Full Text for Faculty's Commission to It's President (Text)

Faculty's Commission to It's President CLARENCE W. SPIEGEL W HEX YOL1, DEAR BROTHER, answered God's call into the presidency of our seminary, you aligned yourself. of course, with the educational leaders of our church and of our cornmunit\. More especiaIIy and more importantlv, however, you assumed the responsibie leadership of this theological faculty and seminary. Through the years our benign Lord has deigned to favor our faculty with real and substantial theological strength-not intermit- tently, or sporadically, if you please, but continuouslv and uninter- ruptedlv-and lately, not too long ago, at that, our ch-urch has come :~round'to bringing some of this force to bear upon the theological issues of our time in the interest of our Savior's Kingdom. Brother Schultz, this is rvhcrc you, under God, come in. Be as close to us as you possibly can. Train us to exercise the strength with which we have been endowed. Keep the needs of the Kingdom ever before us. Don't take for granted that all of us have these things al- ways in the forefront of our daily thinking and planninq. Tell us, and keep telling us about the destiny that is ours to fulfill. IT hen wc begin to shon. signs of relaxation, or even of boredom, talk to us seriousl~. earnestly, fervently, plainly. Inspire us, compel us to bring our pr- formance to the highest pitch of our capacity. Above all, keep our glorious Christ ever before our minds and hearts, not only as the great Teacher, nho still carries on His prophetic office in the world, but especially as our Savior and Lord, IVhorn to knolv is everlasting life and 1Vhon1 to serve is the highest privilege on this side of eternity. I repeat, stay close to us, live with us, encourage us, pray for us, in all of this asserting your prerogative as the responsible head of this faculty, and I promise you on no less auth~rity than the Christ Him- self that you can lead us into an era when Concorclia Theological Seminary, of Springfield, Illinois, will fulfill the yearnings of count- less numbers of people in the Church, to the great joy of our God in hcaven and of His holy angels, and to your own lasting and undying satisfaction. To this end, we, your colleagues, bespeak heaven's blessing for you, dear brother, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen!