Full Text for Homiletical Studies (Text)

CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY Wume 48. Number 4 Announcement .......................................- Authority in English Theology fmm the Oxford Movement ........................... to the hesent .John Stephenson 265 Jonathan Edwards: A Case of Medium-Message Conflict ..................... Klernet Preus 219 ...................................... Theological Observer .2W ....................................... Homiletical Studies .303 Homiletical Studies Markrecordslesus'~~"acdttied,arwhifhnoolrehrsmr~"whicb echotheddTestamentrequiremat(Nu 19:2;LltU:3)tk35DTJ.c1cd~rm- used animelz had to be seleuai. toJ~.Therewas~doatmtrtioamthesmis~&~poowhiEhksPssrt.The donkeywasregordedasideriortothe~Oalydreyedtdthamldscemksas tbeMessiah,tbeSooafD9vid,~sLciqe.~nsedfortheooh,thepsedil. tbefnatbatithadmbe~nre31~intbelowh/strtedksm~ tbepaopleM~~Him~tbe~dtbcLt8tb~(w25-n)& arepanofthegreat~imwedduriqgthedeastdtbe~dof~trba- oadswbeatbcpeoplewalkedannn~Itbealtarwith~oftheprlmmdorha trees(Lv23:40). "H~"istheAnrmicfamdthe~"~"mm~- ing: Help tbeSonofI)avid, my Hemcccd. Whilc~peojvk~Him u theSaviortbqtdidaotrefliLetbe~oftbeirownarords.Ihyaaega& ing Jesus as savereign in the kbgbn of tbeir drwms. Not cven the disciples Ilada- stood~thiags.YetJesps4cccpedtbishanqge. A. In meekness. 1. There was no myal pomp or disply wba He rodc idD kmsrlan. 2. Hecomestousintheloarfyappmingmursdgnceb~ustbrt Hedoesmtdespioeanyofus. a In omnisciarc. 1. HelolewwbercthedoakymdkcoltwaedarhsttbcasvaeruoPld say- 2. HelolcRvsmrysiturtioadmryperson,atsOusas~rerlly~ C. In br. 1. HehelpsusasodyGodcan~tbenameoftheIpld"). 2. Hedeliversusfranowsinseedlinme&maldestb. A. By acknowledging Him as our Savior. I. In repeatnace over our sins. 2. In reliance on His victory (symbdiEed by the palm brraches). R By serving Him as our King. 1. In willing obedience (v4). 2. By cbegfPl giviqg when "tbe Lml has need" (v 6). 3. WrthsOqgsofpraisc(v10). Tbedm isd ink originalsenseastbegladaewsofd~, tht glad news which Oells about kw Christ. In v 2 Mark mentions only Isaiah in~6nrm~OldT~,~thefirstpartofthequotationis6nrm Malachi.Mnlpchisaystbesamthiqglsaiahsays,butIsaiah~tbepredidion morccoacisdy(v3).Inv4thedMarkusesintbeGreek~preachingdenates ~ckarfyaaddistincdywhathissuperior,ininthiscase,hasordaed himto~rmouace. MarkaunmarizestbeBaptist'smssageas"abaptismoF~ bncef0rtbe~ofsim:'whicb~thatrbebaptismJobaproclaimefJ and& ~'~dwascamtcc&dwith~andresultedin~vencssInw 7 and 8 Jobn amomces tbe divine greatness d Jesus whose poarer exaded any- ~thepmplesaarmJoha.lahaisss~~mHim~He(~) is God's own Son. In v 8 the point is not that the Holy Spirit wari absent fnrm Joba's baptism but that tbe Messiah wdd bring a full outpouring of the Spirit (Ac 1:s). bmoduaion: Mark begins his Gospel by anmuwing: "The kghmhg of the gos- pel of Jesus Chist, tbe Son d God." A beginning suggests cmtinuation.'lbere is a senst in which the Gospel begins continually and tbercty makes possible aew be- Pinninapintbelivesofpeople. Wbecomeawareofthiscontirmal beginning ofthe Gospdwhen~ooeeMark'~emphasiS0n A. Tbe Gospel bepa with the fulfilling oB the pmpksy in Malachi 3:l aad Isaiah40.3~theworkofJobatbeBaptist. 1. John's wrk was to prepare people for Jesus by directing them to their oeed of repemao~e (V 2b-5b). 2. John'swrkrmstop~~lealsobypin~themtoJesusasthe God-sent !wior (v 7). 3. Joba's work was caniesl out ia the power of the Holy Spirit whose full outpouring dd come with Jesus (v 8b). B. Tbe Gospel begm anew in the ougoing fulfilling of prophesy comrniug the spirit's work. I. Forbstare, Joel2:28(placsdbyFHerinAds2:l7)isbeisgfptfilled today~mend~commcodsctwitbthe~Pbam Jesus the Savior. 2. ~Joel2:32(@byFHerinAds2:B)isbeiqg~b dq~pcopkcomtobdievemh(=hrist. 11. With preaching d pod aews. A.TheGospelbeganwiththepscachingofgoodaews~oa~ aessinJesnsChriPt. I. ChriPtealnedfo~iotusby~amplpamd~am sin (Mk 1:9ll). 2. Christseauedo9r~bysuf&riagddyingBorors. 3. christprovedoarfo%ivme9sby~fIom6romthe. B. The Gospel begins anew m the oogoing jwcd~@ dksos CbriQ 1. lEis~is~bythe ' ' '- ' gdbqCignbywhich Jerros and His kqkmess m brim@ b the iadividard (v 4). 2. Thispreaching,pmperhldoae,tocmsesmoatheprcrchgbotoathe iorgviag Savior (v 7b). ~isasessondin"'1~~orparadox.OorKimgbPs come ...yet, weawaitHisanival!Heavenisaus ... yet.~prcssontonuk itamown!"Seey~~Kiogcomestoyou,"~proclaimsthe~~ (mllemw,p. Il). Yet,readingfurtherfrrrmZech9:9~apwiththis ppradox: "humble and riding on an 8~s~'' - ~ahodox~hristianity'sh-~tbatreascnlserve~~~~ Deradaxical to the modern mid. The ratim Ex of Gn 3:6 DersomtKs 8 ccr- laindiscomfbrtweexperiencewhen~ourmindscaptixtoihe~ofGod. TheAdveatJIIandIVGospellessonspmvidethepreachgwitbncellentoppor- tnnities to eqgender a "n%mn-~-~" mhdsa within listeoers Jobn the BapCizer and the Vngin Mary are living, brtatfiin& fhhmMbd pasoaplrhes -. who Zustmte the trial and trinmphs (i-e. "kawgb the cross to the crown") of Ad- lent living. Please note the use of paradox in the following sermm titles md themes. Ra- I. Itis"nrbmrln(" my* 1. Som~bccnpectedbhntobeGod! (Jnk8,2tSZl,25;Ac 19:l-7) 2. Othgs cxpactad him to be - kisg d reirwluaatioa! (Jn 1:21, 25). RWlmt~d"gmatexpacrrcions"dowchdb?(Na&:Iierestressthe e.g. "I can't trtlieve inagodwhod.. ."oruMygodisagodwbo.. ." Zhdim: "Great expectltioos" meme dre cmtkm process. Mk create God in arr~bycJrpectiogHimtocOaemmtoourfedhgs,wtions,plans,etc.Gmat snedre-dbyJahn ... mdifserentisthe-realized inChristkaur(sceJnk~,Mt 11:ll).t3eatutour4keasonaMe"~ ... ~stillsnethe~actbnsdGodwhi&~our"~e" +qccmhm! n. Itis~"("byood~")toexlK!ctthe~! A. is byond IWSOlb 8 dPrtmed worid to exped Light (Jn 1:7, 9-11). 1. Yet,kspsChristamresadreLightBorall!(Jn k7) 2. krrusChristamresill~auli~~His~venessdlife! (Jn k4) R Itisbyoodre~sonforanuastaMeworldtoexpecrthe~! (Jn 1:l-Hen? tbeerymdogical and BiMical meaniqgofLogoscinbeutilked.) 1. Ykt,JesusCbristarmesasGod's~u~~I"mashiffing,uncerbtin d! (He 1:l-2) 2. ~~coms~thecerlaintyofGodmwoncertainlives. ~Wulgi~voicetothem#rtunexpec0ed, aotbof dl! (h 5:26Tbt "rmexpecceds" d their diman hen? with the aton@ death andE.caer~ofour~) Chcbim AremU~v beingfidWed?hhapsthehopesand ~weattachtoour~celebrationare~aarthybountiethetboqg ofouramliDgP~~saadal!TheGospelinAhRntteachesusto~theunex- w- Thoaw R. wer Boca Raton, Florida yiddrichrewrudsamirevealhowthistmst&~alileanma~lia~nnnedthe~e~wmer's ~ogy.IAltherwrites:"GodistheldnddLardwhodoes~butexahthose oflow degree aadplth the mighty fromtheirthrones, in short, break what iswhdeaadmakewbdewhatisbroken" (VA. 2l, p. 299). Luthcralso~ Ro12:l6aadlFe5:5mhelpfulparrrllelpassages. Tbt~s~ioflowlyaad~~~l~,theoordinaryaad~- dinq,btiq&pafie&~tothekuried,activity-ridden~~ Ckktmas. Gabriel's "no hrmYr shall be impassible" (v 37) aad Mary's "let it be tomeaccordingto)aurhmm(v 38)poiatthewaytoaurdigiousexperience"amidst thedof~1984.Preseng,~postage,aodpiouSplatitudesmust givewaytoa~aad~~listtningtoGal'sRmno. Theordinarybecomes extraordinery when God so dapm it. A study of the anmchtb episode can ~istusinbelugreceptivetosucbdesilgnations. htromcctirwr:Ajann&sthasW. "Afaaislikeasack . .. itonly staodswkn fiuedwithsomethiqg."Canauordinarylivs,harriedandrusbedwithpPChristmas preparation, be filled with extmordjnary aumhg-Tbc experience of Mary in our text answers with a nsounding "Yes!" Sbe shows us what bappems 11. Tbeordinnrybacane~wbmGod~ustolbceive~He carceivrs! A.lk~nists~rur€o~inthe~~(V34-Mary's~ mpPestion " sbccansoarjamdicddskeptical~mGod'8 m.1 1. W -' rwPnttoauoGodt~idooor~rrttie 4% 2. w " ?s~ooMineGoQ'sgi.occordiqgtoa~~ (Nort:Herc~beenappm@k~mexPlt~tbedogy.) R ~dthecxtnordinaryliesinanrdtimAr:d~(v38). 1. Ibecomiog~srescuemianinaBbrrwstheextnorQlrPry tmdsZorHispsqde(v37). - la@* 2. lkcOmiqgSnviorgivcsthe~arhichhllaurliwswith~mat- iog d His rescue mission (v 38). ~:DasGodstilltmnthe~idD~?~wrta,bmd dwine,arads,inabooL.&shPadWood ...tbesemedl~lhiqgsrnde extrrordintryby God. Chhiow Ibe Pqge] Gabriel's aoRis, "With God wthing shall be mpssibk" stinholdtmcm~l984.CaaGodfillaurordinaryliveswithHieampor- dilmlymesniqg?InJesrmChrist,theausweris "Yes!" ... $esedq,today,d I-: W haw agaiu heard with joy the -1 anmnure, 'for unto yo0 is bm this night . . . a savior amich is Christ the brd." "A savior*'. A simple, ~pofioundanmuncement. TheirmarnationofJesusChristse3inmotionthatgreec redenrptiverdofGod~~~tbefoundatioaoftbed.Jesas,hue God,~baaeofonrboaead~ofw&sb.HebeamesoliLeostbrt Hea~~smdetobesinhr~~sotbatwcmigbtbemadetbe ofGod inHim.Nowoodaucbmpicfkdoptbesoagoftbe~dechoedrrndreechad iteversinceitwas~suugtbrtfbt~Dy. We~intbedeaofGod'scorporaoerespoasetoGod'sammmamS. pnriqgto@kintbeonitydipith~makeom~inscmg.W~ withaIltbesaintsdGodprrrclumamSpkit~oldastamdirrgadcoaZeggwm ofGod'srevtlationofHimsdfradHissaviq~mrposesmtbegiftofHisSon. FnrmtbisCkkhms service wemwitgobackmmrydy liBe with hdutiesand rspaosibilitiesf ~adopportrmities.CentbesoagadBjqgoaf?Wlmt doestbean@s'~ofaSPviorkwetosaytotbe ' ofe-FkY liBe?Onrtextholdstaosuggestions.Inoufcxcitaaedtheyareusuallyoverloolad. Tbeyareindividualrespollses,oneofMerydoneof~shepherds.Lds~~d 1. Meamtot#p A. Tbe birth of Christ is m mutt of lrsting mambg. 1. Important~as~goesan,bearme~~and importmcmtis. 2. Tbebilthdksus~issofhaomutt. R haasaa~amrqgtbe'Wtbe~e~~thrtMeryLepioherhe9rt. 1. Sheumsaoed"thefpitWllmhd"wholoohtdadkmguihrtbe edtbeMesgth(Lk 1:28,4&59. 2. AmolrgYandlc3c~nsvere~rmpsoaloowrerres: a Tbe armormoanent of tbe rqgel Gabrid (Lk 1:26). b. Tbe visit d Etizrbah (Lk 139). c Tbevisitdtbesbephads.Tbesmytbqadddcmgdrnroama motq~~tbemsageoftk~sbirfb(w814). C Mary Lep dlc3c thisgs in her hesrc. 1. TbeMm-andprepariqgherBortbee(Wr2:35). 2.TbetimwnddcomearbmHeofwhamtbermgdssangwnddbe despised, rejeaed, crucified, ad buried (Wr 18:31-33). D. ~thesignificaoceisesgentialfwus(lit."B~~,com- paring ad weighiog of M). (v 19) I. God desires us to take the message to heart. 2. Through it God strength our faith. 3. The iocarnation ad birth of Christ and tbe purpose of H1 coming God makes to be our dehse agah teqtafion and sin, our fonress in time of~anddistress,comfwtdhopeinsickness,death, andbe=- ment, we- of life that enables us to serve, to give, and to work in our brd's church in our Savior's world. 4. The Christmas message "'unto yw is born a savior" is a message to keep. LJ. Meantto share. A. The shepherds rold the message to all whom they saw, hr the Savior was a gift intended for all (v 17). 1. The universal application "for all the people'' and God's intended good- will to the dd (v 10.14). 310 CONCORDIA THEOUXiICAL QUARTERLY 2. All who heard the message weae Pnuued (v 18). R A~dsignificaaceyoucamrdlosetygiviagitb~. 1. Mudoa'tdiminifihorloselarreby~it. 2. nnadoa'tbecomelesshapWbwPusepmpke~bappy. 3. 'Ybudoa'tloseh~ty~HismessrgtdliBeandsahtion withothaaTheChristmasmessqgcisc~learcaremaadtoshare. Intndrrcaion: The~livesouthislifkbetaRenthetwoanningsdChrist. Evenwhile~stiU~thebiidour~~uleconsiderits~nsit ~~toHissecoadcomiog.~tiliamfiadideatitywitbSid Amra.represcntat~dtile."~inIsd"whol~for"tbe~ dkrusalan"andinonditmtile.~~ddJanrs. SIM&ONANDANNAAREMODEMEDRUS dWhptitmeaastobe "Wbf@" ~to"1ookfor" mkn@onin~samJanrs arboismmingagah. I. Themodelsdescrii. A. Sirneon m ''TighteOUS d dewut." ''By tile. Spirit" idbtes the spiritual coaditiondoaewbowallcs~God~thanaspecialdiviaeimpulse (w 25.27). R Simmn was lookiog tor tbe amsolation d Israel (v 25). C. The Holy Spirit upon him (v 25). D. Aana was f-, praying, and piaising conrinually (v 30). JI. Themodels inaction. A. Expressing conviction. 1. Believed Jesus to be the salvation d Israel (v 30). 2. Gave thanks to God for the fulfillment of His promises (w 2438). 3. Remained convinced despite: - a. The apostasy of many. b. The Savior's humble birth (Lk 2:7). c. The Savior's humble submission to his human parents. d. The Savior's ultimate rejection by so many in Israel (v 34). e. The Savior's ultimate crucifurion and death (v 35). B. Confessing their faith. 1. That in Christ we are "manumiaed" - ransomed form slavery (v 29). 2. That Christ is indeed the glory of the people of Israel (v 32). 3. That in Christ we are assured of a blessed life and victorious death (w 29,301. C. W~tnessillg to others. 1. That Jesus is the Light (not simply a lamp) to all wn-Jews as well as the glory of the people Israel (v 32). Homiletical Shdies 311 2. Speaking of Jesus to all who were lookmg for the redemption of Jerusa- lem (v 38). ConcIusion: The people of God, while they wait, are people of conviction, people of confession, and people of witness. EPIPHANY Inrrrmkcrion: Matthew Ollks about "wise men." what academic degrees did they have? What had they discovered? What problems bad tbey solved? N- is said about their educational accmnpIishments. Yet these men obviously occupied the up per echelons of he learned and dightened of that d* That mthing is said of their worldly knowledge empbii drat kt tbat they pos- sessed a wisdom not gained in dris world's schools. They possessed a di-nt kind ofwisdomthat~nadethemtrulywise. Wecanbekthem. WE ARE AMONG THE TRULY WEE I. Whenweseek Jesus. A. The wise men, as many roday, cwld haw sought only wotldly Inwwldge, riches, pawer, glory- B. But they sought a King who frees fFom spiritud bondage, brings people imo a spiritual kingdom. and reigns aver Ibem in low. C. This Jesus the world needs tcday. Rk a~ truly wise when we seek Him no matter what it costs and what difficulty we must endure. II. Whenweallcrw60dtoguideustoJesus. A. Many seek Jesus tnu newer had him. 1. Remuse tbey look for Him where He cannot be found. 2. Because they rely m their own wisdcrm or humnn philcmphk. B. 60d alone can lead us to Jesus. 1. The star led the wise mea first to the prophetic word and then to Christ. 2. We have a still brighter star that leads us--the Old and New Testament Scriphue. When we follow God's pidame in tbe Wd, we wiU surely find Christ. rn. When we mxship ~esus. A. The wise men "W down and worshiped Him (v 11). I. They acLmwladged Jesus as their Savior-king despite His perty and humble circumsm. 2. We in hkh wmhip Him and ccmfess Him as our Lord. IX "Opening their massms, they offered Him gifts" (v 11). 1. They gave cheerfully and generously. 2. We openfor Himowtreasu~e~. Cmclrrsian: WaRtrulywisewhenlikethewisemwweseekJcsus,fdlcrwGod's guidance, and wwship Jesus. Gerhard Aho ImMon: What is the meaning of Christ's baptism? The Law of Moses did not require baptism. Baptism was not just a pious custom. According to Matthew, Christ was baptized 'to fulfill all rightewsness" (Mt 3:s). Mark, howwr, omits thesemwdsofChristand~sirnplyonwhatoawedat~s~.What MarkiseolphasiziogincormectionwithChrist'sbaptimmaybe~as~: 1. Because at His baptism Christ began His wrk of saviqg us. A. Christ didn't need to save Himself for He was Sioless. 1. He had no need to confess His sins as did those who we= beprized by John (v 5b). 2. John admined that he wasn't wody even to untie Christ's sandals (v 7b), and drat he needed to be baptized by Christ (Mt 3:W). B. Christ began saving us ty taking our s& and the sins of the whole wrld upon Himself. 1. The paymenf for tbese sins fell due in Gethsemane and Calvary. 2. As the Lamb of God Christ &red Himself as the sadkc for sin. Itis~christatHisbapism~Hissaviogwrlr,whicbHealso~et- ed, that God is oaw well pleased with us. 11. BecauseatHisbapismGodaooepredChristforthiswiugvlark. A. God &awed He accepwl Christ's wrk by letting the heavens open (v W). 1. Heavenwasclosedtousbecauseofsin. 2. BecauseofwhstChristdidwwwhaveanapenbewen,freeaccess to God. B. God &awed He accepted Christ's wrk by annoinring Hi with tbe Holy Spirit with power to carry out His work (v 10b. AE W):38). 1. Because Christ rerzived the Spirit He conkrs the Spirit on us. 2. Our bqhm is now an &ye meaos of legenemtion by the Spirit. C. G0d~HeaccqtedChxist'smorLbycallingChristHis"belavedSon" (v 11). 1. In Christ we are God's beloved children. 2. After our baptism we too are led into the wilderfuss of temptatian. Yet God will not hrsake His children but will support us with His angels (Mk 1:E-l3). It is because God at Christ's baptism accepted His saving work thaf God is well pleased with us. Conclusion: Christ's baptism is important not only for Himself but for us. Be- cause Jesus was baptized for our salvation we are baptmd into salvation io His name. Gerhard Aho I. Jesushelpspeapkfirdeachother. A. ksus formd Philip (Ja 1:43). 1. The~wintbewhde'finding"processcomsfnrm~.whuI- everitismentionedthslt-IfDlmdit,nwehevetoddntksosfirst iovcdusalKlfDMdus. 2. Whentbe~wasestsblished.ksusdtoPhilia"f;olIosv~ to othcrs, "come d set (Jesus)" (Jn L*). b. Modern~tniningbasurgedtrriningofnewcollvertsm 'We' to the point where thy have poauad * t to Jesusexpmsedinprayer,~.BibleStudy,a~saactifiedmd B.JesusdDuadNetheaielbymamofWilrp. 1. TheHdyspilitladsothrrsto~~usas~ 2.Wwitnessmost~~a~consLlertbepolracialofp --- Cksasfindsustlmughwitae99es. 1. wcxpless- . . totbesewitaeJJeswboledostoJesus~ +-==% frieads, pacaors, ecc.1. 2. wplaiseGodfathogewho~~us~wCloseearhwith God. 3. ~~~~~whocaabe~~JesoJ. II. JesushelpspasrkfirdGod. A. Jesus helps us discwer the humanay of God ("ksos of N.Pliedr"). Jesosishistorical,asprophesied,fiaiogintoa6unilylinesge("sanof Joseph"). 2. Jesosispersoaal, beating- enableus~~hisamcreoeembadrmmt mpezsonality-a mowhmrren~. B.ksosb%lpsus~thesope~sideofGod. 1. R find tbe divine side d God mded in Christ in tbe term, "Son of God." (Jn 1:49-50). 2. Wfidthedivim?sideofthe(=hrist-zewdbgGodmthetam. "Son dm" (Ik18:3l), atam~tothedivine~arbo will- ~OttheraduTtim. 3. Wdiscourrthedivinesideofchristintheterm, "KiqgofIsraa" (Jn 1:49). HeisLandofoordestinyandtheKhgofoorh Mark ma-20 I. By~toksus'~~. A. Jesus calls m to qmmce. l.Oursinfolhabi&ScoatributetoourseK~. 2. Rqmtmxmakespossibbaoewbeginning(Zacchruus,prodigalson). R Jesus iwites us to belim in Him. 1.lb~msnsto~totbehealing~ofGodasthe aroman with the tlow d Mood who touched ~esus'-garmnt to whoin He said, . . your faith has made yo0 arcll" (Ik 8:48). 2. TotheparatytickauBpolrethebealiog~: "ksinsare6ngiwm," or, "Rise, take up your pallet end walk" (Mk 2:9). 3. BelieviagmGospelhasbeensokpfultousthatwe~toparticipa& inaca~eerofwitaessing to others dJesus. XI. By learning from Jesus' darhing. A. RqpIbg the time being fdfdled. 1. InthefullnessdtimeGoddedHis~~hrminthebiah of Jesus (Ga 44). 2.Theprophecitsofthepestarefulfilledinthee!ventsdJesus'likI demonstreting God's control cwer the 0w ofhisbay. B. Regarding the kingdom of God beiog at band. 1. Tbtpreseatcouneof~isuaderthejndgmcatofGod. 2. ThefuturewiUfdlawtheptternofJesus*reswmXhdteign,Ew wewiUberaisedfromthedeaddlivewithJesusinGod's~ kingdom- III. Byl~onJesus'reacfiiag. A. Mow me (Mk 1:17). 1. TofdlowJesosmearrstoletHimhddusinHisamsloagewughthat ~kmJwHislwedfeel~indiscrpteship. 2. WhilefdIoariogHimweLrmwthatasthe~~outtobeep hissheepfrandisastroosstrayiogsoHewillaaih.~~ptodcath theoMmanufsindraisetheoewperson~and~. B. Iwillmalceyoubecomfishersdmen(Mk 1:m. 1. Wanessiog, like iishhg, is an enjcyaMe -. a. Mk enjoy aur vacations aad &rement when fishiqg. b. PasPoraodlaayaWa~~ofthedergpytby~eJrperienc- ed~thowhowhomtbeywitnessedcametofaitbaadjoinedthe cimdt. 2. Likethe~the~ufaurtimetime~with~ philoSophia aad are demandiog. 'ane wisb to see Jesus" (Jn l2:21). a. Like the elderly lady in Wdy's ad, the unchurched "W uf our timeareasking, "Where's thew beamsethey wanttosee tbe persuasiveiuringparsleroflawaad$ospel. b. Mkwitaesstotheparmrofthelawaod~1bestwben~~ mJesus'reachiag~uswithHisdtathaad~BR Gmc~:WhileIwaswriting~outlineIa~nttoqmailboxaadem~ute met a & semhkhn who a9s unloading boxes of clothing at the cl& ingbsnLwhich~beusedtyneedyseminiariaaEtmiIies. ~Didsomesendtheclahingwithyou?"Iasled. "IUo,atr~ uam'tbemxhgitintbe ~~ wbemwe'regoiq&" hesaid. "where?" I asled. "NW he said. His hnily's cMmnitmnt to become fishers of men reminded m of tbe on-going ~prrwerofksas'prrachiqg,~and~~in~, dnollghonttbeworld. zmdwfim: In politics, dustcy, edu- field of edwwr one pre6ers--madernrnanrecognizestkneedtodetcrminetbepowerbaseofanyiasti- tub, tbat is, if he intends to climb tothe top, to succeed. Tbe thrust hrpmr in our world is overt, relentless. It is the hallmark of the achiever in the things of I. Tae prince of this world brts power. A. Slmm willad to be God himelf- 1. HeandhisrqgelsrebelledagainsttbepgwmmdtbepowerdGod @ride). 2. He)OBthisbidtorcpLctGoddLicsundertkdgarl~d Godjbccver(4ccaratrMe). B.srtmtmnaahisnbellionagaiBstGod's&. 1. WithGod's~heledour~~andE~inio~ beuionqgaiast God. 2.Our~~camelmderjurlgmentdlasttbeirspeciPlrelrtio6- sbip*tbe~~Simwinectadtbe~mddcrth~sin. 3. Wandallnrmtindmwlielladgsltm'spowercmdaeinstnmvats dhis~will.Inustkeismhelpandwbope.~bemrsasanry witbhklselftostpndbedore~~ oftbeiustws n. ~prinoed~cameto~sltm'spoubu. A.3- came to our wild to confront Satan audhisminions. 1. JcsusChria,tbeGod-Man,cametodeBtatSlmmmdrescuetbesuorld fromsin, deeth, andtkpowerofhedl. 2. ~~isthe&bope~man.Healoaeistbe~ of~tbeevilpowerafsaepnand~~~~ to^^. R Christm#gSatzm inabattkfixaman'sd. 1. Satan's "a@" in pffstssioa d a m's body recogaized h: '7esns ofNazareth!"HemmgnhstbedivinepoweroftbeSondGodazuJ His pemm. 2. Theevilspirbisseized~%ear;helrmwstbe~of~~is ~yilfraid.W~allhispclwa~SltmiswrmtchfnrtbeSoa of God. 3. Tbespirit'scry,IlmowwtmYauarc--theHoly OnedGod,isanad- *dtbepclaradvictoryofGod's~. CJeaLs~aIttbedemcmd~sal~. 1. Jears~tbedgnon.Tbedemon~hisvictimd~fnm tbepresarcedthconlyautbarticpclaabistintimeadmnity.The uumis~;tbedewmdoesmtw~nttogiveup;~aroulddtstroy tbemanifbedrstbertbanseehirnfxudbychrist. 2. Christalooecanseizetbewaidfnm~tosatandkmaro~ bechildrrnofw. 3. ByByHismtbe(~~andByandJrtsumctionJearsd firtallycrnsbedSIlemdHisking&nn.Hesppecrsedtbe~ofGal andcancelled~t~~guilt,fTeulallmarfnmdavrerly~srtm andsia.andgirre~l*toall~believeintbechrigt. D.Ourlivtsrmw~Hispoubuinarr~. 1. TbepaopleintktextseetberealityofChrist'~vict0ry~Satan.~ too are to]owwthatjimerfnmtbe (3hriaandrnrstinHimalonefw lkmxbuh: Unless (K%==IY*~= baporposeforan Q.OfaUlbeques&bs m=bpah.pstbe Whyarewe-Why mweoothisdWhydDesthishsppen?Thisli;ptbeadless. Ourkxtqeaks rbootthe~d~dliBe,tbeliBeafonrLord.Medidmcomeinto amdmatmdtom. HemsIMthere mordertougo shmnning" withtbe kmerm&amtcs.Hecamewithapnpose,divineand~. Hecametodeal with sinad &&kc& ofsinm tbelives ofpeopla Mmlcinourkxtgivesanan- sarCrb I. ~~sboarssin's~ A.Sictaessisooedtbe&kc&dsinmomd. Woibenspmkof&atb aad * tion,~illness,~,wsr.etc.malltkfiuitsdsia. The~dWs~-WawisasigndasinfPld.(3Pr~ is filled wiib these sigos- R Taedisciplespetihsdhfmbelp L kspsChLiSfiStbeSoDofGod.Hispmpoaretmliviqgmaneaah~ tocmrrwrmtbe&kc&dsindsin~~Hecpmcbdalwiibdre diarJlSCmtjusttbesymptonrs.HeambdeskqSotradhis~ 2. kwJnsponbdbyheclliqgtbewcrman.God' His~.Hcb8!scomerDrescaemd C'LbeCbPfihtodpy~pLOcIaimtbatsanre~d~wcfindin tbered 1. Theprod - dtbeGoepeiistbepmerdredenptionthrt6rees paDpIe~Satan'spwcr.hist&Chmch's~~ 2. Tberarhtracetothosewhosdhisaaignofan da sigadtbefnml"herliag"attbeendoftbnt.tbedayd~. IL ~sdepeadcaceontbe~~sin'sQorn. A.kspsHimsdfukepinlaoch..withtbe~.HisliBeadministry~ mofplyerPndamrnrunionwimrhe~-. 1. ClergydlaityaliLeneedahealthy~lideif~uetoserve intbe~ofGod'sChnrch~.(kr~atministryde- pdsonGod,mtus. ~mustbeinams&ntcoatactwithHis~. 2. W&thedifEicultclemmdsd~thecbildofGodmustbepb ~oomatthese~~withGod'swd~. B. AsksdLaofcarmnmionwithHisFatberarasaBignrldg~octssmHb bmk~theEvil Oae, soinourliwzs, ourtkpdmceoadY:W isastmlgsigarltbat~arre~o~canymQnist's~madamn- filled arorld, a bnrt world. IlI. Christ's ac~ show Him as the victor over sin. A. His fam briqgs many sick d dermnpossessed to kns. His fam hrr qxcad ma ~~r." ~~'~'aaeationoaHimself. 1. Sin'sevilcfBcctsarecvidentinChrist'stimeandans. SicfatQs, 8cci- dcna,fiaadiceps,dc&aredsigasofsin'sprrseaceandpomxin&is world. 2. Damn is the sance. the well-spring of death nad sin. Satanand his Dqgelsareevidcntintbeir~ofpeople. Danon posstssionisigmredinaur~~,bdLralityisthene, B. ~JesosCbristbealstbesicLeadcastsartdemars.His~dgma- straaesHisviceoryoversamneadsin.TbeenemyLisdeaeetcdPadcmsbai under tbe Aoot d he Son of God. THE ~GURATION OF OUR LORD TbecentralthoughtafthetextistbatIesrrseocoursgcsheconfuseddisciplesby ~WboHeisiutbeT~n.Tbe@afoftbeisis~ appnciateIcsus'idamtityas~bcgins.TbepoManisrhat,lik~disciplea, we~~"raw~oa~~we61ilto~itIlp"and~ktrotimport. ThemearrrrtothegoelisthotJesosshowsWhoHeismoreclePrtythrm~intbe Tnmsfiguration--ordgoestotbecross. Introrfrrdiwr: It's almost Lent. "Finally!" sqs the LyIlllm. "At Lest tbe pnrcba will talk aboot masters, nails, Pad &mas, mt h@-Mmm thdogy.'' But if Led is only abad dLoee tbiqgs, is it about God at all? W need to considQ I. Is~inkrarschrist. A.Inmaaedmwhgeelsc. 1. I)miqg~ifweonlystrrrrstbephysical~ofJesns-ifwe &mt~"GodfmsakenbyGod"~-cf.FCSDVIIl44)--au . . lndmnmkatbest,~ - tality. 2. Ifourpktyisstpckoasuchalowklmspiteof~~ (~~~),mwadawcQn'ttbhkddY:~ 0rdwsas~~diguityofrepesentiagGodintheworld. 3. IfwedondsceGodinCIuist,nowoaderweareductantto"givc up" &@sfor lent. hare our gods (LC 12-3), or perhaps diver- si0nsto)ceepoorminds~anaWfulGod. B. Especially in the TramQm&oo. 1. He is God. a. His garments glistened as dy God could make them (v 3). b. Elijah and Moses--God came to both and spoke with them on Mt. Sinai. Now they come to speak with Jesus. But Jesus is not merely aoe of the propbes (6. 8:2& 956). He is the One to be heard (v 7; cf. Dt l8:lS). 2. He isMan. Thedivineglory wassbawnby Hishumanbody (smus ~d~-~ee TWS discussion d mm, QWMQWS, pp. 263-65. Colllpare mrpk dlcmr. Fly 2:6). 3. He is God's Son (v 7). the King and Suftering Servant (cf. R 2:7; Is 423). God went to the cross for us! 11. For the cumlixt of His hum. A. The Tmd5pahon was for the dimples' benefit. 1. Natethefocusontheminw2,4,and7(though~eventisn0rwhat Jesus spoke of in 91--see Mt 26:27-28). 2. Theywrallymissedthepoint,notca~theiinpl~11~ofwhatJe- sus said and did. This & a special lest& for them. B. It benelits us today. 1. It preparesusforknt. "ksusis God and Man" is wthingnew, but itisthepresuppitionbehindallHedid. 2. ItprqraresnsforEsster(v9).TheManWhoisalsaGod~stay dead. In the Transfiguration, we also get ao idea of what a glorikd body is like. 3. ItpreparesusforJudgementDgr,showlngustheglorywithwhichJe- suswillretura.Butweneednotfear(Wreiov6). 4. It prepares us for living until then, focusing our attention on God as He has &ed Himself-io His Son (v 7; cf. Jn 1:18), the Savior. Then tberoostersandnailstakeonrenewedmeaning(seeKoeberle,~st fir Hdirrcss, pp. 15860). Gmc-: Jesus tdd them to keep this quiet until He rose (v 9). He has risen. Now is the time for us to tell about Him. knowing that we are telling about God. Ken Schurb- Columbus. Thece~thoughtoftbetextisthatJesusistheOneWho~mesSaoinand rescues people from the devil's dominion by His Gospel. The goal af the sermon isthathearersrealizethatthe~ivebanleagainstSaoinhasbeenfwghtandmwr. ThepFoMemisthatwea~such~preybrSatan.Themeanstotbegoalisthe Gospel &If, which drives Satan out as it brings Jesus in. btlraduction: Who aPnl Mark tells us Jesus had a desert shovdawn with the Ene- my, butgivesnodaailsanddoesnatsay whowlon. 0fcourse.theoutcomeisim- plicit throughout Mark, especially in 3:27 where Jesus utters an axiom which sums uptherhemeafourtext: 320 CONCORDU THEOLlXiICAL QUARTERLY I. Jesus is the Vi (see w 12-13). A. We sianers arc nr& and never will be, without Him. 1. Inauown~. a. Whenwearctempredwe"phyaround" udhsinfmawhileirtsgad of-immdiaaeresw. b. Saon we 6nd dws b&ing "sbmt cuts" ad God's will. We do not do wlmt we want (Ro 7:15ff.). 2. InthestluggkbeCwecnSatanandGod. a. Tbr sElLes m much high than a few moral or iamvarl ads. Satan wan&& HeistbeEnemy. b. Lnrkiag behind ~zry temptation is the tempation to unbelkf. When we do not W, Sataa has us. RwrtJesus~,~thevwy~ofHisministry. 1. In Him, God took tbe hiriative to confmlt Satan (w fi-12). 2. He wiihmod "beiqg tempt&" (v W). a. To disobey the will of God (Mk 8:U, M:2, 12:l5), esp. b. To arke a 'less costly" way (Crank* cf. MK 8:32E 14:3242). The a9y He took led to the cross (FuLk M:45). 3. He put Satan in his place. From 1:W on, Jesus wds clearly in charge of~~rHehadwiththedemonic,justasHehaddrelaftarwd over His own death (Mk 16:6-7). n. He claims is spoils (W WE). A. He predles the Gospel (v 14). 1. The Gospel is well-nigh synonymous with Christ Himself (Mk 835; M:W. also 13:10,14:9). just as Christ was the focus ofJobn's preachg (Mk k7). 2. In the Gospel, Christ brings His Satan-defeating power to people. It is the "one little word" that can fell the devil. R His message (v 15): 1. The Mms is is-& the era of Messianic expectation, He is fi- nallyonthescaretobiSataa. 2. ThekingdomofGodisaear-becauseJesusandtheGospelareaear. He matches us away fran !&ads rule (see the discussion in W IU 51-56: also W XI 27, 31). 3. Repent and believe the Gospel-dudve, for turning fian sin to for- gir~enessistheheartbeatofanongoingre~withJesus(cf.~ 8:U-39). Cimhiom Fkqleanzedyled. Walkiotoarrwwfullofstrangersandanwunce that youareincharge--it'samazinghawfaryoucanget. But Jesus, is truly incharge. asopposedtoSa*inandallthetho&tofmen. HisGospelismt ao empty claim. It extends His wlo* to us and makes us His. To the Wmr belongs the spoils! Ken Schurb Columbus, Ohio lVlark8pmvidesatorningpoiatinJesus'-.Having&Mss MessiabthmaghHis~lesinfuifiumerttofthesignshthepqrhetIsaish,~ mar begins tD teach His disciples whet kind of Messiah He is. tdlaw- ing~sbold~at~Philippi,Jcsushthiseext~thefixst ofthffepgssioa~m*thedisciplesmHisSufBaiagServad~which willleadtothecross.ARer~ingReter'srebukeascomingfm~andho- man reason, Jesus identities the disciple as a sufferiqg servant imdd in taking uotht~andlosioehisliBefor~sakeofthe~.Jesuslrmvesontothe auye~iyobservanceof~ent.~pgrli~~tD~&Christandexpegsdis- cipkshipbyattendingchurchalitdermrrefuequentlyandpaaingafewextmQUars in a qeciaI dope. In our text Jesus begins to introduce tbe disciples to His d pmpogcfacomiagandtotbetealmPniogof~.ItoomesscrnssPleo toim%s A HARD IsNTEN 'lxbcmNG I. About the Son of Man's snf6aiqg and dearh. A. Jesus mab ckar His role and mission as Wkmg Servslrt. (w 31-3203. B. ksns * Etoa's sPtanic (w 32b33). 