh1. o1Jetieren, fo fann biefe e;etie aIS Wluitet em1Jfol)leu h1etben. Wlan 1)1itie betattige e;tubien fett bem ,8ufammenotud) bet :tliDinget e;d)uIe uub fett (l;tfd)einung bet jyotfd)ungen bon \Ramfal), ,8al)n unb anbem faum nod) flit miiglid) gel)alien. e;o foU 3. j{\. :;'Sol)anues Wlartus nid)t aus :;'Setufalem geitammt 1)aoen, foubem aus bet :;'SnfeI ,8l)1Jem; :titus ioU Wlitoegtlinbet bet ®emeiube aU Si:otintl) geroefen fcin; e;ilas roitb als l!(utOt bet ,,~it"j{\etid)te" in bet l!(1Joiteh gefd)id)te 1)ingefteUt; bet \Riimetotief iOU ein j{\tief au bie ®emciube aU I!(ntiod)ieu feiu; ®al. 2, 7. 8 ioU cine nid)t1Jaulinifd)e e;ttuftut 1)aoen uiro., uiro. ad nauseam. :tlet ftaffefte e;uojeUibiSmus, ol)ne aud) nut cine e;1JUt bon common sense, ge" id)rocige I!(d)tuug bot oojdtibet ®efd)id)t5fotfd)ung. {l;iu aofd)tecrenbes j{\eif1Jiel! ~. {I;. Si: t e ~ man n. Book Review. - £literatur. 75 Why I Believe. By Teunis E. Gouwens, D. D. 147 pages. Cokesbury Press, Nashville, Tenn. Price, $1.00. In judging modern theological literature, we must not fail to apply that touchstone which is implied in the question, "What think ye of Christ?" Paul, speaking of Christ, not only said, "Who loved me," but added, "And gave Himself for me," Gal. 2, 20; and what Paul meant by the latter statement he clearly tells us when in the very next chapter of his epistle he says: "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law, being made a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree," Gal. 3, 13. Again, in judging modern theological literature, we must not let ourselves be deceived by pious phraseology and even a liberal use of Biblical language, which nevertheless is not at all meant to say what the Bible clearly teaches and what the Christian Church has always taught. In the book Why I Believe, Gouwens, in the second chapter, gives his answer to the question, "Why do I believe in Christ?" He says: "Be- fore we can state why we believe in Christ we must say what we believe about Him. A full statement here obviously involves a larger task than we have time to undertake in this discussion. But we may summarize our faith in a sentence or two. When we speak of belief in Christ, we mean that in Him we see what God is and what man may become. We mean further that through Him, through His teachings, His sufferings, His death, and His abiding spirit, we are lifted above sin, protected from spiritual harm, inspired to noble effort, and exalted to the coveted ex- perience of peace and joy which only fellowship with God can give." And in the closing paragraph of the chapter he sums up as follows: "And all that we have been saying may be summed up in the one unquestionable and finally convincing statement that He saves us. You know the fear, the doubt, the sorrow, the weakness, and the sin which drag you down; and you know, if you have been sincere in your allegiance, that Christ, and Christ alone, can lift you up and sustain you with the certainty of abundant and eternal life. We believe in Jesus Christ because He went to the farthest limit of sacrifice and suffered death on the cross for our eternal good." That is as close as Gouwens gets to Christ. The entire chapter does not contain one clear, unmistakable statement that Christ, the eternal Son of God, very God of very God, became man and put Him- self under the Law and suffered and died in the sinner's stead and thus, by fulfilling the Law and suffering the sinner's punishment, became the world's only Savior, whom man apprehends by faith, which is wrought in the heart by the Holy Spirit through the Gospel. In the chapter "Why I believe in the Bible," Gouwens says: "We are not trying to defend the view that there is no evidence of human cooperation in the composition of the Bible, that the text is perfect, that one may dip in anywhere and find teaching which harmonizes with the Sermon on the Mount, and that there are no mistakes in it. When we say we believe in the Bible, we do not mean that we believe it was dictated word for word by the Holy Ghost and preserved without error through the centuries. Nor do we mean that the book was meant to be used as an authority in the realms of science and history. When we speak of the Bible, we speak of the world's supreme book of religion. . .. Since the 76 Book Review. - 2itetatut. Book is not designed to give information on science, we need not reject it on account of its primitive views of the universe. Since the Bible repre- sents growth, it is inevitable that it should have in it some crude notions of morality. Nor need our confidence in the book as our reliable guide to God and life be shaken by the fact that errors have been found in it." These few quotations characterize the book. J. H. C. FRITZ. :tlie &ottei:lftimme im menfdjen~er3'en. l80n D r. Sj e in t i dj ~ n g e 1. ~bolf~ .felein~l8etlag, l3ei,p3ig, 1930. 52 6eiten 6 X 9. ~teill: M. 1.50. :rlet :titel biefelllBudjell mitb bom l8etfaffer felbet nii~er erUiirt: lI~ullf,prildje griedjifdjer unb riimifdjer 6djriftfteUet aIll ,Beugniffe aull bem ~eibnifdjen ~ltertum filr emig unmanbel'bate Wa~r~eiten.1I ,Bur ~~araUerifierung bell lBudjell miire etma 'oicll 3U fagen. Wit Ieben im ,Beitalter 'oer bergleidjen'oen ffi:eligionllmiffen~ fdjaft. :rliefe lBemegung ~at amei 6eiten: l.~nedennung 'oer @ieidjberedjtigung aUer ffi:eligionelt, 1nH. 'oer djtiftlidjenj 2. ~nna~me, 'oa~ ~ei'onifdje ~~ilofo,p~ie borbereitenb aUf ball ~~tiftentum gemitU ~abe. :rliell lBudj f djeint 3U 'oer letten @attung au ge~iiren. ~ll fil~rt 'Die ,Beugniffe aull ben berfdjiebenen ~ei'ontfdjen .felaffitem aUfammen mit ben 6djriftfteUen auf, bon 'oenen 'oer l8erfaffet meint, 'oa~ fie ,paraUel feien, mall natilrlidj eine l8etmifdjung bon abfoluter un'o relatiber !!Ba~t~eit bebeutet. :rler Sjeibe bermag feine Unfii9igteit in geiftHdjen :rlingen un'o 'Die Un3uliingHdjteit feinet ffi:eligion einigerma~en 3U edennen, nidjt aber ben !!Beg Bur ma9ren @!ildfeligteit au fin'oen. Untet feinen Umftiin'oen tann irgen'oeine falfdje ffi:eligion aIll borbereiten'o aUf ball ~bangelium be3eidjnet merben. OV c%"aml ""ro"al, 1 .feor. 2, 14. ~. ~ . .fe t e t man n. Das Ende des Idealismus im Zeitalter Bismarcks. Von Wilhelm Luetgert. XIV und 480 Seiten 7X9%,. 1930. C. Bertelsmann, Guetersloh. Price, M. 18. Luetgert is a philosopher of history, who is now teaching in the theo- logical faculty of the University of Berlin. To find a German book written in a comprehensible style - readily comprehensible to those who have not grown up with the strange vocabulary and new idioms of modern German - is a rare thing. To find a German university Professor, a philosopher, even a theologian, who does not only avoid the stilted, marinated, arti- ficial German which now prevails in scientific and religious literature as well as in fiction and journalism, is an experience that comes only once in a decade. Luetgert's Ende des Idealismus is written in pellucid German, its style is simple and natural although the author discusses so difficult a subject as the changing thought-patterns that characterize the history of the German mind during the age of 1820--1870 and the spiritual and political upheavals which resulted from these changing attitudes. The Awakening, the conflict between the empire and Romanism, Socialism, the decline of Classicism, Darwinism and Nietzsche, pessimism and naturalism, all are treated with a fulness of information, sureness of touch, and clarity of style which makes the reading of the book a delight. The decline of Idealism is traced through a number of clearly defined stages. The theology of the Awakening was a sister of idealistic philosophy. Luetgert recognizes the antagonism of idealistic theology to the Reforma- tion. He traces both, the idealism of the philosophers and the theology of the Awakening, to mysticism as their common religious ground (p. 382) . Book Review. - £iterntur. 