Full Text for CTM Theological Observer 1-5 (Text)

Q!nurnrbiu on man oiillljer nidjt~ gewuf:lt !jaDe. Si'l~ iei bie ~ufgabe bet IIljrij'ten, .2ieoe in bie ~futfet ber .!lnenfdjen au btingen, ba!S fotbete ~bbent bon iljnen." Si'lie ,,~teilitdje" bemerft !jier5U: "~rme1J, betrogene1J llMf, ba1J foldjen Unglauoen anljoten mUB, bem IIljti~, bie ewige imaljtljeit, mill Xtfutmer ljingefieI1t witD, ben ba!S Uricil tteffc, et !jabe fid) getfutfdjt, er gabe geb:aumtl ~rme~ moll, bem aIle IIljriftenljoffnung geraubt witb unb ba~ in iiuf;eren .2iwdlweden b~ imefen be~ ~ljrifientum1J fudjen foIl!" ~bet walum gebtaudjt bieret mobetniftifdje ~ambUtget ~aj':tot iibet!jaupt nodj ~!jtifti imoti, wenn ~riftw nidjt~ anbete1J aU ein ~rii:umer unb fein ~oti nidjt£l anbere£l alB bie teinfie Unwaljr!jeit gewefen ift? \En ftader !Sewew filr bie imaqtljeit unb @ottUdjfeit ber @Jdjrift neg! getabe barin, bat; bie .llnobetniften nidjt ogne fie fetiig werben fonnen. ~. ~ . .!In. ,,;£ler 9leidjillerlianb be1dfdjer elIangefifdjer edjldgemeinben" fagte cine metfammrung filt ben 5. bi~ 7. ~ptiI 19BO an. ~ ber @iin!abung ljeif:lt e~ in bet "Si'leutfdjen .2e!jutaeitung" u. a.: n@Jollunfet beutfdjeB mou in biefer 8eit innerct unb futBetet Wot nidjt augrunbe ge!jen, fo rout e~ am:iiclfe!jten au ben Ouellen feinet aUen Sb:afl;: @oite~futdjt unb ~atetIan~nebe. Si'lie teine Ouelle wa~tet @ottc0futdjt ift abet bie Dffenliarung @ott~ in feinem eingebotnen €logne, unferm qodjgeIobten ~@ittn unb ~eifanb ~@ifu~ ~ljtiftw, bem ~nfiinget unb ~ollenbet unfet~ @J!auoenill, in bem alIein b~ ~eil fut jebe .llnenfdjenfee!e unb audj filt bie ~oIlet bet @itbe au finben ift. ~n bem gotimenfdjridjen @irWfet, bem gegwen ift aUe @ewart im ~immer unb aUf @irben, entfdjeibet fidj audj baB enbIidje @:ldjitfj'at unfetill armen, geplag!en, tief gebemiitigten beutfdjen ~oUeB. @Joll abet djtij'tlidjer @J!auVe unb djrift~ lidje @Jiite unfetm beutfdjen moue etgalten bIeiben, fo mUf3 bot alIen Si'lingen nadj .llnogIidjfeif filt waljtqaft ~tiftridje ~ugenbet3ie!jung in ~a~ unb @)djule @:lotge gettagen wetben. Si'la~ ift 8ie! unb ~ufgabe allet, bie igten ~@ittn unb ~eHanb unb unfet moIl liwgaben. ~ bettadjten wit a!~ bie botneljmfte .llnifiion unfetet ebangeIifdjen @JdjuIgemeinbebewegung .... Unge~eUteB @ilenb, Wot unb 6Hnbe ift fibet ~oIl uub matedanb !jeteinge" btodjen. Si'let Unglaube et~ebi fdjamloB fein ~aupt. 1)et ~ampf awifdjen .2idjt unb ~inftetnisil, bem @ibangeIirun bon ~@ifusll ~tiftusll unb bet wibet" djtiftIidjen mobetnen imeltanfdjauung, witb gana befonbetB auf bem @Jdjur" gebiei butdjgefiimpft wetben muffen. @etteu bem @itoe unfetet ~iitet gat bet lJteidjsilbetbanb beutfdjet ebangeIifdjet @JdjuIgemeinben ~ !Sannet besll Sh:euae~ aufgepf{anat unb liimpft im @Jeifte beB bibHfdj-reformatorifdjen ~tiftentu~ nadj .llnaflgabe feintt Sb:afJ; unb @irfenntnw run ,bie @Jdjule mit bet !Swel' filt unfet ~oU. ~n feinet i~igen @Jej'ta!tung Degegt et in biefem ~agte fein aeljnt~ ~aljte~fej't. ~n ben @Jtiitmen bet lJtebolution mit all iljten tiefgreifenben UmwaIanngen beffanb bie alIetgriif:\te @efaqr, baf3 