Full Text for Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries: Witness, Mercy and Life Together in the City (Text)

CONTENTSVolume F;fleen, Num~rThree November 2011 FEATURES 4 Life Together-Gift By Rev. J. Bart Day The Office of National Mission is doing the work of "Home Mission."' The world is at our door. The challenges facing the church in our post-Christian culture can appear overwhelming. In Ihe face of such challenges, the church must stand ready to proclaim the Gospel boldly. Being a faithful Lutheran has never been more critical. 6 Experiencing Life Together in Christ By Rev. Brian D. IRoberts God 's people are uniquely empowered to model life together in Christ. Not only is Ihe church where we abide in community with Christ (Matthew 18:20), but we also abide in communi ty with one another (E phesians 2: 19). And then, we take thai power of life together in Christ into a world around us (Matthew 22:39)-a world parched for meaningful relationships (Isa iah 32:2). 9 Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries: Witness, Mercy and Life Together in the City By Rev. Joshua R. Gale Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries (PLM), the organization that has recently called me as their mission developer, is a Recognized Service Orga nization (RSO) of the LCMS, daring to pursue Witnes.·, Mercy and Life Together in the name of Christ into tbe Philadelphia metropolitan area. The project at my direction, known as the "NOItheast Pbilly Project." seeks to real ize this purpose through reaching out to the homeless in and around the city of Philadelphia. Also in this issue: What Does This Mean? .................p. 13 Called to Serve ... ....................p. 16 In the Field...........................p. 18 Dr. Lawrence Rast Installed as Concordia Theological Seminary's 16th President ... . p. 20 Certificate of Occupancy for Library Expansion Granted ..............p. 22 A Journal on the Summer Trips to Japan, Korea and Haiti .................p. 23 Profiles in Giving ......................p. 28 In the Word ..........................p. 30 3