Full Text for Dogmatics 4- Volume 50 - Could we then say that the Evangelical Lutheran Church is the church which tries to do best what the Lord expects from his church? How does the LCMS rate? (Video)

No. 50. >> Could we then say that the Evangelical Lutheran Church is the church which tries to do best what the Lord expects from his church? Namely, to teach purely and administer the sacraments rightly. And if that is so, how does the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod fare? >>DR. KLAUS DETLEV SCHULZ: The first part of your answer, Eric, is perhaps the one I have dwelled on a lot already. And I would say: Yes, the Missouri Synod does try to live up to the expectations and to the idea of preaching God's Word rightly and administering the sacraments purely and rightly, as well. The point here in terms of your second question is: Does it live up to that expectation? And is it doing well? Well, we look back the at a history or so where it did no go so beautifully as we with, perhaps, expected. In 1974, for example, we had theologians who professed differently as what we believed in the Missouri Synod before that walk out in '74 and after. And drastic measures had to be taken. Some of those members in the churches today look back with hurt feelings about that incident. However, it was, perhaps, necessary, again, to clarify certain issues. This example, though, demonstrates how we exist in this world as a church militant. That is, we are fighting. And we are constantly struggling. We are sinners and saints at the same time. That is, we cannot always walk the way in the purity, in the holiness, as we would like it to happen. But nonetheless, in the church we can expect to find forgiveness for our sins, for our wrongdoings, and for our false teachings. And so there's always hope that once we sink low, that we will overcome these hindrances and emerge as a new church, as a forgiven church, that can go and proceed on through the years.