Full Text for A Lutheran Response to the Christology and Natural Theology of the Papal Encyclical Dominus Iesus (Text)

LOGIA A JOURNAL OF LUTHERAN THEOLOGY REFORMATION 2001 VOLUME X. NUMBER 4 CONTENTS CORRESPONDENCE ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 ARTICLES A Lutheran Response to the Christology and Natural Theology of the Papal Encyclical Dominus Iesus Klaus Detlev Schulz ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 paschasius Radbertus and the Sacrifice of the Mass: A Medieval Antecedent to Augustana XXIV Travis D. Stolz .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Luther and the Mass: Justification and the Joint Declaration Daniel Preus .............................. ,............................................................................................................................................................. 13 Around the Throne They Stand: The Birth of a Hymn Daniel Preus and Jon D. Vieker ............................................. ~ ... ;;~:;,~." .. ''''.~.,.' ....................................................................... 21 The Imposition of Ashes: Roman Ceremony or Lutheran Confession? Jon D. Vieker .... ;...................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Andreas Osiander and the Fifth Chief Part Robert Hinckley ....................................................................................................................... .............................................................. 37 REVIEWS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 43 The First Epistle to the Corinthians. By Anthony Thistleton. Review by Peter Scaer The Synodical Conference: Ecumenical Endeavor. By Armin Schuetze. Review by Lawrence Rast Servant of the Word: The Life and Ministry of C. F. W Walther. By August R. Suelflow. Review by Todd A. Peperkorn BRIEFLY NOTED LOGIA FORUM .............................................................................................................................................................................. 47 A Perspective from Old Books • Ein' Feste Burg • Singing Ourselves out of Lutheranism Commending Pietism • Order Matters • Pop Music in Christian Worship Luther as Visitor • Ministers Identified • Proclaiming the Cross Do Not Lose Heart • Viva! to the Baptized ALSO THIS ISSUE Inklings by Jinl Wilson ........................................................................................................................................................................ 46 A Call for Manuscripts ............................................... ......................... ........................................................................................ ...... .... 62 Indices for Volumes VI through x Articles by Title ............................................................................................................................................................................... 55 Articles by Author .......................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Book Reviews by Title .................................................................................................................................................................... 59 Book Reviews by Author ............................................................................................................................................................... 63 LOGIA Forum .................................................................................................................................................................................. 67 LOGIA Journal Titles .............................................................................................................................................................................. 66 A Lutheran Response to the Christology and Natural Theology of the Papal Encyclical Dominus Iesus KLAUS DETLEV SCHULZ ~--------------------------~----------------------------- T HR punUCATION Of POPE JOHN PAUL u's encyclical unification. It is willing to make provisions for it under the , DomitllJ5 Iesus on September 5, :2000, created quite a stir in precincts of the Roman hierarchy, that is, an ecumenical and the Protestant world. There is no gainsaying its destructive worldwide recognition of a papal structure, which in the encyclical effect on the hopes of rapprochement entertained by many sup- Dominus Iesus is deceivingly proposed under a Christological porters of the Joint Declaration and of religious pluralism. mantle. Many Lutherans in America and Scandinavia, though dis- o>wering in the comer like a beaten dog, they look upon the gruntled for their own non-recognition as "churches in the proper encydkai as nothing but an acrimonious recourse to a pre- sense:' will find the declaration's positive view of some churches in Vatican II "imperial" claim of the Roman Catholic Church's hege- view of their apostolic succession and a valid eucharist at least .tnOny within the ecumenical and religious world. This claim was somewhat intriguing. To be sure, for the time being the sole 6rst officially passed by Pope Boniface VlU, in his bull De unitate beneficiaries of this positive appraisal are the Orthodox churches. e't pote.state Ecclesiae ( Ul1at1l Sanctmn) from 1302., which declared The Protestants, even those who claim apostolic succession, must unequivocally that "it is absolutely necessary for the salvatioIl..Q(~~~,.~ntcnd with the papal Bull Apostolicae Curae of 1896 in which all men that they submit to the Roman Pontiff:' '- pope1.eoxIIl declared that even its dosest Protestant affiliate, the Among ~Il these outcries are the appraisals of the encyclical Anglican Church, performs a rite of ordination that is defective in by concerned Lutherans, though far less in number and not as both form and intention. Without claiming infallibility in his pro- perspicuous. In their opinion the declaration casts a badly nouncement, Pope Leo XXII nonetheless considered it "definitively needed sobriety on the ecumenical discussion, which over the fixed, valid,and irrevocable." But here too there is stili hope that the years has lost much of its clarity and honesty on the issues pope might declare such a judgment of his pred~or as rustori ~ involved. Instead, a roverMup tactic had been employed that cally conditioned, being compelled by his o'Wll !