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An Essay for Lutheran Pastors in the Charismatic Movement DAVID P. SCAER $he Caring God Xa review article) EUGENE F. KLUG The Historical-Critical Interpretation of the Baptisn of Jesus from the Perspective of Traditional Lutheran / On Believing, Teaching, and k Confessii~g: A Fresh Look at the !: Confessions i' JOHN F. JOHNSON -%. : Paul's Concept of Justification, and Some Recent Interpretations of Romans 3 : 3 1-3 1 WALTER A. MAIER F 1 ' BW~ Reviews . Index to Volume XXXVII Forword A S THIS ISSUE OF THE Springfielder goes to press, our semi- nary family is saying farewell to President Richard J. Schultz and his family. We do so with mixed feelings. We sense a loss, because Dr. Schultz lived among us as a humble child of God, a skilled teacher, and a competent theologian. As a churchman, he was able to rise above the noise of conflict, to lament extremism on both sides. Stu- dents and faculty members alike arc going to miss his pastoral ear and heart. But we are happy-and even a bit envious-that Dr. Schultz is now abIe to devote his energies and gifts to work in the parish ministry. TVe wish him the Lord's richest blessings for the future. As we pray that the Lord may soon provide us with a new presi- dent, we face our tasks as a theological seminary with confidence. There is so much to make us hopeful. God has given us His holy Word to guide us, the Lutheran Confessions to help us remain truly Lutheran, and His Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. Moreover, we have a dedicated 3oard of Control, faculty and student body. We covet the prayers of the con~regations and pastors of the Synod as we continue our work of traintng able ministers of the New Testament. HENRY J. EGGOLD Acting President January 16, 1974