unferm ~oUe bie djtij'tIidje 6djule genommen wutbe; fie au bannen, wutben in faft allen Xeilen unfetsil matetIanbesil, aunadjft in lJtljeinlanb unb imeftfalen, ebangelifdje @Jdjulgemeinben bOn bet ~!tetnfdjaft im ~uube mit bet gIeidj~ gefinnten .2el}tetfdjaft insll .2eben gerufen. Si'liefe @Jdjulgemeinben fdjIoffen fidj am 4. ~ebtuar 1920 anm metbanbe ebangeIifdjet 6djuIgemfinben unb l@iltetn_ 25 886 Theological Observer. - aird)lid)~8eitgefd)id)tlid)e~. bereinigungen aufammen. 9iw hiefem ~etbanbe ift bann in bet lutaen 8eH bon aeqn ~agren im !Ragmen bei3 aUen ,\)auptbetbanbei3 beutfd}er eban- geHfd}ell 6d}uIgemeinben unb @Uernbereinigungen, 2egrer. unb 2egterinnen- beteine unfet groner !Reid}i3berbanb ebangeHfd}et 6d}ulgemeinben mit bie!en ,\)unberlcn bon Drii3gruppen uub Unierberofutben entftanben, bet nun in ben 5ragen bom 5. bi~ gum 7. ~prir eine mad}tbolle Shtnbgebung fUr bie @?,d}ule mit bet ~ibeI an bem Drt feiner &tunbung au beranftaUen gebenft. . .. @ban- gelifdje trijriften, ebangeIifd}e 2eqter, ebangeHfd}e mater unb IDlutter, beaeugt cure 2iebe aur ~ugenb unb au bem @'irbc ber mater im srampf fUr bie tnagr. gaft d}riftlid}e 6d}ule, inbem il}r eud} an bet: ~ubHaum~tagrmg bei3 !Reid}i3. berbanbei3 beut]d}er ebangeIifd}er 6d}uIgemeiuben aaglreid} beteHigt\ @i3 foU arre~ gcfdjel}en, eudj ben ~ufentqaIt in ber neuen 6tabt )lli'uppertaI burdj &aftfreunbfdjaft au erIeid}tern unb leqrreid} unb angenegm au geftaIten. ~er ,\)@lrr, unfcr &ott, aber gefie andj au biefer 5ragung fcinen 6egen, aur @lgre feinei3 grof:jen ~amenj, aum ,\)eile unferer ~ugenb, unferer @Sdjule unb srirdje, unferi morfei3 unb materIanbei3\" - morf!eqenbei3 ift fid}erIidj gut gemeint uub tnirb audj mandjen @Itern au ciner IDlaljnung tnerben, iqre srinber nidjt ogJ[e Unterria,t in &ottej )lli'ort unb d}rif!Iidje 8ud}t anftnadjfen au laffen. ~er baj angeftrebte 8id, "bit tooljrljaft djriftlidje 6djule", tnitb erf! bann erreidjt merben, tnenn bie djriftlidjen ,,6djulgemeiuben" fidj au djriftIidjen Ddilgemeinben enttniifeln, bie bereH finb, in freifitdjIidjet mer$ liinbung, roie fUr bie ~uilbilbung bon tnagrgaft djriftHdjen llJaftoren, fo andj fUr bie ~Ui!oiIbung bon coenfo befdjaffenen 2eljrern au lorgen. ~udj bef rooqlmeinenben djrif!Hdjen 2eqrern finb bie i8egriffe ubet bie &eftaltung bej djriftIidjen 6d}ufunterridjtil bieffadj nodj ungeffiirt. 8u berfelben ~ummer ber "~eutfd}en 2egtet8eitung" fdjreibt jemanb: ,,~ai3 ~eutfdjtum tnirb im IDlitteIpunft ber @lr1lieljung au f!eljen gaben, beutfdje srurturgilter tnirb fie ben 6d}iiIern in eriter mnie au geben l}aben, bamit beutfdje ~ilngnnge nub beutfdje IDliibdjen ljerangebUbet roerben." ~ai3 Iief:je fid} tedjt berfteljen. @line ~ugenbet3ieljung, bie nidjt and} bie nationale &efinnnug I'fIegt, ift tin mergegen gegen gottIidje unb menfdjIidje Drbuung. ~er ber mebafteur ber ,,~eutfdjen 2el}reraeitung" fUJirt fidj bodj mit !Redjt beranlaf:jt, in einer ~unnote bie i8emerfungJiinau6ufUgen: ,,~n unfern ebangeIifdjen i8efenmnw .. fdjulen muf:j fellif!berftiinbIidj bail @l ban g e r i u m bie 8entralfonne fein; baburdj tnirb bie tnagtgaft beutfdje @raieljung nur bertieft unb gefOrbed tnerben. " ~ail ttiff! andj in beaug auf unfete amerifanifdjen 6djulberqan" niffe au. )lli'ir tnerben nur bann "tnagrljaft amerHaniidje ~ilnglinge uub IDllibdjen" er1lieljen, tnenn luir liei ber @ltiliegung "bai3 @lbangeIium bie 8entraIfonne" fein Ia;ffen. )lli'ir begaupten baqer mit medji, ban unfere djrift .. lid}en @emeinbefdjulen nidjt nur fUr bie srirdje, fonbern aua, fUt ben 6taat ein @Segen finb. ~. 1lJ. Recent Oalumny Against Luther. - In a copyrighted article the Protestant writes the following about a. "new calumny against Luther": "The hatred of Martin Luther which has rankled four hundred years in the hearts of the Popes and their enthroned hierarchy has expressed itself not only in deeds of persecution and massacre of his followers, but in enough libels to load many freight-trains. The favorite defamatory in- vention peddled by the Church of Rome against the Reformer in recent years has been the assertion that he broke a.way from papal authority because he wished to marry. That a. man would not be permitted, without leaving the Roma.n Church, to do that which the Papacy says Jesus Christ made a sacrament is certainly no credit to that Church. "But now comes the TaoZet, diocesa.n organ of the Roman archbishop enthroned in Brooklyn, with an explanation of Luther's incentive for washing his hands of popery which is entirely new. It abandons the libel that has recently been so overworked and substitutes the declaration that it was jealousy because the loca.! archbishop of Rome had choseu Johann Tetzel instead of Luther to sell indulgences in Germany. The harshness of the language in which that averment is expressed contrasts stra.ngely with the ceaseless Roman Ca,tholic prating about toleration. Answering a question as to why Luther left the Church of Rome, the Brooklyn paper said on January 11: 'The reason commonly adva.nced by historians for his defection from the Church and his terrible tirade against her was the fact that Archbishop Albert of Brandenburg had selected Tetzel, a Domin- ican, rather than him, to spread the doctrine of indulgences in Germany on the occasion of the building of the great St. Peter's at Rome. His anger was so intense, his envy so fierce, that he i=ediately began to a.ttack the nature and doctrine of indulgences and later on practica.1ly everything that was near and dear to the heart of every Catholic.' "That members and agents of an institution which thus tramples on well·authenticated facts are permitted to occupy history chairs in many of our colleges and universities is tragic. . •. When the vena.1ity then gathering the wealth of the world into the papal coffers resorted to the device of selling indulgences to co=it monstrous sins, Luther was appa.1led at the brazen performance. To say that he sought, or would have accepted, authority to engage in that ungodly traffic is impudently false. There is nowhere a shred of evidence in support of that wanton libel. On the other hand, in his capa.city as a priest he received Roman Catholics in the con- fessional who boldly declined to express penitence for their sins. On his refusal to absolve them, they produced their indulgences, which they re- garded as removing the necessity of absolution. • .. It was this nefarious traffic and his personal observa,tions in Rome that shook the honest and heroic Luther and drove him to face in open revolt the ecclesiastiea.l despotism that had burned John Huss and Jerome of Prague at the stake a.t the Council of Conata.nce for such revolt. It does not lie in the mouth of Roman prelates a.nd their diocesan organs now to ma.1igu the memory of Luther, who escaped their vengeance only by the quick a.nd adroit action of friends who seized and hid him in Wartburg Castle. Unarmed and helpless except for the divine protection, he concluded his defense before the Diet of Worms in the words, 'Here I sta.nd. I cannot do otherwise. God help me.' "He was there as the exponent of Christian liberty. The most powerful and brutal autocracy in the history of the world was thirsting for his blood. His achievement brought also civil liberty. He laid the foundation of the democratic institutions that now cover most of the earth. He is one of the foremost heroes and benefactors of all the centuries. No papal ca.lumny, not all of them together, can sully his fame or dim the luster of his unique contribution to human welfare. Out of the Reforma.tion have arisen the ethics and law, the liberty and justice, the schools and governments, the ideals and aspirations, of the modern world. It marks 388 Theological Observer. - Ritd)ltd)<,geitqefd)id)tnd)d. the parting of the ways. It terminated the dark centuries of papal and imperial oppression. It turned men from popery to God. Its effects were carried across the Atlantic and swept into the New World. They measure the contrast of the United States with Latin America. No man since the Apostolic Age has so stirred and blessed mankind as Martin Luther. Time has not diminished his stature. In character and intellect and courage he towers immeasurably above all the Popes of Rome. He is an outstanding figure in the landscape of history." J. T. M. 1&0 bie Sfoie mot 'IleutfdtllluM fiegt. !!Bir Iefen in ber ,,~eutfdjen Eegreraeitung": "Ogne ,gweifer Hegen in ber ~nbufttia!ifierung ber IDlaffen fdjwere ftttlidje ®efagren; bie llrfadjen unferer reIigiiifen l8oIf~not aber fegen roil:: in bem l1:influffe be~ bOm moberneu IDlenfdjengeift begerrfdjten tgeofugifdjeu 2ilieral~mu~, ber bem l80Ife 6teine ftatt iBrot reidjt. !!Bo ®otte~ !!Bod rauter unb tein betfiinbet wirb, ba beroeift e~ fidj audj geute nodj aI~ eine ®otte~fraft, bie ba feHg madjt aIle, bie batan glauben." ~~ ift ein biilIig autreffenbe~ UdeiI. ~en "tljeologifdjen 2ilierali~m~" pflegen aber nidjt nut bie gemiiljnfidj fo genannten "Iibetalen ~eologeuH, fonbem audj bie unter Iutljerifdjem 9lamen geljenben ~eofugen, bie bie unfeljIbare giittridje ~utotitat ber 6djtift beftreiten unb be~ IDlenfdjen iBefeljrung unb 6eIigfeit nidjt alletn auf ®otte~ ®nabe, fonbern audj auf b~ menfdjIidje !!BogloerljaIten gtiinben. illiergaupt ljat fidj in unferer Seit etn irrefilljren. bet tljeofugifdjer 6pradjgebraudj get~gebilbet. !!Bir unferfdjeiben amifdjen "Iilietalen" unb "pofitiben" ~eologen in bem 6inne, ba:% mit bie "lweral" nenneu, weldje ~gefptodjenermaf\en ~ ber djriftridjen !Religion ein lj3t:o~ buff ber menfdjlidjen l8emunft madjen wollen, IOOgrenb wir foldjen ~eo. logen, bie nodj !reile bet djriftHdjen !Religion feftlja:rten roorren, b~ Ij3tiibifat "pofitio" betregen. met bie~ Ij3tiibifat fommt, genau gmbet, nur benen au, bie in allen 6tihfen bei bem brewen, ~ fin filr allema! in bet 6djrift gefe~t ift. ~et fidj malige babon erlaubt, treilit nidj! meljr "pofitioe", fonbern neg at i 0 e ~eofugie. ~a~feThe giIt bOn bem ~uBbrutf "fon. feffionelle ~eofugie". ~onfeffionelI.rutljerifdj finb nur bie ~eofugen, bie in i~rer tljeologifdjen l1:tfenniniB fo meit gefiltberl finb, ba:% fie bie Ee~re b~ Iutgerifdjen iBefenntniffeB alB fdjtiftgemiif) etlannt gaben unb tatfiidjIidj au Ieljren iInftanbe finb. 3'. ~. !monen lein llRitleih unb feine UntetftiU~utt9 tllIm .uflllttit. ~n bet II~' ~. E. ~." refen mit foIgenbeB liber ben "~emgen 6~nob" ber ruffifdj. gtiedjifdjen ~t:dje: II ~er ,t)eiHge 6t}Uob' proteftied gegen bUill ~infteten au~riinbifdjet ~riften filr bie beqolgten ~riften in !Ruf)Ianb. ~ie IDlit. gIiebet beB 6I:Jnob untet bem l8orf~ beB 6telIberlteterB beB $a:triardjen, beB }l)letropoliten @iergi~, Iegnen gtunbf~Iidj unb in auf)etotbentridj fdjatfer 3'orm aIle l8erfudje ab, 6djUi~ obet ~iIf~affionen anberBglliubiger ~irdjen" filI)ret au bulben, unb roerfen biefen - mit bem ~apfte an bet 6p~e bot, ba:% fie roeniget ben 6djuv untetbtiidter ~riften a~ poHtifdje SieIe, niimfidj bie ~ufteiaung au ~ntetoention unb Shieg gegen ben 6owietftaat, beaf!. fidjtigen. ~m iibrigeu fteIIt bie stunbgebung feft, ,baB bie jevtigen 3'iiljrer bet tuffifdjen ~rdje bie einaige IDliiglidjfeit au meiterer firdjlidjer ~tbeit in vollauf fu~aretftinftellung aum je\}igen 6taate feljen, baf) in !Ruf3fanb \lh:iefter unb ®Iaubige nidjt wegen reIigiiifet ftberaeugungen berfolgt werben. !!Bo !RepreffaIien bodamen, ganble e~ fidj um ftaat~feinbIidje ~artung ein~ aelner \lh:iefter, bie ja bei ber jagtelaugen offen en lJeinbfdjaft bet ~tdje Ilcllen ben neueu 6taat fefne~roellB fenen fef. ~nnerliaIb bet beftegenben @lefete rebe bie ~il;dje ungel)inbed. SHrdjenfdjlief3ungen erfolgten nidjt aul3 bet ~itiatibe btr 9'tegierung, ionbetn auf imunfdj ber j8ebiiIferung. SDet !jSrieftetnadjmudj~ metbe inbibibueU ~gebiIbet, ba iIlitteI fUr dne ~fabemie feljlen; abet im ganaen feien bie iIlittcI bet @lemeinben ~" teidJenb, bie ~tdje oljne ~riittbifdje Unterftii~ung ilU un±etl)aHen. SDie ~tdje fei natiitlidj butdJ ~ tafdje ~nmad)fen be~ ~±ljei~mu~ beunruQig±, fei abet be~ feften @lrauben~, baf3 ba~ giittridJe 2idjt nidjt bctidjminben, fon" bern feft in ben .i;>etaen mutadn met be' ." - ~al)tenb mit bie~ idJreiben, metbet eine SDepefdJe aui! 9'tuf)Ianb, baf3 bet .\Ineiropofitan 6ergiu£l megen feiner 6teUungnaqme fUt bie 6omie±tegierung in dnet ~itdJe tiitlidj ange" gtiffen unb befdJimpft motben ift. ~i! butften neue 6djtede~faenen folgen, menn bie mael)rid)t auf ~al)tl)eit beruqf. ~. ~. l!Bieberei.rtfiUjrung bell lWutterredjtll. ~m ,,~rieberulboten" fcl)reibt Dr. SDennett: ,,~iebeteinfUQrung beg .\Inutterredjt~ empfeqlen bie ~tan" aofen 9't. ~odjon, ~. be @litatbin, '!bam fomie bet 6djmeiact ~Ote!. 2eibet ftel)t e~ ia fo, baf) l)eutautage ,freie 2iebe' unb ~l)efdjeibungen immer meQt unb mdjt aUt ~ufliifung bet ~amilie a~ bet @lrunbIage bei! 6taate~ fUl)ten. SDa foU nun dne 9'teform bet ~amme qeIfen, niimlidJ tin 3utfrd" gel)en aUf ba£! iIlutierredjt ber Uraeit, bei bem bie .\Inuttet ba£I OberQa'l4lt bet ~amiIie roar. SDaburel) mirb bet f8atet befeitigt, ebenfo bet Untet" fdjieb amifdjen eqeliel)en unb uncQeIidjen Slinbetn, benn babutdJ mirb bie uneQcIidje iIluitetfdjaft el)renmeri. ~£I mirb ueQa'l4lte±, baf)iene Utaeit burdj ba£I iIlutterredjt cine 3eH be£! ~rieben£l unb ~oqrftanbe£! roar 0]; unb fo ed~offen bie genannttn iIlannet bllifeIbe aud} ijeute noel) bon bet l!BiebereinfUijrung be£l iIlutterred}t~. matudidj finb bie~ ijildjft gefaijdid)e ut.opien. .i;>elfen fann nut eine dQifdJ.reIigiiife ~iebergeburi unb be- rouBte~ ~tiftentum." SDer l~ten, gana ttJidjtigen j8emetfung lOnnte nod) QinaugefUgt metben, baf) e~ niemaI£I tin H.\Inutterred}t bet Uracit" gegeben Qat. madJ bem mofaifdjen 6djiipfung£lberidjt routbe 00£1 "f8aterredjt" gleid) am ~nfang bet iIlenfel)engefdJid}te etalHieri. SDa~ "iIlutterred)tH trat etfi fpiitet al£l ~oIge ber 6iinbe auf unb fanb fid) nut unter I1tteinaeHen f8oIf~" ftammen, abet immer al~ llJetberfion bet utfprungHdjen giittlidjen Otbnung. ~.~. ill. gUt ~er6tritung bet $i6el. .i;>ietiibcr beriel)tet bill} "SlirdjenbIatt" I aitierl in bet ,,2utij. ~h;dJenaeitungfl, mie foIgt: ,,~lle, bie @lotte~ 9'teidj in bet ~eibenmelt unb in bet .i;>eimat bauen miidjten, intereffierl gemif) bie auneijmenbe f8erbrettung ber j8ibeL f80n ber j8ritifdjen unb ~~riittbifdjen j8ibeIgef elIfel)aft ift im Ietlten ~aqre bie !BibeI miebet in ffrnfaeijn neuen 6ptadjen Qet~gegeoen motben. meuu biefet lllietfetlungen fallen auf ~frila, amei auf bie 6ilbfeeiufeln unb biet auf ~uropa. Uniet ben re~±eten ift audJ bie j8ibel in pIattbeutfel)er 6ptadJe. ~ie man oft gana munberbat fUr bie uberf ~te lai'6er f8etroenbung finbet, liemeift ba~ ~olgenbe: f80t bitIen ~aijren roar bon einem 9'tuffen, bet in feintr ~tbeit bon @leotge j8orrom unterjtiitlt murbe, eine ftlietfe\lung be~ meuen ~eftament£l in iIlanbfdJutifdj augeferligt uub bon bet !Btitifdjen laibeIgefellfdJaft gebtudt morben. @leorge j8otrom unb feine fYteunbe ijatten geqoffi, baf3 bie iIlanbfel)~, fall~ fie ~riften mutben, gana ~ina fUr ba~ ~riftentum geminnen tuiitben. mer feln einaige~ @t:empIar biefer lllierfe~ung murbe abgefe~t. ~e~t qat ein ~ina.~nIanb.iIliHionat in 3en±taIafien dne ~.ofunie bon 40,000 iIlan~ fel)~ gefunben unb bittet um iebe£l ~eftament in biefer 6prael)e, ba£I bie GJefeUfdjaft ~efi~t. @)o toot bie ~rlieit bodj nid}t tletgevcnia." ~. ~. ~. 390 !Bermifdjtdl unb aeitllefdjidjUidje lJll.lti3en. Australian and New Zealand Lutheran Periodicals. - The Au"s- traZian Lutheran calls attention to two Lutheran papers which, in spite of their humble and modest appearance, nevertheless proclaim and defend Luther's doctrine in important fields. It writes: "Our brethren in New Zealand have commenced the publication of a church-paper in the interest of their work. It bears the title Defender of the Faith. Pastor H. Bruhn is the editor. The paper is printed in pamphlet form and is artistically got up. Its contents are principally a defense of the Bible aga.inst Mod- ernism." - Of the second paper it says: "Few of our readers will know that there is a newspaper bearing this name [Kri8tarinja Welanbarln;aka Pepa] published in South Australia, or, to be more exaet, in the Northern Territory. It is the first Lutheran periodical to be published for the Australian aboriginals. Pastor Albrecht, of the Hermannsburg mission- station in Central Australia, is the editor and the printer, the 'printing' being done on a duplicator." J. T.lL The Ohinese Bible Society. In spite of the turmoils of war and the confusion of political unrest, Christians in China found time to or- ganize a Chinese Bible Society. The Sunday-school Times reports: "In the spring of 1921, during the dark days of the Communist uprising, when the land was racked from end to end, a number of Chinese met and or- ganized a Chinese Bible SOCiety. They had a good precedent, for it was in the dark times of the Napoleonic wars that the British and Foreign Bible Society was founded. Their immediate purpose was to direct and extend colportage of the Scriptures in the two Kwang provinces, Kwang- tung and Kwangsi, and to stimUlate Chinese Christians to more active support of the Bible work. This South China Bible Society has enrolled five hundred sustaining members and is stirring the churches to the ob- serVll.tion of Bible Sunday. On October 20, 1928, the first annual Bible Society meeting was held in Canton. It is a little plantling from the point of view of finance, but it is planted, and that is the thing of first importance." J. T. M. stirdjengemcinfdjllften in lSiibllfdfll. Ylaeg cinet Rnitteirung im "@lb ... iSutq. @Jemeinbeblatt" tuutben, Wie bet r~te 8enf$ naeglDeift, in 6iibafrlfa a$ einet !8ebaUetung bon 1,519,488 nut 3,203 ~etfonen botgefunben, IDelege erfIih:ten, baB fie Ieiner stirege angeqiirten. Uniet ben in 6iibafrifa bertretenen Sfiregengemeinfegafien tI.1eifen bie aeg! griif.l±en folgenbe @Jliebex .. aaq! auf: qolIiinbifege Sfiregen: 383,982; @lpiffopale: 294,026; Rnetqobiften: 102,771; ~xe~bl:)texianex: 74,999; Sl'atqoIifen: 61,246; iSutqeraner: 19,098; !8aptiften: 15,414; Sl'ongtegattonaIiffen: 10,598. stlemnaeg fteqen bie iSutge~ tqeranex in 6iibafrifa, naeg numerifeger 6tiirle gereegnet, an feegfter 6telle. ~.:t. Rn. !8eettbigU1tg einti etrcitei lIijne Uttillni~mlttl. ~ieciUier neriegtefe ~rafe~ ~. 2T. ~reu§5 bon bet YlotlDegifegen 6t]ttobe in einem ~aqxeibericgt, ber im neunten ~$gang tum "iS~xe unb meqte" (1863) in beutfeger ftbexf~ung uritgeteirt iff. $:la qeifjt d! 6. 276: "Yliegt Weniger gtOB ift bie !8annqeraigfeit, Welege @Jott unferer @Jemeinfegafi grabe in biefen 6ixeit"