1. FWerwaatedapopalarMesPiahwho~miradea Recaneukdthe Icbubz* 2. %kofbeoneedarebuke.IsobecauseuemmtaMcagiPhwhoispapPlrr darkescarrofallouraeads. 11. About the discipks' crogo-beariqg (w 3438). A.ksnscPlLsustolosecmrlivesfaHissake. B.Jesusexpo6es~desiremsaveonrlivesd~the~ C.Jesus~~~thecrossto~ourli~sotfvawemigbtlosetban. CoAclr*rion: A hard teachiag about saffi?ring, rejection, d death in a bopefessly sinful, self-absorbed world, but a hard man vidwy fa the risen Son of Man. A hard teaching about cms+akg and losing om's life for the sake oftbe Gos- pel h a wicked d, but salvation and a consistent pmer ior living tfrrongh His herd man victory. stephenJ.car&r THIRD !jmJmY IN LENT last week's Gospel pmmtd a hard teachirrg d Jesus regarding His dking and death. This week's Gospel unleashes a bold Lenten cleansing by Jesus. Zealas ty challenged by &ma& for a sign, Jews te& a riddle predicting both jlrdgment upon the temple and its lcadas and His awn death and resurredion on the third dmy. Later the discipies udmtad His words and believe. The sermon intends to help the hearer admit the need tix clegosiag becanse of liimgadhboththe~r'shonorandtheSon'santhoritysothatthec~ing of the cnicikd and risen Savior might be received. bmrwircaion: Canyouimsginestandinginthedarkaessdacoalminee awhitesuit?WhiLeinthe~,everytfiingmightseemfme,butwhenyon~ tothesurfaceinthelightofday,you~~~uftheneedtohave yoursuitcleaned. Many times weliveinthedarhoessufsinandfsiltoseeourneed tixc~.This~inaur~weseeJesos~usintothelightas He enters the Jdem temple and bitdcs. A BOLD LENTEN cxJwNSING I. Jesuscleansedthe~of~h. A. The Jewish leaders dismzgad His antfiority by demaading a sign and raising askepical-. B. Thedisciplesmtoonderstandthe~ofHis~tothe~ of His Ebdy. C. JesuspredicSthecl~deathand~ofthetempleofHisbody withtbediscip1eslater~HisWbrd. IX. JesuscleansesusbyHisdeathandresurreccion. A. We. often Jesus' antfiority to usaadcleanseusorfsilto uoderstand His words. B. JesusphtsustothecleansingdeathandnesurrectionofthetempleofHis bodywiththeFesultthatwebeMHisWbrd. CoRC-: In a soiled white suit exposed to the light of God's Wbrd, having flagt-andy~tbeFather'sbonrrdtheSon's~, weaEcepttbedeans- ing of Jesus whose temple was destmyed and built up again in three days. A bold Iaiml cleaming indepd! sqhen J. Carter When John 3:16 is part of the sermon text, the temptation arises to keep it and toss out tbe rest. However, this Gospel kernal has an important context which con- tributes to its beauty. There is Nicdemus who was sbwgghg with being born again and so asks: "Hw can this be?" (v 9) There is tbe Messianic type of Christ in the brass serpent Moses raised up to delirer tbe snake-bitten crowd. On top of that, the -on will more than likely expect grand preaching on their favorite text. This ismqrportanitymletthembhwidrtheGospel,thewhdeGospel,aod~ bnttheGoapd. ~:~youerrertakenawalkinRnttlesnrte~?Ifyouhave, puknowhow~itistoheepooeearcockedfathesaandafomimRlsrattle dad. Shouldpu~tohearooe, expectyourkarttojumpinyoutbroat dstaythereuntilyou'resaglyoutafkd.Ifthedhappenstobiteyw. puwilln#dhdppanpdyoryouwiUdie.JesusregrredtothissituatiOninhis dwidrNieodernus.JustasewboarebitbenbyapWsnake aead Mp, so Nicodanus, a Pharisee and a ruler, needed help too. To make his point, Jesusrecdledtheexperienceof~childrenafIsraelinthewiMernesswhenGod seb poisomus snakes to bit the disobedient people. Moses made a sw& out af brass dbyGod'sdirection,~itupinthecamp.Whoevtra~~sbitten,couldloolrat thesnslreafldbesaued.~tosgr,thepeoplegladlylooliwfat~brassliLe- ncssdweresarred. lnlite~,Godrmvestosaveman£romhis dsin.Wwant tohtoJesus~aodletHislwedrawus~~sal~aodaGod~ing lit%. Haw can this all happen? I. He sent His Son to be liffed up. A. MMLind geaerally is like the children af Israel in their danger. 1. wanen'tplaguedbysnrrles,afaznrsc. 2. But art are plagued by sin, whkb omses death. B.GodseatJesos. 1. HecameintothemiddIeofourworld,thcsnakepit,ifyouwill. 2. God lifhed Him up on a cross. By His stripes we are healed (Is 53:s). 3. Joho3:16capturesGod'splan. HesohvedustbatHesentHisSonto beliffedupfaus. 11. He gives ewzhahg life to believers. A. Jn the Old Tmnt wikieroess, anyone wbo kmked at the brass serpent was sad. I. ~we~egiventheimritationtobe4.Nooaeforcedthemtoloolr. 2. Tbosewbodidweresavedfromthe6uy~. B.~JesuspmmisestfIatthclsewhobelievehmveevertastiagli6E. 1. ThisisagrsciausiwitrtkmtohwwwhoJesusis,give~toHis grace,~tmstJesustodoWhptHepomises.No&ngsattackd. 2. ~rskliBeiylwiYIW It~~closeto~iardezlltlsasthe~ nal LiBe. IU. HednimpeopletobelicveinJesus. A. kopk are drawn to Jesus hmgb Jesus. 1. He came as a light to people in darkness. Feople are by nature in the dark; there is no selfkmatd light. Jesus gives light to people who Iwe thedarkness~theywereQingwrwg. 2. Believers are a lot like bugs who settle amund the porch light at night duringt&esumler.~haveseentIleLightof~Christandtvlvebeen drawntoit.Wheaart~Jesus,Herevealedoursim,~nhrgaveour sins, and mw in His light God sees us as rightems. 3. God did not send Jesus into the mdd so that the ead result uould be thatpopleane~d,and~~Rstba&cnmesothrtne might be lik throogh Him. R IkmcmkllifGod'sheis&awhgyon. 1. ~d0~Zedwhcnyonrd:"E~wbodors~hrOarthe ~~aadwinuotcomecotbelight.. .?"(v9)DoyonZedrdm 6oopdOiqgBVhPti8~letGod itapfap?~sGod's ~~~00- 2. Wbenwcd: "GodsolovedtbeBvorldrh8tHc~~~Soottpt ~~inhimsbooldmtpaisb~hm~liPe" (~15),Qpo~a~ofRdjddommdeepmpmmml?Tbt'sGod's IF-hltrawing~. 3. Iditdrnw)coo.Don'tbelikea ~~~c(]MsOO~~~ afkraIrin.WbglthelighthitsIban,tbeyzipbPctdowninoodPrlrms. Goddoesmtsnmttobannyou;He~tofmeyou.Hc~~His SonsothrtbyhitbinHim~canliva ~:~~mrmtic4dbowlq#ymo~bPildiqes.1rewbentbyple pldg~E~~~gllscl~ap,tbeaafinidvd~~ audlowx.tbegrmmd~itis.U~upfrannmcbimydmlairls. Wkmrdaifitwinmrlodraice.~,themtrsisrtaraaapdvmk isdoae,~rtmlyfim,kautifulstmctmc.IbeotnioaPkosooiftbsetbe thkgof~coddmt~beeamsdewitbadthemasy~ IhesrmistruemthespiriPlalKiogdomdGai.RkofbtdkabatDtbeIrm. joydperrwhichwcenpybylaith.Tbetwhicb~BVhptwc~~ was&lagiy~~aythiqgcauldbe.Theparilthstkdtooard~aadtothe~ erglorydGodwesplnredarithMood,pain,-,dbd.JespsMthrt road by Himself Bor .U paopk. The result is ao meqeded glory Rw God and Jesus Ctrrist whicb tby share with us. IXnk about this with me: I. God's glory was the pupose d Christ's li&. A. Tbe tim fa glory was there br Jesus (v 23). 1. Bðis,thetimewasmtriperipe "Mioebourismtyetunne.. ."(Jn 24). 2. Theli&ofksuswasarrangedsothatHedrevtaltheglcnyofthe Father by word and deed, ad then seal that glory by His sacrifice. 3. Jesus prayed br this and received ao immediate auswer (v 28). R Tbe glory that was to come to Christ and the Fathet is msny sided. 1. God receives glory every time He reveals Himself to us. It sruted in Old Testament times through the promise of the Savior. The glory of Godisevklenththegood~saidabout~,especiallythatHe ismercifol. 2. WhenCbristwasbom,the~waefilledwith~wkes~ God w= 2). 3. In His minktry, Jesus directed the credit to His Father in heaven. What HesaidanddidwasalwgrstogiveGodglory. 4. IbereveIatiomof~gtoryofGod~inchffim(Cf.tbe~~a08.) 5. WbentheBiMetdksofthegloryofGodaadQnist,itis~ofGod's righteousless, mercy, love, along withthe total ofall Hism'butes. XI. ItwasChrist'scrossthatproducedHisglory. A. He despised the cross. 1. He was a man. According to His human uahm, Christ did not look for- wardtothedreadfulsacrifice. ListentoHispemadstroggleinvZ7. 