Full Text for Come Sing of Christ the Lamb (Text)

Volume 62: Number 1 January 1998 Table of Contents .................... Donald L. Deffner (1924-1997) 3 Two Resolutions from the Faculty of Concordia ....... Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana 5 Adiaphora: Marriage and Funeral Liturgies ........................... Bryan D. Spinks 7 Come Sing of Christ the Lamb .......................... James P. Winsor 24 Religion, Culture, and Our Worship ............................ Gene E. Veith 25 The Church Growth Movement and Lutheran Worship ........................ Ernie V. Lassman. 39 .......................... Theological Observer 63 Charles Finney on Theology and Worship .......................... Lawrence R. Rast Jr. ............................... Books Received. 68 ................................. Book Reviews 69 Christian Plain Style: 7Ae Evolution of a Spiritual Ideal. By Peter Auski ................ James M. Tallmon Reformed Confessionalism in Nineteenth-Centu~y America: Essays on the Thought of John Williamson Nevi. Edited by Sam Hamstra Jr. and Arie Griffioen ........................... Lawrence R. Rast Jr. Indices for Volume 61 (1997) .................... 77 Come Sing of Christ the Lamb James P. Winsor Come sing of Christ the Lamb Who takes our sins away Whose sacrifice beneath the bread And the wine does lay. 0 think on Him Who thought of thee And took on flesh in flesh to die. Come sing of Christ our Groom Who for His bride did die To spare her from the wicked foe And silence his lie. 0 joy in Him Who joys to dine At wedding feast and call thee "mine." Come sing of Christ our Host Forth to His Banquet Hall! His Father welcomes prodigals And pardons them all. 0 feast with Him And with His saints. Death's veil is torn; sip heaven's joy. To the Tune Love Unknown (Lutheran Worship 91 ) Rev. James P. Winsor, a 1985 graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, is Pastor of Risen Christ Lutheran Church, Aruada, Colorado.