Full Text for Advent and Lent "Closed Seasons?" (Text)

Qrnutnrbitt m4tnlngitttl ilnutllly L£HR.E UNO WE.HIlE MAG1.ZtN PtJEIl EV.FLUTl-L HOMlLETlK T HEOLOGIC.\l QUARTERLy.T HEOLOGlCAL MONTHLY Vol. XU April, 1941 No.4 CONTENTS r ... Verbal Ift"}ll ro.tJon _ a Smmbllo" B1f:ock to the Je_ and Foollt.llbt'S& 10 tlIe Gnl('.lai. n. Eft.e1du !41 .4.dvt'ot IU1d LeDt "Clo.sed SeIl$Ons"? .', At., Koltb Sermon Study for Good. Frid.~. Z Cor. 6:1 J·21. Tb. t.af-tKlI Outline!! OD the Wllerltembert Gos.P81 Se!edions , .. '" ,.. '09 ... ,IS Ei.D. Pred.itu m,* mcl:rot IIl.l.r:!D ~d­ ciao. ,,'10 ~ 1:1' da ~ u:rtez,. .. ,~ 11. 1"WhW Qu1.1'\en .,u_ lid', 1'1""11 ·.c·.d..~1 .s.aWocl· fal ttc.1i,..,., d.IIIt Ib d.W~. nlc:ht ~ un.!.rut h!.Oa Lett.~ TK_ £II 1st bin DIna. d.u di, Leute meln' bel der lUt'ehe boI' _ eU d. tu'\ ~ m!' Pred.:t' - "pol< gk, Arl-:!l U the trumpet a\Te an ~n ten ",,4 lrftUnL ~ftI_ ..""',, wtln IbJoU f'"1>U' If L _ _ ... - tho h,ittl",' _ lCor.J(,1 Pubtidlcd for the Ev. Luth. S1'Qod of Miaouri. Ohio, Qd Other SbI .... CONCORDIA PDBLJ