2. JesusImwthatHisdeath~notbepeaceful.BecausetheFather ~~Him,bemuseHe~be~~~fbrthesinsofaU, HisdeafhwasaErighdulydepressingprospea. R Hoa~ver, Jesnslraewthatthiscrosshadtobe@ncedtobearthefIuit ofHisglary. 1. Helilrened~lftoaseedthatmustbeplanted(v24). 2. Jesus admits that this is why He came into the aarld (v 27b). 3. He permiaed Himself to be "lifted up" h the earth. C. ThiP sscrifice axamqMd major items for God's glory. 1. The salvation of all men. "I will draw all meo to myself' (v32 Cf. again the Greeks). 2. ThissecrificesaysthemclstabwtCiod:His~,Hismercy; everytftiag~needstobesaidaboutGodwassaidwhw~died. Th.t's glory! m. ~yfaitb~sharethe~r~~~aodtheh. A. Mk share the same attimde tamrd this life that Christ had, ib&ated in the paraQx (v 25). 1. HewhollmesIifewiU loseit. 2. HewhohateslifewiUkeepitUnm~lif&. 3. This is a life that is lost in Christ-lost as far as the awM is concerned. R Such a life win bring honor m us (v 26). 1. The glory we share as slaves of the Master is a gift. 2. The~preparedh>rusis~same~Jesusaccrqries(Jn14:~.). bweu F. Thcllnas Fort Myers, Florida RUM SWNlkW- OF THE PASSION ~:Thequestionthatstaodsbeforeusis,whatmwedoforourhd on the ew ofthe week when He did everything for us? What can we do as we rd, ~elivethepassionoftheChrist?Canwegobackinhistoryandundowhatwasdooe? 326 CONCORDIA THEOLMjICAL QUARTERLY I. WcaacomtobewithourLmdthisHolyWeek(v3). A.WcaabewithourMinwfihipthisHolyWeek. 1. WearewitbHiminthe~rfultextsofHolyW&. 2. WarewitbHimintheSacramests~withHolyWek. a. TheSacramentdtheAltaronMaundyTbuFsday. b. The Sarrament of Baptism during the Good Frklay/Eac&l wle. B. UrecanbewithourbrdinprayerthisHolyWleek. 1. Throughprayera~coafessoursomnvorncroursinswhichcontribute to the kd for His passion. 2. ThroughpnyerweoR&rourgratitudetoHimforHispassiononour behalf. Trmrsirion:WbatcaawedothisHoly~Wcanoometobe~ourLordand: 11. WcaapouroutonHimourmostpreciousgifts(v3). A. Oae precious gift we can pour out this Holy Wek is to be His witness. 1. WcanwitaesstothedeatbHediedfwall. 2. WecanwitoesstothelikHeliveshall. B. Another precious gift we caa pour out this Holy Wxk is to be His servant. 1. WcanbeHis~~aadfolgiving~inourfamilv. 2. WcaubeHisgivingandbelpfulsernrntinouroeighborhood. ~ion:WhatcanwedoaswestandattheportaldHdyW&?Wcaa easily offeralitanydtfiiqgswcannatdo. However, the point this morning isthat wecancornetobewithourLordthisHdy~, wecanpouroutbrHimour most precious^. Yes, imleed,WEARECALLEDTHISHOLY WEEKmDO WHATWECAN. Mark Oien Bediord, Mass. I-: The title of an old TV game show, "Truth or Conseque-", sug- ~thatifonedoesnottellthetnrththerewiube~w~~,aadif one does tell the truth the cmsequcmca will be aveted. In our text, we have an intensting variation on this theme. Jesus tells the tnah tonight and empha- sizes this fact in both wrses l8 and 25. However, men though the truth is told to- night, there still are consequences, negatiw for Jesus, positiw for us. I. ThetrpmisJesIlswas~. A. ksns was betrqed by one close to Him (v 18). 1- Jodaswrr,one~the~~byksos(vn). 2. hdPs~sbariagan~mealwithh(w Dam). B. kas b- in aamdamx with the divine plPo. 1. ThcdivinejAaniswrittenmHdy Scripture(v21). 2. The divineplpn is spokca ofbyJesuSHhseK(v21). Tmnrirt0n:ThetnnhisJesuSwasbetr;yed. WantheverynightHewps~ed 11. TTE tratb is He otfaed divine fellowship. A.Jesusoffnsdiviae%e~tftroughthe~ofHisSupper. 1. ThroughthcmeaosofHisSupperksusofIersHisverybodyandbld (w 22 & 24). 2. TbruugbthemeansofHisSupperkmoffersanewcclvenant(v24). B. ~esas~divincfellowsbipintheetmalKingdomofGod(v25). 1. ksushaspromisedtoreceiveusiotoHis~~(Jn W1-4). 2. ~ntheetrrnal~ofGodwewiulive~inthepresence at the Larmb @e 2l:22). Mark Olen -rd, Mass. Jdm mr222 April%- ~~ofour~issuchfamiliargroundthatcri~commentson thissatarehardlynecessary. On00 ~Fridgrthe~wboattendrshipsim- ply mto~whatthtirLMddidRwthem. Ourtaskistohelpthemdo so in a meamin@, edifying way. This is the conclusion of our M-long medhtion on the Rision History. The fdlawiog that@& by Leon Morris in his commenEary on John seem very fitting iwthepreacher'sconsiderationasheappmachestheGoodFdaysenwn: ''John &scri&sthehorrorthatumscrocifixioninasingled ... Thee~ngelistsrec- ordthefactaodlet itgoatthat. TbedeathofJesusRKmenwastheirconcern. They matenoimanpmpbyonthe~oftheirreaders." lktnhdm: When we were. children we probably played "King of the Hill", or wktewxname itwentty. Theob@wastobetheoneontopof thepileofearth orsnow. Theoneonthetopplsheddownthosewhotrkdtorakehisplace. Inmany wgrsthegame~thegoalsofpeuplein~: Tobeontbetopaboveothers. What acontnrst tothis Good Fridgr as we remember ourbrd as a king: I. ~he~ofour~ordJesuswas~tquestionthedarkestday~dre wdd"s history. A. The injustice tb;d led to Jesus' mMon only heigMens the bitterms of what He eodured. (Eiab~rate briefly 00 the jealousy of the Jewish lead- ers, tbe --up &arges, the spineless concession of Pilate after repeat- edly stating Jesus' innocence, etc.) ~thatit~ellcoaidkin,tbeshame~ofcanyingaref~owoccoss,~~ an agonizing and drawwur wgr to die.) C. Inpenieem;ed6litbthisday~aleespeciallyawarethattbe~which ~onJewswasrightlyahaedatus(Jn 1:29, 2Cor5:19&21,Ga3:l3). ~asymbdofharorandderrhtbecrnsshas~becometbe~~ symbdfixdivIoelovetouswhobelieve. 11. The claim regarding Jesus' kingdip bas ekated the to a glorious throne. '"lhisistheKisgoftbe~. (NatethatJohncallsthis'Titb",~~ than armsstion.) A. FbrPilateit wasatauatto theJews whobmugktbe "plobIem" ofksus beRaebandwbmnhehated. B. F;or tbe Jews it was an embamssment as well as a remider of tbe my ~fixwhichtbydesperateay~toberklofJesus(h~47-53). Cf;orksustbetitlewasonlypsrtoftbetnbh. 1. He is Kiag of creath (Jn 1:l-3, Cd 1:15-17). 2. ThecnxrswasHisgloryasHe~theFathcr'swiU(Jn~l4,Hc l2:2). D. bus "King"isatitlea~deady loveby which toknow Jesus. 1. At His cross- a~ find cleanrmrg and new life (Ga 6:14a, 1 Jn 1:7b, Ga 220, He 4:16, e.). 2. AnxlndHis~thFonea~will~praiseHislove(Re7:Wn). Untiltben~~bytbepormrofHisSpirit,hddJesusasborhKiogofcrurhearg and ofourliws. EdwiaDaWate St. Lauis, M EasteriS"'o~hat"tomanywbo~semicesonthisday.T;orothersitistht yearly qrbg trek to ctrurch. For a few it is amha exciting personal cnoouottr with a living, dynamic Savior. Reach resurrection victory in such a way as to Beed tbe Eaithful and Mew tbe &IS with tbe life-changing pmer of an alive ad prts- ent Christ. I~?~u&M: What a tblliug experience to again join the wh& Christian in ceIelnat@ the Mval of tbe Resurrection! EverytImg, the music, tbe singing, tbe words, tbe amoqkre, are all upbeat: "Christ Is Risen! Alleluia!" Yet apaa framthisdgraurliwssomuchrdectthespiritofthosewomenwhoa~nt~tbe tomb early the first Easter morning. They thought Jesus was dead. It is said that on one occasion when Luther was depressed over tbe ploMeTns he f&ced his wife I(atharine came in wearing a black mourning cloth. When Luther gbaawhobPddicdsbereplied,"Tbe~ynnhsvebeenactingIthoogbtGod~ died." 'Ib dl ofus tbejqrful -of b: pditicsl, personel. Doesn't God cam?) Bhthisseem oltriviolforthis~day? L Howelsecanwe~the~. e Aftathearomenincmr~learnedthstJesuswasrisent&irlives watnmragainthesame. b. ~hsve~many~~ourlives,in~ofdirrction and pblem, are much like those who do mt lrmar Christ at all. (Elabonde:LPCkbgmeaaingarbopeforli%,nc+cliqgiagtoGod's pormisesintrialsofli6e,swingiagthlulgbli%witbourown -.I 2. 'Ihetrnmis: Of~vesaemalreadydeadsprritually; aheadlies . . mevdsble*icaldeathandjndgment,readyormt. IL How~islite,aclwandinthefattm.~wegraspandsbarethevic- toryofaugloriausM. A.BytIisresurectionwcmdof&kram~handvichory~ thedeathsinbrings. 1. 'Ib~hbisJesusWAShrulydead.~onthereceat lrressage of Lent and Holy --He died fix us.) 2. Christ'sresurreccionisGod'seBdorsementofHissacrifice(Ro4:25). Thns the resunecticrnis the basis Rw uurdeliwxasmh sin (Eqh 1:7); hnewli%witbtheFather~2:1&~;hpcl~lcrblireli%on a new level (Ro 6:4). B Besids--mdeathms-mw awnRsurrectioaandashareineternalghq.~:Jesus'clwnpm miseg Jn 11:25. Jn I4:19; in Him wc have aew hope aow. 1 R 13-4; fbbiU- nrcnt & US. 1 CW 1554-57.) Thc~~perioqricgrstanhasnoci.ospelLessonvari.tion~tfiis~. ThcEasfererreningppptrnrncedJesusispresmhifordl~yansradthis obvioudy-*prcPcbermw-freshd~=. Thctemptationisernn~m~tbcdoubtdThomrstbcfoarsdmcotirt semron. Itbecomesquiteeqtobareehim(d. Imski,bumpmdm4St. Jdmk Caqwl,p.UR)andmsimplyabifttbcsom~totbehtrrasarithagmat maw- WhikTbomas'sdcmbtcamotbe~,itis~thrttbe~Joha decbthattbesesignsdJ-bh-thatwmigbtMtbstHe isGoddsobavetiBeandpYinHim(Jn#):31. 1In1:34,5:U). Tbehmsis oaJesusasthe~~dGod.ThcliOtaadpY~hminHimdispels 0urftarsddonbgandsquipsustoprodaimHissalvatIontootbers. Imrrxbrccion: If=hdbe.cn inthelow betat and whikksps appmd, we wouldhave~pn~thespm~aadrtsponses.~,pY,,daubt,M. Wrttben,doo'tw~TbegmdacarsofWsaviqgpcrwgptnctroasourb Wrespoadmvxiedways.Ourhithismtahvqsatthe~J3atGodanmas us to gmw in M and lik and in " t to His mission. So He giws as Lhe WofHiSsal~.These~anwriteeasothrtpmayb LIPe IN HIS NAME I. Jesusisthe~.tbeSonofGod. A. HeistklivisgChrist(v 19).He.~~astbcC)aearhomdesih dthncandspaoecarmotbold. B. Hewpcaa(v20). His~aod~a~nxlmdthac~ Bearanddonbt. C. Hel3xmkhB(v2l).Thcmissionofthe~~~amtiaoes ~~~esgoinHisnemmpoclaimHimesthe~,~SonofGod. D. Hesquips(w22-23). ThebestmdoftheHoly Spirit~~b~His ~ofLawaadGoqel~His~. 1I. SobdicviqgpmayhmligiaHisnam. A. TbepersonandaorkofChristbriqgwtDgetberasGod'spocrpk. Hisdd aodnsarrectioaantbe~moursinful . ~~,-,rsmapr*oE+LEE~m~ that which w do not see (w 2A-25). C.karscomestoagIn~andSacrameot.~iswritoenthaeyoomay belieu.""&bOZdMy bandrrandMy sick.'' "ThisisMybodydMybhl." D. Thc Holy Spirit mates and sustaios hih in us. "My Lord d My God." "My sins are kqiva.'' '4 believe and huve liBt io His nem" (I Jn 5:4-5). E. Our Easoer liik leads m Fmkaxt W who he in Him pockin Him soIfi4tdherSmsy~d~liB:inHisnsm. Candrrsion: How Messed to bek. ewx~ though we Ime not seen! Lwtber G. Strasea mWayae,- H- Studies 331 Thistext~the~~boftheprwi0~sSuadgr'~~~fromaoother perspeccive.TheepisodeofThomaskww~aadfurther~afJesuseatiqg to~thatHek~.rek~~.Also,theLord~thatthepastdays'~ werethe~tofOldTestamentpropbecKsandarethebaskfornewspiritual lik which is to be pmached to the WOtM with Spirit pclww. Jhrnxhdon: Have yw ever btmoverwhelmedwith good aews or some- cventinyourlife?W~don'throwhowtohaadlesuchanoccurrence.Wrt, ooceit~esin.itdbehopeddrattheeuphmia~haxlastiag~.Wben the~esthatfirstEastereveningsawJesusali.re,they~encedsurpriseand frigfit which taraed to jqr that was hard to believe. The New E@sh Bible version tmtsbs the first part of v 41, "It seemetitoo goodto be true."But it was true and Jesosinstractrdtbat WHAT IS GOOD AND TRUE SHOULD BE 10J.D I. Itseemedmgoodtobetrue. A.Theqwerecomingin.Sinanddeathhadwtconquered.TbeLnd had risen indeed! (Lk 24:33-35). B. Jesus Himself appeared to them in the room. Joy and ince clasbed (v 41). C. Our~~~~,too,isboth;nueandjqr.Itseemsmgoodtobe~that, despiteoursin,Godaffersfingi~enesandlifetbrmghHisSon. 11. It is good because it is true. A. It is not a inman plan of salvatioo. Human efh& reject Christ (Ac 4:ll) ~ofself-righteousnessanddeceit,andtl~eyhavenotmtfi(I Jn 1:8). B. IthasalwaysbeenWsplan,revealedalreadytotheOM~~ (v 44.). C. It is fulfilled in Christ (v 46). He is the Truth of God's salvation. D.Itisgoodbecauseitcallshrustorepentand~thetnrtbofGod's hgiveness (v 47). Thus we become right before God (I Jn 1:9). m. rt is truth that is good for others. A. God desires that His salvation be preached to all nations (v 47). Repentaace andforgimesswillrestorepeopletothegoodnessofG0d'slig)lt~against the darkness of sin (l In 15-7). B. The people of God are. witnesses to the pclww of Christ's death and resur- Tection(v48). AUduscanpreadiofJeslsinourrlailybesthmny toahem. C. The Holy Spirit gives us pclww to tell what is true and good (v 49). Gmclurh: God's salvation is mrrer too good to be true. It is utterly gad and utterly true and we can tell the world so that all people can experience its truth and goo-. Luther G. Shasen Fort Wne. Iadiana 332 CONCORDIA THEOIBGICAL QUARTERLY 'Zhe concept of a divine sbepberd is not exclusively a New rrstament y. Ralm23opens~"Tbe~ismyS~;"andthepropbeg,kremrahpnd ~,usethe~of~aodflockin~toGod's~cam Bor His peqk. 'Ib the people of the Biblical times, both QT. aod N.T., sbccg her- ding wasa~sceneandan~W thqrcouldeasilyunderstpnd. 'IMy the~ofourhdas "tbetbeSShepberd"isapopllarsymb0lborCbris- tiaas.Jesusis~asthewrewbolaviqglyleadstheflocIt,gendyouclgesthe stray,aod~wiselyovertheneedsofneedsHe~He~. m: Eachofusoccasidy hasamentalpictureofhrmwe darnat unusual that our lnrd wwld portray &mdf io a low& &:A sbepbcrd, how insiediclnt- Jesus of Napueth. the Savior of the Md. the author of cmatk. a she&mi?~lt,ootjustanysbepberd.~.athertheoaetrueGood~bepberd.~bissim- ple title aod seemingly lowly role comeys a multifkmed piclure of WLUI this Jesus isandwhatourrelationshipistoHimasourSHvior. Jesususestheimageryofthe ~rdta~beforusthebeautyofthe~elahoashipofal~LardtoHe people.Inthistext,Jesusclaimsfor~Ifthedeaod~~fwus THE QUALITIES OF TEE GOOD I. Conrmmedto His flock. A.Heis nunitfedfor life. Hisandthesheem'. B. is ammirment surpasses other eart~y nkmmhp. C. His dm is not broke0 by cares, concerns, or earthly prewm. - - 11. Kwws His flock htimately. A. He kmws each member of His flock personally. B* HeundeTstandsoeeds.~,~~,andenery~aspedofHis individual sheep's &. C Hepmvideshrhisflockinthemanaerhemtobebestforeafhsheep. ITI. opens His flock to all that hear His mice. A. The intimate nature of the Shepherd and His flock does not jmwat other sheep from being weld into the fdd. R The Good Shepherd has the capacity to care for all. IV. Lclves His flock. A. The most evident characteristic of thc Skphd is His love for His sheep. B. 'Ibis love is clearly demomtmted in that the Shepherd. of His om wiU, laysdownHislifetosavethesheep. C. In so pmving His love, He is also capable of Ihng His om lik and drat afthe sheep out ofthe snareof death. Conc&m: "1amthegoodshepherd;Ikmrwmysheepaodmysheepknowme. My sheep listen to my wk; I know them, and they hUow me. I give thun erernal lik,and~tbqrshall~;monemsaatchdmemoutofmyhaods."(JnW):M; 27-28) Wm G. Thompsw Utica, Mm Jesususesthemetaphorof~vineto~itheliviqg~theindividual bekver is to have in and with Him. buduakm: Biiis~~studyof~ TbetermarmesfiomtheOreelr "bio"bio~li8e,aad"logy"meaaiqgthescienceorstudyof.JesPsinthispacaMe psesmobservaMebialogical~tDtea&a~reganfiagourEaith& tion&@ with Him. Therefore. maybe we can think oftoday's message as a presenta- tion an "'fatology,*' the stlldy of faith's function. I. Faith, our vital connection with the true same of life. A. Jesus is the one hue source of life. I. He has established the relationship. 2. Hepmvidesforourneeds,bothspiritualandphys~. 3. HegivesusaccesstotheFather. B. Union in Jesus gives us the ability to prodoce "fruit." I. Fruit bearing is a naairal result of beii alive in Christ. 2. CootimaedfruitbearingrequiresanoogoiqgrelationshipwiththeSavior. Tm: The believer. thrwgh his uoion in Christ, demorrstrates his liviog rela- tionship by the actions and fruits that proceed out of his faith. Hawewer, the om who becomes too careless or apattretic in that relationship can find his or her fruit lacking. 11. Faith, to be strong, is to be used. A. The m-fruit bearing branches dewMstrate the void of faith in their lives. 1. Such faitbless braaches cannot witttstand tbe winds of life. 2. Nonauhbearinglimbshavebrolantb5rcormectiOawiththeLifPsource. 3. The end result of mfruit bearkg branches is obvious as the limb dries up, becomes briale, and useless. B. The Garde~er-FatherinHiscareforthevineyard,HisChurch,freque&y ''p~nes'' tbe branches, assisting them to be mure fhkfd. C. A healthy limb is one which recognizes the true source of its mwkhmeut and responds accordingly. 1. The vital connection of limb to vine, believer to Christ, is maintained andmxuished~regularuseof~amlSacrament. 2. "By their froits yw shall know them." WW G. Thompson Utica, Michigan Tbed dthe~is~wearethefrieodsofJesus.Tbegoald tksenmnis~tkkaxerswinarerciSedreir~iasfriends.Tbe~ histhataredbenfpil60actliL;etbefrigldsdJesosweare.'Lbemansmthe goalis~ksmhPSgivellusaDadafulpri~asHisFrieads. haadrctirm:'H(e.~leroarstanedtothiokiagdJesusasourourfriendwewe- pressthis-aoitbqb"WhatafriendwebaveinJesus,AUoursins aadgridktobear.."Wltdripdshp,is a tw~way street. Not only is Jesus owfriend but me are the frimas of ksos. ksos says (v. #): llIWAREMYFmENDs I. wehavetbeprivaegesoffriends. A. ChsS has Chosgl us (V @I). 1. Mk mme mt able to choose Him (v %a; Eph 23; 1 Cor 2:M). 2. He chosc us plreh/ out ofgrace (1 In4:10; Ro 7:8). R ClnistopensHimsdftous(vl5). 1. Hestnrrswith~tbctnrths~His~veawL,our~geaera- tianinbaptism, aadtbeble&ugsofHisbudyaadbloodinHoly Com- nnmion. 2. HehasdivolgadtoustheprecioustmhsofHis~. CChrist~togineuswhatweaskinHisname(v166). 1. Don't we need paticact, lwe, perseverance? 2. Aren'tthcneBdlow~whoseneedswecaubringtoChrist? 3. Dar'tarrhameandchnch~needs? II. wehavetbellqodJ*of~ads. A. Mk art to do Whpt he commards (v l4b). 1. Biodiag~vestotbCsound~ofHisW. 2. ~wbtaccardsaritfisonnddourinewmanerbowtheworld mriks us (Jn 15:lS-19). B. weanetokooe;mobrer(v 17). 1. As (3hrist ld us (v 13). 2. Canying each olher's burdens, mmlooking each other's wrealmsses. tixghhg. Cwe~tok~fruit(~Ydc). 1. NomPtDcrwhatthe~orbmvmefeel. 2.Tbertwillbeabidmgfmitwhenwesnpportthe~preacfungof tbe~ddtberightadministratinnoftbc~nts. "You am my frkds," Jesus said. Are you enjcying yaw great privileges? Are you carrying out yarr holy mpmibilities? Blessed are you, 6riend d Jesus! HomiMcd Studies 335 IntrcKhrction: Jesus must have lifted Hi hands many times during His earthly minishry, brt the New Testaroeal miters qediedy mention the lifting up of His haodsoalyin~~Hisrrscensioa.CaouRatrachsnystgnifiotnceto~s RBermce to Jesus "lifting up His haads"? (v 50) La's consider TheliftedhandsdarritscendingLordtellusof: I. A sadice that clm us. A. Christ's uplifted hands were nail-marked hands which testified to His hav- hg sufhxi as the Scripcures tOm%oU (v Ma). 1. The !kriptures make clear that Christ suffered tor our sios (1 Fk 2: 24a). 2. The Scriphlms also & clear that Christ alone was able to suffer sin's plnishment br us (1 lk 1:19; 3:18). R The nail in Christ's lifkd hands tell us that He, the risen Lord, has made an efkctiw sarrifice. 1. Onthebasisafchrist'ssanificeandgloriousresurrectionthefo~iveness of sim can nclw be Pmvxlnced to all (v 47). 2. AsuR~araiessarrsinsuRcanbesunedratChrist'ssacrificeclearrses us from all sin (1 Jn 13). Tmifkm The full dimemions of k salvation which accompanies our cleansing from sin will be experienced in heawn. Wit befwe we get there, we have work to do. The lifted bands of Jesus tell us of: II. A pcnwr sufficiertt fw our task. A. Christ's qWt& hands pointed to k heavens where He mould be seated at God's right band. 1. lo be at God's right haad is to have divine pawer and to use it fully. 2. Ten days later Jesus clothed the disciples "with pawer from on high (v 49). B. Chrid's uplifted hands teU us d pcnwr that is available to us for our task d whesii to Him (v 48). I. The spirit emjxmm us to witness with wnls as the apostles did on I'kIema. 2. The Spirit empvers us to witness by actions as the apostles did when they returned to Je (v 52). 3. Christ's paruer is not low amp or law wattage pawer. It is so great no gauge can measure it. Because d Christ's ascension we have a staying force that keeps us humble in success and a place of refuge in life's tragedies. Cunclusion: Ws get the picture in wr mind's eye-Jesus ascending into heaven in the presence of His disciples, His hands lifkd up in blessing. Those lifted hands tell us of a sacrifice that cleanses us from all sin and of power that is sufficient for our witmssing task. Gerhard Aho 336 CONCORDIA THEOIMiICAL QUARTERLY and pilgrims bere. R Wliwinaworldthatseekstodestmjus. I. By~aodscorn. 2. By guile and tempcation. C. God lreeps us fmm the danger without. I. Not by taking us out of the wd (v 15a). fDr he uses us to bring the news of saldn to &rs (v 18). 2. Eut by guarding us "in His name" (v llb), in the pure doctrine of His Wdinagodlylife,ths~useserviqg~~s~(v 15b). 11. Because of danger from withii. A. Direemems in Scriptural doctrine. I. Ealse do arise (Ac 20:29-30). 2. All false teaching ultimately dutwxs the Gospel and is them not to be sanaioned (Ga 1:8). B. Divisions uwx matters not prescribed by Scripture. 1. Such as building or not building a sanctuary. 2. Such as the amount to be given to a charitable cause. Both dkgmmem in doctrine and divisions aver externals destmy our oneness its Christians (v Ilb). C. God keeps us frrrm the danger within. 1. By sanctifying us in the truth of His Wrd (v 17). To be sanctifd is to be sepakd from falsehood and evil for holy ad noble use. God's Wrd becomes our food ad drink, our shield and refuge, our lamp and guide. 2. By encouraging us to make faithful use of the Wrd and Sarramentf (v 1%; Ac 2:42). Conclusion: Heavenly Father, in accordance with your Son's prayer. keep us to the end amid the dangers tM threaten fmm without and within. kmdkchm:ksusspokethedofourtextattheI;eastd-m Lx4ebdmdtbe~AAmtbe~dayofofthe~ the~ofborwGodprwidedtheirancestors,wanderinginawatalessdeJat, withwater from arock. Therockgushingfortb fieshwatersymbdizedJesns the RDcLafAges,who~nowamoqgthemandfmnwlKmlliviag~alas~ On &isRerdecostweh%ve~atthis~.ksasisstillc4niog: I. h olrrspiritnalthirst. A-Rallhaveathirst. 1. ItcanmaniBestitgelfinresttessaessand~. 2. Itcanbeccrmecviderrtinavague~tbat~issomdfiiqgm~e tD liBe. RUkeytOiorrtisfVoortbiminvariousways. 1. BypusniogweaW.f8me,~,pleasure,only~havetheaEquiriag ofthesetbgshlrnsau. 2. Ukngr~to&olnselvesrightwithGod,onlytD~rmn guilt- CEesosalorrsatistiesourthirstby~us~. L Hislove, hope. 2. ~~=*allF~*romr~~ihl is, we in Him. 3.'IEeHoly~~~and~enab%sasmomr~Jesm d driak. II. Jesusolusesliviag~tOflawhus. A. This living warn flm h every believer without exceph~. 1. TbinkaftheSamaritan~,the~wbovisitedCtnist'~~ taabmEasterlnomhlg,thedisciplffm~ 2. NotjustQipsandtxkklesbutriversand~~been6oI.givm, we can fingive. Efaviag been recoociled, we can be rimm&m. R Thisliviogwaterflmhthebodyofbehers,the~. 1. From the CbmKs preachiog, teachisg, writing, singing, giving. 2. Into a vast desert of human need. C This liviog water does great tkgs. 1. People are commed (Is 35:&7). 2. PeopleareeternallyrefreshedWith~sjors(Re7:TT). Gmc~"Letbimwboisthirstycome,and ...ralrethemate~afliBewitfiont ~'' (Re 2237).