77 If the Awakening led to the downfall of Idealism, it was because "on one point the theologians of this movement were in agreement with the Refor- mation: the inability of human reason to know and love God. They per- ceived in idealistic philosophy a self-consciousness which was not broken and humiliated by sin. If in Kant, conscience was first of all conscious- ness of duty, the theologians of the Awakening looked upon conscience as primarily a consciousness of guilt." Starting at this point, we finally reach the restoration of Orthodoxy in Philippi (pp. 383-385). Luetgert recognizes the folly of attempting to preach the Gospel in the light of source criticism and from the viewpoint of materialistic science (p. 76). He points out time and again the evils of the union of Church and State, which had to result either in entanglements with secular politics or in a hopeless conflict with the State. He points out the inability of the crit- ical theories to account for the fact that the worship of God in spirit and in truth developed out of the religion of Israel (p. 373). "Eliminating the miraculous from the life of Christ did more than simply remove that trait from the Christ portrait; His entire countenance changed and finally became unrecognizable. The deed disappeared from the life of Christ, and nothing remained but a speaker and his self-consciousness" (p. 375). It was an age in which under the pressure of materialism, rather of atheism, the higher circles of society became pessimists; the lower, Com- munists (p. 251). The dechristianization of the masses is explained as a result of state-church conditions. "The dependence of the Church and her government upon the State and therefore upon the changing politics deepened the distrust of the Church among the cultured and even more so among the lower classes of society, especially when the conflict with Socialism had arisen" (p. 440) . The K ulturkampf in the course of time lost much of its purely political character and served to lend aid to the antichurch elements in the German nation (p.84). The age was charac- terized by the dechristianization of the humanistic gymnasium. "Both the Christian and the classical interests were relegated to the background, and the result was a spiritless instruction, consisting mainly in the preparation for examinations, but leaving the heart and soul empty." We were reminded of the expressions heard from the lips of Dr. Stoeck- hardt and Dr. Krauss when reading Luetgert's description of the anti- christian and mammon-worshiping sentiment which developed in Germany after the smashing defeat of France in 1870. Luetgert quotes Stoecker: "Our present time is without belief" (p. 411). Theoretical and practical materialism prevailed. In 1876 no one contradicted the sentiment: "The German people to-day is the least churchly among the Protestant nations" (p. 413). Religion was discarded in favor of Bildung. Compulsory educa- tion and military training were glorified. "If the middle class had re- mained comparatively sound, it at this time constituted a layer of society, above it a glacier, under it a volcano, evermore thinning out under the frost from above and the hot crater from below" (p. 441). "How poorly prepared were the upper ten thousand for the coming catastrophe when in the upper circles of society and culture the principles of conduct had become so obscure! Christian faith had degenerated into a superficial optimism, which had to go to pieces in its contact with historic experiences" (p. 255). Really, materialism had never satisfied the people. Fontane is 78 Book Review. - ~iterntur. quoted: "The great tendency of the time is apostasy, but we are getting weary of it. The world was sickened by Haeckelism and thirsts for the restoration of the ideal" (p.430). "Pessimism was a necessary result of materialistic science. The world view became increasingly distempered as the God idea receded. After this light, which once had shown through the curtain of nature, had been extinguished, nature herself became dark, especially since with the belief in God also the hope of immortality dis- appeared" (p. 257). What we find wanting in the book is a call for the return of the nation to the principles of the Lutheran Reformation and to simple faith in the Word of God. THEODORE GRAEBNER. My Church and Others. A Summary of the Teachings of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as Distinguished from Those of Other Denomina- tions. Second edition. By John Theodor-e Mueller, Professor of Systematic Theology, Concordia Theologica.l Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Publisher: Rudolph Volkening, St. Louis, Mo. 88 pages, 5 X 7. Price, 75 cts. When this book first appeared, in 1926, it at once became popular, evidently supplying a real want. Thousands of copies were sold, and ex- pressions of satisfaction with the book came from ma.ny sides. Concerning the second edition the Foreword says: "For various reasons both the author and the publisher deemed it advisable to leave this little guide just as it appeared in its first edition. Only such changes as were neces- sary have been made, and all statistical matters have been revised up to date." Evidently the arrangement of the material in two large sections, one entitled "Doctrine," the other, "Description," has proved serviceable. For those who are not acquainted with the book we state that in the first part the author, when discussing a given doctrine, presents the teachings of the Scriptures and then submits the antithesis, mentioning the various church denominations which reject that particular doctrine of Holy Scrip- ture. The second part furnishes a brief history and other descriptive details with respect to the various denominations, their names being given in alphabetical order. The book truly contains multum in parvo. The presentation is always concise, brief, and simple. Altogether the work admirably serves its purpose of furnishing in small compass an authori- tative guide to one who wishes to obtain a correct view of the church- bodies surrounding us. W. ARNDT. ':Die etlnngclifdie W1iffhm in 9l.ie'ilerHin'ilifdi. ~n'ilien. mon D. ~ u Ii u ~ at i d) t e r. (IllUgemeine ~bnngelifdJe ~iffion~gefdJidJte, mnnb V, &jeft 1.) :tIrud nnb metlag bon ~. mettelSmann in @iiter~lo~. 1931. 167 6eiten 6%X9. ~rei~: M.5.50. :tier vefnnnte merfaffer, ber bon bie!en aill bie erfte ~iffionsnntodtat ber @egentlJatt angefe~en tlJitb, ~at fdJon bier grofle manbe feiuer "IllUgemeinen ~bangelifdJen ~iffions\lefdJidJteu erfdJeinen laffen: ,,~nbifdJe ~iffionsgefdJidJte", ,,~iffion nnb ~bangelifation im ,orient", ,,@efdJidJte ber ebangelifdJen ~iffion in Illfrifa", ,,:tIas illletben bet dJtifUidJen ~itdJe in ~~inn". :tIa~ tlJaten grofle, gefdJloffene ~iffionsgeViete, hie ein~eit1idJ ve~anbe1t tlJetben mnflten nnb fonnten. ~it bem fiinften manbe, bon bem nnn bas etfte &jeft bOtliegt, fte~t es ettlJas nnbetS. :tIa foU ve~anbelt tlJetben \}em~ nnb 6iibofblllfien, Illnfttalien, Illmetifa Book Review. - ~itetatut. 79 unb ~iebetliinbif ef)~~nbien. mei Dief en @ebieten ift Die ~bteHung in mefetungen angeaeigt, einmal weH Die ~nteteffentenfteife flit Die einaelnen @ebiete bielfaef) betfef)ieben finb, unb fobann, weH Die mtetatut 3um :teH fe!jt fef)wet 3U befef)affen ift unb boef) miiglief)ft boUftiinbig betatbeitet wetben foU. ~Ut butef) einen ,su~ fef)u)l bon feiten bet ,,~otgemeinfef)aft flit Die beutfef)e lilliffenfef)aft" ift Die :tItUcf~ Iegung etmiiglief)t wotben. :tIa~ botHegenbe &'deft bef)anbeU nun, wie fef)on bet :titel angibt, bie betfef)iebenenillliffionen in ~iebetliinDifef)~~nDien aUf ~aba, 6umatta, ~ias, momeo, \relebes, ~euguinea ufw. :tIet metfaffet beginnt mit bet vottugiefifef)~fat!jolifef)en illliffion in jenem @ebiete, fef)Hbett bie !joUiinDifef)e ~o{onialmiffion unb bann befonbets Die IJJUffionsatoeit im neun3e!jnten ~a!jt~ !junbett bis aUf bie @egenwatt. ~m 6ef)luffe finbet fief) eine 6tatiftU unb ein ~amen~ unb 6aef)tegiftet, wobutef) bet lillett bes muef)es et!jii!jt witb. ~iemanb, bet tiefet in Die illliffionsgefef)ief)te einbtingen will, witb an biefen umfaffenben lilleden botlibetge!jen fiinnen. R 1:Y li t b tin get. Hymns in Human Experience. By Wm. J. Hart. 221 pages, 5X7. Harper & Brothers, Publishers, New York. Price, $2.00. From year to year there seems to be a growing interest in the hymns of the Ohristian Ohurch, and publishers are issuing a goodly number of books that treat their origin and history. This newest volume brings stories about nearly one hundred and fifty hymns. They are grouped under the following heads: I. A Singing Faith. II. Songs in the Night. III. Hymns Mothers Loved. IV. When Preachers Sing. V. Songs