Full Text for The Place of the Luther Academy in Today's World (Text)

LOGIA A JOURNAL OF LUTHERAN THEOLOGY EPIPHANY 2000 VOLUME IX. NUMBER 1 CONTENTS ARTICLES Christology arId Femillism David P. Scaer .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 The Ordinatioll of Women and Feminist Theology Armin-Ernst Buchrucker .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 .............................................. i 27 The Trwufiguratio/J of Our Lord Kurt Reinhardt .......................................... .................................................................................................................................... 35 A Historicnl Perspective of Walther's Position 011 Church, Ministry, tmd Pclity John C. Wohlrabe Jr. .. ....................................................................................................................................................... , .......... 37 REVIEWS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 45 REVIEW ESSAY: Union with Christ: TIle New Fil1nish Interpretation of Lilt her. Edited by Braaten and Jenson Review by Andriy Honcharuk. The SpiritUlllity of the Cross: The Way of the First Evangelicals. Gene Edward Veith Let All the People Praise You: A Songbook Natural Church Development. Christian A. Schwarz A Passion for God's Reign: Theology, Christian reaming, and the Christial1 Self. Moltmanl1. Wolterstorff, Charry The Porvoo Statement and Declaration in Confessional Lutheran Perspective The FomlUla of Agreement itt Confessional Lutheran Perspective TIle Joim Dedaration 011 the Doctritle of Justification Justification and Rome. Robert Preus An Explanation of the History of the Sllffering and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Johann Gerhard BRIEFLY NOTED LOGIA FORUM .............................................................................................................................................................................. 57 Begin the Beguines • Feminist Theology • Piety and Equity • Where Technology Meets Theology The New Book of Concord • Bull of Indiction • Priestesses in the Church? Ersatz Hymns • Unavoidable Obligations • Three Miracles ALSO THIS ISSUE Hymn on Marriage by Chad L. Bird................................................................................................................................................ 7 A Call for Manuscripts .................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Inklings by Jim Wilson .................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Hymn on Confession & Absolution by Chad L. Bird .................................................................................................................... 36 I I I r \' I r I f I t I I I I I' I' ! I I ~ The Place of the Luther Academy in Today's World DANIEL PREUS 1N 1867 MY GREAT-GREAT-GRANDFATHER Herman Amberg Preus delivered a series of seven lectures in KIistiania (now Oslo), Norway, later printed in Gisle Johnson's Luthersk Kirketidende, to describe the conditions of the Norwegian Lutheran immigrants in America. At the time Herman Amberg Preus was the pastor of a Norwegian Lutheran church in Spring Prairie, Wisconsin, and the president of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church in ~----------------------- and "revivals" to be conducted Methodist-fashion in its congregations.2 After numerous other references to the unorthodox practice ram- pant in the Augustana Synod, Preus pointed to what he consid- ered one of the most serious problems of all. America (Den norsk-eVimgelisk-lutherske Kirke i Amerika), com- The synod and its pastoral conferences have not only refused monly known simply as the Norwegian Synod. In his lectures he forceful invitations on our part to meet jointly with us, but attempted to show the living conditions of Norwegian immigrants, they have even