of Sol- diers. VI. Heard within Prison Walls. VII. The Music of Submerged Lives. VIII. Songs of Salvation. IX. "The Old Rugged Oross." X. Hymns of Youth. XI. Hymns as Prayers. XII. Songs of the Negroes. XIII. Ohrist- mas and Easter Melodies. XIV. Funeral Music. XV. Hymns on Patriotic Occasions. Our pastors will find this a handy volume because of the illus- trative material for sermons and addresses which it offers. W. G. POLACK. Books Received. ~ G:ingegangene 2itcxatuf. Boulton, Pieroe &; 00., Ohioago:- Strategy in Handling People. By EwiJng T. Webb and John J. B. Morgan, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Northwestern Univer- sity. 260 pages, 5% X 9. Price, $3.00. Oonoordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo.:- m:merifllnifdjet ~Ilrenbet fut beutfdje 2utijetlluet auf bll~ ~Ilijt 1932. 162 6eiten. ~teis: 15 \riS. Lutheran Annual, 1932. 162 pages. Price, 15 cts. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Convention of the Oregon and Washington District. Vol. 1931, No.5. 56 pages. Price, 33 cts. Doctrinal essays: "The Missionary Activities as Recorded in the Acts, Models for Present-day Mission-work," by Pastor H. Engelbrecht; Die Be- deutung der Augsburgisohen Kontesswn tuer die Gegenwart, by Pastor J. A. Rimbach. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Convention of the California and Nevada District. Vol. 1931, No.7. 56 pages. Price, 21 cts. Doc- trinal essay: "Some Lessons of the Ante-Nicene Age," by Prof. P. E. Kretz- mann, D. D. 80 Book Review. - 2tteratur. !B~ijllnblnngen b~ llifJti\-eijnten ~Ilijre~beffllmmlnng be~ ~tld='l)iftrift~. ~a~rgang 1931, !nt.8. 74 6etten. fI,lrei~: 17 (U~. !Referat: ,,1)er aifJte lllrtifel ber oRonforbienformef, ,mon ber fI,lerfon (,l;~dftir." !Refetent: fI,lrof. ~~eo. 2/itfifJ. !Betijllnblnngen b'er bi~nnbbreifiigften ~Ilijre~b~fllmmlnng be~ 6iUt. !IDi~confin='l)iftrift~. ~a~rgang 1931, !nr. 6. 93 6eiten. fI,lrei~: 18 (,l;tg. lRe. ferate: ,,'!illarum ~arten tuir trot a!fer trottfifJdtte nnb mer/inberungen feft an bem aHen ~bangenum1" !Referent: P. @. oRanieb. "True Happiness." !Re. fetent: P. oR. !illebe!. ~o~annd ~ettmann, ,8tuic'fau, 6aifJfen: ~bllngelififJ=~ntijetififJet ~lluMrennb=~lllenb~. 1932. megrUnbet bon D. O. !ill t 11 f 0 m m. metlin=,8e~lenborf. 48. ~a~rgang. !!JUt ~ttelbilb bon III 1 b r e ifJ t 1) U ret. 96 6eiten 5%X8%. fI,lret~: 20 (,l;t~. Gasa Publioadora Gonoordia, fI,l 0 r t 0 III 1 e g r e, m r aft 1 i en: ~ntijerl'llrenb~ fiir 6iibllmetifll. 1932. lllifJter ~a~rgang. 164 6eiten 6X9. fI,lrei~: 15 (,l;g. 6ifJtiften be~ metein~ fUr !Reformation~gefifJiifJte. !D1.~ein. fiu~' !naifJfolger, ~ger & 6ieber~, 2eit>aig: ~a~rgang 45, ~eft 2: ;tIie !!lnfiinge b~ ebnngelififJen l8efenntni~IiUbnnll lii~ 1529/30. mortrag, ge~aHen bon ~ a n ~ bon 6 ifJ u bet t. 39 6eiten 6X9. fI,lrei~: M. 1.50. - ~a~rgang 45, ~eft 3: 'l)~ mciifJ~tllg bon !!lng~lintll im gnfllmmenijllng b~ !Refotmlltton~gefifJiifJte. mortrag bon ~ a n ~ bon 6 ifJ u b e r t. 36 6eiten. fI,ltei~: M. 1.50. ~a~rgang 47, ~eft 1: ;tIie QlefifJiifJte be~ 511evtet mciifJ~tllll~ 1529. mon ~ 0 ~ ann e ~ oR U ~ n. 267 6eiten. fI,lrei~: M. 6.80. ~a~rgang 48, ~eft 2: ;tI~ !l!roteftllntt~md in 5tci~llrl' im gcitnlt~ ber !Refotmlltion unb Qlegenrefotmlltion. mon D. theoI. fI,l a u 1 1). e b i c. 174 6etten. fI,lret~: M. 4.40. Ill. 1)etifJertfifJe metlagHuifJ~anblung, 2eit>aig: 'l)1l~ !l!rolilem b~ Qlotte~erl'enntni~ in b~ !Religion~t>ijUofot>ijie WlIlX 5ifJeler~. mon Lie. Dr. ~ 0 ~ ann e ~ ~ e be r. 106 6eiten 5% X8%. fI,ltei~: M.5. Please Take Notice. Kindly consult the address label on this paper to ascertain whether your subscription has expired or will soon expire. "Jan 32" on the label means that your subscription has ex- pired. Please pay your agent or the Publisher promptly in order to avoid interruption of service. It takes about two weeks before the address label can show change of address or acknowledgment of remittance. When paying your subscription, please mention name of pub- lication desired and exact name and address (both old and new, if change of address is requested). CONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo.